Since Android 15, all domains are allowed to search /metadata so preinit
dir will be exposed. Use /metadata/watchdog when /metadata is chosen as
preinit device, and the dir is available (since Android 11).
Custom ROM bring-ups of legacy Sony devices contain the following:
/init (symlink to /bin/init_sony)
/init.real (the "real" Android init)
/bin/init_sony (this was /sbin/init_sony on Android <11)
Kernel loads the ramdisk and starts /init -> /bin/init_sony
/bin/init_sony does low-level device setup (see:
/bin/init_sony unlinks /init and renames /init.real to /init
/bin/init_sony starts /init
Since init_sony needs to run first magiskinit needs to replace init.real instead, so add workarounds based on detection of init.real to boot patcher and uninstaller
Thanks @115ek and @bleckdeth
Co-authored-by: topjohnwu <>