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synced 2025-02-26 14:47:26 +00:00
639 lines
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639 lines
19 KiB
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utility>
#include <bitset>
#include "format.hpp"
* Special Headers
struct mtk_hdr {
uint32_t magic; /* MTK magic */
uint32_t size; /* Size of the content */
char name[32]; /* The type of the header */
char padding[472]; /* Padding to 512 bytes */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct dhtb_hdr {
char magic[8]; /* DHTB magic */
uint8_t checksum[40]; /* Payload SHA256, whole image + SEANDROIDENFORCE + 0xFFFFFFFF */
uint32_t size; /* Payload size, whole image + SEANDROIDENFORCE + 0xFFFFFFFF */
char padding[460]; /* Padding to 512 bytes */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct blob_hdr {
char secure_magic[20]; /* "-SIGNED-BY-SIGNBLOB-" */
uint32_t datalen; /* 0x00000000 */
uint32_t signature; /* 0x00000000 */
char magic[16]; /* "MSM-RADIO-UPDATE" */
uint32_t hdr_version; /* 0x00010000 */
uint32_t hdr_size; /* Size of header */
uint32_t part_offset; /* Same as size */
uint32_t num_parts; /* Number of partitions */
uint32_t unknown[7]; /* All 0x00000000 */
char name[4]; /* Name of partition */
uint32_t offset; /* offset in blob where this partition starts */
uint32_t size; /* Size of data */
uint32_t version; /* 0x00000001 */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct zimage_hdr {
uint8_t head[36];
uint32_t magic; /* zImage magic */
uint32_t load_addr; /* absolute load/run zImage address */
uint32_t end_offset; /* zImage end offset */
uint32_t endianess; /* endianess flag */
uint8_t code[];
} __attribute__((packed));
* AVB Headers
#define AVB_MAGIC_LEN 4
// https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/avb/+/refs/heads/android11-release/libavb/avb_footer.h
struct AvbFooter {
uint8_t magic[AVB_FOOTER_MAGIC_LEN];
uint32_t version_major;
uint32_t version_minor;
uint64_t original_image_size;
uint64_t vbmeta_offset;
uint64_t vbmeta_size;
uint8_t reserved[28];
} __attribute__((packed));
// https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/avb/+/refs/heads/android11-release/libavb/avb_vbmeta_image.h
struct AvbVBMetaImageHeader {
uint8_t magic[AVB_MAGIC_LEN];
uint32_t required_libavb_version_major;
uint32_t required_libavb_version_minor;
uint64_t authentication_data_block_size;
uint64_t auxiliary_data_block_size;
uint32_t algorithm_type;
uint64_t hash_offset;
uint64_t hash_size;
uint64_t signature_offset;
uint64_t signature_size;
uint64_t public_key_offset;
uint64_t public_key_size;
uint64_t public_key_metadata_offset;
uint64_t public_key_metadata_size;
uint64_t descriptors_offset;
uint64_t descriptors_size;
uint64_t rollback_index;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t rollback_index_location;
uint8_t release_string[AVB_RELEASE_STRING_SIZE];
uint8_t reserved[80];
} __attribute__((packed));
* Boot Image Headers
#define BOOT_NAME_SIZE 16
#define BOOT_ID_SIZE 32
#define BOOT_ARGS_SIZE 512
* +-----------------+
* | boot header | 1 page
* +-----------------+
* | kernel | n pages
* +-----------------+
* | ramdisk | m pages
* +-----------------+
* | second stage | o pages
* +-----------------+
* | extra blob | x pages (non standard)
* +-----------------+
* | recovery dtbo | p pages
* +-----------------+
* | dtb | q pages
* +-----------------+
* n = (kernel_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* m = (ramdisk_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* o = (second_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* p = (recovery_dtbo_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* q = (dtb_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* x = (extra_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
struct boot_img_hdr_common {
char magic[BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE];
uint32_t kernel_size; /* size in bytes */
uint32_t kernel_addr; /* physical load addr */
uint32_t ramdisk_size; /* size in bytes */
uint32_t ramdisk_addr; /* physical load addr */
uint32_t second_size; /* size in bytes */
uint32_t second_addr; /* physical load addr */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct boot_img_hdr_v0 : public boot_img_hdr_common {
uint32_t tags_addr; /* physical addr for kernel tags */
uint32_t page_size; /* flash page size we assume */
// In header v1, this field is used for header version
// However, on some devices like Samsung, this field is used to store DTB
// We treat this field differently based on its value
union {
uint32_t header_version; /* the version of the header */
uint32_t extra_size; /* extra blob size in bytes */
// Operating system version and security patch level.
// For version "A.B.C" and patch level "Y-M-D":
// (7 bits for each of A, B, C; 7 bits for (Y-2000), 4 bits for M)
// os_version = A[31:25] B[24:18] C[17:11] (Y-2000)[10:4] M[3:0]
uint32_t os_version;
char name[BOOT_NAME_SIZE]; /* asciiz product name */
char cmdline[BOOT_ARGS_SIZE];
char id[BOOT_ID_SIZE]; /* timestamp / checksum / sha1 / etc */
// Supplemental command line data; kept here to maintain
// binary compatibility with older versions of mkbootimg.
char extra_cmdline[BOOT_EXTRA_ARGS_SIZE];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct boot_img_hdr_v1 : public boot_img_hdr_v0 {
uint32_t recovery_dtbo_size; /* size in bytes for recovery DTBO/ACPIO image */
uint64_t recovery_dtbo_offset; /* offset to recovery dtbo/acpio in boot image */
uint32_t header_size;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct boot_img_hdr_v2 : public boot_img_hdr_v1 {
uint32_t dtb_size; /* size in bytes for DTB image */
uint64_t dtb_addr; /* physical load address for DTB image */
} __attribute__((packed));
// Default to hdr v2
using boot_img_hdr = boot_img_hdr_v2;
// Special Samsung header
struct boot_img_hdr_pxa : public boot_img_hdr_common {
uint32_t extra_size; /* extra blob size in bytes */
uint32_t unknown;
uint32_t tags_addr; /* physical addr for kernel tags */
uint32_t page_size; /* flash page size we assume */
char name[24]; /* asciiz product name */
char cmdline[BOOT_ARGS_SIZE];
char id[BOOT_ID_SIZE]; /* timestamp / checksum / sha1 / etc */
char extra_cmdline[BOOT_EXTRA_ARGS_SIZE];
} __attribute__((packed));
/* When the boot image header has a version of 3, the structure of the boot
* image is as follows:
* +---------------------+
* | boot header | 4096 bytes
* +---------------------+
* | kernel | m pages
* +---------------------+
* | ramdisk | n pages
* +---------------------+
* m = (kernel_size + 4096 - 1) / 4096
* n = (ramdisk_size + 4096 - 1) / 4096
* Note that in version 3 of the boot image header, page size is fixed at 4096 bytes.
* The structure of the vendor boot image (introduced with version 3 and
* required to be present when a v3 boot image is used) is as follows:
* +---------------------+
* | vendor boot header | o pages
* +---------------------+
* | vendor ramdisk | p pages
* +---------------------+
* | dtb | q pages
* +---------------------+
* o = (2112 + page_size - 1) / page_size
* p = (ramdisk_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* q = (dtb_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
struct boot_img_hdr_v3 {
uint8_t magic[BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE];
uint32_t kernel_size; /* size in bytes */
uint32_t ramdisk_size; /* size in bytes */
uint32_t os_version;
uint32_t header_size;
uint32_t reserved[4];
uint32_t header_version;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct boot_img_hdr_vnd_v3 {
uint8_t magic[BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE];
// Version of the vendor boot image header.
uint32_t header_version;
uint32_t page_size; /* flash page size we assume */
uint32_t kernel_addr; /* physical load addr */
uint32_t ramdisk_addr; /* physical load addr */
uint32_t ramdisk_size; /* size in bytes */
char cmdline[VENDOR_BOOT_ARGS_SIZE];
uint32_t tags_addr; /* physical addr for kernel tags (if required) */
char name[BOOT_NAME_SIZE]; /* asciiz product name */
uint32_t header_size;
uint32_t dtb_size; /* size in bytes for DTB image */
uint64_t dtb_addr; /* physical load address for DTB image */
} __attribute__((packed));
/* When the boot image header has a version of 4, the structure of the boot
* image is as follows:
* +---------------------+
* | boot header | 4096 bytes
* +---------------------+
* | kernel | m pages
* +---------------------+
* | ramdisk | n pages
* +---------------------+
* | boot signature | g pages
* +---------------------+
* m = (kernel_size + 4096 - 1) / 4096
* n = (ramdisk_size + 4096 - 1) / 4096
* g = (signature_size + 4096 - 1) / 4096
* Note that in version 4 of the boot image header, page size is fixed at 4096
* bytes.
* The structure of the vendor boot image version 4, which is required to be
* present when a version 4 boot image is used, is as follows:
* +------------------------+
* | vendor boot header | o pages
* +------------------------+
* | vendor ramdisk section | p pages
* +------------------------+
* | dtb | q pages
* +------------------------+
* | vendor ramdisk table | r pages
* +------------------------+
* | bootconfig | s pages
* +------------------------+
* o = (2128 + page_size - 1) / page_size
* p = (vendor_ramdisk_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* q = (dtb_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* r = (vendor_ramdisk_table_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* s = (vendor_bootconfig_size + page_size - 1) / page_size
* Note that in version 4 of the vendor boot image, multiple vendor ramdisks can
* be included in the vendor boot image. The bootloader can select a subset of
* ramdisks to load at runtime. To help the bootloader select the ramdisks, each
* ramdisk is tagged with a type tag and a set of hardware identifiers
* describing the board, soc or platform that this ramdisk is intended for.
* The vendor ramdisk section is consist of multiple ramdisk images concatenated
* one after another, and vendor_ramdisk_size is the size of the section, which
* is the total size of all the ramdisks included in the vendor boot image.
* The vendor ramdisk table holds the size, offset, type, name and hardware
* identifiers of each ramdisk. The type field denotes the type of its content.
* The vendor ramdisk names are unique. The hardware identifiers are specified
* in the board_id field in each table entry. The board_id field is consist of a
* vector of unsigned integer words, and the encoding scheme is defined by the
* hardware vendor.
* For the different type of ramdisks, there are:
* - VENDOR_RAMDISK_TYPE_NONE indicates the value is unspecified.
* - VENDOR_RAMDISK_TYPE_PLATFORM ramdisks contain platform specific bits, so
* the bootloader should always load these into memory.
* - VENDOR_RAMDISK_TYPE_RECOVERY ramdisks contain recovery resources, so
* the bootloader should load these when booting into recovery.
* - VENDOR_RAMDISK_TYPE_DLKM ramdisks contain dynamic loadable kernel
* modules.
* Version 4 of the vendor boot image also adds a bootconfig section to the end
* of the image. This section contains Boot Configuration parameters known at
* build time. The bootloader is responsible for placing this section directly
* after the generic ramdisk, followed by the bootconfig trailer, before
* entering the kernel.
struct boot_img_hdr_v4 : public boot_img_hdr_v3 {
uint32_t signature_size; /* size in bytes */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct boot_img_hdr_vnd_v4 : public boot_img_hdr_vnd_v3 {
uint32_t vendor_ramdisk_table_size; /* size in bytes for the vendor ramdisk table */
uint32_t vendor_ramdisk_table_entry_num; /* number of entries in the vendor ramdisk table */
uint32_t vendor_ramdisk_table_entry_size; /* size in bytes for a vendor ramdisk table entry */
uint32_t bootconfig_size; /* size in bytes for the bootconfig section */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct vendor_ramdisk_table_entry_v4 {
uint32_t ramdisk_size; /* size in bytes for the ramdisk image */
uint32_t ramdisk_offset; /* offset to the ramdisk image in vendor ramdisk section */
uint32_t ramdisk_type; /* type of the ramdisk */
uint8_t ramdisk_name[VENDOR_RAMDISK_NAME_SIZE]; /* asciiz ramdisk name */
// Hardware identifiers describing the board, soc or platform which this
// ramdisk is intended to be loaded on.
} __attribute__((packed));
* Polymorphic Universal Header
#define decl_var(name, len) \
virtual uint##len##_t &name() { j##len = 0; return j##len; }
#define decl_val(name, type) \
virtual type name() { return 0; }
struct dyn_img_hdr {
// Standard entries
decl_var(kernel_size, 32)
decl_var(ramdisk_size, 32)
decl_var(second_size, 32)
decl_var(page_size, 32)
decl_val(header_version, uint32_t)
decl_var(extra_size, 32)
decl_var(os_version, 32)
decl_val(name, char *)
decl_val(cmdline, char *)
decl_val(id, char *)
decl_val(extra_cmdline, char *)
uint32_t kernel_dt_size = 0;
// v1/v2 specific
decl_var(recovery_dtbo_size, 32)
decl_var(recovery_dtbo_offset, 64)
decl_var(header_size, 32)
decl_var(dtb_size, 32)
virtual ~dyn_img_hdr() {
virtual size_t hdr_size() = 0;
virtual size_t hdr_space() { return page_size(); }
virtual dyn_img_hdr *clone() = 0;
const void *raw_hdr() const { return raw; }
void print();
void dump_hdr_file();
void load_hdr_file();
union {
// Main header could be either AOSP or PXA
boot_img_hdr_v2 *v2_hdr; /* AOSP v2 header */
boot_img_hdr_v3 *v3_hdr; /* AOSP v3 header */
boot_img_hdr_v4 *v4_hdr; /* AOSP v4 header */
boot_img_hdr_pxa *hdr_pxa; /* Samsung PXA header */
boot_img_hdr_vnd_v3 *v3_vnd; /* AOSP vendor v3 header */
boot_img_hdr_vnd_v4 *v4_vnd; /* AOSP vendor v4 header */
void *raw; /* Raw pointer */
// Junk for references
static uint32_t j32;
static uint64_t j64;
#undef decl_var
#undef decl_val
#define __impl_cls(name, hdr) \
protected: name() = default; \
public: \
name(void *ptr) { \
raw = xmalloc(sizeof(hdr)); \
memcpy(raw, ptr, sizeof(hdr)); \
} \
size_t hdr_size() override { return sizeof(hdr); } \
dyn_img_hdr *clone() override { \
auto p = new name(this->raw); \
p->kernel_dt_size = kernel_dt_size; \
return p; \
#define __impl_val(name, hdr_name) \
decltype(std::declval<dyn_img_hdr>().name()) name() override { return hdr_name->name; }
#define impl_cls(ver) __impl_cls(dyn_img_##ver, boot_img_hdr_##ver)
#define impl_val(name) __impl_val(name, v2_hdr)
struct dyn_img_common : public dyn_img_hdr {
struct dyn_img_v0 : public dyn_img_common {
struct dyn_img_v1 : public dyn_img_v0 {
uint32_t &extra_size() override { return dyn_img_hdr::extra_size(); }
struct dyn_img_v2 : public dyn_img_v1 {
#undef impl_val
#define impl_val(name) __impl_val(name, hdr_pxa)
struct dyn_img_pxa : public dyn_img_common {
#undef impl_val
#define impl_val(name) __impl_val(name, v3_hdr)
struct dyn_img_v3 : public dyn_img_hdr {
// Make API compatible
uint32_t &page_size() override { page_sz = 4096; return page_sz; }
char *extra_cmdline() override { return &v3_hdr->cmdline[BOOT_ARGS_SIZE]; }
uint32_t page_sz = 4096;
#undef impl_val
#define impl_val(name) __impl_val(name, v3_vnd)
struct dyn_img_vnd_v3 : public dyn_img_hdr {
size_t hdr_space() override { auto sz = page_size(); return do_align(hdr_size(), sz); }
// Make API compatible
char *extra_cmdline() override { return &v3_vnd->cmdline[BOOT_ARGS_SIZE]; }
#undef impl_val
#define impl_val(name) __impl_val(name, v4_hdr)
struct dyn_img_v4 : public dyn_img_v3 {
#undef impl_val
#define impl_val(name) __impl_val(name, v4_vnd)
struct dyn_img_vnd_v4 : public dyn_img_vnd_v3 {
#undef __impl_cls
#undef __impl_val
#undef impl_cls
#undef impl_val
* Full Boot Image
enum {
struct boot_img {
// Memory map of the whole image
uint8_t *map_addr;
size_t map_size;
// Android image header
dyn_img_hdr *hdr;
// Flags to indicate the state of current boot image
std::bitset<BOOT_FLAGS_MAX> flags;
// The format of kernel, ramdisk and extra
format_t k_fmt = UNKNOWN;
format_t r_fmt = UNKNOWN;
format_t e_fmt = UNKNOWN;
* Following pointers points within the mmap region
// MTK headers
mtk_hdr *k_hdr;
mtk_hdr *r_hdr;
// The pointers/values after parse_image
// +---------------+
// | z_hdr | z_info.hdr_sz
// +---------------+
// | kernel | hdr->kernel_size()
// +---------------+
// | z_info.tail | z_info.tail_sz
// +---------------+
zimage_hdr *z_hdr;
struct {
uint32_t hdr_sz;
uint32_t tail_sz = 0;
uint8_t *tail = nullptr;
} z_info;
// Pointer to dtb that is embedded in kernel
uint8_t *kernel_dtb;
// Pointer to end of image
uint8_t *tail;
size_t tail_size = 0;
// AVB structs
AvbFooter *avb_footer;
AvbVBMetaImageHeader *avb_meta;
// Pointers to blocks defined in header
uint8_t *hdr_addr;
uint8_t *kernel;
uint8_t *ramdisk;
uint8_t *second;
uint8_t *extra;
uint8_t *recovery_dtbo;
uint8_t *dtb;
boot_img(const char *);
void parse_image(uint8_t *addr, format_t type);