package com.topjohnwu.magisk; import; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.widget.Toast; import com.topjohnwu.magisk.database.SuDatabaseHelper; import com.topjohnwu.magisk.module.Module; import com.topjohnwu.magisk.module.Repo; import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.CallbackEvent; import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.SafetyNetHelper; import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.Shell; import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.Utils; import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.ValueSortedMap; import; import java.util.List; public class MagiskManager extends Application { public static final String MAGISK_DISABLE_FILE = "/cache/.disable_magisk"; public static final String TMP_FOLDER_PATH = "/dev/tmp"; public static final String MAGISK_PATH = "/magisk"; public static final String UNINSTALLER = ""; public static final String INTENT_SECTION = "section"; public static final String BUSYBOX_VERSION = "1.26.2"; public static final String MAGISKHIDE_PROP = "persist.magisk.hide"; public static final String DISABLE_INDICATION_PROP = "ro.magisk.disable"; // Events public final CallbackEvent blockDetectionDone = new CallbackEvent<>(); public final CallbackEvent magiskHideDone = new CallbackEvent<>(); public final CallbackEvent reloadMainActivity = new CallbackEvent<>(); public final CallbackEvent moduleLoadDone = new CallbackEvent<>(); public final CallbackEvent repoLoadDone = new CallbackEvent<>(); public final CallbackEvent updateCheckDone = new CallbackEvent<>(); public final CallbackEvent safetyNetDone = new CallbackEvent<>(); // Info public String magiskVersionString; public int magiskVersionCode = -1; public String remoteMagiskVersionString; public int remoteMagiskVersionCode = -1; public String magiskLink; public String releaseNoteLink; public String remoteManagerVersionString; public int remoteManagerVersionCode = -1; public String managerLink; public SafetyNetHelper.Result SNCheckResult; public String bootBlock = null; public boolean isSuClient = false; public String suVersion = null; public boolean disabled; // Data public ValueSortedMap repoMap; public ValueSortedMap moduleMap; public List blockList; public List appList; public List magiskHideList; // Configurations public static boolean shellLogging; public static boolean devLogging; public boolean magiskHide; public boolean isDarkTheme; public boolean updateNotification; public boolean suReauth; public int suRequestTimeout; public int suLogTimeout = 14; public int suAccessState; public int multiuserMode; public int suResponseType; public int suNotificationType; // Global resources public SharedPreferences prefs; public SuDatabaseHelper suDB; private static Handler mHandler = new Handler(); @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); suDB = new SuDatabaseHelper(this); } public void toast(String msg, int duration) { -> Toast.makeText(this, msg, duration).show()); } public void toast(int resId, int duration) { -> Toast.makeText(this, resId, duration).show()); } public void init() { isDarkTheme = prefs.getBoolean("dark_theme", false); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { devLogging = prefs.getBoolean("developer_logging", false); shellLogging = prefs.getBoolean("shell_logging", false); } else { devLogging = false; shellLogging = false; } magiskHide = prefs.getBoolean("magiskhide", false); updateNotification = prefs.getBoolean("notification", true); initSU(); // Always start a new root shell manually, just for safety Shell.init(); updateMagiskInfo(); // Initialize busybox File busybox = new File(getApplicationInfo().dataDir + "/busybox/busybox"); if (!busybox.exists() || !TextUtils.equals(prefs.getString("busybox_version", ""), BUSYBOX_VERSION)) { busybox.getParentFile().mkdirs(); "cp -f " + new File(getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir, "") + " " + busybox, "chmod -R 755 " + busybox.getParent(), busybox + " --install -s " + busybox.getParent() ); } // Initialize prefs prefs.edit() .putBoolean("dark_theme", isDarkTheme) .putBoolean("magiskhide", magiskHide) .putBoolean("notification", updateNotification) .putBoolean("hosts", new File("/magisk/.core/hosts").exists()) .putBoolean("disable", Utils.itemExist(MAGISK_DISABLE_FILE)) .putBoolean("su_reauth", suReauth) .putString("su_request_timeout", String.valueOf(suRequestTimeout)) .putString("su_auto_response", String.valueOf(suResponseType)) .putString("su_notification", String.valueOf(suNotificationType)) .putString("su_access", String.valueOf(suAccessState)) .putString("multiuser_mode", String.valueOf(multiuserMode)) .putString("busybox_version", BUSYBOX_VERSION) .apply(); // Add busybox to PATH"PATH=$PATH:" + busybox.getParent()); } public void initSUConfig() { suRequestTimeout = Utils.getPrefsInt(prefs, "su_request_timeout", 10); suResponseType = Utils.getPrefsInt(prefs, "su_auto_response", 0); suNotificationType = Utils.getPrefsInt(prefs, "su_notification", 1); suReauth = prefs.getBoolean("su_reauth", false); } public void initSU() { // Create the app data directory, so su binary can work properly new File(getApplicationInfo().dataDir).mkdirs(); initSUConfig(); List ret ="su -v"); if (Utils.isValidShellResponse(ret)) { suVersion = ret.get(0); isSuClient = suVersion.toUpperCase().contains("MAGISK"); } if (isSuClient) { suAccessState = suDB.getSettings(SuDatabaseHelper.ROOT_ACCESS, 3); multiuserMode = suDB.getSettings(SuDatabaseHelper.MULTIUSER_MODE, 0); } } public void updateMagiskInfo() { List ret; ret ="magisk -v"); if (!Utils.isValidShellResponse(ret)) { ret ="getprop magisk.version"); if (Utils.isValidShellResponse(ret)) { try { magiskVersionString = ret.get(0); magiskVersionCode = (int) Double.parseDouble(ret.get(0)) * 10; } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {} } } else { magiskVersionString = ret.get(0).split(":")[0]; ret ="magisk -V"); try { magiskVersionCode = Integer.parseInt(ret.get(0)); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {} } ret ="getprop " + DISABLE_INDICATION_PROP); try { disabled = Utils.isValidShellResponse(ret) && Integer.parseInt(ret.get(0)) != 0; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { disabled = false; } ret ="getprop " + MAGISKHIDE_PROP); try { magiskHide = Utils.isValidShellResponse(ret) && Integer.parseInt(ret.get(0)) != 0; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { magiskHide = false; } } }