use std::path::Path; use std::ptr; use num_traits::AsPrimitive; use base::libc::{c_uint, dev_t}; use base::{ cstr, debug, info, libc, parse_mount_info, raw_cstr, warn, FsPath, FsPathBuf, LibcReturn, LoggedResult, ResultExt, Utf8CStr, Utf8CStrBufArr, }; use crate::consts::{MODULEMNT, MODULEROOT, PREINITDEV, PREINITMIRR, WORKERDIR}; use crate::ffi::{get_magisk_tmp, resolve_preinit_dir}; use crate::get_prop; pub fn setup_mounts() { info!("* Setup internal mounts"); let magisk_tmp = get_magisk_tmp(); let mut buf = Utf8CStrBufArr::default(); // Mount preinit directory let mut dev_buf = Utf8CStrBufArr::<64>::new(); let dev_path = FsPathBuf::new(&mut dev_buf) .join(magisk_tmp) .join(PREINITDEV); if let Ok(attr) = dev_path.get_attr() { if & libc::S_IFMT as c_uint == libc::S_IFBLK.as_() { // DO NOT mount the block device directly, as we do not know the flags and configs // to properly mount the partition; mounting block devices directly as rw could cause // crashes if the filesystem driver is crap (e.g. some broken F2FS drivers). // What we do instead is to scan through the current mountinfo and find a pre-existing // mount point mounting our desired partition, and then bind mount the target folder. let preinit_dev =; let mnt_path = FsPathBuf::new(&mut buf).join(magisk_tmp).join(PREINITMIRR); let mut mounted = false; for info in parse_mount_info("self") { if info.root == "/" && info.device == preinit_dev { if !info.fs_option.split(',').any(|s| s == "rw") { // Only care about rw mounts continue; } let mut target =; let target = Utf8CStr::from_string(&mut target); let mut preinit_dir = resolve_preinit_dir(target); let preinit_dir = Utf8CStr::from_string(&mut preinit_dir); let r: LoggedResult<()> = try { FsPath::from(preinit_dir).mkdir(0o700)?; mnt_path.mkdirs(0o755)?; unsafe { libc::mount( preinit_dir.as_ptr(), mnt_path.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), libc::MS_BIND, ptr::null(), ) .as_os_err()? } }; if r.is_ok() { mounted = true; break; } } } if !mounted { warn!("mount: preinit mirror not mounted"); dev_path.remove().ok(); } else { debug!("mount: preinit mirror mounted"); } } } // Bind remount module root to clear nosuid let module_mnt = FsPathBuf::new(&mut buf).join(magisk_tmp).join(MODULEMNT); let _: LoggedResult<()> = try { module_mnt.mkdir(0o755)?; unsafe { libc::mount( raw_cstr!(MODULEROOT), module_mnt.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), libc::MS_BIND, ptr::null(), ) .as_os_err()?; libc::mount( ptr::null(), module_mnt.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), libc::MS_REMOUNT | libc::MS_BIND | libc::MS_RDONLY, ptr::null(), ) .as_os_err()?; libc::mount( ptr::null(), module_mnt.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), libc::MS_PRIVATE, ptr::null(), ) .as_os_err()?; } }; // Prepare worker let worker_dir = FsPathBuf::new(&mut buf).join(magisk_tmp).join(WORKERDIR); let _: LoggedResult<()> = try { worker_dir.mkdir(0)?; unsafe { libc::mount( worker_dir.as_ptr(), worker_dir.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), libc::MS_BIND, ptr::null(), ) .as_os_err()?; libc::mount( ptr::null(), worker_dir.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), libc::MS_PRIVATE, ptr::null(), ) .as_os_err()?; } }; } #[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)] enum PartId { Unknown, Persist, Metadata, Cache, Data, } pub fn find_preinit_device() -> String { let encrypted = get_prop(cstr!("ro.crypto.state"), false) == "encrypted"; let mount = unsafe { libc::getuid() } == 0 && std::env::var("MAGISKTMP").is_ok(); let make_dev = mount && std::env::var_os("MAKEDEV").is_some(); let mut ext4_type = PartId::Unknown; let mut f2fs_type = PartId::Unknown; let mut preinit_source: String = String::new(); let mut preinit_dir: String = String::new(); let mut preinit_dev: u64 = 0; 'info_loop: for info in parse_mount_info("self") { if { return Path::new(&info.source) .file_name() .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(); } if info.root != "/" || !info.source.starts_with('/') || info.source.contains("/dm-") { continue; } if ext4_type != PartId::Unknown && info.fs_type != "ext4" { // Skip all non ext4 partitions once we found a matching ext4 partition continue; } if info.fs_type != "ext4" && info.fs_type != "f2fs" { // Only care about ext4 and f2fs filesystems continue; } if !info.fs_option.split(',').any(|s| s == "rw") { // Only care about rw mounts continue; } if let Some(path) = Path::new(&info.source).parent() { if !path.ends_with("by-name") && !path.ends_with("block") { continue; } } else { continue; } let matched_type = if info.fs_type == "f2fs" { &mut f2fs_type } else { &mut ext4_type }; 'block: { if *matched_type <= PartId::Unknown && ( == "/persist" || == "/mnt/vendor/persist") { *matched_type = PartId::Persist; break 'block; } if *matched_type <= PartId::Persist && == "/metadata" { *matched_type = PartId::Metadata; break 'block; } if *matched_type <= PartId::Metadata && == "/cache" { *matched_type = PartId::Cache; break 'block; } if *matched_type <= PartId::Cache && == "/data" && (!encrypted || FsPath::from(cstr!("/data/unencrypted")).exists()) { *matched_type = PartId::Data; } // No matches, continue through the loop continue 'info_loop; } if mount { let mut target =; preinit_dir = resolve_preinit_dir(Utf8CStr::from_string(&mut target)); preinit_dev = info.device; } preinit_source = info.source; // Cannot find any better partition, stop finding if ext4_type == PartId::Data { break; } } if preinit_source.is_empty() { return String::new(); } if !preinit_dir.is_empty() { if let Ok(tmp) = std::env::var("MAGISKTMP") { let mut buf = Utf8CStrBufArr::default(); let mirror_dir = FsPathBuf::new(&mut buf).join(&tmp).join(PREINITMIRR); let preinit_dir = FsPath::from(Utf8CStr::from_string(&mut preinit_dir)); let _: LoggedResult<()> = try { preinit_dir.mkdirs(0o700)?; mirror_dir.mkdirs(0o700)?; unsafe { libc::mount( preinit_dir.as_ptr(), mirror_dir.as_ptr(), ptr::null(), libc::MS_BIND, ptr::null(), ) .as_os_err()?; } }; if make_dev { let dev_path = FsPathBuf::new(&mut buf).join(&tmp).join(PREINITDEV); unsafe { libc::mknod( dev_path.as_ptr(), libc::S_IFBLK | 0o600, preinit_dev as dev_t, ) .as_os_err() .log() .ok(); } } } } Path::new(&preinit_source) .file_name() .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string() }