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synced 2024-12-01 05:55:26 +00:00
Usually, the communication between native and the app is done via sending intents to either broadcast or activity. These communication channels are for launching root requests dialogs, sending root request notifications (the toast you see when an app gained root access), and root request logging. Sending intents by am (activity manager) usually requires specifying the component name in the format of <pkg>/<class name>. This means parts of Magisk Manager cannot be randomized or else the native daemon is unable to know where to send data to the app. On modern Android (not sure which API is it introduced), it is possible to send broadcasts to a package, not a specific component. Which component will receive the intent depends on the intent filter declared in AndroidManifest.xml. Since we already have a mechanism in native code to keep track of the package name of Magisk Manager, this makes it perfect to pass intents to Magisk Manager that have components being randomly obfuscated (stub APKs). There are a few caveats though. Although this broadcasting method works perfectly fine on AOSP and most systems, there are OEMs out there shipping ROMs blocking broadcasts unexpectedly. In order to make sure Magisk works in all kinds of scenarios, we run actual tests every boot to determine which communication method should be used. We have 3 methods in total, ordered in preference: 1. Broadcasting to a package 2. Broadcasting to a specific component 3. Starting a specific activity component Method 3 will always work on any device, but the downside is anytime a communication happens, Magisk Manager will steal foreground focus regardless of whether UI is drawn. Method 1 is the only way to support obfuscated stub APKs. The communication test will test method 1 and 2, and if Magisk Manager is able to receive the messages, it will then update the daemon configuration to use whichever is preferable. If none of the broadcasts can be delivered, then the fallback method 3 will be used.
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package com.topjohnwu.magisk.extensions
import android.content.ComponentName
import android.content.Context
import android.content.ContextWrapper
import android.content.Intent
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo
import android.content.pm.ComponentInfo
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo
import android.content.pm.PackageManager
import android.content.pm.PackageManager.*
import android.content.res.Configuration
import android.content.res.Resources
import android.database.Cursor
import android.net.Uri
import android.os.Build
import android.provider.OpenableColumns
import android.view.View
import androidx.annotation.ColorRes
import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat
import androidx.core.net.toUri
import com.topjohnwu.magisk.Const
import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.DynamicClassLoader
import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.FileProvider
import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.Utils
import com.topjohnwu.magisk.utils.currentLocale
import com.topjohnwu.superuser.Shell
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileNotFoundException
import java.lang.reflect.Array as JArray
val packageName: String get() = get<Context>().packageName
val PackageInfo.processes
get() = activities?.processNames.orEmpty() +
services?.processNames.orEmpty() +
receivers?.processNames.orEmpty() +
val Array<out ComponentInfo>.processNames get() = mapNotNull { it.processName }
val ApplicationInfo.packageInfo: PackageInfo?
get() {
val pm: PackageManager by inject()
return try {
val request = GET_ACTIVITIES or
pm.getPackageInfo(packageName, request)
} catch (e1: Exception) {
try {
pm.activities(packageName).apply {
services = pm.services(packageName)
receivers = pm.receivers(packageName)
providers = pm.providers(packageName)
} catch (e2: Exception) {
val Uri.fileName: String
get() {
var name: String? = null
get<Context>().contentResolver.query(this, null, null, null, null)?.use { c ->
val nameIndex = c.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)
if (nameIndex != -1) {
name = c.getString(nameIndex)
if (name == null && path != null) {
val idx = path!!.lastIndexOf('/')
name = path!!.substring(idx + 1)
return name.orEmpty()
fun PackageManager.activities(packageName: String) =
getPackageInfo(packageName, GET_ACTIVITIES)
fun PackageManager.services(packageName: String) =
getPackageInfo(packageName, GET_SERVICES).services
fun PackageManager.receivers(packageName: String) =
getPackageInfo(packageName, GET_RECEIVERS).receivers
fun PackageManager.providers(packageName: String) =
getPackageInfo(packageName, GET_PROVIDERS).providers
fun Context.rawResource(id: Int) = resources.openRawResource(id)
fun Context.readUri(uri: Uri) =
contentResolver.openInputStream(uri) ?: throw FileNotFoundException()
fun Intent.startActivity(context: Context) = context.startActivity(this)
fun Intent.startActivityWithRoot() {
val args = mutableListOf("am", "start", "--user", Const.USER_ID.toString())
val cmd = toCommand(args).joinToString(" ")
fun Intent.toCommand(args: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()): MutableList<String> {
action?.also {
component?.also {
data?.also {
categories?.also {
for (cat in it) {
type?.also {
extras?.also {
loop@ for (key in it.keySet()) {
val v = it[key] ?: continue
var value: Any = v
val arg: String
when {
v is String -> arg = "--es"
v is Boolean -> arg = "--ez"
v is Int -> arg = "--ei"
v is Long -> arg = "--el"
v is Float -> arg = "--ef"
v is Uri -> arg = "--eu"
v is ComponentName -> {
arg = "--ecn"
value = v.flattenToString()
v is List<*> -> {
if (v.isEmpty())
arg = if (v[0] is Int)
else if (v[0] is Long)
else if (v[0] is Float)
else if (v[0] is String)
continue@loop /* Unsupported */
val sb = StringBuilder()
for (o in v) {
sb.append(o.toString().replace(",", "\\,"))
// Remove trailing comma
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length - 1)
value = sb
v.javaClass.isArray -> {
arg = if (v is IntArray)
else if (v is LongArray)
else if (v is FloatArray)
else if (v is Array<*> && v.isArrayOf<String>())
continue@loop /* Unsupported */
val sb = StringBuilder()
val len = JArray.getLength(v)
for (i in 0 until len) {
sb.append(JArray.get(v, i)!!.toString().replace(",", "\\,"))
// Remove trailing comma
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length - 1)
value = sb
else -> continue@loop
} /* Unsupported */
return args
fun File.provide(context: Context = get()): Uri {
return FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, context.packageName + ".provider", this)
fun File.mv(destination: File) {
fun String.toFile() = File(this)
fun Intent.chooser(title: String = "Pick an app") = Intent.createChooser(this, title)
fun Context.cachedFile(name: String) = File(cacheDir, name)
fun <Result> Cursor.toList(transformer: (Cursor) -> Result): List<Result> {
val out = mutableListOf<Result>()
while (moveToNext()) out.add(transformer(this))
return out
fun ApplicationInfo.getLabel(pm: PackageManager): String {
runCatching {
if (labelRes > 0) {
val res = pm.getResourcesForApplication(this)
val config = Configuration()
res.updateConfiguration(config, res.displayMetrics)
return res.getString(labelRes)
return loadLabel(pm).toString()
fun Intent.exists(packageManager: PackageManager) = resolveActivity(packageManager) != null
fun Context.colorCompat(@ColorRes id: Int) = try {
ContextCompat.getColor(this, id)
} catch (e: Resources.NotFoundException) {
fun Context.colorStateListCompat(@ColorRes id: Int) = try {
ContextCompat.getColorStateList(this, id)
} catch (e: Resources.NotFoundException) {
fun Context.drawableCompat(@DrawableRes id: Int) = ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, id)
* Pass [start] and [end] dimensions, function will return left and right
* with respect to RTL layout direction
fun Context.startEndToLeftRight(start: Int, end: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
resources.configuration.layoutDirection == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL
) {
return end to start
return start to end
fun Context.openUrl(url: String) = Utils.openLink(this, url.toUri())
inline fun <reified T> T.DynamicClassLoader(apk: File)
= DynamicClassLoader(apk, T::class.java.classLoader)
fun Context.unwrap() : Context {
var context = this
while (true) {
if (context is ContextWrapper)
context = context.baseContext
return context