use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::ffi::CStr; use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter}; use std::fs::{metadata, read, DirBuilder, File}; use std::io::Write; use std::mem::size_of; use std::os::unix::fs::{symlink, DirBuilderExt, FileTypeExt, MetadataExt}; use std::path::Path; use std::process::exit; use std::slice; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context}; use size::{Base, Size, Style}; use argh::{EarlyExit, FromArgs}; use base::libc::{ c_char, dev_t, gid_t, major, makedev, minor, mknod, mode_t, uid_t, S_IFBLK, S_IFCHR, S_IFDIR, S_IFLNK, S_IFMT, S_IFREG, S_IRGRP, S_IROTH, S_IRUSR, S_IWGRP, S_IWOTH, S_IWUSR, S_IXGRP, S_IXOTH, S_IXUSR, }; use base::{MappedFile, ResultExt, StrErr, Utf8CStr, WriteExt}; use crate::ramdisk::MagiskCpio; #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh(description = "Manipulate cpio archives; --help for more info.")] struct CpioCli { #[argh(subcommand)] command: CpioCommands, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh(subcommand)] enum CpioCommands { Test(Test), Restore(Restore), Patch(Patch), Exists(Exists), Backup(Backup), Remove(Remove), Move(Move), Extract(Extract), MakeDir(MakeDir), Link(Link), Add(Add), List(List), } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "test", description = "Test the cpio's status; return value is 0 or bitwise or-ed of following values: 0x1:Magisk; 0x2:unsupported; 0x4:Sony" )] struct Test {} #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "restore", description = "Restore ramdisk from ramdisk backup stored within incpio" )] struct Restore {} #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "patch", description = "Apply ramdisk patches; configure with env variables: KEEPVERITY KEEPFORCEENCRYPT" )] struct Patch {} #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "exists", description = "Return 0 if exists, otherwise return 1" )] struct Exists { #[argh(positional, arg_name = "entry")] path: String, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "backup", description = "Create ramdisk backups from " )] struct Backup { #[argh(positional, arg_name = "orig")] origin: String, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "rm", description = "Remove ; specify [-r] to remove recursively" )] struct Remove { #[argh(positional, arg_name = "entry")] path: String, #[argh(switch, short = 'r', description = "recursive")] recursive: bool, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh(subcommand, name = "mv", description = "Move to ")] struct Move { #[argh(positional, arg_name = "source")] from: String, #[argh(positional, arg_name = "dest")] to: String, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "extract", description = "Extract to , or extract all entries to current directory if is not given" )] struct Extract { #[argh(positional, greedy)] paths: Vec, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "mkdir", description = "Create directory in permissions (in octal)" )] struct MakeDir { #[argh(positional, from_str_fn(parse_mode))] mode: mode_t, #[argh(positional, arg_name = "entry")] dir: String, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "ln", description = "Create a symlink to with the name " )] struct Link { #[argh(positional, arg_name = "entry")] src: String, #[argh(positional, arg_name = "target")] dst: String, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "add", description = "Add as in permissions (in octal); replace if exists" )] struct Add { #[argh(positional, from_str_fn(parse_mode))] mode: mode_t, #[argh(positional, arg_name = "entry")] path: String, #[argh(positional, arg_name = "infile")] file: String, } #[derive(FromArgs)] #[argh( subcommand, name = "ls", description = r#"List [] ("/" by default); specifly [-r] to recursively list sub-directories"# )] struct List { #[argh(positional, default = r#"String::from("/")"#)] path: String, #[argh(switch, short = 'r', description = "recursive")] recursive: bool, } #[repr(C, packed)] struct CpioHeader { magic: [u8; 6], ino: [u8; 8], mode: [u8; 8], uid: [u8; 8], gid: [u8; 8], nlink: [u8; 8], mtime: [u8; 8], filesize: [u8; 8], devmajor: [u8; 8], devminor: [u8; 8], rdevmajor: [u8; 8], rdevminor: [u8; 8], namesize: [u8; 8], check: [u8; 8], } pub(crate) struct Cpio { pub(crate) entries: BTreeMap>, } pub(crate) struct CpioEntry { pub(crate) mode: mode_t, pub(crate) uid: uid_t, pub(crate) gid: gid_t, pub(crate) rdevmajor: dev_t, pub(crate) rdevminor: dev_t, pub(crate) data: Vec, } impl Cpio { fn new() -> Self { Self { entries: BTreeMap::new(), } } fn load_from_data(data: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result { let mut cpio = Cpio::new(); let mut pos = 0usize; while pos < data.len() { let hdr = unsafe { &*(data.as_ptr().add(pos) as *const CpioHeader) }; if &hdr.magic != b"070701" { return Err(anyhow!("invalid cpio magic")); } pos += size_of::(); let name = CStr::from_bytes_until_nul(&data[pos..])? .to_str()? .to_string(); pos += x8u::(&hdr.namesize)?; pos = align_4(pos); if name == "." || name == ".." { continue; } if name == "TRAILER!!!" { match data[pos..].windows(6).position(|x| x == b"070701") { Some(x) => pos += x, None => break, } continue; } let file_size = x8u::(&hdr.filesize)?; let entry = Box::new(CpioEntry { mode: x8u(&hdr.mode)?, uid: x8u(&hdr.uid)?, gid: x8u(&hdr.gid)?, rdevmajor: x8u(&hdr.rdevmajor)?, rdevminor: x8u(&hdr.rdevminor)?, data: data[pos..pos + file_size].to_vec(), }); pos += file_size; cpio.entries.insert(name, entry); pos = align_4(pos); } Ok(cpio) } pub(crate) fn load_from_file(path: &Utf8CStr) -> anyhow::Result { eprintln!("Loading cpio: [{}]", path); let file = MappedFile::open(path)?; Self::load_from_data(file.as_ref()) } fn dump(&self, path: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { eprintln!("Dumping cpio: [{}]", path); let mut file = File::create(path)?; let mut pos = 0usize; let mut inode = 300000i64; for (name, entry) in &self.entries { pos += file.write( format!( "070701{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}", inode, entry.mode, entry.uid, entry.gid, 1, 0,, 0, 0, entry.rdevmajor, entry.rdevminor, name.len() + 1, 0 ).as_bytes(), )?; pos += file.write(name.as_bytes())?; pos += file.write(&[0])?; file.write_zeros(align_4(pos) - pos)?; pos = align_4(pos); pos += file.write(&; file.write_zeros(align_4(pos) - pos)?; pos = align_4(pos); inode += 1; } pos += file.write( format!("070701{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}{:08x}", inode, 0o755, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0 ).as_bytes() )?; pos += file.write("TRAILER!!!\0".as_bytes())?; file.write_zeros(align_4(pos) - pos)?; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn rm(&mut self, path: &str, recursive: bool) { let path = norm_path(path); if self.entries.remove(&path).is_some() { eprintln!("Removed entry [{}]", path); } if recursive { let path = path + "/"; self.entries.retain(|k, _| { if k.starts_with(&path) { eprintln!("Removed entry [{}]", k); false } else { true } }) } } fn extract_entry(&self, path: &str, out: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let entry = self.entries.get(path).ok_or(anyhow!("No such file"))?; eprintln!("Extracting entry [{}] to [{}]", path, out.to_string_lossy()); if let Some(parent) = out.parent() { DirBuilder::new() .mode(0o755) .recursive(true) .create(parent)?; } match entry.mode & S_IFMT { S_IFDIR => { DirBuilder::new() .mode((entry.mode & 0o777).into()) .recursive(true) // avoid error if existing .create(out)?; } S_IFREG => { let mut file = File::create(out)?; file.write_all(&; } S_IFLNK => { symlink(Path::new(&std::str::from_utf8(, out)?; } S_IFBLK | S_IFCHR => { let dev = makedev(entry.rdevmajor.try_into()?, entry.rdevminor.try_into()?); unsafe { mknod( out.to_str().unwrap().as_ptr() as *const c_char, entry.mode, dev, ) }; } _ => { return Err(anyhow!("unknown entry type")); } } Ok(()) } fn extract(&self, path: Option<&str>, out: Option<&str>) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let path =; let out =; if let (Some(path), Some(out)) = (&path, &out) { return self.extract_entry(path, out); } else { for path in self.entries.keys() { if path == "." || path == ".." { continue; } self.extract_entry(path, Path::new(path))?; } } Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn exists(&self, path: &str) -> bool { self.entries.contains_key(&norm_path(path)) } fn add(&mut self, mode: &mode_t, path: &str, file: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if path.ends_with('/') { return Err(anyhow!("path cannot end with / for add")); } let file = Path::new(file); let content = read(file)?; let metadata = metadata(file)?; let mut rdevmajor: dev_t = 0; let mut rdevminor: dev_t = 0; let mode = if metadata.file_type().is_file() { mode | S_IFREG } else { rdevmajor = unsafe { major(metadata.rdev().try_into()?).try_into()? }; rdevminor = unsafe { minor(metadata.rdev().try_into()?).try_into()? }; if metadata.file_type().is_block_device() { mode | S_IFBLK } else if metadata.file_type().is_char_device() { mode | S_IFCHR } else { return Err(anyhow!("unsupported file type")); } }; self.entries.insert( norm_path(path), Box::new(CpioEntry { mode, uid: 0, gid: 0, rdevmajor, rdevminor, data: content, }), ); eprintln!("Add file [{}] ({:04o})", path, mode); Ok(()) } fn mkdir(&mut self, mode: &mode_t, dir: &str) { self.entries.insert( norm_path(dir), Box::new(CpioEntry { mode: *mode | S_IFDIR, uid: 0, gid: 0, rdevmajor: 0, rdevminor: 0, data: vec![], }), ); eprintln!("Create directory [{}] ({:04o})", dir, mode); } fn ln(&mut self, src: &str, dst: &str) { self.entries.insert( norm_path(dst), Box::new(CpioEntry { mode: S_IFLNK, uid: 0, gid: 0, rdevmajor: 0, rdevminor: 0, data: norm_path(src).as_bytes().to_vec(), }), ); eprintln!("Create symlink [{}] -> [{}]", dst, src); } fn mv(&mut self, from: &str, to: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let entry = self .entries .remove(&norm_path(from)) .ok_or(anyhow!("no such entry {}", from))?; self.entries.insert(norm_path(to), entry); eprintln!("Move [{}] -> [{}]", from, to); Ok(()) } fn ls(&self, path: &str, recursive: bool) { let path = norm_path(path); let path = if path.is_empty() { path } else { "/".to_string() + path.as_str() }; for (name, entry) in &self.entries { let p = "/".to_string() + name.as_str(); if !p.starts_with(&path) { continue; } let p = p.strip_prefix(&path).unwrap(); if !p.is_empty() && !p.starts_with('/') { continue; } if !recursive && !p.is_empty() && p.matches('/').count() > 1 { continue; } println!("{}\t{}", entry, name); } } } impl Display for CpioEntry { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}:{}", match self.mode & S_IFMT { S_IFDIR => "d", S_IFREG => "-", S_IFLNK => "l", S_IFBLK => "b", S_IFCHR => "c", _ => "?", }, if self.mode & S_IRUSR != 0 { "r" } else { "-" }, if self.mode & S_IWUSR != 0 { "w" } else { "-" }, if self.mode & S_IXUSR != 0 { "x" } else { "-" }, if self.mode & S_IRGRP != 0 { "r" } else { "-" }, if self.mode & S_IWGRP != 0 { "w" } else { "-" }, if self.mode & S_IXGRP != 0 { "x" } else { "-" }, if self.mode & S_IROTH != 0 { "r" } else { "-" }, if self.mode & S_IWOTH != 0 { "w" } else { "-" }, if self.mode & S_IXOTH != 0 { "x" } else { "-" }, self.uid, self.gid, Size::from_bytes( .format() .with_style(Style::Abbreviated) .with_base(Base::Base10) .to_string(), self.rdevmajor, self.rdevminor, ) } } pub fn cpio_commands(argc: i32, argv: *const *const c_char) -> bool { fn inner(argc: i32, argv: *const *const c_char) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if argc < 1 { return Err(anyhow!("no arguments")); } let cmds: Result, StrErr> = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(argv, argc as usize) } .iter() .map(|s| unsafe { Utf8CStr::from_ptr(*s) }) .collect(); let cmds = cmds?; let file = cmds[0]; let mut cpio = if Path::new(file).exists() { Cpio::load_from_file(file)? } else { Cpio::new() }; for cmd in &cmds[1..] { if cmd.starts_with('#') { continue; } let mut cli = match CpioCli::from_args( &["magiskboot", "cpio", file], cmd.split(' ') .filter(|x| !x.is_empty()) .collect::>() .as_slice(), ) { Ok(cli) => cli, Err(EarlyExit { output, status }) => match status { Ok(_) => { eprintln!("{}", output); exit(0) } Err(_) => return Err(anyhow!(output)), }, }; match &mut cli.command { CpioCommands::Test(Test {}) => exit(cpio.test()), CpioCommands::Restore(Restore {}) => cpio.restore()?, CpioCommands::Patch(Patch {}) => cpio.patch(), CpioCommands::Exists(Exists { path }) => { if cpio.exists(path) { exit(0); } else { exit(1); } } CpioCommands::Backup(Backup { origin }) => { cpio.backup(Utf8CStr::from_string(origin))? } CpioCommands::Remove(Remove { path, recursive }) => cpio.rm(path, *recursive), CpioCommands::Move(Move { from, to }) =>, to)?, CpioCommands::MakeDir(MakeDir { mode, dir }) => cpio.mkdir(mode, dir), CpioCommands::Link(Link { src, dst }) => cpio.ln(src, dst), CpioCommands::Add(Add { mode, path, file }) => cpio.add(mode, path, file)?, CpioCommands::Extract(Extract { paths }) => { if !paths.is_empty() && paths.len() != 2 { return Err(anyhow!("invalid arguments")); } cpio.extract( paths.get(0).map(|x| x.as_str()), paths.get(1).map(|x| x.as_str()), )?; } CpioCommands::List(List { path, recursive }) => {, *recursive); exit(0); } } } cpio.dump(file)?; Ok(()) } inner(argc, argv) .context("Failed to process cpio") .log() .is_ok() } fn x8u>(x: &[u8; 8]) -> anyhow::Result { // parse hex let mut ret = 0u32; for i in x { let c = *i as char; let v = c.to_digit(16).ok_or(anyhow!("bad cpio header"))?; ret = ret * 16 + v; } ret.try_into().map_err(|_| anyhow!("bad cpio header")) } #[inline(always)] fn align_4(x: usize) -> usize { (x + 3) & !3 } #[inline(always)] fn norm_path(path: &str) -> String { let path = path.strip_prefix('/').unwrap_or(path); path.strip_suffix('/').unwrap_or(path).to_string() } fn parse_mode(s: &str) -> Result { mode_t::from_str_radix(s, 8).map_err(|e| e.to_string()) }