<p>The <tt>FILINFO</tt> structure holds information about the object returned by <tt>f_readdir</tt>, <tt>f_findfirst</tt>, <tt>f_findnext</tt> and <tt>f_stat</tt> function.</p>
TCHAR fname[13]; <spanclass="c">/* Short file name (8.3 format) */</span>
<spanclass="k">#if</span> _USE_LFN
TCHAR* lfname; <spanclass="c">/* Pointer to the LFN buffer */</span>
int lfsize; <spanclass="c">/* Size of the LFN buffer in unit of TCHAR */</span>
<dd>Indicates size of the file in unit of byte. Always zero for directories.</dd>
<dd>Indicates the date that the file was modified or the directory was created.<br>
<dd>Year origin from 1980 (0..127)</dd>
<dd>Month (1..12)</dd>
<dd>Day (1..31)</dd>
<dd>Indicates the time that the file was modified or the directory was created.<br>
<dd>Hour (0..23)</dd>
<dd>Minute (0..59)</dd>
<dd>Second / 2 (0..29)</dd>
<dd>Indicates the file/directory attribute in combination of <tt>AM_DIR</tt>, <tt>AM_RDO</tt>, <tt>AM_HID</tt>, <tt>AM_SYS</tt> and <tt>AM_ARC</tt>.</dd>
<dd>The object name in 8.3 format (SFN) null-terminated string is stored. It is always upper case at non-LFN configuration but it can be returned with lower case at LFN configuration. A null string is stored when no item to read and this structure is invalid.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the string buffer to store the long file name (LFN). This member must be initialized by application program prior to use this structure. Set a null pointer if LFN is not needed. Not available at non-LFN configuration.</dd>
<dd>Size of the LFN buffer in unit of TCHAR. This member must be initialized by application program prior to use this structure. Not available at non-LFN configuration.</dd>