use std::cmp::min; use std::ffi::{CStr, FromBytesWithNulError, OsStr}; use std::fmt::{Arguments, Debug, Display, Formatter}; use std::ops::Deref; use std::path::Path; use std::str::Utf8Error; use std::{fmt, io, mem, slice, str}; use libc::c_char; use thiserror::Error; use crate::ffi; pub fn copy_str>(dest: &mut [u8], src: T) -> usize { let src = src.as_ref(); let len = min(src.len(), dest.len() - 1); dest[..len].copy_from_slice(&src[..len]); dest[len] = b'\0'; len } pub fn copy_cstr + ?Sized>(dest: &mut [u8], src: &T) -> usize { let src = src.as_ref().to_bytes_with_nul(); let len = min(src.len(), dest.len()); dest[..len].copy_from_slice(&src[..len]); len - 1 } struct BufFmtWriter<'a> { buf: &'a mut [u8], used: usize, } impl<'a> BufFmtWriter<'a> { fn new(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self { BufFmtWriter { buf, used: 0 } } } impl<'a> fmt::Write for BufFmtWriter<'a> { // The buffer should always be null terminated fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result { if self.used >= self.buf.len() - 1 { // Silent truncate return Ok(()); } self.used += copy_str(&mut self.buf[self.used..], s); // Silent truncate Ok(()) } } pub fn fmt_to_buf(buf: &mut [u8], args: Arguments) -> usize { let mut w = BufFmtWriter::new(buf); if let Ok(()) = fmt::write(&mut w, args) { w.used } else { 0 } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! bfmt { ($buf:expr, $($args:tt)*) => { $crate::fmt_to_buf($buf, format_args!($($args)*)); }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! bfmt_cstr { ($buf:expr, $($args:tt)*) => {{ let len = $crate::fmt_to_buf($buf, format_args!($($args)*)); #[allow(unused_unsafe, clippy::unnecessary_mut_passed)] unsafe { $crate::Utf8CStr::from_bytes_unchecked($buf.get_unchecked(..(len + 1))) } }}; } // The cstr! macro is copied from #[macro_export] macro_rules! cstr { ($str:literal) => {{ assert!( !$str.bytes().any(|b| b == b'\0'), "cstr argument contains embedded NUL bytes", ); #[allow(unused_unsafe)] unsafe { $crate::Utf8CStr::from_bytes_unchecked(concat!($str, "\0").as_bytes()) } }}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! raw_cstr { ($s:literal) => {{ cstr!($s).as_ptr() }}; } #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum StrErr { #[error(transparent)] Utf8Error(#[from] Utf8Error), #[error(transparent)] CStrError(#[from] FromBytesWithNulError), #[error("argument is null")] NullPointerError, } // The better CStr: UTF-8 validated + null terminated buffer pub struct Utf8CStr { inner: [u8], } impl Utf8CStr { pub fn from_cstr(cstr: &CStr) -> Result<&Utf8CStr, StrErr> { // Validate the buffer during construction str::from_utf8(cstr.to_bytes())?; Ok(unsafe { Self::from_bytes_unchecked(cstr.to_bytes_with_nul()) }) } pub fn from_bytes(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<&Utf8CStr, StrErr> { Self::from_cstr(CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(buf)?) } pub fn from_string(s: &mut String) -> &Utf8CStr { if s.capacity() == s.len() { s.reserve(1); } // SAFETY: the string is reserved to have enough capacity to fit in the null byte // SAFETY: the null byte is explicitly added outside of the string's length unsafe { let buf = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(s.as_mut_ptr(), s.len() + 1); *buf.get_unchecked_mut(s.len()) = b'\0'; Self::from_bytes_unchecked(buf) } } #[inline] pub unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(buf: &[u8]) -> &Utf8CStr { mem::transmute(buf) } pub unsafe fn from_ptr<'a>(ptr: *const c_char) -> Result<&'a Utf8CStr, StrErr> { if ptr.is_null() { return Err(StrErr::NullPointerError); } Self::from_cstr(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) }) } #[inline] pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] { // The length of the slice is at least 1 due to null termination check unsafe { self.inner.get_unchecked(..self.inner.len() - 1) } } #[inline] pub fn as_bytes_with_nul(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.inner } #[inline] pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const c_char { self.inner.as_ptr().cast() } #[inline] pub fn as_cstr(&self) -> &CStr { // SAFETY: Already validated as null terminated during construction unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(&self.inner) } } } impl Deref for Utf8CStr { type Target = str; #[inline] fn deref(&self) -> &str { // SAFETY: Already UTF-8 validated during construction unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(self.as_bytes()) } } } impl Display for Utf8CStr { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { Display::fmt(self.deref(), f) } } impl Debug for Utf8CStr { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { Debug::fmt(self.deref(), f) } } impl AsRef for Utf8CStr { #[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &CStr { self.as_cstr() } } impl AsRef for Utf8CStr { #[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { self.deref() } } impl AsRef for Utf8CStr { #[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &OsStr { OsStr::new(self.deref()) } } impl AsRef for Utf8CStr { #[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &Path { Path::new(self.deref()) } } impl PartialEq for Utf8CStr { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &CStr) -> bool { self.as_cstr() == other } } impl PartialEq for Utf8CStr { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool { self.deref() == other } } impl PartialEq for CStr { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &Utf8CStr) -> bool { self == other.as_cstr() } } impl PartialEq for str { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &Utf8CStr) -> bool { self == other.deref() } } pub fn ptr_to_str<'a, T>(ptr: *const T) -> &'a str { if ptr.is_null() { "(null)" } else { unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr.cast()) }.to_str().unwrap_or("") } } pub fn errno() -> &'static mut i32 { unsafe { &mut *libc::__errno() } } pub fn error_str() -> &'static str { unsafe { ptr_to_str(libc::strerror(*errno())) } } // When len is 0, don't care whether buf is null or not #[inline] pub unsafe fn slice_from_ptr<'a, T>(buf: *const T, len: usize) -> &'a [T] { if len == 0 { &[] } else { slice::from_raw_parts(buf, len) } } // When len is 0, don't care whether buf is null or not #[inline] pub unsafe fn slice_from_ptr_mut<'a, T>(buf: *mut T, len: usize) -> &'a mut [T] { if len == 0 { &mut [] } else { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf, len) } } pub trait FlatData where Self: Sized, { fn as_raw_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] { unsafe { let self_ptr = self as *const Self as *const u8; slice::from_raw_parts(self_ptr, std::mem::size_of::()) } } fn as_raw_bytes_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { unsafe { let self_ptr = self as *mut Self as *mut u8; slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self_ptr, std::mem::size_of::()) } } fn bytes_size(&self) -> usize { std::mem::size_of::() } } macro_rules! impl_flat_data { ($($t:ty)*) => ($(impl FlatData for $t {})*) } impl_flat_data!(usize u8 u16 u32 u64 isize i8 i16 i32 i64); // Check libc return value and map to Result pub trait LibcReturn where Self: Copy, { fn is_error(&self) -> bool; fn check_os_err(self) -> io::Result { if self.is_error() { Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } else { Ok(self) } } } macro_rules! impl_libc_return { ($($t:ty)*) => ($( impl LibcReturn for $t { #[inline] fn is_error(&self) -> bool { *self < 0 } } )*) } impl_libc_return! { i8 i16 i32 i64 isize } impl LibcReturn for *const T { #[inline] fn is_error(&self) -> bool { self.is_null() } } impl LibcReturn for *mut T { #[inline] fn is_error(&self) -> bool { self.is_null() } } pub trait MutBytesExt { fn patch(&mut self, from: &[u8], to: &[u8]) -> Vec; } impl> MutBytesExt for T { fn patch(&mut self, from: &[u8], to: &[u8]) -> Vec { ffi::mut_u8_patch(self.as_mut(), from, to) } }