##################################################################### # AVD MagiskInit Setup ##################################################################### # # Support API level: 23 - 35 # # With an emulator booted and accessible via ADB, usage: # ./build.py avd_patch path/to/booted/avd-image/ramdisk.img # # The purpose of this script is to patch AVD ramdisk.img and do a # full integration test of magiskinit under several circumstances. # After patching ramdisk.img, close the emulator, then select # "Cold Boot Now" in AVD Manager to force a full reboot. # ##################################################################### # AVD Init Configurations: # # rootfs w/o early mount: API 23 - 25 # rootfs with early mount: API 26 - 27 # Legacy system-as-root: API 28 # 2 stage init: API 29 - 35 ##################################################################### if [ ! -f /system/build.prop ]; then # Running on PC echo 'Please run `./build.py avd_patch` instead of directly executing the script!' exit 1 fi cd /data/local/tmp chmod 755 busybox if [ -z "$FIRST_STAGE" ]; then export FIRST_STAGE=1 export ASH_STANDALONE=1 # Re-exec script with busybox exec ./busybox sh $0 "$@" fi TARGET_FILE="$1" OUTPUT_FILE="$1.magisk" if echo "$TARGET_FILE" | grep -q 'ramdisk'; then IS_RAMDISK=true else IS_RAMDISK=false fi # Extract files from APK unzip -oj magisk.apk 'assets/util_functions.sh' 'assets/stub.apk' . ./util_functions.sh api_level_arch_detect unzip -oj magisk.apk "lib/$ABI/*" -x "lib/$ABI/libbusybox.so" for file in lib*.so; do chmod 755 $file mv "$file" "${file:3:${#file}-6}" done if $IS_RAMDISK; then ./magiskboot decompress "$TARGET_FILE" ramdisk.cpio else ./magiskboot unpack "$TARGET_FILE" fi cp ramdisk.cpio ramdisk.cpio.orig export KEEPVERITY=true export KEEPFORCEENCRYPT=true echo "KEEPVERITY=$KEEPVERITY" > config echo "KEEPFORCEENCRYPT=$KEEPFORCEENCRYPT" >> config echo "PREINITDEVICE=$(./magisk --preinit-device)" >> config # For API 28, we also manually disable SystemAsRoot # Explicitly override skip_initramfs by setting RECOVERYMODE=true [ $API = "28" ] && echo 'RECOVERYMODE=true' >> config cat config ./magiskboot compress=xz magisk magisk.xz ./magiskboot compress=xz stub.apk stub.xz ./magiskboot compress=xz init-ld init-ld.xz ./magiskboot cpio ramdisk.cpio \ "add 0750 init magiskinit" \ "mkdir 0750 overlay.d" \ "mkdir 0750 overlay.d/sbin" \ "add 0644 overlay.d/sbin/magisk.xz magisk.xz" \ "add 0644 overlay.d/sbin/stub.xz stub.xz" \ "add 0644 overlay.d/sbin/init-ld.xz init-ld.xz" \ "patch" \ "backup ramdisk.cpio.orig" \ "mkdir 000 .backup" \ "add 000 .backup/.magisk config" rm -f ramdisk.cpio.orig config *.xz if $IS_RAMDISK; then ./magiskboot compress=gzip ramdisk.cpio "$OUTPUT_FILE" else ./magiskboot repack "$TARGET_FILE" "$OUTPUT_FILE" ./magiskboot cleanup fi