import import import import import import java.util.* import import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec import kotlin.random.asKotlinRandom // Set non-zero value here to fix the random seed for reproducible builds const val RAND_SEED = 0 private lateinit var RANDOM: Random private val kRANDOM get() = RANDOM.asKotlinRandom() private val c1 = mutableListOf() private val c2 = mutableListOf() private val c3 = mutableListOf() fun initRandom(dict: File) { RANDOM = if (RAND_SEED != 0) Random(RAND_SEED.toLong()) else SecureRandom() c1.clear() c2.clear() c3.clear() for (a in chain('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z')) { if (a != 'a' && a != 'A') { c1.add("$a") } for (b in chain('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9')) { c2.add("$a$b") for (c in chain('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9')) { c3.add("$a$b$c") } } } c1.shuffle(RANDOM) c2.shuffle(RANDOM) c3.shuffle(RANDOM) PrintStream(dict).use { for (c in chain(c1, c2, c3)) { it.println(c) } } } private fun chain(vararg iters: Iterable) = sequence { iters.forEach { it.forEach { v -> yield(v) } } } private fun PrintStream.byteField(name: String, bytes: ByteArray) { println("public static byte[] $name() {") print("byte[] buf = {") print(bytes.joinToString(",") { "(byte)(${it.toInt() and 0xff})" }) println("};") println("return buf;") println("}") } fun genKeyData(keysDir: File, outSrc: File) { outSrc.parentFile.mkdirs() PrintStream(outSrc).use { it.println("package com.topjohnwu.magisk.signing;") it.println("public final class KeyData {") it.byteField("testCert", File(keysDir, "testkey.x509.pem").readBytes()) it.byteField("testKey", File(keysDir, "testkey.pk8").readBytes()) it.byteField("verityCert", File(keysDir, "verity.x509.pem").readBytes()) it.byteField("verityKey", File(keysDir, "verity.pk8").readBytes()) it.println("}") } } fun genStubManifest(srcDir: File, outDir: File): String { class Component( val real: String, val stub: String, val xml: String ) outDir.deleteRecursively() val mainPkgDir = File(outDir, "com/topjohnwu/magisk") mainPkgDir.mkdirs() fun String.ind(level: Int) = replaceIndentByMargin(" ".repeat(level)) val cmpList = mutableListOf() cmpList.add(Component( "", "DelegateComponentFactory", "" )) cmpList.add(Component( "com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.App", "DelegateApplication", "" )) cmpList.add(Component( "com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.Provider", "FileProvider", """ |""".ind(2) )) cmpList.add(Component( "com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.Receiver", "dummy.DummyReceiver", """ | | | | | | | | | | | |""".ind(2) )) cmpList.add(Component( "com.topjohnwu.magisk.ui.MainActivity", "DownloadActivity", """ | | | | | |""".ind(2) )) cmpList.add(Component( "com.topjohnwu.magisk.ui.surequest.SuRequestActivity", "", """ | | | | | |""".ind(2) )) cmpList.add(Component( "", "", """ |""".trimIndent().ind(2) )) cmpList.add(Component( "com.topjohnwu.magisk.core.JobService", "", """ |""".ind(2) )) val names = mutableListOf() names.addAll(c1) names.addAll(c2.subList(0, 10)) names.addAll(c3.subList(0, 10)) names.shuffle(RANDOM) // Decapitalize as older Android versions do not allow capitalized package names // Distinct by lower case to support case insensitive file systems val pkgNames = { it.decapitalize(Locale.ROOT) } .distinctBy { it.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) } var idx = 0 fun genCmpName() = "${pkgNames[idx++]}.${names.random(kRANDOM)}" fun genClass(clzName: String, type: String) { val (pkg, name) = clzName.split('.') val pkgDir = File(outDir, pkg) pkgDir.mkdir() PrintStream(File(pkgDir, "$")).use { it.println("package $pkg;") it.println("public class $name extends com.topjohnwu.magisk.$type {}") } } val cmps = mutableListOf() val usedNames = mutableListOf() val maps = StringBuilder() for (gen in cmpList) { val name = genCmpName() usedNames.add(name) maps.append("|map.put(\"$name\", \"${gen.real}\");".ind(2)) maps.append('\n') if (gen.stub.isNotEmpty()) { if (gen.stub != "DelegateComponentFactory") { maps.append("|internalMap.put(\"$name\", com.topjohnwu.magisk.${gen.stub}.class);".ind(2)) maps.append('\n') } if (gen.stub.startsWith("Delegate")) { genClass(name, gen.stub) } } if (gen.xml.isNotEmpty()) { cmps.add(gen.xml.format(name)) } } // Shuffle the order of the components cmps.shuffle(RANDOM) val xml = File(srcDir, "AndroidManifest.xml").readText() val genXml = xml.format(usedNames[0], usedNames[1], cmps.joinToString("\n\n")) // Write mapping information to code val mapping = File(srcDir, "").readText().format(maps) PrintStream(File(mainPkgDir, "")).use { it.print(mapping) } return genXml } fun genEncryptedResources(res: File, outDir: File) { val mainPkgDir = File(outDir, "com/topjohnwu/magisk") // Rename val r = File(mainPkgDir, "").let { val txt = it.readText() it.delete() txt } File(mainPkgDir, "").writeText(r.replace("class R", "class R2")) // Generate iv and key val iv = ByteArray(16) val key = ByteArray(32) RANDOM.nextBytes(iv) RANDOM.nextBytes(key) val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding") cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), IvParameterSpec(iv)) val bos = ByteArrayOutputStream() FileInputStream(res).use { // First compress, then encrypt GZIPOutputStream(CipherOutputStream(bos, cipher)).use { os -> it.transferTo(os) } } PrintStream(File(mainPkgDir, "")).use { it.println("package com.topjohnwu.magisk;") it.println("public final class Bytes {") it.byteField("key", key) it.byteField("iv", iv) it.byteField("res", bos.toByteArray()) it.println("}") } }