#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import copy import glob import lzma import multiprocessing import os import platform import re import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import tarfile import textwrap import urllib.request from pathlib import Path from zipfile import ZipFile def color_print(code, str): if no_color: print(str) else: str = str.replace("\n", f"\033[0m\n{code}") print(f"{code}{str}\033[0m") def error(str): color_print("\033[41;39m", f"\n! {str}\n") sys.exit(1) def header(str): color_print("\033[44;39m", f"\n{str}\n") def vprint(str): if args.verbose > 0: print(str) # Environment checks and detection is_windows = os.name == "nt" EXE_EXT = ".exe" if is_windows else "" no_color = False if is_windows: try: import colorama colorama.init() except ImportError: # We can't do ANSI color codes in terminal on Windows without colorama no_color = True if not sys.version_info >= (3, 8): error("Requires Python 3.8+") try: sdk_path = Path(os.environ["ANDROID_HOME"]) except KeyError: try: sdk_path = Path(os.environ["ANDROID_SDK_ROOT"]) except KeyError: error("Please set Android SDK path to environment variable ANDROID_HOME") cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() os_name = platform.system().lower() # Common constants support_abis = { "armeabi-v7a": "thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi", "x86": "i686-linux-android", "arm64-v8a": "aarch64-linux-android", "x86_64": "x86_64-linux-android", "riscv64": "riscv64-linux-android", } default_targets = {"magisk", "magiskinit", "magiskboot", "magiskpolicy"} support_targets = default_targets | {"resetprop"} rust_targets = {"magisk", "magiskinit", "magiskboot", "magiskpolicy"} # Common paths ndk_root = sdk_path / "ndk" ndk_path = ndk_root / "magisk" ndk_build = ndk_path / "ndk-build" rust_bin = ndk_path / "toolchains" / "rust" / "bin" llvm_bin = ndk_path / "toolchains" / "llvm" / "prebuilt" / f"{os_name}-x86_64" / "bin" cargo = rust_bin / "cargo" gradlew = Path.cwd() / "gradlew" adb_path = sdk_path / "platform-tools" / "adb" native_gen_path = Path("native", "out", "generated").resolve() # Global vars config = {} args = {} build_abis = {} ################### # Helper functions ################### def mv(source: Path, target: Path): try: shutil.move(source, target) vprint(f"mv {source} -> {target}") except: pass def cp(source: Path, target: Path): try: shutil.copyfile(source, target) vprint(f"cp {source} -> {target}") except: pass def rm(file: Path): try: os.remove(file) vprint(f"rm {file}") except FileNotFoundError as e: pass def rm_on_error(func, path, _): # Removing a read-only file on Windows will get "WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied" # Clear the "read-only" bit and retry try: os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) os.unlink(path) except FileNotFoundError as e: pass def rm_rf(path: Path): vprint(f"rm -rf {path}") if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, onexc=rm_on_error) else: shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=rm_on_error) def execv(cmds: list, env=None): out = None if args.force_out or args.verbose > 0 else subprocess.DEVNULL # Use shell on Windows to support PATHEXT return subprocess.run(cmds, stdout=out, env=env, shell=is_windows) def cmd_out(cmds: list): return ( subprocess.run( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=is_windows, ) .stdout.strip() .decode("utf-8") ) def xz(data): return lzma.compress(data, preset=9, check=lzma.CHECK_NONE) ############### # Build Native ############### def clean_elf(): if is_windows: elf_cleaner = Path("tools", "elf-cleaner.exe") else: elf_cleaner = Path("native", "out", "elf-cleaner") if not elf_cleaner.exists(): execv( [ "gcc", '-DPACKAGE_NAME="termux-elf-cleaner"', '-DPACKAGE_VERSION="2.1.1"', '-DCOPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) 2022 Termux."', "tools/termux-elf-cleaner/elf-cleaner.cpp", "tools/termux-elf-cleaner/arghandling.c", "-o", elf_cleaner, ] ) cmds = [elf_cleaner, "--api-level", "23"] cmds.extend(glob.glob("native/out/*/magisk")) cmds.extend(glob.glob("native/out/*/magiskpolicy")) execv(cmds) def run_ndk_build(cmds: list): os.chdir("native") cmds.append("NDK_PROJECT_PATH=.") cmds.append("NDK_APPLICATION_MK=src/Application.mk") cmds.append(f"APP_ABI={' '.join(build_abis.keys())}") cmds.append(f"-j{cpu_count}") if args.verbose > 1: cmds.append("V=1") if not args.release: cmds.append("MAGISK_DEBUG=1") proc = execv([ndk_build, *cmds]) if proc.returncode != 0: error("Build binary failed!") os.chdir("..") for arch in build_abis.keys(): arch_dir = Path("native", "libs", arch) out_dir = Path("native", "out", arch) for source in arch_dir.iterdir(): target = out_dir / source.name mv(source, target) def build_cpp_src(targets: set): cmds = [] clean = False if "magisk" in targets: cmds.append("B_MAGISK=1") clean = True if "magiskpolicy" in targets: cmds.append("B_POLICY=1") clean = True if "magiskinit" in targets: cmds.append("B_PRELOAD=1") if "resetprop" in targets: cmds.append("B_PROP=1") if cmds: run_ndk_build(cmds) cmds.clear() if "magiskinit" in targets: cmds.append("B_INIT=1") if "magiskboot" in targets: cmds.append("B_BOOT=1") if cmds: cmds.append("B_CRT0=1") run_ndk_build(cmds) if clean: clean_elf() def run_cargo(cmds): env = os.environ.copy() env["PATH"] = f'{rust_bin}{os.pathsep}{env["PATH"]}' env["CARGO_BUILD_RUSTC"] = str(rust_bin / f"rustc{EXE_EXT}") env["CARGO_BUILD_RUSTFLAGS"] = f"-Z threads={min(8, cpu_count)}" return execv([cargo, *cmds], env) def build_rust_src(targets: set): targets = targets.copy() if "resetprop" in targets: targets.add("magisk") targets = targets & rust_targets if not targets: return os.chdir(Path("native", "src")) # Start building the build commands cmds = ["build", "-p", ""] if args.release: cmds.append("-r") profile = "release" else: profile = "debug" if args.verbose == 0: cmds.append("-q") elif args.verbose > 1: cmds.append("--verbose") for triple in build_abis.values(): cmds.append("--target") cmds.append(triple) for tgt in targets: cmds[2] = tgt proc = run_cargo(cmds) if proc.returncode != 0: error("Build binary failed!") os.chdir(Path("..", "..")) native_out = Path("native", "out") rust_out = native_out / "rust" for arch, triple in build_abis.items(): arch_out = native_out / arch arch_out.mkdir(mode=0o755, exist_ok=True) for tgt in targets: source = rust_out / triple / profile / f"lib{tgt}.a" target = arch_out / f"lib{tgt}-rs.a" mv(source, target) def write_if_diff(file_name: Path, text: str): do_write = True if file_name.exists(): with open(file_name, "r") as f: orig = f.read() do_write = orig != text if do_write: with open(file_name, "w") as f: f.write(text) def dump_flag_header(): flag_txt = textwrap.dedent( """\ #pragma once #define quote(s) #s #define str(s) quote(s) #define MAGISK_FULL_VER MAGISK_VERSION "(" str(MAGISK_VER_CODE) ")" #define NAME_WITH_VER(name) str(name) " " MAGISK_FULL_VER """ ) flag_txt += f'#define MAGISK_VERSION "{config["version"]}"\n' flag_txt += f'#define MAGISK_VER_CODE {config["versionCode"]}\n' flag_txt += f"#define MAGISK_DEBUG {0 if args.release else 1}\n" native_gen_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) write_if_diff(native_gen_path / "flags.h", flag_txt) rust_flag_txt = f'pub const MAGISK_VERSION: &str = "{config["version"]}";\n' rust_flag_txt += f'pub const MAGISK_VER_CODE: i32 = {config["versionCode"]};\n' write_if_diff(native_gen_path / "flags.rs", rust_flag_txt) def build_native(): # Verify NDK install try: with open(Path(ndk_path, "ONDK_VERSION"), "r") as ondk_ver: assert ondk_ver.read().strip(" \t\r\n") == config["ondkVersion"] except: error('Unmatched NDK. Please install/upgrade NDK with "build.py ndk"') if "targets" not in vars(args) or not args.targets: targets = default_targets else: targets = set(args.targets) & support_targets if not targets: return header("* Building: " + " ".join(targets)) if sccache := shutil.which("sccache"): os.environ["RUSTC_WRAPPER"] = sccache os.environ["NDK_CCACHE"] = sccache os.environ["CARGO_INCREMENTAL"] = "0" if ccache := shutil.which("ccache"): os.environ["NDK_CCACHE"] = ccache dump_flag_header() build_rust_src(targets) build_cpp_src(targets) ############ # Build App ############ def find_jdk(): env = os.environ.copy() if "ANDROID_STUDIO" in env: studio = env["ANDROID_STUDIO"] jbr = Path(studio, "jbr", "bin") if not jbr.exists(): jbr = Path(studio, "Contents", "jbr", "Contents", "Home", "bin") if jbr.exists(): env["PATH"] = f'{jbr}{os.pathsep}{env["PATH"]}' no_jdk = False try: proc = subprocess.run( "javac -version", stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, env=env, shell=True, ) no_jdk = proc.returncode != 0 except FileNotFoundError: no_jdk = True if no_jdk: error( "Please set Android Studio's path to environment variable ANDROID_STUDIO,\n" + "or install JDK 17 and make sure 'javac' is available in PATH" ) return env def build_apk(module: str): env = find_jdk() build_type = "Release" if args.release else "Debug" proc = execv( [ gradlew, f"{module}:assemble{build_type}", f"-PconfigPath={args.config.resolve()}", ], env=env, ) if proc.returncode != 0: error(f"Build {module} failed!") build_type = build_type.lower() paths = module.split(":") apk = f"{paths[-1]}-{build_type}.apk" source = Path(*paths, "build", "outputs", "apk", build_type, apk) target = config["outdir"] / apk mv(source, target) return target def build_app(): header("* Building the Magisk app") apk = build_apk(":app:apk") build_type = "release" if args.release else "debug" # Rename apk-variant.apk to app-variant.apk source = apk target = apk.parent / apk.name.replace("apk-", "app-") mv(source, target) header(f"Output: {target}") # Stub building is directly integrated into the main app # build process. Copy the stub APK into output directory. source = Path("app", "core", "src", build_type, "assets", "stub.apk") target = config["outdir"] / f"stub-{build_type}.apk" cp(source, target) def build_stub(): header("* Building the stub app") apk = build_apk(":app:stub") header(f"Output: {apk}") def build_test(): global args args_bak = copy.copy(args) # Test APK has to be built as release to prevent classname clash args.release = True try: header("* Building the test app") source = build_apk(":app:test") target = source.parent / "test.apk" mv(source, target) header(f"Output: {target}") finally: args = args_bak ################ # Build General ################ def cleanup(): support_targets = {"native", "cpp", "rust", "app"} if args.targets: targets = set(args.targets) & support_targets if "native" in targets: targets.add("cpp") targets.add("rust") else: targets = support_targets if "cpp" in targets: header("* Cleaning C++") rm_rf(Path("native", "libs")) rm_rf(Path("native", "obj")) if "rust" in targets: header("* Cleaning Rust") rm_rf(Path("native", "src", "target")) rm(Path("native", "src", "boot", "proto", "mod.rs")) rm(Path("native", "src", "boot", "proto", "update_metadata.rs")) for rs_gen in glob.glob("native/**/*-rs.*pp", recursive=True): rm(rs_gen) if "native" in targets: rm_rf(Path("native", "out")) if "app" in targets: header("* Cleaning app") execv([gradlew, ":app:clean"], env=find_jdk()) def build_all(): build_native() build_app() build_test() ############ # Utilities ############ def cargo_cli(): args.force_out = True if len(args.commands) >= 1 and args.commands[0] == "--": args.commands = args.commands[1:] os.chdir(Path("native", "src")) run_cargo(args.commands) os.chdir(Path("..", "..")) def setup_ndk(): ndk_ver = config["ondkVersion"] url = f"https://github.com/topjohnwu/ondk/releases/download/{ndk_ver}/ondk-{ndk_ver}-{os_name}.tar.xz" ndk_archive = url.split("/")[-1] ondk_path = Path(ndk_root, f"ondk-{ndk_ver}") header(f"* Downloading and extracting {ndk_archive}") rm_rf(ondk_path) with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response: with tarfile.open(mode="r|xz", fileobj=response) as tar: if hasattr(tarfile, "data_filter"): tar.extractall(ndk_root, filter="tar") else: tar.extractall(ndk_root) rm_rf(ndk_path) mv(ondk_path, ndk_path) def push_files(script): abi = cmd_out([adb_path, "shell", "getprop", "ro.product.cpu.abi"]) if not abi: error("Cannot detect emulator ABI") apk = Path( config["outdir"], ("app-release.apk" if args.release else "app-debug.apk") ) # Extract busybox from APK busybox = Path(config["outdir"], "busybox") with ZipFile(apk) as zf: with zf.open(f"lib/{abi}/libbusybox.so") as libbb: with open(busybox, "wb") as bb: bb.write(libbb.read()) try: proc = execv([adb_path, "push", busybox, script, "/data/local/tmp"]) if proc.returncode != 0: error("adb push failed!") finally: rm_rf(busybox) proc = execv([adb_path, "push", apk, "/data/local/tmp/magisk.apk"]) if proc.returncode != 0: error("adb push failed!") def setup_avd(): if not args.skip: build_all() header("* Setting up emulator") push_files(Path("scripts", "avd_magisk.sh")) proc = execv([adb_path, "shell", "sh", "/data/local/tmp/avd_magisk.sh"]) if proc.returncode != 0: error("avd_magisk.sh failed!") def patch_avd_file(): if not args.skip: build_all() input = Path(args.image) if args.output: output = Path(args.output) else: output = input.parent / f"{input.name}.magisk" src_file = f"/data/local/tmp/{input.name}" out_file = f"{src_file}.magisk" header(f"* Patching {input.name}") push_files(Path("scripts", "avd_patch.sh")) proc = execv([adb_path, "push", input, "/data/local/tmp"]) if proc.returncode != 0: error("adb push failed!") proc = execv([adb_path, "shell", "sh", "/data/local/tmp/avd_patch.sh", src_file]) if proc.returncode != 0: error("avd_patch.sh failed!") proc = execv([adb_path, "pull", out_file, output]) if proc.returncode != 0: error("adb pull failed!") header(f"Output: {output}") def setup_rustup(): wrapper_dir = Path(args.wrapper_dir) rm_rf(wrapper_dir) wrapper_dir.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) if "CARGO_HOME" in os.environ: cargo_home = Path(os.environ["CARGO_HOME"]) else: cargo_home = Path.home() / ".cargo" cargo_bin = cargo_home / "bin" for src in cargo_bin.iterdir(): tgt = wrapper_dir / src.name tgt.symlink_to(src) # Build rustup_wrapper wrapper_src = Path("tools", "rustup_wrapper") cargo_toml = wrapper_src / "Cargo.toml" cmds = ["build", "--release", f"--manifest-path={cargo_toml}"] if args.verbose > 1: cmds.append("--verbose") run_cargo(cmds) # Replace rustup with wrapper wrapper = wrapper_dir / (f"rustup{EXE_EXT}") wrapper.unlink(missing_ok=True) cp(wrapper_src / "target" / "release" / (f"rustup_wrapper{EXE_EXT}"), wrapper) wrapper.chmod(0o755) ################## # Config and args ################## def parse_props(file): props = {} with open(file, "r") as f: for line in [l.strip(" \t\r\n") for l in f]: if line.startswith("#") or len(line) == 0: continue prop = line.split("=") if len(prop) != 2: continue key = prop[0].strip(" \t\r\n") value = prop[1].strip(" \t\r\n") if not key or not value: continue props[key] = value return props def load_config(): commit_hash = cmd_out(["git", "rev-parse", "--short=8", "HEAD"]) # Default values config["version"] = commit_hash config["versionCode"] = 1000000 config["outdir"] = "out" args.config = Path(args.config) # Load prop files if args.config.exists(): config.update(parse_props(args.config)) if Path("gradle.properties").exists(): for key, value in parse_props("gradle.properties").items(): if key.startswith("magisk."): config[key[7:]] = value try: config["versionCode"] = int(config["versionCode"]) except ValueError: error('Config error: "versionCode" is required to be an integer') config["outdir"] = Path(config["outdir"]) config["outdir"].mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True, exist_ok=True) if "abiList" in config: abiList = re.split("\\s*,\\s*", config["abiList"]) archs = set(abiList) & support_abis.keys() else: archs = {"armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"} triples = map(support_abis.get, archs) global build_abis build_abis = dict(zip(archs, triples)) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Magisk build script") parser.set_defaults(func=lambda x: None) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--release", action="store_true", help="compile in release mode" ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="verbose output" ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", default="config.prop", help="custom config file (default: config.prop)", ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="actions") all_parser = subparsers.add_parser("all", help="build everything") native_parser = subparsers.add_parser("native", help="build native binaries") native_parser.add_argument( "targets", nargs="*", help=f"{', '.join(support_targets)}, \ or empty for defaults ({', '.join(default_targets)})", ) app_parser = subparsers.add_parser("app", help="build the Magisk app") stub_parser = subparsers.add_parser("stub", help="build the stub app") test_parser = subparsers.add_parser("test", help="build the test app") clean_parser = subparsers.add_parser("clean", help="cleanup") clean_parser.add_argument( "targets", nargs="*", help="native, cpp, rust, java, or empty to clean all" ) ndk_parser = subparsers.add_parser("ndk", help="setup Magisk NDK") emu_parser = subparsers.add_parser("emulator", help="setup AVD for development") emu_parser.add_argument( "-s", "--skip", action="store_true", help="skip building binaries and the app" ) avd_patch_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "avd_patch", help="patch AVD ramdisk.img or init_boot.img" ) avd_patch_parser.add_argument("image", help="path to ramdisk.img or init_boot.img") avd_patch_parser.add_argument("output", help="optional output file name", nargs="?") avd_patch_parser.add_argument( "-s", "--skip", action="store_true", help="skip building binaries and the app" ) cargo_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "cargo", help="call 'cargo' commands against the project" ) cargo_parser.add_argument("commands", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) rustup_parser = subparsers.add_parser("rustup", help="setup rustup wrapper") rustup_parser.add_argument( "wrapper_dir", help="path to setup rustup wrapper binaries" ) # Set callbacks all_parser.set_defaults(func=build_all) native_parser.set_defaults(func=build_native) cargo_parser.set_defaults(func=cargo_cli) rustup_parser.set_defaults(func=setup_rustup) app_parser.set_defaults(func=build_app) stub_parser.set_defaults(func=build_stub) test_parser.set_defaults(func=build_test) emu_parser.set_defaults(func=setup_avd) avd_patch_parser.set_defaults(func=patch_avd_file) clean_parser.set_defaults(func=cleanup) ndk_parser.set_defaults(func=setup_ndk) if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) return parser.parse_args() args = parse_args() load_config() vars(args)["force_out"] = False args.func()