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package types
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
import (
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
2022-09-04 11:32:29 +02:00
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
2022-09-02 00:04:04 +02:00
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
2022-07-11 20:33:24 +02:00
const (
defaultOIDCExpiryTime = 180 * 24 * time.Hour // 180 Days
maxDuration time.Duration = 1<<63 - 1
PKCEMethodPlain string = "plain"
PKCEMethodS256 string = "S256"
2022-07-11 20:33:24 +02:00
var (
errOidcMutuallyExclusive = errors.New("oidc_client_secret and oidc_client_secret_path are mutually exclusive")
errServerURLSuffix = errors.New("server_url cannot be part of base_domain in a way that could make the DERP and headscale server unreachable")
errInvalidPKCEMethod = errors.New("pkce.method must be either 'plain' or 'S256'")
type IPAllocationStrategy string
const (
IPAllocationStrategySequential IPAllocationStrategy = "sequential"
IPAllocationStrategyRandom IPAllocationStrategy = "random"
type PolicyMode string
const (
PolicyModeDB = "database"
PolicyModeFile = "file"
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
// Config contains the initial Headscale configuration.
type Config struct {
ServerURL string
Addr string
MetricsAddr string
GRPCAddr string
GRPCAllowInsecure bool
EphemeralNodeInactivityTimeout time.Duration
PrefixV4 *netip.Prefix
PrefixV6 *netip.Prefix
IPAllocation IPAllocationStrategy
NoisePrivateKeyPath string
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
BaseDomain string
Log LogConfig
DisableUpdateCheck bool
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
Database DatabaseConfig
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
2022-06-03 10:14:14 +02:00
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
ACMEURL string
ACMEEmail string
// DNSConfig is the headscale representation of the DNS configuration.
// It is kept in the config update for some settings that are
// not directly converted into a tailcfg.DNSConfig.
DNSConfig DNSConfig
// TailcfgDNSConfig is the tailcfg representation of the DNS configuration,
// it can be used directly when sending Netmaps to clients.
TailcfgDNSConfig *tailcfg.DNSConfig
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
UnixSocket string
UnixSocketPermission fs.FileMode
2022-06-09 21:20:11 +02:00
LogTail LogTailConfig
RandomizeClientPort bool
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
Policy PolicyConfig
Tuning Tuning
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
type DNSConfig struct {
MagicDNS bool `mapstructure:"magic_dns"`
BaseDomain string `mapstructure:"base_domain"`
Nameservers Nameservers
SearchDomains []string `mapstructure:"search_domains"`
ExtraRecords []tailcfg.DNSRecord `mapstructure:"extra_records"`
ExtraRecordsPath string `mapstructure:"extra_records_path"`
type Nameservers struct {
Global []string
Split map[string][]string
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
type SqliteConfig struct {
Path string
WriteAheadLog bool
WALAutoCheckPoint int
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
type PostgresConfig struct {
Host string
Port int
Name string
User string
Pass string
Ssl string
MaxOpenConnections int
MaxIdleConnections int
ConnMaxIdleTimeSecs int
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
type GormConfig struct {
Debug bool
SlowThreshold time.Duration
SkipErrRecordNotFound bool
ParameterizedQueries bool
PrepareStmt bool
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
type DatabaseConfig struct {
// Type sets the database type, either "sqlite3" or "postgres"
Type string
Debug bool
// Type sets the gorm configuration
Gorm GormConfig
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
Sqlite SqliteConfig
Postgres PostgresConfig
2022-06-03 10:14:14 +02:00
type TLSConfig struct {
2022-11-19 10:33:15 +00:00
CertPath string
KeyPath string
2022-06-03 10:14:14 +02:00
LetsEncrypt LetsEncryptConfig
type LetsEncryptConfig struct {
Listen string
Hostname string
CacheDir string
ChallengeType string
type PKCEConfig struct {
Enabled bool
Method string
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
type OIDCConfig struct {
OnlyStartIfOIDCIsAvailable bool
Issuer string
ClientID string
ClientSecret string
Scope []string
ExtraParams map[string]string
AllowedDomains []string
AllowedUsers []string
AllowedGroups []string
StripEmaildomain bool
Expiry time.Duration
UseExpiryFromToken bool
MapLegacyUsers bool
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
type DERPConfig struct {
ServerEnabled bool
AutomaticallyAddEmbeddedDerpRegion bool
ServerRegionID int
ServerRegionCode string
ServerRegionName string
ServerPrivateKeyPath string
STUNAddr string
URLs []url.URL
Paths []string
2024-10-17 13:34:20 +02:00
DERPMap *tailcfg.DERPMap
AutoUpdate bool
UpdateFrequency time.Duration
IPv4 string
IPv6 string
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
type LogTailConfig struct {
Enabled bool
type CLIConfig struct {
Address string
APIKey string
Timeout time.Duration
Insecure bool
type PolicyConfig struct {
Path string
Mode PolicyMode
2022-06-03 09:05:41 +02:00
func (p *PolicyConfig) IsEmpty() bool {
return p.Mode == PolicyModeFile && p.Path == ""
type LogConfig struct {
Format string
Level zerolog.Level
type Tuning struct {
NotifierSendTimeout time.Duration
BatchChangeDelay time.Duration
NodeMapSessionBufferedChanSize int
func validatePKCEMethod(method string) error {
if method != PKCEMethodPlain && method != PKCEMethodS256 {
return errInvalidPKCEMethod
return nil
// LoadConfig prepares and loads the Headscale configuration into Viper.
// This means it sets the default values, reads the configuration file and
// environment variables, and handles deprecated configuration options.
// It has to be called before LoadServerConfig and LoadCLIConfig.
// The configuration is not validated and the caller should check for errors
// using a validation function.
func LoadConfig(path string, isFile bool) error {
if isFile {
} else {
if path == "" {
} else {
// For testing
envPrefix := "headscale"
viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_"))
viper.SetDefault("policy.mode", "file")
viper.SetDefault("tls_letsencrypt_cache_dir", "/var/www/.cache")
viper.SetDefault("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type", HTTP01ChallengeType)
viper.SetDefault("log.level", "info")
viper.SetDefault("log.format", TextLogFormat)
viper.SetDefault("dns.magic_dns", true)
viper.SetDefault("dns.base_domain", "")
viper.SetDefault("dns.nameservers.global", []string{})
viper.SetDefault("dns.nameservers.split", map[string]string{})
viper.SetDefault("dns.search_domains", []string{})
viper.SetDefault("derp.server.enabled", false)
viper.SetDefault("derp.server.stun.enabled", true)
viper.SetDefault("derp.server.automatically_add_embedded_derp_region", true)
viper.SetDefault("unix_socket", "/var/run/headscale/headscale.sock")
viper.SetDefault("unix_socket_permission", "0o770")
viper.SetDefault("grpc_listen_addr", ":50443")
viper.SetDefault("grpc_allow_insecure", false)
viper.SetDefault("cli.timeout", "5s")
viper.SetDefault("cli.insecure", false)
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
viper.SetDefault("database.postgres.ssl", false)
viper.SetDefault("database.postgres.max_open_conns", 10)
viper.SetDefault("database.postgres.max_idle_conns", 10)
viper.SetDefault("database.postgres.conn_max_idle_time_secs", 3600)
viper.SetDefault("database.sqlite.write_ahead_log", true)
viper.SetDefault("database.sqlite.wal_autocheckpoint", 1000) // SQLite default
viper.SetDefault("oidc.scope", []string{oidc.ScopeOpenID, "profile", "email"})
viper.SetDefault("oidc.strip_email_domain", true)
viper.SetDefault("oidc.only_start_if_oidc_is_available", true)
viper.SetDefault("oidc.expiry", "180d")
viper.SetDefault("oidc.use_expiry_from_token", false)
viper.SetDefault("oidc.map_legacy_users", true)
viper.SetDefault("oidc.pkce.enabled", false)
viper.SetDefault("oidc.pkce.method", "S256")
viper.SetDefault("logtail.enabled", false)
2022-06-09 21:20:11 +02:00
viper.SetDefault("randomize_client_port", false)
viper.SetDefault("ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout", "120s")
viper.SetDefault("tuning.notifier_send_timeout", "800ms")
viper.SetDefault("tuning.batch_change_delay", "800ms")
viper.SetDefault("tuning.node_mapsession_buffered_chan_size", 30)
viper.SetDefault("prefixes.allocation", string(IPAllocationStrategySequential))
if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fatal error reading config file: %w", err)
return nil
func validateServerConfig() error {
depr := deprecator{
warns: make(set.Set[string]),
fatals: make(set.Set[string]),
// Register aliases for backward compatibility
// Has to be called _after_ viper.ReadInConfig()
// https://github.com/spf13/viper/issues/560
// Alias the old ACL Policy path with the new configuration option.
depr.fatalIfNewKeyIsNotUsed("policy.path", "acl_policy_path")
// Move dns_config -> dns
depr.fatalIfNewKeyIsNotUsed("dns.magic_dns", "dns_config.magic_dns")
depr.fatalIfNewKeyIsNotUsed("dns.base_domain", "dns_config.base_domain")
depr.fatalIfNewKeyIsNotUsed("dns.nameservers.global", "dns_config.nameservers")
depr.fatalIfNewKeyIsNotUsed("dns.nameservers.split", "dns_config.restricted_nameservers")
depr.fatalIfNewKeyIsNotUsed("dns.search_domains", "dns_config.domains")
depr.fatalIfNewKeyIsNotUsed("dns.extra_records", "dns_config.extra_records")
// TODO(kradalby): Reintroduce when strip_email_domain is removed
// after #2170 is cleaned up
// depr.fatal("oidc.strip_email_domain")
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
if viper.GetBool("oidc.enabled") {
if err := validatePKCEMethod(viper.GetString("oidc.pkce.method")); err != nil {
return err
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
for _, removed := range []string{
// TODO(kradalby): Reintroduce when strip_email_domain is removed
// after #2170 is cleaned up
// "oidc.strip_email_domain",
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
} {
if viper.IsSet(removed) {
Msgf("Fatal config error: %s has been removed. Please remove it from your config file", removed)
if viper.IsSet("dns.extra_records") && viper.IsSet("dns.extra_records_path") {
log.Fatal().Msg("Fatal config error: dns.extra_records and dns.extra_records_path are mutually exclusive. Please remove one of them from your config file")
// Collect any validation errors and return them all at once
var errorText string
if (viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_hostname") != "") &&
((viper.GetString("tls_cert_path") != "") || (viper.GetString("tls_key_path") != "")) {
errorText += "Fatal config error: set either tls_letsencrypt_hostname or tls_cert_path/tls_key_path, not both\n"
if !viper.IsSet("noise") || viper.GetString("noise.private_key_path") == "" {
errorText += "Fatal config error: headscale now requires a new `noise.private_key_path` field in the config file for the Tailscale v2 protocol\n"
if (viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_hostname") != "") &&
(viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type") == TLSALPN01ChallengeType) &&
(!strings.HasSuffix(viper.GetString("listen_addr"), ":443")) {
// this is only a warning because there could be something sitting in front of headscale that redirects the traffic (e.g. an iptables rule)
Msg("Warning: when using tls_letsencrypt_hostname with TLS-ALPN-01 as challenge type, headscale must be reachable on port 443, i.e. listen_addr should probably end in :443")
if (viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type") != HTTP01ChallengeType) &&
(viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type") != TLSALPN01ChallengeType) {
errorText += "Fatal config error: the only supported values for tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type are HTTP-01 and TLS-ALPN-01\n"
if !strings.HasPrefix(viper.GetString("server_url"), "http://") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(viper.GetString("server_url"), "https://") {
errorText += "Fatal config error: server_url must start with https:// or http://\n"
// Minimum inactivity time out is keepalive timeout (60s) plus a few seconds
// to avoid races
minInactivityTimeout, _ := time.ParseDuration("65s")
if viper.GetDuration("ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout") <= minInactivityTimeout {
errorText += fmt.Sprintf(
"Fatal config error: ephemeral_node_inactivity_timeout (%s) is set too low, must be more than %s",
if errorText != "" {
// nolint
return errors.New(strings.TrimSuffix(errorText, "\n"))
return nil
func tlsConfig() TLSConfig {
2022-06-03 10:14:14 +02:00
return TLSConfig{
LetsEncrypt: LetsEncryptConfig{
Hostname: viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_hostname"),
Listen: viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_listen"),
CacheDir: util.AbsolutePathFromConfigPath(
2022-06-03 10:14:14 +02:00
ChallengeType: viper.GetString("tls_letsencrypt_challenge_type"),
CertPath: util.AbsolutePathFromConfigPath(
2022-06-03 10:14:14 +02:00
KeyPath: util.AbsolutePathFromConfigPath(
2022-06-03 10:14:14 +02:00
func derpConfig() DERPConfig {
serverEnabled := viper.GetBool("derp.server.enabled")
serverRegionID := viper.GetInt("derp.server.region_id")
serverRegionCode := viper.GetString("derp.server.region_code")
serverRegionName := viper.GetString("derp.server.region_name")
stunAddr := viper.GetString("derp.server.stun_listen_addr")
privateKeyPath := util.AbsolutePathFromConfigPath(
ipv4 := viper.GetString("derp.server.ipv4")
ipv6 := viper.GetString("derp.server.ipv6")
automaticallyAddEmbeddedDerpRegion := viper.GetBool(
if serverEnabled && stunAddr == "" {
Msg("derp.server.stun_listen_addr must be set if derp.server.enabled is true")
urlStrs := viper.GetStringSlice("derp.urls")
urls := make([]url.URL, len(urlStrs))
for index, urlStr := range urlStrs {
urlAddr, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err != nil {
Str("url", urlStr).
Msg("Failed to parse url, ignoring...")
urls[index] = *urlAddr
paths := viper.GetStringSlice("derp.paths")
if serverEnabled && !automaticallyAddEmbeddedDerpRegion && len(paths) == 0 {
Msg("Disabling derp.server.automatically_add_embedded_derp_region requires to configure the derp server in derp.paths")
autoUpdate := viper.GetBool("derp.auto_update_enabled")
updateFrequency := viper.GetDuration("derp.update_frequency")
return DERPConfig{
ServerEnabled: serverEnabled,
ServerRegionID: serverRegionID,
ServerRegionCode: serverRegionCode,
ServerRegionName: serverRegionName,
ServerPrivateKeyPath: privateKeyPath,
STUNAddr: stunAddr,
URLs: urls,
Paths: paths,
AutoUpdate: autoUpdate,
UpdateFrequency: updateFrequency,
IPv4: ipv4,
IPv6: ipv6,
AutomaticallyAddEmbeddedDerpRegion: automaticallyAddEmbeddedDerpRegion,
func logtailConfig() LogTailConfig {
enabled := viper.GetBool("logtail.enabled")
return LogTailConfig{
Enabled: enabled,
func policyConfig() PolicyConfig {
policyPath := viper.GetString("policy.path")
policyMode := viper.GetString("policy.mode")
return PolicyConfig{
Path: policyPath,
Mode: PolicyMode(policyMode),
func logConfig() LogConfig {
logLevelStr := viper.GetString("log.level")
logLevel, err := zerolog.ParseLevel(logLevelStr)
if err != nil {
logLevel = zerolog.DebugLevel
logFormatOpt := viper.GetString("log.format")
var logFormat string
switch logFormatOpt {
case JSONLogFormat:
logFormat = JSONLogFormat
case TextLogFormat:
logFormat = TextLogFormat
case "":
logFormat = TextLogFormat
Str("func", "GetLogConfig").
Msgf("Could not parse log format: %s. Valid choices are 'json' or 'text'", logFormatOpt)
return LogConfig{
Format: logFormat,
Level: logLevel,
func databaseConfig() DatabaseConfig {
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
debug := viper.GetBool("database.debug")
type_ := viper.GetString("database.type")
skipErrRecordNotFound := viper.GetBool("database.gorm.skip_err_record_not_found")
slowThreshold := viper.GetDuration("database.gorm.slow_threshold") * time.Millisecond
parameterizedQueries := viper.GetBool("database.gorm.parameterized_queries")
prepareStmt := viper.GetBool("database.gorm.prepare_stmt")
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
switch type_ {
case DatabaseSqlite, DatabasePostgres:
case "sqlite":
type_ = "sqlite3"
Msgf("invalid database type %q, must be sqlite, sqlite3 or postgres", type_)
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
return DatabaseConfig{
Type: type_,
Debug: debug,
Gorm: GormConfig{
Debug: debug,
SkipErrRecordNotFound: skipErrRecordNotFound,
SlowThreshold: slowThreshold,
ParameterizedQueries: parameterizedQueries,
PrepareStmt: prepareStmt,
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
Sqlite: SqliteConfig{
Path: util.AbsolutePathFromConfigPath(
WriteAheadLog: viper.GetBool("database.sqlite.write_ahead_log"),
WALAutoCheckPoint: viper.GetInt("database.sqlite.wal_autocheckpoint"),
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
Postgres: PostgresConfig{
Host: viper.GetString("database.postgres.host"),
Port: viper.GetInt("database.postgres.port"),
Name: viper.GetString("database.postgres.name"),
User: viper.GetString("database.postgres.user"),
Pass: viper.GetString("database.postgres.pass"),
Ssl: viper.GetString("database.postgres.ssl"),
MaxOpenConnections: viper.GetInt("database.postgres.max_open_conns"),
MaxIdleConnections: viper.GetInt("database.postgres.max_idle_conns"),
ConnMaxIdleTimeSecs: viper.GetInt(
2024-02-09 07:27:00 +01:00
func dns() (DNSConfig, error) {
var dns DNSConfig
// TODO: Use this instead of manually getting settings when
// UnmarshalKey is compatible with Environment Variables.
// err := viper.UnmarshalKey("dns", &dns)
// if err != nil {
2025-01-08 11:11:48 +01:00
// return DNSConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling dns config: %w", err)
// }
dns.MagicDNS = viper.GetBool("dns.magic_dns")
dns.BaseDomain = viper.GetString("dns.base_domain")
dns.Nameservers.Global = viper.GetStringSlice("dns.nameservers.global")
dns.Nameservers.Split = viper.GetStringMapStringSlice("dns.nameservers.split")
dns.SearchDomains = viper.GetStringSlice("dns.search_domains")
dns.ExtraRecordsPath = viper.GetString("dns.extra_records_path")
if viper.IsSet("dns.extra_records") {
var extraRecords []tailcfg.DNSRecord
2022-11-07 21:10:06 +01:00
err := viper.UnmarshalKey("dns.extra_records", &extraRecords)
if err != nil {
2025-01-08 11:11:48 +01:00
return DNSConfig{}, fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling dns extra records: %w", err)
dns.ExtraRecords = extraRecords
return dns, nil
// globalResolvers returns the global DNS resolvers
// defined in the config file.
// If a nameserver is a valid IP, it will be used as a regular resolver.
// If a nameserver is a valid URL, it will be used as a DoH resolver.
// If a nameserver is neither a valid URL nor a valid IP, it will be ignored.
func (d *DNSConfig) globalResolvers() []*dnstype.Resolver {
var resolvers []*dnstype.Resolver
for _, nsStr := range d.Nameservers.Global {
warn := ""
if _, err := netip.ParseAddr(nsStr); err == nil {
resolvers = append(resolvers, &dnstype.Resolver{
Addr: nsStr,
} else {
warn = fmt.Sprintf("Invalid global nameserver %q. Parsing error: %s ignoring", nsStr, err)
if _, err := url.Parse(nsStr); err == nil {
resolvers = append(resolvers, &dnstype.Resolver{
Addr: nsStr,
} else {
warn = fmt.Sprintf("Invalid global nameserver %q. Parsing error: %s ignoring", nsStr, err)
if warn != "" {
return resolvers
// splitResolvers returns a map of domain to DNS resolvers.
// If a nameserver is a valid IP, it will be used as a regular resolver.
// If a nameserver is a valid URL, it will be used as a DoH resolver.
// If a nameserver is neither a valid URL nor a valid IP, it will be ignored.
func (d *DNSConfig) splitResolvers() map[string][]*dnstype.Resolver {
routes := make(map[string][]*dnstype.Resolver)
for domain, nameservers := range d.Nameservers.Split {
var resolvers []*dnstype.Resolver
for _, nsStr := range nameservers {
warn := ""
if _, err := netip.ParseAddr(nsStr); err == nil {
resolvers = append(resolvers, &dnstype.Resolver{
Addr: nsStr,
} else {
warn = fmt.Sprintf("Invalid split dns nameserver %q. Parsing error: %s ignoring", nsStr, err)
if _, err := url.Parse(nsStr); err == nil {
resolvers = append(resolvers, &dnstype.Resolver{
Addr: nsStr,
} else {
warn = fmt.Sprintf("Invalid split dns nameserver %q. Parsing error: %s ignoring", nsStr, err)
if warn != "" {
routes[domain] = resolvers
return routes
func dnsToTailcfgDNS(dns DNSConfig) *tailcfg.DNSConfig {
cfg := tailcfg.DNSConfig{}
if dns.BaseDomain == "" && dns.MagicDNS {
log.Fatal().Msg("dns.base_domain must be set when using MagicDNS (dns.magic_dns)")
cfg.Proxied = dns.MagicDNS
cfg.ExtraRecords = dns.ExtraRecords
cfg.Resolvers = dns.globalResolvers()
routes := dns.splitResolvers()
cfg.Routes = routes
if dns.BaseDomain != "" {
cfg.Domains = []string{dns.BaseDomain}
cfg.Domains = append(cfg.Domains, dns.SearchDomains...)
return &cfg
func prefixV4() (*netip.Prefix, error) {
prefixV4Str := viper.GetString("prefixes.v4")
if prefixV4Str == "" {
return nil, nil
prefixV4, err := netip.ParsePrefix(prefixV4Str)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing IPv4 prefix from config: %w", err)
builder := netipx.IPSetBuilder{}
ipSet, _ := builder.IPSet()
if !ipSet.ContainsPrefix(prefixV4) {
Msgf("Prefix %s is not in the %s range. This is an unsupported configuration.",
prefixV4Str, tsaddr.CGNATRange())
return &prefixV4, nil
func prefixV6() (*netip.Prefix, error) {
prefixV6Str := viper.GetString("prefixes.v6")
if prefixV6Str == "" {
return nil, nil
prefixV6, err := netip.ParsePrefix(prefixV6Str)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing IPv6 prefix from config: %w", err)
builder := netipx.IPSetBuilder{}
ipSet, _ := builder.IPSet()
if !ipSet.ContainsPrefix(prefixV6) {
Msgf("Prefix %s is not in the %s range. This is an unsupported configuration.",
prefixV6Str, tsaddr.TailscaleULARange())
return &prefixV6, nil
// LoadCLIConfig returns the needed configuration for the CLI client
// of Headscale to connect to a Headscale server.
func LoadCLIConfig() (*Config, error) {
logConfig := logConfig()
return &Config{
DisableUpdateCheck: viper.GetBool("disable_check_updates"),
UnixSocket: viper.GetString("unix_socket"),
CLI: CLIConfig{
Address: viper.GetString("cli.address"),
APIKey: viper.GetString("cli.api_key"),
Timeout: viper.GetDuration("cli.timeout"),
Insecure: viper.GetBool("cli.insecure"),
Log: logConfig,
}, nil
// LoadServerConfig returns the full Headscale configuration to
// host a Headscale server. This is called as part of `headscale serve`.
func LoadServerConfig() (*Config, error) {
if err := validateServerConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
logConfig := logConfig()
prefix4, err := prefixV4()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prefix6, err := prefixV6()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if prefix4 == nil && prefix6 == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no IPv4 or IPv6 prefix configured, minimum one prefix is required")
allocStr := viper.GetString("prefixes.allocation")
var alloc IPAllocationStrategy
switch allocStr {
case string(IPAllocationStrategySequential):
alloc = IPAllocationStrategySequential
case string(IPAllocationStrategyRandom):
alloc = IPAllocationStrategyRandom
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"config error, prefixes.allocation is set to %s, which is not a valid strategy, allowed options: %s, %s",
dnsConfig, err := dns()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
derpConfig := derpConfig()
logTailConfig := logtailConfig()
2022-06-09 21:20:11 +02:00
randomizeClientPort := viper.GetBool("randomize_client_port")
oidcClientSecret := viper.GetString("oidc.client_secret")
oidcClientSecretPath := viper.GetString("oidc.client_secret_path")
if oidcClientSecretPath != "" && oidcClientSecret != "" {
return nil, errOidcMutuallyExclusive
if oidcClientSecretPath != "" {
secretBytes, err := os.ReadFile(os.ExpandEnv(oidcClientSecretPath))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
oidcClientSecret = strings.TrimSpace(string(secretBytes))
serverURL := viper.GetString("server_url")
// BaseDomain cannot be the same as the server URL.
// This is because Tailscale takes over the domain in BaseDomain,
// causing the headscale server and DERP to be unreachable.
// For Tailscale upstream, the following is true:
// - DERP run on their own domains
// - Control plane runs on login.tailscale.com/controlplane.tailscale.com
// - MagicDNS (BaseDomain) for users is on a *.ts.net domain per tailnet (e.g. tail-scale.ts.net)
if dnsConfig.BaseDomain != "" {
if err := isSafeServerURL(serverURL, dnsConfig.BaseDomain); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Config{
ServerURL: serverURL,
Addr: viper.GetString("listen_addr"),
MetricsAddr: viper.GetString("metrics_listen_addr"),
GRPCAddr: viper.GetString("grpc_listen_addr"),
GRPCAllowInsecure: viper.GetBool("grpc_allow_insecure"),
DisableUpdateCheck: false,
PrefixV4: prefix4,
PrefixV6: prefix6,
IPAllocation: IPAllocationStrategy(alloc),
NoisePrivateKeyPath: util.AbsolutePathFromConfigPath(
BaseDomain: dnsConfig.BaseDomain,
DERP: derpConfig,
EphemeralNodeInactivityTimeout: viper.GetDuration(
Database: databaseConfig(),
TLS: tlsConfig(),
DNSConfig: dnsConfig,
TailcfgDNSConfig: dnsToTailcfgDNS(dnsConfig),
ACMEEmail: viper.GetString("acme_email"),
ACMEURL: viper.GetString("acme_url"),
UnixSocket: viper.GetString("unix_socket"),
UnixSocketPermission: util.GetFileMode("unix_socket_permission"),
OnlyStartIfOIDCIsAvailable: viper.GetBool(
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
Issuer: viper.GetString("oidc.issuer"),
ClientID: viper.GetString("oidc.client_id"),
ClientSecret: oidcClientSecret,
Scope: viper.GetStringSlice("oidc.scope"),
ExtraParams: viper.GetStringMapString("oidc.extra_params"),
AllowedDomains: viper.GetStringSlice("oidc.allowed_domains"),
AllowedUsers: viper.GetStringSlice("oidc.allowed_users"),
AllowedGroups: viper.GetStringSlice("oidc.allowed_groups"),
Expiry: func() time.Duration {
// if set to 0, we assume no expiry
if value := viper.GetString("oidc.expiry"); value == "0" {
return maxDuration
} else {
expiry, err := model.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Msg("failed to parse oidc.expiry, defaulting back to 180 days")
return defaultOIDCExpiryTime
return time.Duration(expiry)
UseExpiryFromToken: viper.GetBool("oidc.use_expiry_from_token"),
// TODO(kradalby): Remove when strip_email_domain is removed
// after #2170 is cleaned up
StripEmaildomain: viper.GetBool("oidc.strip_email_domain"),
MapLegacyUsers: viper.GetBool("oidc.map_legacy_users"),
Enabled: viper.GetBool("oidc.pkce.enabled"),
Method: viper.GetString("oidc.pkce.method"),
LogTail: logTailConfig,
2022-06-09 21:20:11 +02:00
RandomizeClientPort: randomizeClientPort,
Policy: policyConfig(),
CLI: CLIConfig{
Address: viper.GetString("cli.address"),
APIKey: viper.GetString("cli.api_key"),
Timeout: viper.GetDuration("cli.timeout"),
Insecure: viper.GetBool("cli.insecure"),
Log: logConfig,
// TODO(kradalby): Document these settings when more stable
Tuning: Tuning{
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
NotifierSendTimeout: viper.GetDuration("tuning.notifier_send_timeout"),
BatchChangeDelay: viper.GetDuration("tuning.batch_change_delay"),
NodeMapSessionBufferedChanSize: viper.GetInt(
}, nil
// BaseDomain cannot be a suffix of the server URL.
// This is because Tailscale takes over the domain in BaseDomain,
// causing the headscale server and DERP to be unreachable.
// For Tailscale upstream, the following is true:
// - DERP run on their own domains.
// - Control plane runs on login.tailscale.com/controlplane.tailscale.com.
// - MagicDNS (BaseDomain) for users is on a *.ts.net domain per tailnet (e.g. tail-scale.ts.net).
func isSafeServerURL(serverURL, baseDomain string) error {
server, err := url.Parse(serverURL)
if err != nil {
return err
serverDomainParts := strings.Split(server.Host, ".")
baseDomainParts := strings.Split(baseDomain, ".")
if len(serverDomainParts) <= len(baseDomainParts) {
return nil
s := len(serverDomainParts)
b := len(baseDomainParts)
for i := range len(baseDomainParts) {
if serverDomainParts[s-i-1] != baseDomainParts[b-i-1] {
return nil
return errServerURLSuffix
type deprecator struct {
warns set.Set[string]
fatals set.Set[string]
// warnWithAlias will register an alias between the newKey and the oldKey,
// and log a deprecation warning if the oldKey is set.
func (d *deprecator) warnWithAlias(newKey, oldKey string) {
// NOTE: RegisterAlias is called with NEW KEY -> OLD KEY
viper.RegisterAlias(newKey, oldKey)
if viper.IsSet(oldKey) {
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
"The %q configuration key is deprecated. Please use %q instead. %q will be removed in the future.",
// fatal deprecates and adds an entry to the fatal list of options if the oldKey is set.
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
func (d *deprecator) fatal(oldKey string) {
if viper.IsSet(oldKey) {
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
"The %q configuration key has been removed. Please see the changelog for more details.",
// fatalIfNewKeyIsNotUsed deprecates and adds an entry to the fatal list of options if the oldKey is set and the new key is _not_ set.
// If the new key is set, a warning is emitted instead.
func (d *deprecator) fatalIfNewKeyIsNotUsed(newKey, oldKey string) {
if viper.IsSet(oldKey) && !viper.IsSet(newKey) {
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
"The %q configuration key is deprecated. Please use %q instead. %q has been removed.",
} else if viper.IsSet(oldKey) {
d.warns.Add(fmt.Sprintf("The %q configuration key is deprecated. Please use %q instead. %q has been removed.", oldKey, newKey, oldKey))
// warn deprecates and adds an option to log a warning if the oldKey is set.
func (d *deprecator) warnNoAlias(newKey, oldKey string) {
if viper.IsSet(oldKey) {
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
"The %q configuration key is deprecated. Please use %q instead. %q has been removed.",
// warn deprecates and adds an entry to the warn list of options if the oldKey is set.
func (d *deprecator) warn(oldKey string) {
if viper.IsSet(oldKey) {
Redo OIDC configuration (#2020) expand user, add claims to user This commit expands the user table with additional fields that can be retrieved from OIDC providers (and other places) and uses this data in various tailscale response objects if it is available. This is the beginning of implementing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X85PMxIaVWDF6T_UPji3OeeUqVBcGj_uHRM5CI-AwlY/edit trying to make OIDC more coherant and maintainable in addition to giving the user a better experience and integration with a provider. remove usernames in magic dns, normalisation of emails this commit removes the option to have usernames as part of MagicDNS domains and headscale will now align with Tailscale, where there is a root domain, and the machine name. In addition, the various normalisation functions for dns names has been made lighter not caring about username and special character that wont occur. Email are no longer normalised as part of the policy processing. untagle oidc and regcache, use typed cache This commits stops reusing the registration cache for oidc purposes and switches the cache to be types and not use any allowing the removal of a bunch of casting. try to make reauth/register branches clearer in oidc Currently there was a function that did a bunch of stuff, finding the machine key, trying to find the node, reauthing the node, returning some status, and it was called validate which was very confusing. This commit tries to split this into what to do if the node exists, if it needs to register etc. Signed-off-by: Kristoffer Dalby <kristoffer@tailscale.com>
2024-10-02 14:50:17 +02:00
"The %q configuration key is deprecated and has been removed. Please see the changelog for more details.",
func (d *deprecator) String() string {
var b strings.Builder
for _, w := range d.warns.Slice() {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "WARN: %s\n", w)
for _, f := range d.fatals.Slice() {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "FATAL: %s\n", f)
return b.String()
func (d *deprecator) Log() {
if len(d.fatals) > 0 {
log.Fatal().Msg("\n" + d.String())
} else if len(d.warns) > 0 {
log.Warn().Msg("\n" + d.String())