use std::process::exit; use std::{io, slice, str}; use argh::EarlyExit; use libc::c_char; use crate::{ffi, StrErr, Utf8CStr}; pub fn errno() -> &'static mut i32 { unsafe { &mut *libc::__errno() } } // When len is 0, don't care whether buf is null or not #[inline] pub unsafe fn slice_from_ptr<'a, T>(buf: *const T, len: usize) -> &'a [T] { if len == 0 { &[] } else { slice::from_raw_parts(buf, len) } } // When len is 0, don't care whether buf is null or not #[inline] pub unsafe fn slice_from_ptr_mut<'a, T>(buf: *mut T, len: usize) -> &'a mut [T] { if len == 0 { &mut [] } else { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf, len) } } // Check libc return value and map to Result pub trait LibcReturn where Self: Copy, { fn is_error(&self) -> bool; fn check_os_err(self) -> io::Result { if self.is_error() { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(self) } } fn as_os_err(self) -> io::Result<()> { self.check_os_err()?; Ok(()) } } macro_rules! impl_libc_return { ($($t:ty)*) => ($( impl LibcReturn for $t { #[inline] fn is_error(&self) -> bool { *self < 0 } } )*) } impl_libc_return! { i8 i16 i32 i64 isize } impl LibcReturn for *const T { #[inline] fn is_error(&self) -> bool { self.is_null() } } impl LibcReturn for *mut T { #[inline] fn is_error(&self) -> bool { self.is_null() } } pub trait MutBytesExt { fn patch(&mut self, from: &[u8], to: &[u8]) -> Vec; } impl> MutBytesExt for T { fn patch(&mut self, from: &[u8], to: &[u8]) -> Vec { ffi::mut_u8_patch(self.as_mut(), from, to) } } // SAFETY: libc guarantees argc and argv are properly setup and are static #[allow(clippy::not_unsafe_ptr_arg_deref)] pub fn map_args(argc: i32, argv: *const *const c_char) -> Result, StrErr> { unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(argv, argc as usize) } .iter() .map(|s| unsafe { Utf8CStr::from_ptr(*s) }.map(|s| s.as_str())) .collect() } pub trait EarlyExitExt { fn on_early_exit(self, print_help_msg: F) -> T; } impl EarlyExitExt for Result { fn on_early_exit(self, print_help_msg: F) -> T { match self { Ok(t) => t, Err(EarlyExit { output, status }) => match status { Ok(_) => { print_help_msg(); exit(0) } Err(_) => { eprintln!("{}", output); print_help_msg(); exit(1) } }, } } }