#include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/mount.h> #include <sys/sendfile.h> #include <sys/sysmacros.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <functional> #include <string_view> #include <xz.h> #include <magisk.h> #include <magiskpolicy.h> #include <selinux.h> #include <cpio.h> #include <utils.h> #include <flags.h> #include "binaries.h" #ifdef USE_64BIT #include "binaries_arch64.h" #define LIBNAME "lib64" #else #include "binaries_arch.h" #define LIBNAME "lib" #endif #include "magiskrc.h" using namespace std; #define DEFAULT_DT_DIR "/proc/device-tree/firmware/android" #ifdef MAGISK_DEBUG static FILE *kmsg; static int vprintk(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { fprintf(kmsg, "magiskinit: "); return vfprintf(kmsg, fmt, ap); } static void setup_klog() { mknod("/kmsg", S_IFCHR | 0666, makedev(1, 11)); int fd = xopen("/kmsg", O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC); kmsg = fdopen(fd, "w"); setbuf(kmsg, nullptr); unlink("/kmsg"); log_cb.d = log_cb.i = log_cb.w = log_cb.e = vprintk; log_cb.ex = nop_ex; } #else #define setup_klog(...) #endif static int test_main(int argc, char *argv[]); constexpr const char *init_applet[] = { "magiskpolicy", "supolicy", "init_test", nullptr }; constexpr int (*init_applet_main[])(int, char *[]) = { magiskpolicy_main, magiskpolicy_main, test_main, nullptr }; struct cmdline { bool system_as_root; char slot[3]; char dt_dir[128]; }; struct raw_data { void *buf; size_t sz; }; static bool unxz(int fd, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { uint8_t out[8192]; xz_crc32_init(); struct xz_dec *dec = xz_dec_init(XZ_DYNALLOC, 1 << 26); struct xz_buf b = { .in = buf, .in_pos = 0, .in_size = size, .out = out, .out_pos = 0, .out_size = sizeof(out) }; enum xz_ret ret; do { ret = xz_dec_run(dec, &b); if (ret != XZ_OK && ret != XZ_STREAM_END) return false; write(fd, out, b.out_pos); b.out_pos = 0; } while (b.in_pos != size); return true; } static void decompress_ramdisk() { constexpr char tmp[] = "tmp.cpio"; constexpr char ramdisk_xz[] = "ramdisk.cpio.xz"; if (access(ramdisk_xz, F_OK)) return; LOGD("Decompressing ramdisk from %s\n", ramdisk_xz); uint8_t *buf; size_t sz; mmap_ro(ramdisk_xz, buf, sz); int fd = open(tmp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC); unxz(fd, buf, sz); munmap(buf, sz); close(fd); cpio_mmap cpio(tmp); cpio.extract(); unlink(tmp); unlink(ramdisk_xz); } static int dump_magisk(const char *path, mode_t mode) { int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, mode); if (fd < 0) return 1; if (!unxz(fd, magisk_xz, sizeof(magisk_xz))) return 1; close(fd); return 0; } static int dump_manager(const char *path, mode_t mode) { int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, mode); if (fd < 0) return 1; if (!unxz(fd, manager_xz, sizeof(manager_xz))) return 1; close(fd); return 0; } class MagiskInit { private: cmdline cmd{}; raw_data self{}; raw_data config{}; int root = -1; char **argv; bool load_sepol = false; bool mnt_system = false; bool mnt_vendor = false; bool mnt_product = false; bool mnt_odm = false; void load_kernel_info(); void preset(); void early_mount(); void setup_rootfs(); bool read_dt_fstab(const char *name, char *partname, char *partfs); bool patch_sepolicy(); void cleanup(); void re_exec_init(); public: explicit MagiskInit(char *argv[]) : argv(argv) {} void start(); void test(); }; static inline void parse_cmdline(const std::function<void (std::string_view, const char *)> &fn) { char cmdline[4096]; int fd = open("/proc/cmdline", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); cmdline[read(fd, cmdline, sizeof(cmdline))] = '\0'; close(fd); char *tok, *eql, *tmp, *saveptr; saveptr = cmdline; while ((tok = strtok_r(nullptr, " \n", &saveptr)) != nullptr) { eql = strchr(tok, '='); if (eql) { *eql = '\0'; if (eql[1] == '"') { tmp = strchr(saveptr, '"'); if (tmp != nullptr) { *tmp = '\0'; saveptr[-1] = ' '; saveptr = tmp + 1; eql++; } } fn(tok, eql + 1); } else { fn(tok, ""); } } } #define test_bit(bit, array) (array[bit / 8] & (1 << (bit % 8))) static bool check_key_combo() { uint8_t bitmask[(KEY_MAX + 1) / 8]; vector<int> events; constexpr const char *name = "/event"; for (int minor = 64; minor < 96; ++minor) { if (mknod(name, S_IFCHR | 0444, makedev(13, minor))) { PLOGE("mknod"); continue; } int fd = open(name, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); unlink(name); if (fd < 0) continue; memset(bitmask, 0, sizeof(bitmask)); ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(bitmask)), bitmask); if (test_bit(KEY_VOLUMEUP, bitmask)) events.push_back(fd); } if (events.empty()) return false; RunFinally fin([&]() -> void { for (const int &fd : events) close(fd); }); // Return true if volume key up is hold for more than 3 seconds int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) { for (const int &fd : events) { memset(bitmask, 0, sizeof(bitmask)); ioctl(fd, EVIOCGKEY(sizeof(bitmask)), bitmask); if (test_bit(KEY_VOLUMEUP, bitmask)) { count++; break; } } if (count >= 300) { LOGD("KEY_VOLUMEUP detected: disable system-as-root\n"); return true; } // Check every 10ms usleep(10000); } return false; } void MagiskInit::load_kernel_info() { // Communicate with kernel using procfs and sysfs xmkdir("/proc", 0755); xmount("proc", "/proc", "proc", 0, nullptr); xmkdir("/sys", 0755); xmount("sysfs", "/sys", "sysfs", 0, nullptr); bool enter_recovery = false; bool kirin = false; bool recovery_mode = false; parse_cmdline([&](auto key, auto value) -> void { LOGD("cmdline: [%s]=[%s]\n", key.data(), value); if (key == "androidboot.slot_suffix") { strcpy(cmd.slot, value); } else if (key == "androidboot.slot") { cmd.slot[0] = '_'; strcpy(cmd.slot + 1, value); } else if (key == "skip_initramfs") { cmd.system_as_root = true; } else if (key == "androidboot.android_dt_dir") { strcpy(cmd.dt_dir, value); } else if (key == "enter_recovery") { enter_recovery = value[0] == '1'; } else if (key == "androidboot.hardware") { kirin = strstr(value, "kirin") || strstr(value, "hi3660"); } }); parse_prop_file("/.backup/.magisk", [&](auto key, auto value) -> bool { if (key == "RECOVERYMODE" && value == "true") recovery_mode = true; return true; }); if (kirin && enter_recovery) { // Inform that we are actually booting as recovery if (!recovery_mode) { if (FILE *f = fopen("/.backup/.magisk", "ae"); f) { fprintf(f, "RECOVERYMODE=true\n"); fclose(f); } recovery_mode = true; } } if (recovery_mode) { LOGD("Running in recovery mode, waiting for key...\n"); cmd.system_as_root = !check_key_combo(); } if (cmd.dt_dir[0] == '\0') strcpy(cmd.dt_dir, DEFAULT_DT_DIR); LOGD("system_as_root=[%d]\n", cmd.system_as_root); LOGD("slot=[%s]\n", cmd.slot); LOGD("dt_dir=[%s]\n", cmd.dt_dir); } void MagiskInit::preset() { root = open("/", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (cmd.system_as_root) { // Clear rootfs LOGD("Cleaning rootfs\n"); frm_rf(root, { "overlay", "proc", "sys" }); } else { decompress_ramdisk(); // Revert original init binary rename("/.backup/init", "/init"); rm_rf("/.backup"); // Do not go further if device is booting into recovery if (access("/sbin/recovery", F_OK) == 0) { LOGD("Ramdisk is recovery, abort\n"); re_exec_init(); } } } struct device { int major; int minor; char devname[32]; char partname[32]; }; static inline void parse_device(device *dev, const char *uevent) { dev->partname[0] = '\0'; FILE *fp = xfopen(uevent, "re"); char buf[64]; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { if (strncmp(buf, "MAJOR", 5) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "MAJOR=%d", &dev->major); } else if (strncmp(buf, "MINOR", 5) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "MINOR=%d", &dev->minor); } else if (strncmp(buf, "DEVNAME", 7) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "DEVNAME=%s", dev->devname); } else if (strncmp(buf, "PARTNAME", 8) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "PARTNAME=%s", dev->partname); } } fclose(fp); } static vector<device> dev_list; static void collect_devices() { char path[128]; struct dirent *entry; device dev; DIR *dir = xopendir("/sys/dev/block"); if (dir == nullptr) return; while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { if (entry->d_name == "."sv || entry->d_name == ".."sv) continue; sprintf(path, "/sys/dev/block/%s/uevent", entry->d_name); parse_device(&dev, path); dev_list.push_back(dev); } closedir(dir); } static bool setup_block(const char *partname, char *block_dev) { if (dev_list.empty()) collect_devices(); for (auto &dev : dev_list) { if (strcasecmp(dev.partname, partname) == 0) { sprintf(block_dev, "/dev/block/%s", dev.devname); LOGD("Found %s: [%s] (%d, %d)\n", dev.partname, dev.devname, dev.major, dev.minor); xmkdir("/dev", 0755); xmkdir("/dev/block", 0755); mknod(block_dev, S_IFBLK | 0600, makedev(dev.major, dev.minor)); return true; } } return false; } bool MagiskInit::read_dt_fstab(const char *name, char *partname, char *partfs) { char path[128]; int fd; sprintf(path, "%s/fstab/%s/dev", cmd.dt_dir, name); if ((fd = xopen(path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)) >= 0) { read(fd, path, sizeof(path)); close(fd); // Some custom treble use different names, so use what we read char *part = rtrim(strrchr(path, '/') + 1); sprintf(partname, "%s%s", part, strend(part, cmd.slot) ? cmd.slot : ""); sprintf(path, "%s/fstab/%s/type", cmd.dt_dir, name); if ((fd = xopen(path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)) >= 0) { read(fd, partfs, 32); close(fd); return true; } } return false; } static inline bool is_lnk(const char *name) { struct stat st; if (lstat(name, &st)) return false; return S_ISLNK(st.st_mode); } #define link_root(name) \ if (is_lnk("/system_root" name)) \ cp_afc("/system_root" name, name) #define mount_root(name) \ if (!is_lnk("/" #name) && read_dt_fstab(#name, partname, fstype)) { \ LOGD("Early mount " #name "\n"); \ setup_block(partname, block_dev); \ xmkdir("/" #name, 0755); \ xmount(block_dev, "/" #name, fstype, MS_RDONLY, nullptr); \ mnt_##name = true; \ } void MagiskInit::early_mount() { char partname[32]; char fstype[32]; char block_dev[64]; if (cmd.system_as_root) { LOGD("Early mount system_root\n"); sprintf(partname, "system%s", cmd.slot); setup_block(partname, block_dev); xmkdir("/system_root", 0755); xmount(block_dev, "/system_root", "ext4", MS_RDONLY, nullptr); xmkdir("/system", 0755); xmount("/system_root/system", "/system", nullptr, MS_BIND, nullptr); // Android Q if (is_lnk("/system_root/init")) load_sepol = true; // System-as-root with monolithic sepolicy if (access("/system_root/sepolicy", F_OK) == 0) cp_afc("/system_root/sepolicy", "/sepolicy"); // Copy if these partitions are symlinks link_root("/vendor"); link_root("/product"); link_root("/odm"); } else { mount_root(system); } mount_root(vendor); mount_root(product); mount_root(odm); } static void patch_socket_name(const char *path) { uint8_t *buf; char name[sizeof(MAIN_SOCKET)]; size_t size; mmap_rw(path, buf, size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (memcmp(buf + i, MAIN_SOCKET, sizeof(MAIN_SOCKET)) == 0) { gen_rand_str(name, sizeof(name)); memcpy(buf + i, name, sizeof(name)); i += sizeof(name); } } munmap(buf, size); } constexpr const char wrapper[] = "#!/system/bin/sh\n" "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/apex/com.android.runtime/" LIBNAME "\"\n" "exec /sbin/magisk.bin \"$0\" \"$@\"\n" ; void MagiskInit::setup_rootfs() { bool patch_init = patch_sepolicy(); if (cmd.system_as_root) { // Clone rootfs LOGD("Clone root dir from system to rootfs\n"); int system_root = xopen("/system_root", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); clone_dir(system_root, root, false); close(system_root); } if (patch_init) { constexpr char SYSTEM_INIT[] = "/system/bin/init"; // If init is symlink, copy it to rootfs so we can patch if (is_lnk("/init")) cp_afc(SYSTEM_INIT, "/init"); char *addr; size_t size; mmap_rw("/init", addr, size); for (char *p = addr; p < addr + size; ++p) { if (memcmp(p, SPLIT_PLAT_CIL, sizeof(SPLIT_PLAT_CIL)) == 0) { // Force init to load /sepolicy LOGD("Remove from init: " SPLIT_PLAT_CIL "\n"); memset(p, 'x', sizeof(SPLIT_PLAT_CIL) - 1); p += sizeof(SPLIT_PLAT_CIL) - 1; } else if (memcmp(p, SYSTEM_INIT, sizeof(SYSTEM_INIT)) == 0) { // Force execute /init instead of /system/bin/init LOGD("Patch init: [/system/bin/init] -> [/init]\n"); strcpy(p, "/init"); p += sizeof(SYSTEM_INIT) - 1; } } munmap(addr, size); } // Handle ramdisk overlays int fd = open("/overlay", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (fd >= 0) { LOGD("Merge overlay folder\n"); mv_dir(fd, root); close(fd); rmdir("/overlay"); } // Patch init.rc FILE *rc = xfopen("/init.p.rc", "we"); file_readline("/init.rc", [&](auto line) -> bool { // Do not start vaultkeeper if (str_contains(line, "start vaultkeeper")) { LOGD("Remove vaultkeeper\n"); return true; } // Do not run flash_recovery if (str_starts(line, "service flash_recovery")) { LOGD("Remove flash_recovery\n"); fprintf(rc, "service flash_recovery /system/bin/xxxxx\n"); return true; } // Else just write the line fprintf(rc, "%s", line.data()); return true; }); char pfd_svc[8], ls_svc[8], bc_svc[8]; // Make sure to be unique pfd_svc[0] = 'a'; ls_svc[0] = '0'; bc_svc[0] = 'A'; gen_rand_str(pfd_svc + 1, sizeof(pfd_svc) - 1); gen_rand_str(ls_svc + 1, sizeof(ls_svc) - 1); gen_rand_str(bc_svc + 1, sizeof(bc_svc) - 1); LOGD("Inject magisk services: [%s] [%s] [%s]\n", pfd_svc, ls_svc, bc_svc); fprintf(rc, magiskrc, pfd_svc, pfd_svc, ls_svc, bc_svc, bc_svc); fclose(rc); clone_attr("/init.rc", "/init.p.rc"); rename("/init.p.rc", "/init.rc"); // Don't let init run in init yet lsetfilecon("/init", "u:object_r:rootfs:s0"); // Create hardlink mirror of /sbin to /root mkdir("/root", 0750); clone_attr("/sbin", "/root"); int rootdir = xopen("/root", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); int sbin = xopen("/sbin", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); link_dir(sbin, rootdir); close(sbin); LOGD("Mount /sbin tmpfs overlay\n"); xmount("tmpfs", "/sbin", "tmpfs", 0, "mode=755"); sbin = xopen("/sbin", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); char path[64]; // Create symlinks pointing back to /root DIR *dir = xfdopendir(rootdir); struct dirent *entry; while((entry = xreaddir(dir))) { if (entry->d_name == "."sv || entry->d_name == ".."sv) continue; sprintf(path, "/root/%s", entry->d_name); xsymlinkat(path, sbin, entry->d_name); } // Dump binaries mkdir(MAGISKTMP, 0755); fd = xopen(MAGISKTMP "/config", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0000); write(fd, config.buf, config.sz); close(fd); fd = xopen("/sbin/magiskinit", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0755); write(fd, self.buf, self.sz); close(fd); if (access("/system/apex", F_OK) == 0) { LOGD("APEX detected, use wrapper\n"); dump_magisk("/sbin/magisk.bin", 0755); patch_socket_name("/sbin/magisk.bin"); fd = xopen("/sbin/magisk", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0755); write(fd, wrapper, sizeof(wrapper) - 1); close(fd); } else { dump_magisk("/sbin/magisk", 0755); patch_socket_name("/sbin/magisk"); } // Create applet symlinks for (int i = 0; applet_names[i]; ++i) { sprintf(path, "/sbin/%s", applet_names[i]); xsymlink("/sbin/magisk", path); } for (int i = 0; init_applet[i]; ++i) { sprintf(path, "/sbin/%s", init_applet[i]); xsymlink("/sbin/magiskinit", path); } close(rootdir); close(sbin); } bool MagiskInit::patch_sepolicy() { bool patch_init = false; if (access(SPLIT_PLAT_CIL, R_OK) == 0) { LOGD("sepol: split policy\n"); patch_init = true; } else if (access("/sepolicy", R_OK) == 0) { LOGD("sepol: monolithic policy\n"); load_policydb("/sepolicy"); } else { LOGD("sepol: no selinux\n"); return false; } // Mount selinuxfs to communicate with kernel xmount("selinuxfs", SELINUX_MNT, "selinuxfs", 0, nullptr); if (patch_init) load_split_cil(); sepol_magisk_rules(); sepol_allow(SEPOL_PROC_DOMAIN, ALL, ALL, ALL); dump_policydb("/sepolicy"); // Load policy to kernel so we can label rootfs if (load_sepol) { LOGD("sepol: preload sepolicy\n"); dump_policydb(SELINUX_LOAD); } // Remove OnePlus stupid debug sepolicy and use our own if (access("/sepolicy_debug", F_OK) == 0) { unlink("/sepolicy_debug"); link("/sepolicy", "/sepolicy_debug"); } // Enable selinux functions selinux_builtin_impl(); return patch_init; } #define umount_root(name) \ if (mnt_##name) \ umount("/" #name); void MagiskInit::cleanup() { umount(SELINUX_MNT); umount("/sys"); umount("/proc"); umount_root(system); umount_root(vendor); umount_root(product); umount_root(odm); } void MagiskInit::re_exec_init() { LOGD("Re-exec /init\n"); cleanup(); execv("/init", argv); exit(1); } void MagiskInit::start() { // Prevent file descriptor confusion mknod("/null", S_IFCHR | 0666, makedev(1, 3)); int null = open("/null", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC); unlink("/null"); xdup3(null, STDIN_FILENO, O_CLOEXEC); xdup3(null, STDOUT_FILENO, O_CLOEXEC); xdup3(null, STDERR_FILENO, O_CLOEXEC); if (null > STDERR_FILENO) close(null); setup_klog(); load_kernel_info(); full_read("/init", &self.buf, &self.sz); full_read("/.backup/.magisk", &config.buf, &config.sz); preset(); early_mount(); setup_rootfs(); re_exec_init(); } void MagiskInit::test() { cmdline_logging(); log_cb.ex = nop_ex; chdir(dirname(argv[0])); chroot("."); chdir("/"); load_kernel_info(); preset(); early_mount(); setup_rootfs(); cleanup(); } static int test_main(int, char *argv[]) { MagiskInit init(argv); init.test(); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { umask(0); for (int i = 0; init_applet[i]; ++i) { if (strcmp(basename(argv[0]), init_applet[i]) == 0) return (*init_applet_main[i])(argc, argv); } if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-x") == 0) { if (strcmp(argv[2], "magisk") == 0) return dump_magisk(argv[3], 0755); else if (strcmp(argv[2], "manager") == 0) return dump_manager(argv[3], 0644); } if (getpid() != 1) return 1; MagiskInit init(argv); // Run the main routine init.start(); }