mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 20:32:14 +00:00

When detecting device is booting as Safe Mode, disable all modules and MagiskHide and skip all operations. The only thing that'll be available in this state is root (Magisk Manager will also be disabled by system). Since the next normal boot will also have all modules disabled, this can be used to rescue a device in the case when a rogue module causes bootloop and no custom recovery is available (or recoveries without the ability to decrypt data).
706 lines
18 KiB
706 lines
18 KiB
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <utils.hpp>
#include <magisk.hpp>
#include <selinux.hpp>
#include <daemon.hpp>
#include <resetprop.hpp>
#include <flags.h>
using namespace std;
#define VLOGI(tag, from, to) LOGI("%-8s: %s <- %s\n", tag, to, from)
#define VLOGI(tag, from, to) LOGI("%-8s: %s\n", tag, to)
#define TYPE_MIRROR (1 << 0) /* mount from mirror */
#define TYPE_INTER (1 << 1) /* intermediate node */
#define TYPE_SKEL (1 << 2) /* replace with tmpfs */
#define TYPE_MODULE (1 << 3) /* mount from module */
#define TYPE_ROOT (1 << 4) /* partition root */
#define TYPE_CUSTOM (1 << 5) /* custom node type overrides all */
vector<string> module_list;
class node_entry;
class dir_node;
class inter_node;
class mirror_node;
class skel_node;
class module_node;
class root_node;
static void merge_node(node_entry *a, node_entry *b);
template<class T> static bool isa(node_entry *node);
static int bind_mount(const char *from, const char *to) {
int ret = xmount(from, to, nullptr, MS_BIND, nullptr);
if (ret == 0)
VLOGI("bind_mnt", from, to);
return ret;
template<class T> uint8_t type_id() { return TYPE_CUSTOM; }
template<> uint8_t type_id<dir_node>() { return TYPE_DIR; }
template<> uint8_t type_id<inter_node>() { return TYPE_INTER; }
template<> uint8_t type_id<mirror_node>() { return TYPE_MIRROR; }
template<> uint8_t type_id<skel_node>() { return TYPE_SKEL; }
template<> uint8_t type_id<module_node>() { return TYPE_MODULE; }
template<> uint8_t type_id<root_node>() { return TYPE_ROOT; }
class node_entry {
virtual ~node_entry() = default;
bool is_dir() { return file_type() == DT_DIR; }
bool is_lnk() { return file_type() == DT_LNK; }
bool is_reg() { return file_type() == DT_REG; }
uint8_t type() { return node_type; }
const string &name() { return _name; }
// Paths
const string &node_path();
string mirror_path() { return mirror_dir + node_path(); }
dir_node *parent() { return _parent; }
virtual void mount() = 0;
static string module_mnt;
static string mirror_dir;
template<class T>
node_entry(const char *name, uint8_t file_type, T*)
: _name(name), _file_type(file_type), node_type(type_id<T>()) {}
template<class T>
node_entry(T*) : node_type(type_id<T>()) {}
void create_and_mount(const string &src);
/* Use top bit of _file_type for node exist status */
bool exist() { return static_cast<bool>(_file_type & (1 << 7)); }
void set_exist(bool b) { if (b) _file_type |= (1 << 7); else _file_type &= ~(1 << 7); }
uint8_t file_type() { return static_cast<uint8_t>(_file_type & ~(1 << 7)); }
friend void merge_node(node_entry *a, node_entry *b);
friend class dir_node;
bool need_skel_upgrade(node_entry *child);
// Node properties
string _name;
uint8_t _file_type;
uint8_t node_type;
dir_node *_parent = nullptr;
// Cache
string _node_path;
class dir_node : public node_entry {
friend void merge_node(node_entry *a, node_entry *b);
typedef map<string_view, node_entry *> map_type;
typedef map_type::iterator map_iter;
~dir_node() override {
for (auto &it : children)
delete it.second;
// Return false to indicate need to upgrade to module
bool collect_files(const char *module, int dfd);
// Return false to indicate need to upgrade to skeleton
bool prepare();
// Default directory mount logic
void mount() override {
for (auto &pair : children)
* Tree Methods
bool is_empty() { return children.empty(); }
template<class T>
T *child(string_view name) { return iter_to_node<T>(children.find(name)); }
// Lazy val
root_node *root() {
if (!_root)
_root = _parent->root();
return _root;
// Return child with name or nullptr
node_entry *extract(string_view name);
// Return false if rejected
bool insert(node_entry *node) {
return node
? iter_to_node(insert(children.find(node->_name), node->node_type,
[=](auto _) { return node; })) != nullptr
: false;
// Return inserted node or null if rejected
template<class T, class ...Args>
T *emplace(string_view name, Args &...args) {
return iter_to_node<T>(insert(children.find(name), type_id<T>(),
[&](auto _) { return new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }));
// Return inserted node, existing node with same rank, or null
template<class T, class ...Args>
T *emplace_or_get(string_view name, Args &...args) {
return iter_to_node<T>(insert(children.find(name), type_id<T>(),
[&](auto _) { return new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }, true));
// Return upgraded node or null if rejected
template<class T, class ...Args>
T *upgrade(string_view name, Args &...args) {
return iter_to_node<T>(upgrade<T>(children.find(name), args...));
template<class T>
dir_node(const char *name, uint8_t file_type, T *self) : node_entry(name, file_type, self) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, root_node>)
_root = self;
template<class T>
dir_node(node_entry *node, T *self) : node_entry(self) {
merge_node(this, node);
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, root_node>)
_root = self;
template<class T>
dir_node(const char *name, T *self) : dir_node(name, DT_DIR, self) {}
template<class T = node_entry>
T *iter_to_node(const map_iter &it) {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(it == children.end() ? nullptr : it->second);
/* fn signature: (node_ent *&) -> node_ent *
* fn gets reference to the existing node, may be null.
* If fn consumes input, need to set reference to null.
* Returns new node or null to reject the insertion. */
template<typename Func>
map_iter insert(map_iter it, uint8_t type, Func fn, bool allow_same = false);
template<class To, class From = node_entry, class ...Args>
map_iter upgrade(map_iter it, Args &...args) {
return insert(it, type_id<To>(), [&](node_entry *&ex) -> node_entry * {
if (!ex)
return nullptr;
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<From, node_entry>) {
// Type check if specific type is selected
if (!isa<From>(ex))
return nullptr;
auto node = new To(reinterpret_cast<From *>(ex), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
ex = nullptr;
return node;
// dir nodes host children
map_type children;
// Root node lookup cache
root_node *_root;
class root_node : public dir_node {
root_node(const char *name) : dir_node(name, this), prefix("") {}
root_node(node_entry *node) : dir_node(node, this), prefix("/system") {}
const char * const prefix;
class inter_node : public dir_node {
inter_node(const char *name, const char *module) : dir_node(name, this), module(module) {}
const char *module;
friend class module_node;
class module_node : public node_entry {
module_node(const char *module, dirent *entry)
: node_entry(entry->d_name, entry->d_type, this), module(module) {}
module_node(node_entry *node, const char *module) : node_entry(this), module(module) {
merge_node(this, node);
module_node(inter_node *node) : module_node(node, node->module) {}
void mount() override;
const char *module;
class mirror_node : public node_entry {
mirror_node(dirent *entry) : node_entry(entry->d_name, entry->d_type, this) {}
void mount() override {
class skel_node : public dir_node {
skel_node(node_entry *node);
void mount() override;
// Poor man's dynamic cast without RTTI
template<class T>
static bool isa(node_entry *node) {
return node && (node->type() & type_id<T>());
template<class T>
static T *dyn_cast(node_entry *node) {
return isa<T>(node) ? reinterpret_cast<T*>(node) : nullptr;
// Merge b -> a, b will be deleted
static void merge_node(node_entry *a, node_entry *b) {
a->_file_type = b->_file_type;
a->_parent = b->_parent;
// Merge children if both is dir
if (auto aa = dyn_cast<dir_node>(a); aa) {
if (auto bb = dyn_cast<dir_node>(b); bb) {
for (auto &pair : aa->children)
pair.second->_parent = aa;
delete b;
string node_entry::module_mnt;
string node_entry::mirror_dir;
const string &node_entry::node_path() {
if (_parent && _node_path.empty())
_node_path = _parent->node_path() + '/' + _name;
return _node_path;
* Node Tree Construction
template<typename Func>
dir_node::map_iter dir_node::insert(dir_node::map_iter it, uint8_t type, Func fn, bool allow_same) {
node_entry *node = nullptr;
if (it != children.end()) {
if (it->second->node_type < type) {
// Upgrade existing node only if higher precedence
node = fn(it->second);
if (!node)
return children.end();
if (it->second)
merge_node(node, it->second);
it = children.erase(it);
// Minor optimization to make insert O(1) by using hint
if (it == children.begin())
it = children.emplace(node->_name, node).first;
it = children.emplace_hint(--it, node->_name, node);
} else {
if (allow_same && it->second->node_type == type)
return it;
return children.end();
} else {
node = fn(node);
if (!node)
return it;
node->_parent = this;
it = children.emplace(node->_name, node).first;
return it;
node_entry* dir_node::extract(string_view name) {
auto it = children.find(name);
if (it != children.end()) {
auto ret = it->second;
return ret;
return nullptr;
skel_node::skel_node(node_entry *node) : dir_node(node, this) {
string mirror = mirror_path();
if (auto dir = open_dir(mirror.data()); dir) {
for (dirent *entry; (entry = xreaddir(dir.get()));) {
// Insert mirror nodes
emplace<mirror_node>(entry->d_name, entry);
} else {
// It is actually possible that mirror does not exist (nested mount points)
// Set self to non exist so this node will be ignored at mount
for (auto it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) {
// Need to upgrade all inter_node children to skel_node
if (isa<inter_node>(it->second))
it = upgrade<skel_node>(it);
bool node_entry::need_skel_upgrade(node_entry *child) {
/* We need to upgrade to skeleton if:
* - Target does not exist
* - Source or target is a symlink */
bool upgrade = false;
struct stat st;
if (lstat(child->node_path().data(), &st) != 0) {
upgrade = true;
} else {
if (child->is_lnk() || S_ISLNK(st.st_mode))
upgrade = true;
return upgrade;
bool dir_node::prepare() {
bool to_skel = false;
for (auto it = children.begin(); it != children.end();) {
if (need_skel_upgrade(it->second)) {
if (node_type > type_id<skel_node>()) {
// Upgrade will fail, remove the unsupported child node
delete it->second;
it = children.erase(it);
// Tell parent to upgrade self to skel
to_skel = true;
// If child is inter_node, upgrade to module
if (auto nit = upgrade<module_node, inter_node>(it); nit != children.end()) {
it = nit;
goto next_node;
if (auto dn = dyn_cast<dir_node>(it->second); dn && dn->is_dir() && !dn->prepare()) {
// Upgrade child to skeleton
it = upgrade<skel_node>(it);
return !to_skel;
bool dir_node::collect_files(const char *module, int dfd) {
auto dir = xopen_dir(xopenat(dfd, _name.data(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC));
if (!dir)
return true;
for (dirent *entry; (entry = xreaddir(dir.get()));) {
if (entry->d_name == ".replace"sv) {
// Stop traversing and tell parent to upgrade self to module
return false;
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) {
// Need check cause emplace could fail due to previous module dir replace
if (auto dn = emplace_or_get<inter_node>(entry->d_name, entry->d_name, module); dn &&
!dn->collect_files(module, dirfd(dir.get()))) {
// Upgrade node to module due to '.replace'
upgrade<module_node>(dn->name(), module);
} else {
emplace<module_node>(entry->d_name, module, entry);
return true;
* Mount Implementations
void node_entry::create_and_mount(const string &src) {
const string &dest = node_path();
if (is_lnk()) {
VLOGI("cp_link", src.data(), dest.data());
cp_afc(src.data(), dest.data());
} else {
if (is_dir())
xmkdir(dest.data(), 0);
else if (is_reg())
close(xopen(dest.data(), O_RDONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0));
bind_mount(src.data(), dest.data());
void module_node::mount() {
string src = module_mnt + module + parent()->root()->prefix + node_path();
if (exist())
clone_attr(mirror_path().data(), src.data());
if (isa<skel_node>(parent()))
else if (is_dir() || is_reg())
bind_mount(src.data(), node_path().data());
void skel_node::mount() {
if (!exist())
string src = mirror_path();
const string &dest = node_path();
file_attr a;
getattr(src.data(), &a);
mkdir(dest.data(), 0);
if (!isa<skel_node>(parent())) {
// We don't need another layer of tmpfs if parent is skel
xmount("tmpfs", dest.data(), "tmpfs", 0, nullptr);
VLOGI("mnt_tmp", "tmpfs", dest.data());
setattr(dest.data(), &a);
* Magisk Stuffs
class magisk_node : public node_entry {
magisk_node(const char *name) : node_entry(name, DT_REG, this) {}
void mount() override {
const string &dir_name = parent()->node_path();
if (name() == "magisk") {
for (int i = 0; applet_names[i]; ++i) {
string dest = dir_name + "/" + applet_names[i];
VLOGI("create", "./magisk", dest.data());
xsymlink("./magisk", dest.data());
} else {
for (int i = 0; init_applet[i]; ++i) {
string dest = dir_name + "/" + init_applet[i];
VLOGI("create", "./magiskinit", dest.data());
xsymlink("./magiskinit", dest.data());
create_and_mount(MAGISKTMP + "/" + name());
static void inject_magisk_bins(root_node *system) {
auto bin = system->child<inter_node>("bin");
if (!bin) {
bin = new inter_node("bin", "");
// Insert binaries
bin->insert(new magisk_node("magisk"));
bin->insert(new magisk_node("magiskinit"));
// Also delete all applets to make sure no modules can override it
for (int i = 0; applet_names[i]; ++i)
delete bin->extract(applet_names[i]);
for (int i = 0; init_applet[i]; ++i)
delete bin->extract(init_applet[i]);
void magic_mount() {
node_entry::mirror_dir = MAGISKTMP + "/" MIRRDIR;
node_entry::module_mnt = MAGISKTMP + "/" MODULEMNT "/";
auto root = make_unique<root_node>("");
auto system = new root_node("system");
char buf1[4096];
char buf2[4096];
LOGI("* Loading modules\n");
for (const auto &m : module_list) {
auto module = m.data();
char *b1 = buf1 + sprintf(buf1, MODULEROOT "/%s/", module);
// Read props
strcpy(b1, "system.prop");
if (access(buf1, F_OK) == 0) {
LOGI("%s: loading [system.prop]\n", module);
load_prop_file(buf1, false);
// Copy sepolicy rules
strcpy(b1, "sepolicy.rule");
char *b2 = buf2 + sprintf(buf2, "%s/" MIRRDIR "/persist", MAGISKTMP.data());
if (access(buf1, F_OK) == 0 && access(buf2, F_OK) == 0) {
b2 += sprintf(b2, "/magisk/%s", module);
xmkdirs(buf2, 0755);
strcpy(b2, "/sepolicy.rule");
cp_afc(buf1, buf2);
// Check whether skip mounting
strcpy(b1, "skip_mount");
if (access(buf1, F_OK) == 0)
// Double check whether the system folder exists
strcpy(b1, "system");
if (access(buf1, F_OK) != 0)
LOGI("%s: loading mount files\n", module);
b1[-1] = '\0';
int fd = xopen(buf1, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
system->collect_files(module, fd);
if (MAGISKTMP != "/sbin") {
// Need to inject our binaries into /system/bin
if (system->is_empty())
// Handle special read-only partitions
for (const char *part : { "/vendor", "/product", "/system_ext" }) {
struct stat st;
if (lstat(part, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
if (auto old = system->extract(part + 1); old) {
auto new_node = new root_node(old);
static void prepare_modules() {
// Upgrade modules
if (auto dir = open_dir(MODULEUPGRADE); dir) {
int ufd = dirfd(dir.get());
int mfd = xopen(MODULEROOT, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
for (dirent *entry; (entry = xreaddir(dir.get()));) {
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) {
// Cleanup old module if exists
if (faccessat(mfd, entry->d_name, F_OK, 0) == 0) {
frm_rf(xopenat(mfd, entry->d_name, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC));
unlinkat(mfd, entry->d_name, AT_REMOVEDIR);
LOGI("Upgrade / New module: %s\n", entry->d_name);
renameat(ufd, entry->d_name, mfd, entry->d_name);
// Setup module mount (workaround nosuid selabel issue)
auto dest = MAGISKTMP + "/" MODULEMNT;
bind_mount(src.data(), dest.data());
chmod(SECURE_DIR, 0700);
static void collect_modules() {
auto dir = xopen_dir(MODULEROOT);
int dfd = dirfd(dir.get());
for (dirent *entry; (entry = xreaddir(dir.get()));) {
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) {
if (entry->d_name == ".core"sv)
int modfd = xopenat(dfd, entry->d_name, O_RDONLY);
run_finally f([=]{ close(modfd); });
if (faccessat(modfd, "remove", F_OK, 0) == 0) {
LOGI("%s: remove\n", entry->d_name);
auto uninstaller = MODULEROOT + "/"s + entry->d_name + "/uninstall.sh";
if (access(uninstaller.data(), F_OK) == 0)
unlinkat(dfd, entry->d_name, AT_REMOVEDIR);
unlinkat(modfd, "update", 0);
if (faccessat(modfd, "disable", F_OK, 0) != 0)
void handle_modules() {
// Execute module scripts
LOGI("* Running module post-fs-data scripts\n");
exec_module_script("post-fs-data", module_list);
// Recollect modules (module scripts could remove itself)
void foreach_modules(const char *name) {
LOGI("* Add %s to all modules\n", name);
auto dir = open_dir(MODULEROOT);
if (!dir)
int dfd = dirfd(dir.get());
for (dirent *entry; (entry = xreaddir(dir.get()));) {
if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) {
if (entry->d_name == ".core"sv)
int modfd = xopenat(dfd, entry->d_name, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
close(xopenat(modfd, name, O_RDONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0));