#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "zygisk.hpp" #include "memory.hpp" #include "module.hpp" #include "deny/deny.hpp" using namespace std; using jni_hook::hash_map; using jni_hook::tree_map; using xstring = jni_hook::string; // Extreme verbose logging //#define ZLOGV(...) ZLOGD(__VA_ARGS__) #define ZLOGV(...) static bool unhook_functions(); namespace { enum { UNMOUNT_FLAG, FORK_AND_SPECIALIZE, APP_SPECIALIZE, SERVER_SPECIALIZE, CAN_DLCLOSE, FLAG_MAX }; #define DCL_PRE_POST(name) \ void name##_pre(); \ void name##_post(); struct HookContext { JNIEnv *env; union { AppSpecializeArgsImpl *args; ServerSpecializeArgsImpl *server_args; void *raw_args; }; const char *process; int pid; bitset flags; AppInfo info; vector modules; HookContext() : pid(-1), info{} {} static void close_fds(); void unload_zygisk(); DCL_PRE_POST(fork) void run_modules_pre(const vector &fds); void run_modules_post(); DCL_PRE_POST(nativeForkAndSpecialize) DCL_PRE_POST(nativeSpecializeAppProcess) DCL_PRE_POST(nativeForkSystemServer) }; #undef DCL_PRE_POST struct StringCmp { using is_transparent = void; bool operator()(string_view a, string_view b) const { return a < b; } }; // Global variables vector> *xhook_list; map, StringCmp> *jni_hook_list; hash_map>> *jni_method_map; // Current context HookContext *g_ctx; const JNINativeInterface *old_functions; JNINativeInterface *new_functions; #define HOOK_JNI(method) \ if (methods[i].name == #method##sv) { \ int j = 0; \ for (; j < method##_methods_num; ++j) { \ if (strcmp(methods[i].signature, method##_methods[j].signature) == 0) { \ jni_hook_list->try_emplace(className).first->second.push_back(methods[i]); \ method##_orig = methods[i].fnPtr; \ newMethods[i] = method##_methods[j]; \ ZLOGI("replaced %s#" #method "\n", className); \ --hook_cnt; \ break; \ } \ } \ if (j == method##_methods_num) { \ ZLOGE("unknown signature of %s#" #method ": %s\n", className, methods[i].signature); \ } \ continue; \ } // JNI method hook definitions, auto generated #include "jni_hooks.hpp" #undef HOOK_JNI jclass gClassRef; jmethodID class_getName; string get_class_name(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) { if (!gClassRef) { jclass cls = env->FindClass("java/lang/Class"); gClassRef = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(cls); env->DeleteLocalRef(cls); class_getName = env->GetMethodID(gClassRef, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); } auto nameRef = (jstring) env->CallObjectMethod(clazz, class_getName); const char *name = env->GetStringUTFChars(nameRef, nullptr); string className(name); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(nameRef, name); std::replace(className.begin(), className.end(), '.', '/'); return className; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- #define DCL_HOOK_FUNC(ret, func, ...) \ ret (*old_##func)(__VA_ARGS__); \ ret new_##func(__VA_ARGS__) jint env_RegisterNatives( JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const JNINativeMethod *methods, jint numMethods) { auto className = get_class_name(env, clazz); ZLOGV("JNIEnv->RegisterNatives [%s]\n", className.data()); auto newMethods = hookAndSaveJNIMethods(className.data(), methods, numMethods); return old_functions->RegisterNatives(env, clazz, newMethods.get() ?: methods, numMethods); } DCL_HOOK_FUNC(int, jniRegisterNativeMethods, JNIEnv *env, const char *className, const JNINativeMethod *methods, int numMethods) { ZLOGV("jniRegisterNativeMethods [%s]\n", className); auto newMethods = hookAndSaveJNIMethods(className, methods, numMethods); return old_jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, className, newMethods.get() ?: methods, numMethods); } // Skip actual fork and return cached result if applicable // Also unload first stage zygisk if necessary DCL_HOOK_FUNC(int, fork) { unload_first_stage(); return (g_ctx && g_ctx->pid >= 0) ? g_ctx->pid : old_fork(); } // Unmount stuffs in the process's private mount namespace DCL_HOOK_FUNC(int, unshare, int flags) { int res = old_unshare(flags); if (g_ctx && res == 0) { if (g_ctx->flags[UNMOUNT_FLAG]) { revert_unmount(); } else { umount2("/system/bin/app_process64", MNT_DETACH); umount2("/system/bin/app_process32", MNT_DETACH); } } return res; } // A place to clean things up before calling into zygote::ForkCommon/SpecializeCommon DCL_HOOK_FUNC(void, android_log_close) { HookContext::close_fds(); if (g_ctx && g_ctx->pid <= 0) { // In child process, no longer be able to access to magiskd android_logging(); } old_android_log_close(); } // Last point before process secontext changes DCL_HOOK_FUNC(int, selinux_android_setcontext, uid_t uid, int isSystemServer, const char *seinfo, const char *pkgname) { if (g_ctx) { g_ctx->flags[CAN_DLCLOSE] = unhook_functions(); } return old_selinux_android_setcontext(uid, isSystemServer, seinfo, pkgname); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // The original android::AppRuntime virtual table void **gAppRuntimeVTable; // This method is a trampoline for hooking JNIEnv->RegisterNatives void onVmCreated(void *self, JNIEnv* env) { ZLOGD("AppRuntime::onVmCreated\n"); // Restore virtual table auto new_table = *reinterpret_cast(self); *reinterpret_cast(self) = gAppRuntimeVTable; delete[] new_table; new_functions = new JNINativeInterface(); memcpy(new_functions, env->functions, sizeof(*new_functions)); new_functions->RegisterNatives = &env_RegisterNatives; // Replace the function table in JNIEnv to hook RegisterNatives old_functions = env->functions; env->functions = new_functions; } template void vtable_entry(void *self, JNIEnv* env) { // The first invocation will be onVmCreated. It will also restore the vtable. onVmCreated(self, env); // Call original function reinterpret_cast(gAppRuntimeVTable[N])(self, env); } // This method is a trampoline for swizzling android::AppRuntime vtable bool swizzled = false; DCL_HOOK_FUNC(void, setArgv0, void *self, const char *argv0, bool setProcName) { if (swizzled) { old_setArgv0(self, argv0, setProcName); return; } ZLOGD("AndroidRuntime::setArgv0\n"); // We don't know which entry is onVmCreated, so overwrite every one // We also don't know the size of the vtable, but 8 is more than enough auto new_table = new void*[8]; new_table[0] = reinterpret_cast(&vtable_entry<0>); new_table[1] = reinterpret_cast(&vtable_entry<1>); new_table[2] = reinterpret_cast(&vtable_entry<2>); new_table[3] = reinterpret_cast(&vtable_entry<3>); new_table[4] = reinterpret_cast(&vtable_entry<4>); new_table[5] = reinterpret_cast(&vtable_entry<5>); new_table[6] = reinterpret_cast(&vtable_entry<6>); new_table[7] = reinterpret_cast(&vtable_entry<7>); // Swizzle C++ vtable to hook virtual function gAppRuntimeVTable = *reinterpret_cast(self); *reinterpret_cast(self) = new_table; swizzled = true; old_setArgv0(self, argv0, setProcName); } #undef DCL_HOOK_FUNC // ----------------------------------------------------------------- void hookJniNativeMethods(JNIEnv *env, const char *clz, JNINativeMethod *methods, int numMethods) { auto class_map = jni_method_map->find(clz); if (class_map == jni_method_map->end()) { for (int i = 0; i < numMethods; ++i) { methods[i].fnPtr = nullptr; } return; } vector hooks; for (int i = 0; i < numMethods; ++i) { auto method_map = class_map->second.find(methods[i].name); if (method_map != class_map->second.end()) { auto it = method_map->second.find(methods[i].signature); if (it != method_map->second.end()) { // Copy the JNINativeMethod hooks.push_back(methods[i]); // Save the original function pointer methods[i].fnPtr = it->second; // Do not allow double hook, remove method from map method_map->second.erase(it); continue; } } // No matching method found, set fnPtr to null methods[i].fnPtr = nullptr; } if (hooks.empty()) return; old_jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, clz, hooks.data(), hooks.size()); } bool ZygiskModule::registerModule(ApiTable *table, long *module) { long ver = *module; // Unsupported version if (ver > ZYGISK_API_VERSION) return false; // Set the actual module_abi* table->module->ver = module; // Fill in API accordingly with module API version table->v1.hookJniNativeMethods = &hookJniNativeMethods; table->v1.pltHookRegister = [](const char *path, const char *symbol, void *n, void **o) { xhook_register(path, symbol, n, o); }; table->v1.pltHookExclude = [](const char *path, const char *symbol) { xhook_ignore(path, symbol); }; table->v1.pltHookCommit = []() { return xhook_refresh(0) == 0; }; table->v1.connectCompanion = [](ZygiskModule *m) { return m->connectCompanion(); }; table->v1.setOption = [](ZygiskModule *m, auto opt) { m->setOption(opt); }; return true; } int ZygiskModule::connectCompanion() const { if (int fd = connect_daemon(); fd >= 0) { write_int(fd, ZYGISK_REQUEST); write_int(fd, ZYGISK_CONNECT_COMPANION); write_int(fd, id); return fd; } return -1; } void ZygiskModule::setOption(zygisk::Option opt) { if (g_ctx == nullptr) return; switch (opt) { case zygisk::FORCE_DENYLIST_UNMOUNT: g_ctx->flags[UNMOUNT_FLAG] = true; break; case zygisk::DLCLOSE_MODULE_LIBRARY: unload = true; break; } } void HookContext::run_modules_pre(const vector &fds) { char buf[256]; for (int i = 0; i < fds.size(); ++i) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/proc/self/fd/%d", fds[i]); if (void *h = dlopen(buf, RTLD_LAZY)) { void (*module_entry)(void *, void *); *(void **) &module_entry = dlsym(h, "zygisk_module_entry"); if (module_entry) { modules.emplace_back(i, h); auto api = new ApiTable(&modules.back()); module_entry(api, env); modules.back().table = api; } } close(fds[i]); } for (auto &m : modules) { if (flags[APP_SPECIALIZE]) { m.preAppSpecialize(args); } else if (flags[SERVER_SPECIALIZE]) { m.preServerSpecialize(server_args); } } } void HookContext::run_modules_post() { for (auto &m : modules) { if (flags[APP_SPECIALIZE]) { m.postAppSpecialize(args); } else if (flags[SERVER_SPECIALIZE]) { m.postServerSpecialize(server_args); } if (m.unload) { dlclose(m.handle); } } } void HookContext::close_fds() { close(logd_fd.exchange(-1)); } void HookContext::unload_zygisk() { if (flags[CAN_DLCLOSE]) { // Do NOT call the destructor operator delete(jni_method_map); // Directly unmap the whole memory block jni_hook::memory_block::release(); // Strip out all API function pointers for (auto &m : modules) { memset(m.table, 0, sizeof(*m.table)); } new_daemon_thread(reinterpret_cast(&dlclose), self_handle); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- void HookContext::nativeSpecializeAppProcess_pre() { g_ctx = this; flags[APP_SPECIALIZE] = true; process = env->GetStringUTFChars(args->nice_name, nullptr); if (flags[FORK_AND_SPECIALIZE]) { ZLOGV("pre forkAndSpecialize [%s]\n", process); } else { ZLOGV("pre specialize [%s]\n", process); } auto module_fds = remote_get_info(args->uid, process, &info); if (info.on_denylist) { // TODO: Handle MOUNT_EXTERNAL_NONE on older platforms ZLOGI("[%s] is on the denylist\n", process); flags[UNMOUNT_FLAG] = true; } else { run_modules_pre(module_fds); } } void HookContext::nativeSpecializeAppProcess_post() { if (flags[FORK_AND_SPECIALIZE]) { ZLOGV("post forkAndSpecialize [%s]\n", process); } else { ZLOGV("post specialize [%s]\n", process); } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(args->nice_name, process); run_modules_post(); if (info.is_magisk_app) { setenv("ZYGISK_ENABLED", "1", 1); } g_ctx = nullptr; if (!flags[FORK_AND_SPECIALIZE]) { unload_zygisk(); } } void HookContext::nativeForkSystemServer_pre() { fork_pre(); flags[SERVER_SPECIALIZE] = true; if (pid == 0) { ZLOGV("pre forkSystemServer\n"); run_modules_pre(remote_get_info(1000, "system_server", &info)); close_fds(); } } void HookContext::nativeForkSystemServer_post() { if (pid == 0) { android_logging(); ZLOGV("post forkSystemServer\n"); run_modules_post(); } fork_post(); } void HookContext::nativeForkAndSpecialize_pre() { fork_pre(); flags[FORK_AND_SPECIALIZE] = true; if (pid == 0) { nativeSpecializeAppProcess_pre(); close_fds(); } } void HookContext::nativeForkAndSpecialize_post() { if (pid == 0) { android_logging(); nativeSpecializeAppProcess_post(); } fork_post(); } int sigmask(int how, int signum) { sigset_t set; sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, signum); return sigprocmask(how, &set, nullptr); } // Do our own fork before loading any 3rd party code // First block SIGCHLD, unblock after original fork is done void HookContext::fork_pre() { g_ctx = this; sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, SIGCHLD); pid = old_fork(); } // Unblock SIGCHLD in case the original method didn't void HookContext::fork_post() { sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, SIGCHLD); g_ctx = nullptr; unload_zygisk(); } } // namespace static bool hook_refresh() { if (xhook_refresh(0) == 0) { xhook_clear(); return true; } else { ZLOGE("xhook failed\n"); return false; } } static int hook_register(const char *path, const char *symbol, void *new_func, void **old_func) { int ret = xhook_register(path, symbol, new_func, old_func); if (ret != 0) { ZLOGE("Failed to register hook \"%s\"\n", symbol); return ret; } xhook_list->emplace_back(path, symbol, old_func); return 0; } #define XHOOK_REGISTER_SYM(PATH_REGEX, SYM, NAME) \ hook_register(PATH_REGEX, SYM, (void*) new_##NAME, (void **) &old_##NAME) #define XHOOK_REGISTER(PATH_REGEX, NAME) \ XHOOK_REGISTER_SYM(PATH_REGEX, #NAME, NAME) #define ANDROID_RUNTIME ".*/libandroid_runtime.so$" #define APP_PROCESS "^/system/bin/app_process.*" void hook_functions() { #if MAGISK_DEBUG // xhook_enable_debug(1); xhook_enable_sigsegv_protection(0); #endif default_new(xhook_list); default_new(jni_hook_list); default_new(jni_method_map); XHOOK_REGISTER(ANDROID_RUNTIME, fork); XHOOK_REGISTER(ANDROID_RUNTIME, unshare); XHOOK_REGISTER(ANDROID_RUNTIME, jniRegisterNativeMethods); XHOOK_REGISTER(ANDROID_RUNTIME, selinux_android_setcontext); XHOOK_REGISTER_SYM(ANDROID_RUNTIME, "__android_log_close", android_log_close); hook_refresh(); // Remove unhooked methods xhook_list->erase( std::remove_if(xhook_list->begin(), xhook_list->end(), [](auto &t) { return *std::get<2>(t) == nullptr;}), xhook_list->end()); if (old_jniRegisterNativeMethods == nullptr) { ZLOGD("jniRegisterNativeMethods not hooked, using fallback\n"); // android::AndroidRuntime::setArgv0(const char*, bool) XHOOK_REGISTER_SYM(APP_PROCESS, "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime8setArgv0EPKcb", setArgv0); hook_refresh(); // We still need old_jniRegisterNativeMethods as other code uses it // android::AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(_JNIEnv*, const char*, const JNINativeMethod*, int) constexpr char sig[] = "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime21registerNativeMethodsEP7_JNIEnvPKcPK15JNINativeMethodi"; *(void **) &old_jniRegisterNativeMethods = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, sig); } } static bool unhook_functions() { bool success = true; // Restore JNIEnv if (g_ctx->env->functions == new_functions) { g_ctx->env->functions = old_functions; if (gClassRef) { g_ctx->env->DeleteGlobalRef(gClassRef); gClassRef = nullptr; class_getName = nullptr; } } // Unhook JNI methods for (const auto &[clz, methods] : *jni_hook_list) { if (!methods.empty() && old_jniRegisterNativeMethods( g_ctx->env, clz.data(), methods.data(), methods.size()) != 0) { ZLOGE("Failed to restore JNI hook of class [%s]\n", clz.data()); success = false; } } delete jni_hook_list; // Unhook xhook for (const auto &[path, sym, old_func] : *xhook_list) { if (xhook_register(path, sym, *old_func, nullptr) != 0) { ZLOGE("Failed to register xhook [%s]\n", sym); success = false; } } delete xhook_list; if (!hook_refresh()) { ZLOGE("Failed to restore xhook\n"); success = false; } return success; }