#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "deny.hpp" using namespace std; static set> *deny_set; /* set of pair */ static map> *uid_proc_map; /* uid -> list of process */ // Locks the variables above static pthread_mutex_t data_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static atomic enforcement_status = false; static void rebuild_uid_map() { uid_proc_map->clear(); string data_path(APP_DATA_DIR); size_t len = data_path.length(); auto dir = open_dir(APP_DATA_DIR); bool first_iter = true; for (dirent *entry; (entry = xreaddir(dir.get()));) { data_path.resize(len); data_path += '/'; data_path += entry->d_name; // multiuser user id data_path += '/'; size_t user_len = data_path.length(); struct stat st; for (const auto &hide : *deny_set) { if (hide.first == ISOLATED_MAGIC) { if (!first_iter) continue; // Setup isolated processes (*uid_proc_map)[-1].emplace_back(hide.second); } data_path.resize(user_len); data_path += hide.first; if (stat(data_path.data(), &st)) continue; (*uid_proc_map)[st.st_uid].emplace_back(hide.second); } first_iter = false; } } // Leave /proc fd opened as we're going to read from it repeatedly static DIR *procfp; template static void crawl_procfs(F &&fn) { rewinddir(procfp); dirent *dp; int pid; while ((dp = readdir(procfp))) { pid = parse_int(dp->d_name); if (pid > 0 && !fn(pid)) break; } } template static bool proc_name_match(int pid, const char *name) { char buf[4019]; sprintf(buf, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid); if (auto fp = open_file(buf, "re")) { fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp.get()); if (str_op(buf, name)) { LOGD("denylist: kill PID=[%d] (%s)\n", pid, buf); return true; } } return false; } static inline bool str_eql(string_view a, string_view b) { return a == b; } template static void kill_process(const char *name, bool multi = false) { crawl_procfs([=](int pid) -> bool { if (proc_name_match(pid, name)) { kill(pid, SIGKILL); return multi; } return true; }); } static bool validate(const char *pkg, const char *proc) { bool pkg_valid = false; bool proc_valid = true; if (str_eql(pkg, ISOLATED_MAGIC)) { pkg_valid = true; for (char c; (c = *proc); ++proc) { if (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '.') continue; if (c == ':') break; proc_valid = false; break; } } else { for (char c; (c = *pkg); ++pkg) { if (isalnum(c) || c == '_') continue; if (c == '.') { pkg_valid = true; continue; } pkg_valid = false; break; } for (char c; (c = *proc); ++proc) { if (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == ':' || c == '.') continue; proc_valid = false; break; } } return pkg_valid && proc_valid; } static void add_hide_set(const char *pkg, const char *proc) { LOGI("denylist add: [%s/%s]\n", pkg, proc); deny_set->emplace(pkg, proc); if (strcmp(pkg, ISOLATED_MAGIC) == 0) { // Kill all matching isolated processes kill_process<&str_starts>(proc, true); } else { kill_process(proc); } } static int add_list(const char *pkg, const char *proc) { if (proc[0] == '\0') proc = pkg; if (!validate(pkg, proc)) return DENYLIST_INVALID_PKG; { // Critical region mutex_guard lock(data_lock); for (const auto &hide : *deny_set) if (hide.first == pkg && hide.second == proc) return DENYLIST_ITEM_EXIST; add_hide_set(pkg, proc); rebuild_uid_map(); } // Add to database char sql[4096]; snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "INSERT INTO denylist (package_name, process) VALUES('%s', '%s')", pkg, proc); char *err = db_exec(sql); db_err_cmd(err, return DAEMON_ERROR); return DAEMON_SUCCESS; } int add_list(int client) { string pkg = read_string(client); string proc = read_string(client); return add_list(pkg.data(), proc.data()); } static int rm_list(const char *pkg, const char *proc) { bool remove = false; { // Critical region mutex_guard lock(data_lock); for (auto it = deny_set->begin(); it != deny_set->end();) { if (it->first == pkg && (proc[0] == '\0' || it->second == proc)) { remove = true; LOGI("denylist rm: [%s/%s]\n", it->first.data(), it->second.data()); it = deny_set->erase(it); } else { ++it; } } if (!remove) return DENYLIST_ITEM_NOT_EXIST; rebuild_uid_map(); } char sql[4096]; if (proc[0] == '\0') snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "DELETE FROM denylist WHERE package_name='%s'", pkg); else snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "DELETE FROM denylist WHERE package_name='%s' AND process='%s'", pkg, proc); char *err = db_exec(sql); db_err_cmd(err, return DAEMON_ERROR); return DAEMON_SUCCESS; } int rm_list(int client) { string pkg = read_string(client); string proc = read_string(client); return rm_list(pkg.data(), proc.data()); } static bool str_ends_safe(string_view s, string_view ss) { // Never kill webview zygote if (s == "webview_zygote") return false; return str_ends(s, ss); } static bool init_list() { LOGD("denylist: initialize\n"); char *err = db_exec("SELECT * FROM denylist", [](db_row &row) -> bool { add_hide_set(row["package_name"].data(), row["process"].data()); return true; }); db_err_cmd(err, return false); // If Android Q+, also kill blastula pool and all app zygotes if (SDK_INT >= 29) { kill_process("usap32", true); kill_process("usap64", true); kill_process<&str_ends_safe>("_zygote", true); } return true; } void ls_list(int client) { write_int(client, DAEMON_SUCCESS); { mutex_guard lock(data_lock); for (const auto &hide : *deny_set) { write_int(client, hide.first.size() + hide.second.size() + 1); xwrite(client, hide.first.data(), hide.first.size()); xwrite(client, "|", 1); xwrite(client, hide.second.data(), hide.second.size()); } } write_int(client, 0); close(client); } static void update_hide_config() { char sql[64]; sprintf(sql, "REPLACE INTO settings (key,value) VALUES('%s',%d)", DB_SETTING_KEYS[DENYLIST_CONFIG], enforcement_status.load()); char *err = db_exec(sql); db_err(err); } int enable_hide() { if (enforcement_status) return DENY_IS_ENFORCED; if (access("/proc/self/ns/mnt", F_OK) != 0) return DENY_NO_NS; if (procfp == nullptr && (procfp = opendir("/proc")) == nullptr) return DAEMON_ERROR; LOGI("* Enforce DenyList\n"); mutex_guard lock(data_lock); default_new(deny_set); default_new(uid_proc_map); // Initialize the hide list if (!init_list()) return DAEMON_ERROR; enforcement_status = true; update_hide_config(); rebuild_uid_map(); return DAEMON_SUCCESS; } int disable_deny() { mutex_guard lock(data_lock); if (enforcement_status) { LOGI("* Disable DenyList\n"); delete uid_proc_map; delete deny_set; uid_proc_map = nullptr; deny_set = nullptr; } enforcement_status = false; update_hide_config(); return DAEMON_SUCCESS; } void check_enforce_denylist() { if (!enforcement_status) { db_settings dbs; get_db_settings(dbs, DENYLIST_CONFIG); if (dbs[DENYLIST_CONFIG]) enable_hide(); } } bool is_deny_target(int uid, string_view process) { mutex_guard lock(data_lock); if (uid % 100000 >= 90000) { // Isolated processes auto it = uid_proc_map->find(-1); if (it == uid_proc_map->end()) return false; for (auto &s : it->second) { if (str_starts(process, s)) return true; } } else { auto it = uid_proc_map->find(uid); if (it == uid_proc_map->end()) return false; for (auto &s : it->second) { if (s == process) return true; } } return false; } bool deny_enforced() { return enforcement_status; }