#include #include #include "magiskboot.h" #include "cpio.h" #include "logging.h" #include "utils.h" static uint32_t x8u(char *hex) { uint32_t val, inpos = 8, outpos; char pattern[6]; while (*hex == '0') { hex++; if (!--inpos) return 0; } // Because scanf gratuitously treats %*X differently than printf does. sprintf(pattern, "%%%dx%%n", inpos); sscanf(hex, pattern, &val, &outpos); if (inpos != outpos) LOGE("bad cpio header\n"); return val; } static void cpio_free(cpio_entry *f) { if (f) { free(f->filename); free(f->data); free(f); } } static void cpio_vec_insert(struct vector *v, cpio_entry *n) { cpio_entry *f; vec_for_each(v, f) { if (strcmp(f->filename, n->filename) == 0) { // Replace, then all is done cpio_free(f); vec_cur(v) = n; return; } } vec_push_back(v, n); } static int cpio_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return strcmp((*(cpio_entry **) a)->filename, (*(cpio_entry **) b)->filename); } // Parse cpio file to a vector of cpio_entry static void parse_cpio(const char *filename, struct vector *v) { fprintf(stderr, "Loading cpio: [%s]\n\n", filename); int fd = xopen(filename, O_RDONLY); cpio_newc_header header; cpio_entry *f; while(xxread(fd, &header, 110) != -1) { f = xcalloc(sizeof(*f), 1); // f->ino = x8u(header.ino); f->mode = x8u(header.mode); f->uid = x8u(header.uid); f->gid = x8u(header.gid); // f->nlink = x8u(header.nlink); // f->mtime = x8u(header.mtime); f->filesize = x8u(header.filesize); // f->devmajor = x8u(header.devmajor); // f->devminor = x8u(header.devminor); // f->rdevmajor = x8u(header.rdevmajor); // f->rdevminor = x8u(header.rdevminor); f->namesize = x8u(header.namesize); // f->check = x8u(header.check); f->filename = xmalloc(f->namesize); xxread(fd, f->filename, f->namesize); file_align(fd, 4, 0); if (strcmp(f->filename, ".") == 0 || strcmp(f->filename, "..") == 0) { cpio_free(f); continue; } if (strcmp(f->filename, "TRAILER!!!") == 0) { cpio_free(f); break; } if (f->filesize) { f->data = malloc(f->filesize); xxread(fd, f->data, f->filesize); file_align(fd, 4, 0); } vec_push_back(v, f); } close(fd); } static void dump_cpio(const char *filename, struct vector *v) { fprintf(stderr, "\nDump cpio: [%s]\n\n", filename); int fd = open_new(filename); unsigned inode = 300000; char header[111]; // Sort by name vec_sort(v, cpio_cmp); cpio_entry *f; vec_for_each(v, f) { if (f->remove) continue; sprintf(header, "070701%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", inode++, // f->ino f->mode, f->uid, f->gid, 1, // f->nlink 0, // f->mtime f->filesize, 0, // f->devmajor 0, // f->devminor 0, // f->rdevmajor 0, // f->rdevminor f->namesize, 0 // f->check ); xwrite(fd, header, 110); xwrite(fd, f->filename, f->namesize); file_align(fd, 4, 1); if (f->filesize) { xwrite(fd, f->data, f->filesize); file_align(fd, 4, 1); } } // Write trailer sprintf(header, "070701%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", inode++, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0); xwrite(fd, header, 110); xwrite(fd, "TRAILER!!!\0", 11); file_align(fd, 4, 1); close(fd); } static void cpio_vec_destroy(struct vector *v) { // Free each cpio_entry cpio_entry *f; vec_for_each(v, f) { cpio_free(f); } vec_destroy(v); } static void cpio_rm(int recursive, const char *entry, struct vector *v) { cpio_entry *f; vec_for_each(v, f) { if (strncmp(f->filename, entry, strlen(entry)) == 0) { char next = f->filename[strlen(entry)]; if ((recursive && next == '/') || next == '\0') { if (!f->remove) { fprintf(stderr, "Remove [%s]\n", f->filename); f->remove = 1; } if (!recursive) return; } } } } static void cpio_mkdir(mode_t mode, const char *entry, struct vector *v) { cpio_entry *f = xcalloc(sizeof(*f), 1); f->mode = S_IFDIR | mode; f->namesize = strlen(entry) + 1; f->filename = strdup(entry); cpio_vec_insert(v, f); fprintf(stderr, "Create directory [%s] (%04o)\n",entry, mode); } static void cpio_add(mode_t mode, const char *entry, const char *filename, struct vector *v) { int fd = xopen(filename, O_RDONLY); cpio_entry *f = xcalloc(sizeof(*f), 1); f->mode = S_IFREG | mode; f->namesize = strlen(entry) + 1; f->filename = strdup(entry); f->filesize = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); f->data = xmalloc(f->filesize); xxread(fd, f->data, f->filesize); close(fd); cpio_vec_insert(v, f); fprintf(stderr, "Add entry [%s] (%04o)\n", entry, mode); } static void cpio_test(struct vector *v) { #define STOCK_BOOT 0x0 #define MAGISK_PATCH 0x1 #define OTHER_PATCH 0x2 int ret = STOCK_BOOT; cpio_entry *f; const char *OTHER_LIST[] = { "sbin/launch_daemonsu.sh", "sbin/su", "init.xposed.rc", "boot/sbin/launch_daemonsu.sh", NULL }; const char *MAGISK_LIST[] = { "init.magisk.rc", "overlay/init.magisk.rc", NULL }; vec_for_each(v, f) { for (int i = 0; OTHER_LIST[i]; ++i) { if (strcmp(f->filename, OTHER_LIST[i]) == 0) { ret |= OTHER_PATCH; // Already find other files, abort exit(OTHER_PATCH); } } for (int i = 0; MAGISK_LIST[i]; ++i) { if (strcmp(f->filename, MAGISK_LIST[i]) == 0) ret = MAGISK_PATCH; } } cpio_vec_destroy(v); exit(ret); } static void cpio_patch(struct vector *v, int keepverity, int keepforceencrypt) { cpio_entry *f; int skip; vec_for_each(v, f) { if (strcmp(f->filename, "init.rc") == 0) { void *new_data = patch_init_rc(f->data, &f->filesize); free(f->data); f->data = new_data; } else { if (!keepverity) { if (strstr(f->filename, "fstab") != NULL && S_ISREG(f->mode)) { for (int i = 0; i < f->filesize; ++i) { if ((skip = check_verity_pattern(f->data + i)) > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Remove pattern [%.*s] in [%s]\n", skip, f->data + i, f->filename); memcpy(f->data + i, f->data + i + skip, f->filesize - i - skip); f->filesize -= skip; } } } else if (strcmp(f->filename, "verity_key") == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Remove [verity_key]\n"); f->remove = 1; } } if (!keepforceencrypt) { if (strstr(f->filename, "fstab") != NULL && S_ISREG(f->mode)) { for (int i = 0; i < f->filesize; ++i) { if ((skip = check_encryption_pattern(f->data + i)) > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Replace pattern [%.*s] with [encryptable] in [%s]\n", skip, f->data + i, f->filename); memcpy(f->data + i, "encryptable", 11); // assert(skip > 11)! memcpy(f->data + i + 11, f->data + i + skip, f->filesize - i - skip); f->filesize = f->filesize - skip + 11; } } } } } } } static void cpio_extract(const char *entry, const char *filename, struct vector *v) { cpio_entry *f; vec_for_each(v, f) { if (strcmp(f->filename, entry) == 0 && S_ISREG(f->mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "Extracting [%s] to [%s]\n\n", entry, filename); int fd = open_new(filename); xwrite(fd, f->data, f->filesize); fchmod(fd, f->mode); fchown(fd, f->uid, f->gid); close(fd); exit(0); } } LOGE("Cannot find the file entry [%s]\n", entry); } static void cpio_backup(const char *orig, struct vector *v) { struct vector o_body, *o = &o_body, bak; cpio_entry *m, *n, *dir, *rem; char buf[PATH_MAX]; int res, doBak; dir = xcalloc(sizeof(*dir), 1); rem = xcalloc(sizeof(*rem), 1); vec_init(o); vec_init(&bak); // First push back the directory and the rmlist vec_push_back(&bak, dir); vec_push_back(&bak, rem); parse_cpio(orig, o); // Remove possible backups in original ramdisk cpio_rm(1, ".backup", o); cpio_rm(1, ".backup", v); // Sort both vectors before comparing vec_sort(v, cpio_cmp); vec_sort(o, cpio_cmp); // Init the directory and rmlist dir->filename = strdup(".backup"); dir->namesize = strlen(dir->filename) + 1; dir->mode = S_IFDIR; rem->filename = strdup(".backup/.rmlist"); rem->namesize = strlen(rem->filename) + 1; rem->mode = S_IFREG; // Start comparing size_t i = 0, j = 0; while(i != vec_size(o) || j != vec_size(v)) { doBak = 0; if (i != vec_size(o) && j != vec_size(v)) { m = vec_entry(o)[i]; n = vec_entry(v)[j]; res = strcmp(m->filename, n->filename); } else if (i == vec_size(o)) { n = vec_entry(v)[j]; res = 1; } else if (j == vec_size(v)) { m = vec_entry(o)[i]; res = -1; } if (res < 0) { // Something is missing in new ramdisk, backup! ++i; doBak = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Backup missing entry: "); } else if (res == 0) { ++i; ++j; if (m->filesize == n->filesize && memcmp(m->data, n->data, m->filesize) == 0) continue; // Not the same! doBak = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Backup mismatch entry: "); } else { // Someting new in ramdisk, record in rem ++j; if (n->remove) continue; rem->data = xrealloc(rem->data, rem->filesize + n->namesize); memcpy(rem->data + rem->filesize, n->filename, n->namesize); rem->filesize += n->namesize; fprintf(stderr, "Record new entry: [%s] -> [.backup/.rmlist]\n", n->filename); } if (doBak) { m->namesize += 8; m->filename = realloc(m->filename, m->namesize); strcpy(buf, m->filename); sprintf(m->filename, ".backup/%s", buf); fprintf(stderr, "[%s] -> [%s]\n", buf, m->filename); vec_push_back(&bak, m); // NULL the original entry, so it won't be freed vec_entry(o)[i - 1] = NULL; } } // Add the backup files to the original ramdisk vec_for_each(&bak, m) { vec_push_back(v, m); } // Don't include if empty if (rem->filesize == 0) { rem->remove = 1; if (bak.size == 2) dir->remove = 1; } // Cleanup cpio_vec_destroy(o); } static int cpio_restore(struct vector *v) { cpio_entry *f, *n; int ret = 1; vec_for_each(v, f) { if (strstr(f->filename, ".backup") != NULL) { ret = 0; f->remove = 1; if (strcmp(f->filename, ".backup") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(f->filename, ".backup/.rmlist") == 0) { for (int pos = 0; pos < f->filesize; pos += strlen(f->data + pos) + 1) cpio_rm(0, f->data + pos, v); continue; } n = xcalloc(sizeof(*n), 1); memcpy(n, f, sizeof(*f)); n->namesize -= 8; n->filename = strdup(f->filename + 8); n->data = f->data; f->data = NULL; n->remove = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Restoring [%s] -> [%s]\n", f->filename, n->filename); cpio_vec_insert(v, n); } } // Some known stuff we can remove cpio_rm(0, "sbin/magic_mask.sh", v); cpio_rm(0, "init.magisk.rc", v); cpio_rm(0, "magisk", v); return ret; } static void cpio_stocksha1(struct vector *v) { cpio_entry *f; char sha1[41]; vec_for_each(v, f) { if (strcmp(f->filename, "init.magisk.rc") == 0) { for (char *pos = f->data; pos < f->data + f->filesize; pos = strchr(pos + 1, '\n') + 1) { if (memcmp(pos, "# STOCKSHA1=", 12) == 0) { pos += 12; memcpy(sha1, pos, 40); sha1[40] = '\0'; printf("%s\n", sha1); return; } } } } } static void cpio_mv(struct vector *v, const char *from, const char *to) { struct cpio_entry *f, *t; vec_for_each(v, f) { if (strcmp(f->filename, from) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Move [%s] -> [%s]\n", from, to); vec_for_each(v, t) { if (strcmp(t->filename, to) == 0) { t->remove = 1; break; } } free(f->filename); f->namesize = strlen(to) + 1; f->filename = strdup(to); return; } } fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find entry %s\n", from); exit(1); } int cpio_commands(const char *command, int argc, char *argv[]) { int recursive = 0, ret = 0; command_t cmd; char *incpio = argv[0]; ++argv; --argc; if (strcmp(command, "test") == 0) { cmd = TEST; } else if (strcmp(command, "restore") == 0) { cmd = RESTORE; } else if (strcmp(command, "stocksha1") == 0) { cmd = STOCKSHA1; } else if (argc == 1 && strcmp(command, "backup") == 0) { cmd = BACKUP; } else if (argc > 0 && strcmp(command, "rm") == 0) { cmd = RM; if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[0], "-r") == 0) { recursive = 1; ++argv; --argc; } } else if (argc == 2 && strcmp(command, "mv") == 0) { cmd = MV; } else if (argc == 2 && strcmp(command, "patch") == 0) { cmd = PATCH; } else if (argc == 2 && strcmp(command, "extract") == 0) { cmd = EXTRACT; } else if (argc == 2 && strcmp(command, "mkdir") == 0) { cmd = MKDIR; } else if (argc == 3 && strcmp(command, "add") == 0) { cmd = ADD; } else { cmd = NONE; } struct vector v; vec_init(&v); parse_cpio(incpio, &v); switch(cmd) { case TEST: cpio_test(&v); break; case RESTORE: ret = cpio_restore(&v); break; case STOCKSHA1: cpio_stocksha1(&v); return 0; case BACKUP: cpio_backup(argv[0], &v); case RM: cpio_rm(recursive, argv[0], &v); break; case PATCH: cpio_patch(&v, strcmp(argv[0], "true") == 0, strcmp(argv[1], "true") == 0); break; case EXTRACT: cpio_extract(argv[0], argv[1], &v); break; case MKDIR: cpio_mkdir(strtoul(argv[0], NULL, 8), argv[1], &v); break; case ADD: cpio_add(strtoul(argv[0], NULL, 8), argv[1], argv[2], &v); break; case MV: cpio_mv(&v, argv[0], argv[1]); break; case NONE: return 1; } dump_cpio(incpio, &v); cpio_vec_destroy(&v); exit(ret); }