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2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
# Magisk Boot Image Patcher
# by topjohnwu
# This script should be placed in a directory with at least the following files:
# File name type Description
# script A script to patch boot. Expect path to boot image as parameter.
# (this file) The script will use binaries and files in its same directory
# to complete the patching process
# magisk binary The main binary for all Magisk operations.
# It is also used to patch the sepolicy in the ramdisk.
# magiskboot binary A tool to unpack boot image, decompress ramdisk, extract ramdisk
# and patch common patches such as forceencrypt, remove dm-verity.
# init.magisk.rc script A new line will be added to init.rc to import this script.
# All magisk entrypoints are defined here
# If the script is not running as root, then the input boot image should be a stock image
# or have a backup included in ramdisk internally, since we cannot access the stock boot
# image placed under /data we've created when previously installing
cd `dirname $1`
BOOTIMAGE="`pwd`/`basename $1`"
cd "$CWD"
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
if [ -z "$BOOTIMAGE" ]; then
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
ui_print_wrap "This script requires a boot image as a parameter"
exit 1
# Presets
# Detect whether running as root
[ `id -u` -eq 0 ] && ROOT=true || ROOT=false
# Call ui_print_wrap if exists, or else simply use echo
# Useful when wrapped in flashable zip
ui_print_wrap() {
type ui_print >/dev/null 2>&1 && ui_print "$1" || echo "$1"
grep_prop() {
if [ -z "$FILES" ]; then
cat $FILES 2>/dev/null | sed -n "$REGEX" | head -n 1
# --cpio-add <incpio> <mode> <entry> <infile>
cpio_add() {
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --cpio-add ramdisk.cpio $1 $2 $3
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
# --cpio-extract <incpio> <entry> <outfile>
cpio_extract() {
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --cpio-extract ramdisk.cpio $1 $2
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
# --cpio-mkdir <incpio> <mode> <entry>
cpio_mkdir() {
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --cpio-mkdir ramdisk.cpio $1 $2
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
# Prework
# Switch to the location of the script file
[ -z $SOURCEDMODE ] && cd "`dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}"`"
chmod +x ./*
ui_print_wrap "- Unpacking boot image"
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --unpack "$BOOTIMAGE"
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
case $? in
1 )
ui_print_wrap "! Unable to unpack boot image"
exit 1
2 )
ui_print_wrap "! Sony ELF32 format detected"
ui_print_wrap "! Please use BootBridge from @AdrianDC to flash Magisk"
exit 1
3 )
ui_print_wrap "! Sony ELF64 format detected"
ui_print_wrap "! Stock kernel cannot be patched, please use a custom kernel"
exit 1
# Ramdisk restores
# Test patch status and do restore, after this section, ramdisk.cpio.orig is guaranteed to exist
ui_print_wrap "- Checking ramdisk status"
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --cpio-test ramdisk.cpio
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
case $? in
0 ) # Stock boot
ui_print_wrap "- Stock boot image detected!"
ui_print_wrap "- Backing up stock boot image"
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
SHA1=`./magiskboot --sha1 "$BOOTIMAGE" | tail -n 1`
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --compress $STOCKDUMP
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
cp -af ramdisk.cpio ramdisk.cpio.orig
1 ) # Magisk patched
ui_print_wrap "- Magisk patched image detected!"
# Find SHA1 of stock boot image
if [ -z $SHA1 ]; then
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --cpio-extract ramdisk.cpio init.magisk.rc init.magisk.rc.old
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
SHA1=`grep_prop "# STOCKSHA1" init.magisk.rc.old`
rm -f init.magisk.rc.old
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --cpio-restore ramdisk.cpio
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
ui_print_wrap "- Ramdisk restored from internal backup"
# Restore failed
ui_print_wrap "! Cannot restore from internal backup"
# If we are root and SHA1 known, we try to find the stock backup
if $ROOT && [ ! -z $SHA1 ]; then
if [ -f ${STOCKDUMP}.gz ]; then
ui_print_wrap "- Stock boot image backup found"
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --decompress ${STOCKDUMP}.gz stock_boot.img
./magiskboot --unpack stock_boot.img
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
rm -f stock_boot.img
if ! $OK; then
ui_print_wrap "! Ramdisk restoration incomplete"
ui_print_wrap "! Will still try to continue installation"
cp -af ramdisk.cpio ramdisk.cpio.orig
2 ) # Other patched
2017-06-04 00:03:36 +08:00
ui_print_wrap "! Boot image patched by other programs!"
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
ui_print_wrap "! Please restore stock boot image"
exit 1
# Ramdisk patches
ui_print_wrap "- Patching ramdisk"
# The common patches
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
$KEEPVERITY || ./magiskboot --cpio-patch-dmverity ramdisk.cpio
$KEEPFORCEENCRYPT || ./magiskboot --cpio-patch-forceencrypt ramdisk.cpio
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
# Add magisk entrypoint
cpio_extract init.rc init.rc
grep "import /init.magisk.rc" init.rc >/dev/null || sed -i '1,/.*import.*/s/.*import.*/import \/init.magisk.rc\n&/' init.rc
sed -i "/selinux.reload_policy/d" init.rc
cpio_add 750 init.rc init.rc
rm -f init.rc
# sepolicy patches
cpio_extract sepolicy sepolicy
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magisk magiskpolicy --load sepolicy --save sepolicy --minimal
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
cpio_add 644 sepolicy sepolicy
rm -f sepolicy
# Add new items
if [ ! -z $SHA1 ]; then
cp init.magisk.rc init.magisk.rc.bak
echo "# STOCKSHA1=$SHA1" >> init.magisk.rc
cpio_add 750 init.magisk.rc init.magisk.rc
[ -f init.magisk.rc.bak ] && mv init.magisk.rc.bak init.magisk.rc
cpio_add 755 sbin/magisk magisk
# Create ramdisk backups
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --cpio-backup ramdisk.cpio ramdisk.cpio.orig
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
rm -f ramdisk.cpio.orig
# Repack and flash
# Hexpatches
# Remove Samsung RKP in stock kernel
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --hexpatch kernel \
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
49010054011440B93FA00F71E9000054010840B93FA00F7189000054001840B91FA00F7188010054 \
ui_print_wrap "- Repacking boot image"
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --repack "$BOOTIMAGE"
2017-06-03 20:19:01 +08:00
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
ui_print_wrap "! Unable to repack boot image!"
exit 1
2017-06-11 01:40:08 +08:00
./magiskboot --cleanup