In the current implementation, Magisk will either have to recreate
all early mount implementation (for legacy SAR and rootfs devices) or
delegate early mount to first stage init (for 2SI devices) to access
required partitions for loading sepolicy. It then has to recreate the
split sepolicy loading implementation in-house, apply patches, then
dump the compiled + patched policies into monolithic format somewhere.
Finally, it patches the original init to force it to load the sepolicy
file we just created.
With the increasing complexity involved in early mount and split
sepolicy (there is even APEX module involved in the future!),
it is about time to rethink Magisk's sepolicy strategy as rebuilding
init's functionality is not scalable and easy to maintain.
In this commit, instead of building sepolicy ourselves, we mock
selinuxfs with FIFO files connected to a pre-init daemon, waiting
for the actual init process to directly write the sepolicy file into
MagiskInit. We then patch the file and load it into the kernel. Some
FIFO tricks has to be used to hijack the original init process's
control flow and prevent race conditions, details are directly in the
comments in code.
At the moment, only system-as-root (read-only root) support is added.
Support for legacy rootfs devices will come with a follow up commit.
* Support deodexed ROM: This should not be done and dexpreopt is mandatory since P
Xposed: Xposed handles them just fine, at least in the latest version 89.3
suMiscL6: For whatever audio mods, a leftover of phh time
Liveboot and suBackL6: Was for CF.lumen and LiveBoot, not needed now
* Also cleanup binder sepolicies since we allow all binder transactions.
Introduce new domain `magisk_client` and new file type `magisk_exec`.
Connection to magiskd's always-on socket is restricted to magisk_client
only. Whitelisted process domains can transit to magisk_client through
executing files labelled magisk_exec. The main magisk binary shall be
the only file labelled as magisk_exec throughout the whole system.
All processes thus are no longer allowed to connect to magiskd directly
without going through the proper magisk binary.
Connection failures are silenced from audit logs with dontaudit rules,
so crazy processes which traverse through all unix domain sockets to try
connection can no longer check logcat to know the actual reason behind
EACCES, leaking the denied process policy (which is u:r:magisk:s0).
This also allows us to remove many rules that open up holes in
untrusted_app domains that were used to make remote shell work properly.
Since all processes establishing the remote shell are now restricted to
the magisk_client domain, all these rules are moved to magisk_client.
This makes Magisk require fewer compromises in Android's security model.
Note: as of this commit, requesting new root access via Magisk Manager
will stop working as Magisk Manager can no longer communicate with
magiskd directly. This will be addressed in a future commit that
involves changes in both native and application side.
The state of ROM A/B OTA addon.d-v2 support is an inconsistent mess currently:
- LineageOS builds userdebug with permissive update_engine domain, OmniROM builds userdebug with a more restricted update_engine domain, and CarbonROM builds user with a hybrid closer to Omni's
- addon.d-v2 scripts cannot function to the full extent they should when there is a more restricted update_engine domain sepolicy in place, which is likely why Lineage made update_engine completely permissive
Evidence for the above:
- many addon.d-v2 scripts only work (or fully work) on Lineage, see below
- Magisk's addon.d-v2 script would work on Lineage without issue, but would work on Carbon and Omni only if further allow rules were added for basic things like "file read" and "dir search" suggesting these ROMs' addon.d-v2 is severely limited
- Omni includes a /system/addon.d/ script with the ROM itself (despite shipping without GApps), and with Magisk's more permissive sepolicy and no GApps installed it will remove important ROM files during OTA, resulting in a bootloop; the issue with shipping this script was therefore masked by Omni's overly restrictive update_engine sepolicy not allowing the script to function as intended
The solution:
- guarantee a consistent addon.d-v2 experience for users across ROMs when rooted with Magisk by making update_engine permissive as Lineage has
- hopefully ROMs can work together to come up with something standard for unrooted addon.d-v2 function
- while many newer devices cannot allow / (system partition) to be mounted rw due to compressed fs (e.g. erofs) or logical partitions, it should remain possible to alter rootfs files/directories on those that previously allowed it
We used to construct /sbin tmpfs overlay in early-init stage after
SELinux is properly initialized. However the way it is implemented
(forking daemon from magiskinit with complicated file waiting triggers)
is extremely complicated and error prone.
This commit moves the construction of the sbin overlay to pre-init
stage. The catch is that since SELinux is not present at that point,
proper selabel has to be reconstructed afterwards. Some additional
SEPolicy rules are added to make sure init can access magisk binaries,
and the secontext relabeling task is assigned to the main Magisk daemon.