diff --git a/README.MD b/README.MD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b351456d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Magisk
+Static binaries included:
+* Busybox: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software-hacking/tool-busybox-flashable-archs-t3348543
+* Open source su binary: https://github.com/seSuperuser/Superuser
diff --git a/jni/sepolicy-inject b/jni/sepolicy-inject
index dd2d55696..c69db035e 160000
--- a/jni/sepolicy-inject
+++ b/jni/sepolicy-inject
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit dd2d556962df6d38c98e6003113c0cb899facc30
+Subproject commit c69db035ee32e34256c3cd8562e28bc4f5fba2db
diff --git a/zip_static/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary b/zip_static/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b49fb4731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zip_static/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+# Magisk Boot Image Patcher
+# by topjohnwu
+# This zip will patch your boot image with Magisk support
+if [ -z "$BOOTMODE" ]; then
+  BOOTMODE=false
+mount -o rw,remount rootfs /
+mkdir /magisk 2>/dev/null
+if ($BOOTMODE); then
+  TMPDIR=/data/tmp
+  mount -o ro,remount rootfs /
+# Flashable update-binary preparation
+readlink /proc/$$/fd/$OUTFD 2>/dev/null | grep /tmp >/dev/null
+if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
+  OUTFD=0
+  for FD in `ls /proc/$$/fd`; do
+    readlink /proc/$$/fd/$FD 2>/dev/null | grep pipe >/dev/null
+    if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
+      ps | grep " 3 $FD " | grep -v grep >/dev/null
+      if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
+        OUTFD=$FD
+        break
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+mkdir -p $INSTALLER
+unzip -o "$ZIP"
+# Functions
+ui_print() {
+  if ($BOOTMODE); then
+    echo "$1"
+  else 
+    echo -n -e "ui_print $1\n" >> /proc/self/fd/$OUTFD
+    echo -n -e "ui_print\n" >> /proc/self/fd/$OUTFD
+  fi
+getvar() {
+  local VARNAME=$1
+  local VALUE=$(eval echo \$"$VARNAME");
+  for FILE in /data/.magisk /cache/.magisk /system/.magisk; do
+    if [ -z "$VALUE" ]; then
+      LINE=$(cat $FILE 2>/dev/null | grep "$VARNAME=")
+      if [ ! -z "$LINE" ]; then
+        VALUE=${LINE#*=}
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+  eval $VARNAME=\$VALUE
+find_boot_image() {
+  if [ -z "$BOOTIMAGE" ]; then
+    for PARTITION in kern-a KERN-A android_boot ANDROID_BOOT kernel KERNEL boot BOOT lnx LNX; do
+      BOOTIMAGE=$(readlink /dev/block/by-name/$PARTITION || readlink /dev/block/platform/*/by-name/$PARTITION || readlink /dev/block/platform/*/*/by-name/$PARTITION)
+      if [ ! -z "$BOOTIMAGE" ]; then break; fi
+    done
+  fi
+is_mounted() {
+  if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
+    cat /proc/mounts | grep $1 | grep $2, >/dev/null
+  else
+    cat /proc/mounts | grep $1 >/dev/null
+  fi
+  return $?
+grep_prop() {
+  REGEX="s/^$1=//p"
+  shift
+  FILES=$@
+  if [ -z "$FILES" ]; then
+    FILES='/system/build.prop'
+  fi
+  cat $FILES 2>/dev/null | sed -n $REGEX | head -n 1
+repack_boot() {
+  cd $RAMDISK
+  find . | cpio -o -H newc 2>/dev/null | gzip -9 > $UNPACKDIR/ramdisk.gz
+  $BINDIR/bootimgtools --repack $ORIGBOOT
+  if [ -f chromeos ]; then
+    echo " " > config
+    echo " " > bootloader
+    $CHROMEDIR/futility vbutil_kernel --pack new-boot.img.signed --keyblock $CHROMEDIR/kernel.keyblock --signprivate $CHROMEDIR/kernel_data_key.vbprivk --version 1 --vmlinuz new-boot.img --config config --arch arm --bootloader bootloader --flags 0x1
+    rm -f new-boot.img
+    mv new-boot.img.signed new-boot.img
+  fi
+  if ($SAMSUNG); then
+    SAMSUNG_CHECK=$(cat new-boot.img | grep SEANDROIDENFORCE)
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+      echo -n "SEANDROIDENFORCE" >> new-boot.img
+    fi
+  fi
+  mv new-boot.img $NEWBOOT
+  $BINDIR/bootimgtools --hexpatch $NEWBOOT \
+  49010054011440B93FA00F71E9000054010840B93FA00F7189000054001840B91FA00F7188010054 \
+  A1020054011440B93FA00F7140020054010840B93FA00F71E0010054001840B91FA00F7181010054
+# Detection
+ui_print "****************************"
+ui_print "Magisk v7 Boot Image Patcher"
+ui_print "****************************"
+if [ ! -d "$INSTALLER/common" ]; then
+  ui_print "! Failed: Unable to extract zip file!"
+  exit 1
+ui_print "- Mounting /system(ro), /cache, /data"
+mount -o ro /system 2>/dev/null
+mount /cache 2>/dev/null
+mount /data 2>/dev/null
+if [ ! -f '/system/build.prop' ]; then
+  ui_print "! Failed: /system could not be mounted!"
+  exit 1
+API=$(grep_prop ro.build.version.sdk)
+ABI=$(grep_prop ro.product.cpu.abi | cut -c-3)
+ABI2=$(grep_prop ro.product.cpu.abi2 | cut -c-3)
+ABILONG=$(grep_prop ro.product.cpu.abi)
+if [ "$ABI" = "x86" ]; then ARCH=x86; fi;
+if [ "$ABI2" = "x86" ]; then ARCH=x86; fi;
+if [ "$ABILONG" = "arm64-v8a" ]; then ARCH=arm64; IS64BIT=1; fi;
+if [ "$ABILONG" = "x86_64" ]; then ARCH=x64; IS64BIT=1; fi;
+if [ "$API" -lt "21" ]; then
+  ui_print "! Magisk is only for Lollipop 5.0+ (SDK 21+)"
+  exit 1
+ui_print "- Device platform: $ARCH"
+if [ "$ARCH" = "x86" -o "$ARCH" = "x64" ]; then
+if [ -z "$BOOTIMAGE" ]; then
+  ui_print "! Unable to detect boot image"
+  exit 1
+if [ -z "$NOOVERRIDE" ]; then
+  # read override variables
+  getvar KEEPVERITY
+if [ -z "$KEEPVERITY" ]; then
+  # we don't keep dm-verity by default
+if [ -z "$KEEPFORCEENCRYPT" ]; then
+  # we don't keep forceencrypt by default
+if [ -z "$KEEPSUPERSU" ]; then
+  # we don't keep SuperSU by default
+SAMSUNG_CHECK=$(cat /system/build.prop | grep "ro.build.fingerprint=" | grep -i "samsung")
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+  SAMSUNG=true
+# Image
+if (is_mounted /data); then
+  IMG=/data/magisk.img
+  IMG=/cache/magisk.img
+  ui_print "- Data unavalible, use cache workaround"
+if [ -f "$IMG" ]; then
+  ui_print "- $IMG detected!"
+  ui_print "- Creating $IMG"
+  make_ext4fs -l 64M -a /magisk -S $INSTALLER/common/file_contexts_image $IMG
+if (! is_mounted /magisk); then
+  ui_print "- Mounting $IMG to /magisk"
+  for LOOP in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
+    if (! is_mounted /magisk); then
+      LOOPDEVICE=/dev/block/loop$LOOP
+      if [ ! -f "$LOOPDEVICE" ]; then
+        mknod $LOOPDEVICE b 7 $LOOP
+      fi
+      losetup $LOOPDEVICE $IMG
+      if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
+        mount -t ext4 -o loop $LOOPDEVICE /magisk
+        if (! is_mounted /magisk); then
+          /system/bin/toolbox mount -t ext4 -o loop $LOOPDEVICE /magisk
+        fi
+        if (! is_mounted /magisk); then
+          /system/bin/toybox mount -t ext4 -o loop $LOOPDEVICE /magisk
+        fi
+      fi
+      if (is_mounted /magisk); then
+        break;
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+rm -rf $COREDIR/bin 2>/dev/null
+# Environment
+ui_print "- Constructing environment"
+if (is_mounted /data); then
+  rm -rf /data/busybox /data/magisk
+  mkdir -p /data/busybox
+  mkdir -p /data/magisk
+  cp -af $BINDIR/busybox $BINDIR/su $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject /data/magisk
+  chmod 755 /data/busybox /data/magisk /data/magisk/*
+  chcon 'u:object_r:system_file:s0' /data/busybox /data/magisk /data/magisk/*
+  /data/magisk/busybox --install -s /data/busybox
+  # Prevent issues
+  rm -f /data/busybox/su /data/busybox/sh
+  rm -rf /cache/data_bin
+  mkdir -p /cache/data_bin
+  cp -af $BINDIR/busybox $BINDIR/su $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject /cache/data_bin
+# Boot image patch
+ui_print "- Found Boot Image: $BOOTIMAGE"
+rm -rf $TMPDIR/boottmp 2>/dev/null
+mkdir -p $TMPDIR/boottmp
+mkdir -p $UNPACKDIR
+mkdir -p $RAMDISK
+chmod 777 $CHROMEDIR/futility $BINDIR/*
+ui_print "- Dumping boot image"
+ui_print "- Unpacking boot image"
+$BINDIR/bootimgtools --extract $ORIGBOOT
+chmod 755 $(find $TMPDIR/boottmp -type d)
+chmod 644 $(find $TMPDIR/boottmp -type f)
+gunzip -c < $UNPACKDIR/ramdisk.gz | cpio -i
+if [ -f "supersu" ]; then
+if (! $KEEPSUPERSU); then
+  #  Backups
+  if [ -d ".backup" ]; then
+    ui_print "- Reverting ramdisk backup"
+    cp -af .backup/* .
+    rm -rf magisk init.magisk.rc sbin/magic_mask.sh sbin/magisk_wrapper.sh 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    if [ -d "magisk" -o -d "su" ]; then
+      cp -af /data/stock_boot*.gz /data/stock_boot.img.gz 2>/dev/null
+      gzip -d /data/stock_boot.img.gz 2>/dev/null
+      if [ -f "/data/stock_boot.img" ]; then
+        ui_print "- Using boot image backup"
+        cp -af /data/stock_boot.img $ORIGBOOT
+        rm -rf $RAMDISK $TMPDIR
+        mkdir -p $UNPACKDIR
+        mkdir -p $RAMDISK
+        cd $UNPACKDIR
+        $BINDIR/bootimgtools --extract $ORIGBOOT
+        cd $RAMDISK
+        gunzip -c < $UNPACKDIR/ramdisk.gz | cpio -i
+      else
+        ui_print "! No backups found"
+        ui_print "! Installer will still proceed, but might cause issues"
+        ui_print "! If possible, please restore to stock boot then flash Magisk again"
+        # Force removing SuperSU parts
+        rm -rf su init.supersu.rc sbin/launch_daemonsu.sh 2>/dev/null
+      fi
+    fi
+    ui_print "- Creating backups"
+    mkdir .backup
+    cp -af init.rc *fstab* verity_key sepolicy .backup 2>/dev/null
+    if (is_mounted /data); then
+      cp -af $ORIGBOOT /data/stock_boot.img
+    else
+      cp -af $ORIGBOOT /cache/stock_boot.img
+    fi
+  fi
+# Patch ramdisk
+ui_print "- Patching ramdisk"
+if [ $(grep -c "import /init.magisk.rc" init.rc) -eq "0" ]; then
+  sed -i "/import \/init\.environ\.rc/iimport /init.magisk.rc" init.rc
+if (! $KEEPSUPERSU); then
+  sed -i "/selinux.reload_policy/d" init.rc
+  find . -type f -name "*fstab*" 2>/dev/null | while read FSTAB ; do
+    if (! $KEEPVERITY); then
+      sed -i "s/,support_scfs//g" $FSTAB
+      sed -i 's;,\{0,1\}verify\(=[^,]*\)\{0,1\};;g' $FSTAB
+    fi
+    if (! $KEEPFORCEENCRYPT); then
+      sed -i "s/forceencrypt/encryptable/g" $FSTAB
+      sed -i "s/forcefdeorfbe/encryptable/g" $FSTAB
+    fi
+  done
+  rm verity_key 2>/dev/null
+  # sepolicy patches
+  # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$BINDIR $BINDIR/supolicy --file sepolicy sepolicy.patched
+  # mv -f sepolicy.patched sepolicy
+  . $INSTALLER/common/supatch.sh
+  allow su_daemon "rootfs proc init system_file" "file dir lnk_file" "*"
+  allow init su_daemon unix_stream_socket connectto
+  allow su_daemon shell_exec file getattr
+  allow su_daemon tmpfs dir "*"
+  allow su_daemon selinuxfs file "read open write"
+  allow su_daemon kernel security "read_policy load_policy"
+  allow su_daemon toolbox_exec file "*"
+  allow kernel su fd use
+  allow init "rootfs system_file" file "*"
+  if $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -e -s toolbox -P sepolicy; then
+    allow toolbox property_socket sock_file write
+    allow toolbox init unix_stream_socket connectto
+    allow toolbox init fifo_file "*"
+    allow toolbox default_prop property_service "*"
+    allow toolbox device dir "*"
+  fi
+  # Just in case
+  $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -Z init -P sepolicy
+  $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -Z toolbox -P sepolicy
+  $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -Z su_daemon -P sepolicy
+  # Fix Xposed
+  allow zygote app_data_file "dir file" "*"
+  allow zygote input_device "dir chr_file" "*"
+  allow untrusted_app untrusted_app capability setgid
+  allow "system_server system_app" "app_data_file" "file dir" "*"
+# Add new items
+mkdir -p magisk 2>/dev/null
+cp -af $INSTALLER/common/init.magisk.rc init.magisk.rc
+cp -af $INSTALLER/common/magic_mask.sh sbin/magic_mask.sh
+cp -af $INSTALLER/common/magisk_wrapper.sh sbin/magisk_wrapper.sh
+if (! $KEEPSUPERSU); then
+  cp -af $BINDIR/su $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject magisk
+  touch supersu
+chmod 0755 magisk magisk/*
+chmod 0750 init.magisk.rc sbin/magic_mask.sh sbin/magisk_wrapper.sh
+ui_print "- Repacking boot image"
+ORIGSIZE=$(ls -l $ORIGBOOT | awk '{print $5}')
+NEWSIZE=$(ls -l $NEWBOOT | awk '{print $5}')
+if [ "$NEWSIZE" -gt "$ORIGSIZE" ]; then
+  ui_print "! Boot partition space insufficient"
+  ui_print "! Remove ramdisk backups and binaries"
+  rm -rf $RAMDISK/.backup $NEWBOOT $RAMDISK/magisk/* 2>/dev/null
+  if (! $KEEPSUPERSU); then
+    mkdir -p /cache/magisk
+    cp $BINDIR/su $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject /cache/magisk
+    chmod 755 /cache/magisk /cache/magisk/*
+    chcon 'u:object_r:system_file:s0' /cache/magisk /cache/magisk/*
+  fi
+  repack_boot
+  NEWSIZE=$(ls -l $NEWBOOT | awk '{print $5}')
+  if [ "$NEWSIZE" -gt "$ORIGSIZE" ]; then
+    ui_print "! Boot partition size still too small..."
+    ui_print "! Unable to install Magisk"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+chmod 644 $NEWBOOT
+ui_print "- Flashing new boot image"
+dd if=/dev/zero of=$BOOTIMAGE bs=4096 2>/dev/null
+dd if=$NEWBOOT of=$BOOTIMAGE bs=4096
+if (! $BOOTMODE); then
+  umount /magisk
+  losetup -d $LOOPDEVICE
+  umount /system
+ui_print "- Done"
+exit 0
diff --git a/zip_static/META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script b/zip_static/META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67d290281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zip_static/META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# this is a dummy file, the magic is in update-binary
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zip_static/arm/busybox b/zip_static/arm/busybox
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..985254672
Binary files /dev/null and b/zip_static/arm/busybox differ
diff --git a/zip_static/arm/su b/zip_static/arm/su
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7314e51e4
Binary files /dev/null and b/zip_static/arm/su differ
diff --git a/zip_static/chromeos/futility b/zip_static/chromeos/futility
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28304a1bc
Binary files /dev/null and b/zip_static/chromeos/futility differ
diff --git a/zip_static/chromeos/kernel.keyblock b/zip_static/chromeos/kernel.keyblock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9740be4e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/zip_static/chromeos/kernel.keyblock differ
diff --git a/zip_static/chromeos/kernel_data_key.vbprivk b/zip_static/chromeos/kernel_data_key.vbprivk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d392fb29
Binary files /dev/null and b/zip_static/chromeos/kernel_data_key.vbprivk differ
diff --git a/zip_static/common/file_contexts_image b/zip_static/common/file_contexts_image
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee54edc68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zip_static/common/file_contexts_image
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/magisk(/.*)? u:object_r:system_file:s0
diff --git a/zip_static/common/init.magisk.rc b/zip_static/common/init.magisk.rc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ca9532cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zip_static/common/init.magisk.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Triggers
+on post-fs
+    # Paths
+    export PATH /sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin:/su/bin:/magisk/.core/bin:/magisk/busybox/bin:/data/magisk
+    # Start root
+    start phhsu
+    wait /dev/su 1
+    start magisk_pfs
+    wait /dev/unblock 20
+    rmdir /dev/unblock
+on post-fs-data
+    # Try to start root again in case post-fs failed
+    start phhsu
+    wait /dev/su 1
+    start magisk_pfsd
+    wait /dev/unblock 20
+    rmdir /dev/unblock
+on property:magisk.root=*
+    start magisk_root
+# Services
+service phhsu /sbin/magisk_wrapper.sh phhsu
+    user root
+    seclabel u:r:su_daemon:s0
+    oneshot
+# launch post-fs script
+service magisk_pfs /sbin/magisk_wrapper.sh post-fs
+    user root
+    seclabel u:r:init:s0
+    oneshot
+# launch post-fs-data script
+service magisk_pfsd /sbin/magisk_wrapper.sh post-fs-data
+    user root
+    seclabel u:r:init:s0
+    oneshot
+# launch late_start script
+service magisk_service /sbin/magisk_wrapper.sh service
+    class late_start
+    user root
+    seclabel u:r:init:s0
+    oneshot
+# root handling
+service magisk_root /sbin/magisk_wrapper.sh root
+    user root
+    seclabel u:r:init:s0
+    oneshot
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zip_static/common/magic_mask.sh b/zip_static/common/magic_mask.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c00f0ac65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zip_static/common/magic_mask.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+# Use the included busybox to do everything in all scripts for maximum compatibility
+# We also do so because we rely on the option "-c" for cp (reserve contexts)
+export PATH="/data/busybox:$PATH"
+# Version info
+setprop magisk.version 7
+log_print() {
+  echo $1
+  echo $1 >> $LOGFILE
+  log -p i -t Magisk "$1"
+mktouch() {
+  mkdir -p ${1%/*} 2>/dev/null
+  if [ -z "$2" ]; then
+    touch $1 2>/dev/null
+  else
+    echo $2 > $1 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+unblock() {
+  mkdir -p /dev/unblock
+  exit
+run_scripts() {
+  BASE=/magisk
+  if [ "$1" = "post-fs" ]; then
+    BASE=/cache/magisk
+  fi
+  for MOD in $BASE/* ; do
+    if [ ! -f "$MOD/disable" ]; then
+      if [ -f "$MOD/$1.sh" ]; then
+        chmod 755 $MOD/$1.sh
+        chcon 'u:object_r:system_file:s0' $MOD/$1.sh
+        log_print "$1: $MOD/$1.sh"
+        $MOD/$1.sh
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+loopsetup() {
+  for DEV in $(ls /dev/block/loop*); do
+    if [ `losetup $DEV $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -eq 0 ]; then
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+target_size_check() {
+  e2fsck -p -f $1
+  curBlocks=`e2fsck -n $1 2>/dev/null | cut -d, -f3 | cut -d\  -f2`;
+  curUsedM=$((`echo "$curBlocks" | cut -d/ -f1` * 4 / 1024));
+  curSizeM=$((`echo "$curBlocks" | cut -d/ -f2` * 4 / 1024));
+  curFreeM=$((curSizeM - curUsedM));
+travel() {
+  cd $1/$2
+  if [ -f ".replace" ]; then
+    rm -rf $TMPDIR/$2
+    mktouch $TMPDIR/$2 $1
+  else
+    for ITEM in * ; do
+      if [ ! -e "/$2/$ITEM" ]; then
+        # New item found
+        if [ $2 = "system" ]; then
+          # We cannot add new items to /system root, delete it
+          rm -rf $ITEM
+        else
+          if [ -d "$TMPDIR/dummy/$2" ]; then
+            # We are in a higher level, delete the lower levels
+            rm -rf $TMPDIR/dummy/$2
+          fi
+          # Mount the dummy parent
+          mktouch $TMPDIR/dummy/$2
+          mkdir -p $DUMMDIR/$2 2>/dev/null
+          if [ -d "$ITEM" ]; then
+            # Create new dummy directory
+            mkdir -p $DUMMDIR/$2/$ITEM
+          elif [ -L "$ITEM" ]; then
+            # Symlinks are small, copy them
+            cp -afc $ITEM $DUMMDIR/$2/$ITEM
+          else
+            # Create new dummy file
+            mktouch $DUMMDIR/$2/$ITEM
+          fi
+          # Clone the original /system structure (depth 1)
+          if [ -e "/$2" ]; then
+            for DUMMY in /$2/* ; do
+              if [ -d "$DUMMY" ]; then
+                # Create dummy directory
+                mkdir -p $DUMMDIR$DUMMY
+              elif [ -L "$DUMMY" ]; then
+                # Symlinks are small, copy them
+                cp -afc $DUMMY $DUMMDIR$DUMMY
+              else
+                # Create dummy file
+                mktouch $DUMMDIR$DUMMY
+              fi
+            done
+          fi
+        fi
+      fi
+      if [ -d "$ITEM" ]; then
+        # It's an directory, travel deeper
+        (travel $1 $2/$ITEM)
+      elif [ ! -L "$ITEM" ]; then
+        # Mount this file
+        mktouch $TMPDIR/$2/$ITEM $1
+      fi
+    done
+  fi
+bind_mount() {
+  if [ -e "$1" -a -e "$2" ]; then
+    mount -o bind $1 $2
+    if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then log_print "Mount: $1";
+    else log_print "Mount Fail: $1"; fi 
+  fi
+merge_image() {
+  if [ -f "$1" ]; then
+    log_print "$1 found"
+    if [ -f "$IMG" ]; then
+      log_print "$IMG found, attempt to merge"
+      # Handle large images
+      target_size_check $1
+      MERGEUSED=$curUsedM
+      target_size_check $IMG
+      if [ "$MERGEUSED" -gt "$curFreeM" ]; then
+        NEWDATASIZE=$((((MERGEUSED + curUsedM) / 32 + 2) * 32))
+        log_print "Expanding $IMG to ${NEWDATASIZE}M..."
+        resize2fs $IMG ${NEWDATASIZE}M
+      fi
+      # Start merging
+      mkdir /cache/data_img
+      mkdir /cache/merge_img
+      # setup loop devices
+      loopsetup $IMG
+      log_print "$LOOPDATA $IMG"
+      loopsetup $1
+      log_print "$LOOPMERGE $1"
+      if [ ! -z "$LOOPDATA" ]; then
+        if [ ! -z "$LOOPMERGE" ]; then
+          # if loop devices have been setup, mount images
+          OK=true
+          if [ `mount -t ext4 -o rw,noatime $LOOPDATA /cache/data_img >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
+            OK=false
+          fi
+          if [ `mount -t ext4 -o rw,noatime $LOOPMERGE /cache/merge_img >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
+            OK=false
+          fi
+          if ($OK); then
+            # Merge (will reserve selinux contexts)
+            if [ `cp -afc /cache/merge_img/. /cache/data_img >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -eq 0 ]; then
+              log_print "Merge complete"
+            fi
+          fi
+          umount /cache/data_img
+          umount /cache/merge_img
+        fi
+      fi
+      losetup -d $LOOPDATA
+      losetup -d $LOOPMERGE
+      rmdir /cache/data_img
+      rmdir /cache/merge_img
+    else 
+      log_print "Moving $1 to $IMG "
+      mv $1 $IMG
+    fi
+    rm -f $1
+  fi
+case $1 in
+  post-fs )
+    mv $LOGFILE /cache/last_magisk.log
+    touch $LOGFILE
+    chmod 644 $LOGFILE
+    log_print "Magisk post-fs mode running..."
+    for MOD in /cache/magisk/* ; do
+      if [ -f "$MOD/remove" ]; then
+        log_print "Remove module: $MOD"
+        rm -rf $MOD
+      elif [ -f "$MOD/auto_mount" -a ! -f "$MOD/disable" ]; then
+        find $MOD/system -type f 2>/dev/null | while read ITEM ; do
+          TARGET=${ITEM#$MOD}
+          bind_mount $ITEM $TARGET
+        done
+      fi
+    done
+    run_scripts post-fs
+    unblock
+    ;;
+  post-fs-data )
+    if [ `mount | grep " /data " >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
+      # /data not mounted yet, we will be called again later
+      unblock
+    fi
+    if [ `mount | grep " /data " | grep "tmpfs" >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -eq 0 ]; then
+      # /data not mounted yet, we will be called again later
+      unblock
+    fi
+    log_print "Magisk post-fs-data mode running..."
+    if [ -d "/cache/data_bin" ]; then
+      rm -rf /data/busybox /data/magisk
+      mkdir -p /data/busybox
+      mv /cache/data_bin /data/magisk
+      chmod 755 /data/busybox /data/magisk /data/magisk/*
+      chcon 'u:object_r:system_file:s0' /data/busybox /data/magisk /data/magisk/*
+      /data/magisk/busybox --install -s /data/busybox
+      # Prevent issues
+      rm -f /data/busybox/su /data/busybox/sh
+    fi
+    mv /cache/stock_boot.img /data 2>/dev/null
+    # Handle image merging
+    merge_image /cache/magisk.img
+    merge_image /data/magisk_merge.img
+    # Mount /data image
+    if [ `cat /proc/mounts | grep /magisk >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
+      loopsetup $IMG
+      if [ ! -z "$LOOPDEVICE" ]; then
+        mount -t ext4 -o rw,noatime $LOOPDEVICE /magisk
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ `cat /proc/mounts | grep /magisk >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
+      log_print "magisk.img mount failed, nothing to do :("
+      unblock
+    fi
+    mkdir -p $DUMMDIR
+    mkdir -p $MIRRDIR/system
+    log_print "Preparing modules"
+    # First do cleanups
+    rm -rf $DUMMDIR/*
+    rmdir $(find /magisk -type d -depth ! -path "*core*" ) 2>/dev/null
+    # Travel through all mods
+    for MOD in /magisk/* ; do
+      if [ -f "$MOD/remove" ]; then
+        log_print "Remove module: $MOD"
+        rm -rf $MOD
+      elif [ -f "$MOD/auto_mount" -a -d "$MOD/system" -a ! -f "$MOD/disable" ]; then
+        (travel $MOD system)
+      fi
+    done
+    # Proper permissions
+    find $DUMMDIR -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
+    find $DUMMDIR -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
+    # linker(64), t*box, and app_process* are required if we need to dummy mount bin folder
+    if [ -f "$TMPDIR/dummy/system/bin" ]; then
+      rm -f $DUMMDIR/system/bin/linker* $DUMMDIR/system/bin/t*box $DUMMDIR/system/bin/app_process*
+      cd /system/bin
+      cp -afc linker* t*box app_process* $DUMMDIR/system/bin/
+    fi
+    # Shrink the image if possible
+    if [ `umount /magisk >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -eq 0 ]; then
+      losetup -d $LOOPDEVICE
+      target_size_check $IMG
+      NEWDATASIZE=$(((curUsedM / 32 + 2) * 32))
+      if [ "$curSizeM" -gt "$NEWDATASIZE" ]; then
+        log_print "Shrinking $IMG to ${NEWDATASIZE}M..."
+        resize2fs $IMG ${NEWDATASIZE}M
+      fi
+      loopsetup $IMG
+      if [ ! -z "$LOOPDEVICE" ]; then
+        mount -t ext4 -o rw,noatime $LOOPDEVICE /magisk
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ `cat /proc/mounts | grep /magisk >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
+      log_print "magisk.img mount failed, nothing to do :("
+      unblock
+    fi
+    # Remove legacy phh root and crap folder
+    rm -rf /magisk/phh
+    rm -rf /magisk/lost+found
+    # Start doing tasks
+    # Stage 1
+    log_print "Bind mount dummy system"
+    find $TMPDIR/dummy -type f 2>/dev/null | while read ITEM ; do
+      TARGET=${ITEM#$TMPDIR/dummy}
+      bind_mount $ORIG $TARGET
+    done
+    # Stage 2
+    log_print "Bind mount module items"
+    find $TMPDIR/system -type f 2>/dev/null | while read ITEM ; do
+      ORIG=`cat $ITEM`$TARGET
+      bind_mount $ORIG $TARGET
+      rm -f $DUMMDIR${TARGET%/*}/.dummy 2>/dev/null
+    done
+    # Run scripts
+    run_scripts post-fs-data
+    # Bind hosts for Adblock apps
+    if [ ! -f "$COREDIR/hosts" ]; then
+      cp -afc /system/etc/hosts $COREDIR/hosts
+    fi
+    log_print "Enabling systemless hosts file support"
+    bind_mount $COREDIR/hosts /system/etc/hosts
+    # Stage 3
+    log_print "Bind mount system mirror"
+    bind_mount /system $MIRRDIR/system
+    # Stage 4
+    log_print "Bind mount mirror items"
+    # Find all empty directores and dummy files, they should be mounted by original files in /system
+    find $DUMMDIR -type d -exec sh -c 'if [ -z "$(ls -A $1)" ]; then echo $1; fi' -- {} \; -o \( -type f -size 0 -print \) | while read ITEM ; do
+      ORIG=${ITEM/dummy/mirror}
+      bind_mount $ORIG $TARGET
+    done
+    # All done
+    rm -rf $TMPDIR
+    if [ ! -f "/supersu" ]; then
+      # Expose root path
+      setprop magisk.supath /magisk/.core/bin
+      setprop magisk.root 1
+    fi
+    unblock
+    ;;
+  service )
+    rm -rf /cache/unblock
+    log_print "Magisk late_start service mode running..."
+    run_scripts service
+    ;;
+  root )
+    SUPATH=$(getprop magisk.supath)
+    ROOT=$(getprop magisk.root)
+    if [ "$ROOT" -eq "1" ]; then
+      log_print "Enabling root"
+      rm -f SUPATH
+      ln -s /data/magisk $SUPATH
+    else
+      log_print "Disabling root"
+      rm -f SUPATH
+    fi
+    ;;
diff --git a/zip_static/common/magisk_wrapper.sh b/zip_static/common/magisk_wrapper.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be726f014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zip_static/common/magisk_wrapper.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Find where's su binary
+for DIR in /magisk /data/magisk /cache/magisk /su/bin; do
+  [ -f "$DIR/su" ] && break
+case $1 in
+  phhsu )
+    if [ ! -d "/dev/su" ]; then
+      $DIR/sepolicy-inject --live --auto -s su
+      exec $DIR/su --daemon
+    fi
+    ;;
+  post-fs )
+    # If su call fails, temporary switch to permissive (workaround)
+    # This workaround will not always work (e.g. Samsung stock boot images)
+    if [ `$DIR/su -c "/sbin/magic_mask.sh post-fs" >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
+      echo 0 > /sys/fs/selinux/enforce
+      /sbin/magic_mask.sh post-fs
+      echo 1 > /sys/fs/selinux/enforce
+    fi
+    ;;
+  post-fs-data )
+    # su call shall always work
+    if [ `$DIR/su -c "/sbin/magic_mask.sh post-fs-data" >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
+      /sbin/magic_mask.sh post-fs-data
+    fi
+    ;;
+  service )
+    # su call shall always work
+    if [ `$DIR/su -c "/sbin/magic_mask.sh service" >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
+      /sbin/magic_mask.sh service
+    fi
+    ;;
+  root )
+    # This will only be used in phh root
+    $DIR/su -c "/sbin/magic_mask.sh root"
+    ;;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zip_static/common/supatch.sh b/zip_static/common/supatch.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3dba9144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zip_static/common/supatch.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#Extracted from global_macros
+rw_socket_perms="ioctl read getattr write setattr lock append bind connect getopt setopt shutdown"
+create_socket_perms="create $rw_socket_perms"
+rw_stream_socket_perms="$rw_socket_perms listen accept"
+create_stream_socket_perms="create $rw_stream_socket_perms"
+# bootimg.sh
+#allow <list of scontext> <list of tcontext> <class> <list of perm>
+allow() {
+  [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" -o -z "$3" ] && false
+  for s in $1;do
+    for t in $2;do
+      for c in $3;do
+        echo "allow ($s) ($t) ($c) ($4)"
+        if [ "$4" = "*" ]; then
+          $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -s $s -t $t -c $c -P sepolicy >/dev/null 2>&1
+        else
+          $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -s $s -t $t -c $3 -p $(echo $4|tr ' ' ',') -P sepolicy 2>/dev/null 2>&1
+        fi
+      done
+    done
+  done
+noaudit() {
+  for s in $1;do
+    for t in $2;do
+      for p in $4;do
+        $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -s $s -t $t -c $3 -p $p -P sepolicy 2>/dev/null 2>&1
+      done
+    done
+  done
+# su-communication
+#allowSuClient <scontext>
+allowSuClient() {
+  #All domain-s already have read access to rootfs
+  allow $1 rootfs file "execute_no_trans execute" #TODO: Why do I need execute?!? (on MTK 5.1, kernel 3.10)
+  allow $1 su_daemon unix_stream_socket "connectto getopt"
+  allow $1 su_device dir "search read"
+  allow $1 su_device sock_file "read write"
+  allow su_daemon $1 "fd" "use"
+  allow su_daemon $1 fifo_file "read write getattr ioctl"
+  #Read /proc/callerpid/cmdline in from_init, drop?
+  #Requiring sys_ptrace sucks
+  allow su_daemon "$1" "dir" "search"
+  allow su_daemon "$1" "file" "read open"
+  allow su_daemon "$1" "lnk_file" "read"
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "capability" "sys_ptrace"
+suDaemonTo() {
+  allow su_daemon $1 "process" "transition"
+  noaudit su_daemon $1 "process" "siginh rlimitinh noatsecure"
+suDaemonRights() {
+  allow su_daemon rootfs file "entrypoint"
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "dir" "search read"
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "file" "read write open"
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "lnk_file" "read"
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "unix_dgram_socket" "create connect write"
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "unix_stream_socket" "$create_stream_socket_perms"
+  allow su_daemon devpts chr_file "read write open getattr"
+  #untrusted_app_devpts not in Android 4.4
+  allow su_daemon untrusted_app_devpts chr_file "read write open getattr" || true
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "capability" "setuid setgid"
+  #Access to /data/data/me.phh.superuser/xxx
+  allow su_daemon app_data_file "dir" "getattr search write add_name"
+  allow su_daemon app_data_file "file" "getattr read open lock"
+  #FIXME: This shouldn't exist
+  #dac_override can be fixed by having pts_slave's fd forwarded over socket
+  #Instead of forwarding the name
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "capability" "dac_override"
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "process" "fork sigchld"
+  #toolbox needed for log
+  allow su_daemon toolbox_exec "file" "execute read open execute_no_trans" || true
+  #Create /dev/me.phh.superuser. Could be done by init
+  allow su_daemon device "dir" "write add_name"
+  allow su_daemon su_device "dir" "create setattr remove_name add_name"
+  allow su_daemon su_device "sock_file" "create unlink"
+  #Allow su daemon to start su apk
+  allow su_daemon zygote_exec "file" "execute read open execute_no_trans"
+  allow su_daemon zygote_exec "lnk_file" "read getattr"
+  #Send request to APK
+  allow su_daemon su_device dir "search write add_name"
+  #Allow su_daemon to switch to su or su_sensitive
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "process" "setexec"
+  #Allow su_daemon to execute a shell (every commands are supposed to go through a shell)
+  allow su_daemon shell_exec file "execute read open"
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "capability" "chown"
+  suDaemonTo su
+# rights
+#In this file lies the real permissions of a process running in su
+suBind() {
+  #Allow to override /system/xbin/su
+  allow su_daemon su_exec "file" "mounton read"
+  #We will create files in /dev/su/, they will be marked as su_device
+  allow su_daemon su_device "dir file lnk_file" "*"
+  allow su_daemon su_device "file" "relabelfrom"
+  allow su_daemon system_file "file" "relabelto"
+#This is the vital minimum for su to open a uid 0 shell
+suRights() {
+  #Admit su_daemon is meant to be god.
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "capability" "sys_admin"
+  allow servicemanager su "dir" "search read"
+  allow servicemanager su "file" "open read"
+  allow servicemanager su "process" "getattr"
+  allow servicemanager su "binder" "transfer"
+  [ "$API" -ge 20 ] && allow system_server su binder "call"
+suL9() {
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon "dir file lnk_file" "*"
+  allow su_daemon system_data_file "dir file lnk_file" "*"
+  allow su_daemon "labeledfs" filesystem "associate"
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon process setfscreate
+  allow su_daemon tmpfs filesystem associate
+  allow su_daemon su_daemon file relabelfrom
+  allow su_daemon system_file file mounton
+otherToSU() {
+  # allowLog
+  if allow su logd unix_dgram_socket "sendto";then
+    allow logd su dir "search"
+    allow logd su file "read open getattr"
+  fi
+  # suBackL0
+  [ "$API" -ge 20 ] && allow system_server su binder "call transfer"
+  #ES Explorer opens a sokcet
+  allow untrusted_app su unix_stream_socket "$rw_socket_perms connectto"
+  #Any domain is allowed to send su "sigchld"
+  #TODO: Have sepolicy-inject handle that
+  #allow "=domain" su process "sigchld"
+  allow surfaceflinger su "process" "sigchld"
+  # suNetworkL0
+  $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -a netdomain -s su -P sepolicy
+  $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -a bluetoothdomain -s su -P sepolicy
+  # suBackL6
+  #Used by CF.lumen (restarts surfaceflinger, and communicates with it)
+  #TODO: Add a rule to enforce surfaceflinger doesn't have dac_override
+  allow surfaceflinger app_data_file "dir file lnk_file" "*"
+  $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -a mlstrustedsubject -s surfaceflinger -P sepolicy
+#Samsung specific
+#Prevent system from loading policy
+if $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -e -s knox_system_app -P sepolicy;then
+  $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject --not -s init -t kernel -c security -p load_policy -P sepolicy
+  for i in policyloader_app system_server system_app installd init ueventd runas drsd debuggerd vold zygote auditd servicemanager itsonbs commonplatformappdomain;do
+    $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject --not -s "$i" -t security_spota_file -c dir -p read,write -P sepolicy
+    $BINDIR/sepolicy-inject --not -s "$i" -t security_spota_file -c file -p read,write -P sepolicy
+  done
+#Create domains if they don't exist
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -z su -P sepolicy
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -z su_device -P sepolicy
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -z su_daemon -P sepolicy
+#Autotransition su's socket to su_device
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -s su_daemon -f device -c file -t su_device -P sepolicy
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -s su_daemon -f device -c dir -t su_device -P sepolicy
+allow su_device tmpfs filesystem "associate"
+#Transition from untrusted_app to su_client
+#TODO: other contexts want access to su?
+allowSuClient shell
+allowSuClient untrusted_app
+allowSuClient platform_app
+allowSuClient su
+#HTC Debug context requires SU
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -e -s ssd_tool -P sepolicy && allowSuClient ssd_tool
+#Allow init to execute su daemon/transition
+allow init su_daemon process "transition"
+noaudit init su_daemon process "rlimitinh siginh noatsecure"
+#Need to set su_device/su as trusted to be accessible from other categories
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -a mlstrustedobject -s su_device -P sepolicy
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -a mlstrustedsubject -s su_daemon -P sepolicy
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -a mlstrustedsubject -s su -P sepolicy
+# Just in case :)
+$BINDIR/sepolicy-inject -Z su -P sepolicy
diff --git a/zip_static/x86/busybox b/zip_static/x86/busybox
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a83050ad9
Binary files /dev/null and b/zip_static/x86/busybox differ
diff --git a/zip_static/x86/su b/zip_static/x86/su
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52196cb32
Binary files /dev/null and b/zip_static/x86/su differ