#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core.hpp" using namespace std; int SDK_INT = -1; string MAGISKTMP; bool RECOVERY_MODE = false; int DAEMON_STATE = STATE_NONE; static struct stat self_st; static bool verify_client(pid_t pid) { // Verify caller is the same as server char path[32]; sprintf(path, "/proc/%d/exe", pid); struct stat st; return !(stat(path, &st) || st.st_dev != self_st.st_dev || st.st_ino != self_st.st_ino); } static bool check_zygote(pid_t pid) { char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "/proc/%d/attr/current", pid); auto fp = open_file(buf, "r"); if (!fp) return false; fscanf(fp.get(), "%s", buf); return buf == "u:r:zygote:s0"sv; } static void request_handler(int client, int req_code, ucred cred) { switch (req_code) { case MAGISKHIDE: magiskhide_handler(client, &cred); break; case SUPERUSER: su_daemon_handler(client, &cred); break; case POST_FS_DATA: post_fs_data(client); break; case LATE_START: late_start(client); break; case BOOT_COMPLETE: boot_complete(client); break; case SQLITE_CMD: exec_sql(client); break; case REMOVE_MODULES: remove_modules(); write_int(client, 0); close(client); reboot(); break; default: close(client); break; } } static void handle_request(int client) { int req_code; // Verify client credentials ucred cred; get_client_cred(client, &cred); bool is_root = cred.uid == 0; bool is_zygote = check_zygote(cred.pid); bool is_client = verify_client(cred.pid); if (!is_root && !is_zygote && !is_client) goto shortcut; req_code = read_int(client); if (req_code < 0 || req_code >= DAEMON_CODE_END) goto shortcut; // Check client permissions switch (req_code) { case POST_FS_DATA: case LATE_START: case BOOT_COMPLETE: case SQLITE_CMD: case GET_PATH: if (!is_root) { write_int(client, ROOT_REQUIRED); goto shortcut; } break; case REMOVE_MODULES: if (cred.uid != UID_SHELL && cred.uid != UID_ROOT) { write_int(client, 1); goto shortcut; } break; case MAGISKHIDE: // accept hide request from zygote if (!is_root && !is_zygote) { write_int(client, ROOT_REQUIRED); goto shortcut; } break; } // Simple requests switch (req_code) { case CHECK_VERSION: write_string(client, MAGISK_VERSION ":MAGISK"); goto shortcut; case CHECK_VERSION_CODE: write_int(client, MAGISK_VER_CODE); goto shortcut; case GET_PATH: write_string(client, MAGISKTMP.data()); goto shortcut; case START_DAEMON: setup_logfile(true); goto shortcut; } // Create new thread to handle complex requests new_daemon_thread([=] { return request_handler(client, req_code, cred); }); return; shortcut: close(client); } static shared_ptr log_file; atomic_flag file_backed = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; static char *log_buf; static size_t log_buf_len; void setup_logfile(bool reset) { if (file_backed.test_and_set(memory_order_relaxed)) return; if (reset) rename(LOGFILE, LOGFILE ".bak"); int fd = xopen(LOGFILE, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0644); if (fd < 0) { log_file.reset(); return; } // Dump all logs in memory (if exists) if (log_buf) write(fd, log_buf, log_buf_len); if (FILE *fp = fdopen(fd, "a")) { setbuf(fp, nullptr); log_file.reset(fp, &fclose); } } static int magisk_log(int prio, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { va_list args; va_copy(args, ap); // Log to logcat __android_log_vprint(prio, "Magisk", fmt, ap); auto local_log_file = log_file; if (!local_log_file) return 0; char buf[4096]; timeval tv; tm tm; char type; switch (prio) { case ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG: type = 'D'; break; case ANDROID_LOG_INFO: type = 'I'; break; case ANDROID_LOG_WARN: type = 'W'; break; default: type = 'E'; break; } gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr); localtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tm); size_t len = strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%m-%d %T", &tm); int ms = tv.tv_usec / 1000; len += sprintf(buf + len, ".%03d %*d %*d %c : ", ms, 5, getpid(), 5, gettid(), type); strcpy(buf + len, fmt); return vfprintf(local_log_file.get(), buf, args); } #define mlog(prio) [](auto fmt, auto ap){ return magisk_log(ANDROID_LOG_##prio, fmt, ap); } static void magisk_logging() { auto in_mem_file = make_stream_fp(log_buf, log_buf_len); log_file.reset(in_mem_file.release(), [](FILE *) { free(log_buf); log_buf = nullptr; }); log_cb.d = mlog(DEBUG); log_cb.i = mlog(INFO); log_cb.w = mlog(WARN); log_cb.e = mlog(ERROR); log_cb.ex = nop_ex; } static void daemon_entry(int ppid) { magisk_logging(); int fd = xopen("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); xdup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); xdup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO); if (fd > STDERR_FILENO) close(fd); fd = xopen("/dev/zero", O_RDONLY); xdup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO); if (fd > STDERR_FILENO) close(fd); setsid(); setcon("u:r:" SEPOL_PROC_DOMAIN ":s0"); LOGI(NAME_WITH_VER(Magisk) " daemon started\n"); // Make sure ppid is not in acct char src[64], dest[64]; sprintf(src, "/acct/uid_0/pid_%d", ppid); if (access(src, F_OK) == 0) { sprintf(dest, "/acct/uid_0/pid_%d", getpid()); rename(src, dest); } sprintf(src, "/sys/fs/cgroup/uid_0/pid_%d", ppid); if (access(src, F_OK) == 0) { sprintf(dest, "/sys/fs/cgroup/uid_0/pid_%d", getpid()); rename(src, dest); } // Get self stat xreadlink("/proc/self/exe", src, sizeof(src)); MAGISKTMP = dirname(src); xstat("/proc/self/exe", &self_st); // Get API level parse_prop_file("/system/build.prop", [](auto key, auto val) -> bool { if (key == "ro.build.version.sdk") { SDK_INT = parse_int(val); return false; } return true; }); if (SDK_INT < 0) { // In case some devices do not store this info in build.prop, fallback to getprop auto sdk = getprop("ro.build.version.sdk"); if (!sdk.empty()) { SDK_INT = parse_int(sdk); } } LOGI("* Device API level: %d\n", SDK_INT); restore_tmpcon(); // SAR cleanups auto mount_list = MAGISKTMP + "/" ROOTMNT; if (access(mount_list.data(), F_OK) == 0) { file_readline(true, mount_list.data(), [](string_view line) -> bool { umount2(line.data(), MNT_DETACH); return true; }); } unlink("/dev/.se"); // Load config status auto config = MAGISKTMP + "/" INTLROOT "/config"; parse_prop_file(config.data(), [](auto key, auto val) -> bool { if (key == "RECOVERYMODE" && val == "true") RECOVERY_MODE = true; return true; }); struct sockaddr_un sun; socklen_t len = setup_sockaddr(&sun, MAIN_SOCKET); fd = xsocket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0); if (xbind(fd, (struct sockaddr*) &sun, len)) exit(1); xlisten(fd, 10); // Change process name set_nice_name("magiskd"); // Block all signals sigset_t block_set; sigfillset(&block_set); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &block_set, nullptr); // Loop forever to listen for requests for (;;) { int client = xaccept4(fd, nullptr, nullptr, SOCK_CLOEXEC); handle_request(client); } } int connect_daemon(bool create) { struct sockaddr_un sun; socklen_t len = setup_sockaddr(&sun, MAIN_SOCKET); int fd = xsocket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0); if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr*) &sun, len)) { if (!create || getuid() != UID_ROOT || getgid() != UID_ROOT) { LOGE("No daemon is currently running!\n"); exit(1); } int ppid = getpid(); LOGD("client: launching new main daemon process\n"); if (fork_dont_care() == 0) { close(fd); daemon_entry(ppid); } while (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr*) &sun, len)) usleep(10000); } return fd; }