## 2021.1.17 Magisk v21.4

**Update**: v21.4 adds more regression hot fixes.

Happy 2021! v21.3 adds a workaround for devices with buggy F2FS Linux kernel drivers. This F2FS bug may cause bootloops on many devices. Checkout the full [v21.0 release notes](https://topjohnwu.github.io/Magisk/releases/21000.html) if coming from older releases.

### v21.4

- [MagiskSU] Fix `su -c` behavior that broke many root apps
- [General] Properly handle read/write over sockets (the `broken pipe` issue)

### v21.3

- [MagiskInit] Avoid mounting `f2fs` userdata as it may result in kernel crashes. This shall fix a lot of bootloops
- [MagiskBoot] Fix a minor header checksum bug for `DHTB` header and ASUS `blob` image formats
- [MagiskHide] Allowing hiding isolated processes if the mount namespace is separated

### Full Changelog: [here](https://topjohnwu.github.io/Magisk/changes.html)