#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "zygisk.hpp" #include "module.hpp" #include "deny/deny.hpp" using namespace std; void *self_handle = nullptr; // Make sure /proc/self/environ is sanitized // Filter env and reset MM_ENV_END static void sanitize_environ() { char *cur = environ[0]; for (int i = 0; environ[i]; ++i) { // Copy all env onto the original stack size_t len = strlen(environ[i]); memmove(cur, environ[i], len + 1); environ[i] = cur; cur += len + 1; } prctl(PR_SET_MM, PR_SET_MM_ENV_END, cur, 0, 0); } [[gnu::destructor]] [[maybe_unused]] static void zygisk_cleanup_wait() { if (self_handle) { // Wait 10us to make sure none of our code is executing timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000L }; nanosleep(&ts, nullptr); } } static void *unload_first_stage(void *) { // Wait 10us to make sure 1st stage is done timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 10000L }; nanosleep(&ts, nullptr); unmap_all(HIJACK_BIN); xumount2(HIJACK_BIN, MNT_DETACH); return nullptr; } extern "C" void zygisk_inject_entry(void *handle) { zygisk_logging(); ZLOGD("load success\n"); char *ld = getenv("LD_PRELOAD"); if (char *c = strrchr(ld, ':')) { *c = '\0'; setenv("LD_PRELOAD", ld, 1); // Restore original LD_PRELOAD } else { unsetenv("LD_PRELOAD"); } MAGISKTMP = getenv(MAGISKTMP_ENV); self_handle = handle; unsetenv(MAGISKTMP_ENV); sanitize_environ(); hook_functions(); new_daemon_thread(&unload_first_stage, nullptr); } // The following code runs in zygote/app process extern "C" void zygisk_log_write(int prio, const char *msg, int len) { // If we don't have the log pipe set, request magiskd for it. This could actually happen // multiple times in the zygote daemon (parent process) because we had to close this // file descriptor to prevent crashing. // // For some reason, zygote sanitizes and checks FDs *before* forking. This results in the fact // that *every* time before zygote forks, it has to close all logging related FDs in order // to pass FD checks, just to have it re-initialized immediately after any // logging happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. // // To be consistent with this behavior, we also have to close the log pipe to magiskd // to make zygote NOT crash if necessary. For nativeForkAndSpecialize, we can actually // add this FD into fds_to_ignore to pass the check. For other cases, we accomplish this by // hooking __android_log_close and closing it at the same time as the rest of logging FDs. if (logd_fd < 0) { android_logging(); if (int fd = zygisk_request(ZygiskRequest::GET_LOG_PIPE); fd >= 0) { int log_pipe = -1; if (read_int(fd) == 0) { log_pipe = recv_fd(fd); } close(fd); if (log_pipe >= 0) { // Only re-enable zygisk logging if possible logd_fd = log_pipe; zygisk_logging(); } } else { return; } } // Block SIGPIPE sigset_t mask; sigset_t orig_mask; sigemptyset(&mask); sigaddset(&mask, SIGPIPE); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &orig_mask); magisk_log_write(prio, msg, len); // Consume SIGPIPE if exists, then restore mask timespec ts{}; sigtimedwait(&mask, nullptr, &ts); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &orig_mask, nullptr); } static inline bool should_load_modules(uint32_t flags) { return (flags & UNMOUNT_MASK) != UNMOUNT_MASK && (flags & PROCESS_IS_MAGISK_APP) != PROCESS_IS_MAGISK_APP; } int remote_get_info(int uid, const char *process, uint32_t *flags, vector &fds) { if (int fd = zygisk_request(ZygiskRequest::GET_INFO); fd >= 0) { write_int(fd, uid); write_string(fd, process); xxread(fd, flags, sizeof(*flags)); if (should_load_modules(*flags)) { fds = recv_fds(fd); } return fd; } return -1; } // The following code runs in magiskd static vector get_module_fds(bool is_64_bit) { vector fds; // All fds passed to send_fds have to be valid file descriptors. // To workaround this issue, send over STDOUT_FILENO as an indicator of an // invalid fd as it will always be /dev/null in magiskd if (is_64_bit) { #if defined(__LP64__) std::transform(module_list->begin(), module_list->end(), std::back_inserter(fds), [](const module_info &info) { return info.z64 < 0 ? STDOUT_FILENO : info.z64; }); #endif } else { std::transform(module_list->begin(), module_list->end(), std::back_inserter(fds), [](const module_info &info) { return info.z32 < 0 ? STDOUT_FILENO : info.z32; }); } return fds; } static bool get_exe(int pid, char *buf, size_t sz) { ssprintf(buf, sz, "/proc/%d/exe", pid); return xreadlink(buf, buf, sz) > 0; } static pthread_mutex_t zygiskd_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static int zygiskd_sockets[] = { -1, -1 }; #define zygiskd_socket zygiskd_sockets[is_64_bit] static void connect_companion(int client, bool is_64_bit) { mutex_guard g(zygiskd_lock); if (zygiskd_socket >= 0) { // Make sure the socket is still valid pollfd pfd = { zygiskd_socket, 0, 0 }; poll(&pfd, 1, 0); if (pfd.revents) { // Any revent means error close(zygiskd_socket); zygiskd_socket = -1; } } if (zygiskd_socket < 0) { int fds[2]; socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0, fds); zygiskd_socket = fds[0]; if (fork_dont_care() == 0) { string exe = MAGISKTMP + "/magisk" + (is_64_bit ? "64" : "32"); // This fd has to survive exec fcntl(fds[1], F_SETFD, 0); char buf[16]; ssprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", fds[1]); execl(exe.data(), "", "zygisk", "companion", buf, (char *) nullptr); exit(-1); } close(fds[1]); vector module_fds = get_module_fds(is_64_bit); send_fds(zygiskd_socket, module_fds.data(), module_fds.size()); // Wait for ack if (read_int(zygiskd_socket) != 0) { LOGE("zygiskd startup error\n"); return; } } send_fd(zygiskd_socket, client); } static timespec last_zygote_start; static int zygote_start_counts[] = { 0, 0 }; #define zygote_start_count zygote_start_counts[is_64_bit] #define zygote_started (zygote_start_counts[0] + zygote_start_counts[1]) #define zygote_start_reset(val) { zygote_start_counts[0] = val; zygote_start_counts[1] = val; } static void setup_files(int client, const sock_cred *cred) { LOGD("zygisk: setup files for pid=[%d]\n", cred->pid); char buf[4096]; if (!get_exe(cred->pid, buf, sizeof(buf))) { write_int(client, 1); return; } bool is_64_bit = str_ends(buf, "64"); if (!zygote_started) { // First zygote launch, record time clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &last_zygote_start); } if (zygote_start_count) { // This zygote ABI had started before, kill existing zygiskd close(zygiskd_sockets[0]); close(zygiskd_sockets[1]); zygiskd_sockets[0] = -1; zygiskd_sockets[1] = -1; } ++zygote_start_count; if (zygote_start_count >= 5) { // Bootloop prevention timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); if (ts.tv_sec - last_zygote_start.tv_sec > 60) { // This is very likely manual soft reboot memcpy(&last_zygote_start, &ts, sizeof(ts)); zygote_start_reset(1); } else { // If any zygote relaunched more than 5 times within a minute, // don't do any setups further to prevent bootloop. zygote_start_reset(999); write_int(client, 1); return; } } // Ack write_int(client, 0); // Hijack some binary in /system/bin to host loader const char *hbin; string mbin; int app_fd; if (is_64_bit) { hbin = HIJACK_BIN64; mbin = MAGISKTMP + "/" ZYGISKBIN "/loader64.so"; app_fd = app_process_64; } else { hbin = HIJACK_BIN32; mbin = MAGISKTMP + "/" ZYGISKBIN "/loader32.so"; app_fd = app_process_32; } // Receive and bind mount loader int ld_fd = xopen(mbin.data(), O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0755); string ld_data = read_string(client); xwrite(ld_fd, ld_data.data(), ld_data.size()); close(ld_fd); setfilecon(mbin.data(), "u:object_r:" SEPOL_FILE_TYPE ":s0"); xmount(mbin.data(), hbin, nullptr, MS_BIND, nullptr); send_fd(client, app_fd); write_string(client, MAGISKTMP); } static void magiskd_passthrough(int client) { bool is_64_bit = read_int(client); write_int(client, 0); send_fd(client, is_64_bit ? app_process_64 : app_process_32); } extern bool uid_granted_root(int uid); static void get_process_info(int client, const sock_cred *cred) { int uid = read_int(client); string process = read_string(client); uint32_t flags = 0; check_pkg_refresh(); if (is_deny_target(uid, process)) { flags |= PROCESS_ON_DENYLIST; } int manager_app_id = get_manager(); if (to_app_id(uid) == manager_app_id) { flags |= PROCESS_IS_MAGISK_APP; } if (denylist_enforced) { flags |= DENYLIST_ENFORCING; } if (uid_granted_root(uid)) { flags |= PROCESS_GRANTED_ROOT; } xwrite(client, &flags, sizeof(flags)); if (should_load_modules(flags)) { char buf[256]; if (!get_exe(cred->pid, buf, sizeof(buf))) { LOGW("zygisk: remote process %d probably died, abort\n", cred->pid); send_fd(client, -1); return; } vector fds = get_module_fds(str_ends(buf, "64")); send_fds(client, fds.data(), fds.size()); } if (uid != 1000 || process != "system_server") return; // Collect module status from system_server int slots = read_int(client); dynamic_bitset bits; for (int i = 0; i < slots; ++i) { dynamic_bitset::slot_type l = 0; xxread(client, &l, sizeof(l)); bits.emplace_back(l); } for (int id = 0; id < module_list->size(); ++id) { if (!as_const(bits)[id]) { // Either not a zygisk module, or incompatible char buf[4096]; ssprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), MODULEROOT "/%s/zygisk", module_list->operator[](id).name.data()); if (int dirfd = open(buf, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); dirfd >= 0) { close(xopenat(dirfd, "unloaded", O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, 0644)); close(dirfd); } } } } static void send_log_pipe(int fd) { // There is race condition here, but we can't really do much about it... if (logd_fd >= 0) { write_int(fd, 0); send_fd(fd, logd_fd); } else { write_int(fd, 1); } } static void get_moddir(int client) { int id = read_int(client); char buf[4096]; ssprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), MODULEROOT "/%s", module_list->operator[](id).name.data()); int dfd = xopen(buf, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); send_fd(client, dfd); close(dfd); } void zygisk_handler(int client, const sock_cred *cred) { int code = read_int(client); char buf[256]; switch (code) { case ZygiskRequest::SETUP: setup_files(client, cred); break; case ZygiskRequest::PASSTHROUGH: magiskd_passthrough(client); break; case ZygiskRequest::GET_INFO: get_process_info(client, cred); break; case ZygiskRequest::GET_LOG_PIPE: send_log_pipe(client); break; case ZygiskRequest::CONNECT_COMPANION: if (get_exe(cred->pid, buf, sizeof(buf))) { connect_companion(client, str_ends(buf, "64")); } else { LOGW("zygisk: remote process %d probably died, abort\n", cred->pid); } break; case ZygiskRequest::GET_MODDIR: get_moddir(client); break; default: // Unknown code break; } close(client); }