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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support - ROUSSET -
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2006, Atmel Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the disclaimer below.
// Atmel's name may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File Name : AT91SAM7S256.h
// Object : AT91SAM7S256 definitions
// Generated : AT91 SW Application Group 07/07/2008 (16:12:57)
// CVS Reference : /AT91SAM7S256.pl/1.12/Wed Aug 30 14:08:39 2006//
// CVS Reference : /SYS_SAM7S.pl/1.2/Thu Feb 3 10:47:39 2005//
// CVS Reference : /MC_SAM7S.pl/1.4/Thu Feb 16 16:45:50 2006//
// CVS Reference : /PMC_SAM7S_USB.pl/1.4/Tue Feb 8 14:00:19 2005//
// CVS Reference : /RSTC_SAM7S.pl/1.2/Wed Jul 13 15:25:17 2005//
// CVS Reference : /UDP_4ept.pl/1.1/Thu Aug 3 12:26:00 2006//
// CVS Reference : /PWM_SAM7S.pl/1.1/Tue May 10 12:38:54 2005//
// CVS Reference : /RTTC_6081A.pl/1.2/Thu Nov 4 13:57:22 2004//
// CVS Reference : /PITC_6079A.pl/1.2/Thu Nov 4 13:56:22 2004//
// CVS Reference : /WDTC_6080A.pl/1.3/Thu Nov 4 13:58:52 2004//
// CVS Reference : /VREG_6085B.pl/1.1/Tue Feb 1 16:40:38 2005//
// CVS Reference : /AIC_6075B.pl/1.3/Fri May 20 14:21:42 2005//
// CVS Reference : /PIO_6057A.pl/1.2/Thu Feb 3 10:29:42 2005//
// CVS Reference : /DBGU_6059D.pl/1.1/Mon Jan 31 13:54:41 2005//
// CVS Reference : /US_6089C.pl/1.1/Mon Jan 31 13:56:02 2005//
// CVS Reference : /SPI_6088D.pl/1.3/Fri May 20 14:23:02 2005//
// CVS Reference : /SSC_6078A.pl/1.1/Tue Jul 13 07:10:41 2004//
// CVS Reference : /TC_6082A.pl/1.7/Wed Mar 9 16:31:51 2005//
// CVS Reference : /TWI_6061A.pl/1.2/Fri Oct 27 11:40:48 2006//
// CVS Reference : /PDC_6074C.pl/1.2/Thu Feb 3 09:02:11 2005//
// CVS Reference : /ADC_6051C.pl/1.1/Mon Jan 31 13:12:40 2005//
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef AT91SAM7S256_H
#define AT91SAM7S256_H
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef volatile unsigned int AT91_REG;// Hardware register definition
#define AT91_CAST(a) (a)
#define AT91_CAST(a)
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_SYS {
AT91_REG AIC_SMR[32]; // Source Mode Register
AT91_REG AIC_SVR[32]; // Source Vector Register
AT91_REG AIC_IVR; // IRQ Vector Register
AT91_REG AIC_FVR; // FIQ Vector Register
AT91_REG AIC_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
AT91_REG AIC_IPR; // Interrupt Pending Register
AT91_REG AIC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG AIC_CISR; // Core Interrupt Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
AT91_REG AIC_IECR; // Interrupt Enable Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_IDCR; // Interrupt Disable Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_ICCR; // Interrupt Clear Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_ISCR; // Interrupt Set Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_EOICR; // End of Interrupt Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_SPU; // Spurious Vector Register
AT91_REG AIC_DCR; // Debug Control Register (Protect)
AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
AT91_REG AIC_FFER; // Fast Forcing Enable Register
AT91_REG AIC_FFDR; // Fast Forcing Disable Register
AT91_REG AIC_FFSR; // Fast Forcing Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved2[45]; //
AT91_REG DBGU_CR; // Control Register
AT91_REG DBGU_MR; // Mode Register
AT91_REG DBGU_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG DBGU_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG DBGU_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG DBGU_CSR; // Channel Status Register
AT91_REG DBGU_RHR; // Receiver Holding Register
AT91_REG DBGU_THR; // Transmitter Holding Register
AT91_REG DBGU_BRGR; // Baud Rate Generator Register
AT91_REG Reserved3[7]; //
AT91_REG DBGU_CIDR; // Chip ID Register
AT91_REG DBGU_EXID; // Chip ID Extension Register
AT91_REG DBGU_FNTR; // Force NTRST Register
AT91_REG Reserved4[45]; //
AT91_REG DBGU_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
AT91_REG DBGU_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
AT91_REG DBGU_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
AT91_REG DBGU_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
AT91_REG DBGU_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG DBGU_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
AT91_REG DBGU_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG DBGU_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
AT91_REG DBGU_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
AT91_REG DBGU_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved5[54]; //
AT91_REG PIOA_PER; // PIO Enable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_PDR; // PIO Disable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_PSR; // PIO Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved6[1]; //
AT91_REG PIOA_OER; // Output Enable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_ODR; // Output Disable Registerr
AT91_REG PIOA_OSR; // Output Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved7[1]; //
AT91_REG PIOA_IFER; // Input Filter Enable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_IFDR; // Input Filter Disable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_IFSR; // Input Filter Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved8[1]; //
AT91_REG PIOA_SODR; // Set Output Data Register
AT91_REG PIOA_CODR; // Clear Output Data Register
AT91_REG PIOA_ODSR; // Output Data Status Register
AT91_REG PIOA_PDSR; // Pin Data Status Register
AT91_REG PIOA_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG PIOA_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
AT91_REG PIOA_MDER; // Multi-driver Enable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_MDDR; // Multi-driver Disable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_MDSR; // Multi-driver Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved9[1]; //
AT91_REG PIOA_PPUDR; // Pull-up Disable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_PPUER; // Pull-up Enable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_PPUSR; // Pull-up Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved10[1]; //
AT91_REG PIOA_ASR; // Select A Register
AT91_REG PIOA_BSR; // Select B Register
AT91_REG PIOA_ABSR; // AB Select Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved11[9]; //
AT91_REG PIOA_OWER; // Output Write Enable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_OWDR; // Output Write Disable Register
AT91_REG PIOA_OWSR; // Output Write Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved12[469]; //
AT91_REG PMC_SCER; // System Clock Enable Register
AT91_REG PMC_SCDR; // System Clock Disable Register
AT91_REG PMC_SCSR; // System Clock Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved13[1]; //
AT91_REG PMC_PCER; // Peripheral Clock Enable Register
AT91_REG PMC_PCDR; // Peripheral Clock Disable Register
AT91_REG PMC_PCSR; // Peripheral Clock Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved14[1]; //
AT91_REG PMC_MOR; // Main Oscillator Register
AT91_REG PMC_MCFR; // Main Clock Frequency Register
AT91_REG Reserved15[1]; //
AT91_REG PMC_PLLR; // PLL Register
AT91_REG PMC_MCKR; // Master Clock Register
AT91_REG Reserved16[3]; //
AT91_REG PMC_PCKR[3]; // Programmable Clock Register
AT91_REG Reserved17[5]; //
AT91_REG PMC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG PMC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG PMC_SR; // Status Register
AT91_REG PMC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG Reserved18[36]; //
AT91_REG RSTC_RCR; // Reset Control Register
AT91_REG RSTC_RSR; // Reset Status Register
AT91_REG RSTC_RMR; // Reset Mode Register
AT91_REG Reserved19[5]; //
AT91_REG RTTC_RTMR; // Real-time Mode Register
AT91_REG RTTC_RTAR; // Real-time Alarm Register
AT91_REG RTTC_RTVR; // Real-time Value Register
AT91_REG RTTC_RTSR; // Real-time Status Register
AT91_REG PITC_PIMR; // Period Interval Mode Register
AT91_REG PITC_PISR; // Period Interval Status Register
AT91_REG PITC_PIVR; // Period Interval Value Register
AT91_REG PITC_PIIR; // Period Interval Image Register
AT91_REG WDTC_WDCR; // Watchdog Control Register
AT91_REG WDTC_WDMR; // Watchdog Mode Register
AT91_REG WDTC_WDSR; // Watchdog Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved20[5]; //
AT91_REG VREG_MR; // Voltage Regulator Mode Register
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Advanced Interrupt Controller
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_AIC {
AT91_REG AIC_SMR[32]; // Source Mode Register
AT91_REG AIC_SVR[32]; // Source Vector Register
AT91_REG AIC_IVR; // IRQ Vector Register
AT91_REG AIC_FVR; // FIQ Vector Register
AT91_REG AIC_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
AT91_REG AIC_IPR; // Interrupt Pending Register
AT91_REG AIC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG AIC_CISR; // Core Interrupt Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
AT91_REG AIC_IECR; // Interrupt Enable Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_IDCR; // Interrupt Disable Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_ICCR; // Interrupt Clear Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_ISCR; // Interrupt Set Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_EOICR; // End of Interrupt Command Register
AT91_REG AIC_SPU; // Spurious Vector Register
AT91_REG AIC_DCR; // Debug Control Register (Protect)
AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
AT91_REG AIC_FFER; // Fast Forcing Enable Register
AT91_REG AIC_FFDR; // Fast Forcing Disable Register
AT91_REG AIC_FFSR; // Fast Forcing Status Register
#define AIC_SMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (AIC_SMR) Source Mode Register
#define AIC_SVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000080) // (AIC_SVR) Source Vector Register
#define AIC_IVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000100) // (AIC_IVR) IRQ Vector Register
#define AIC_FVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000104) // (AIC_FVR) FIQ Vector Register
#define AIC_ISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000108) // (AIC_ISR) Interrupt Status Register
#define AIC_IPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000010C) // (AIC_IPR) Interrupt Pending Register
#define AIC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000110) // (AIC_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AIC_CISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000114) // (AIC_CISR) Core Interrupt Status Register
#define AIC_IECR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000120) // (AIC_IECR) Interrupt Enable Command Register
#define AIC_IDCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000124) // (AIC_IDCR) Interrupt Disable Command Register
#define AIC_ICCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000128) // (AIC_ICCR) Interrupt Clear Command Register
#define AIC_ISCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000012C) // (AIC_ISCR) Interrupt Set Command Register
#define AIC_EOICR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000130) // (AIC_EOICR) End of Interrupt Command Register
#define AIC_SPU (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000134) // (AIC_SPU) Spurious Vector Register
#define AIC_DCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000138) // (AIC_DCR) Debug Control Register (Protect)
#define AIC_FFER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000140) // (AIC_FFER) Fast Forcing Enable Register
#define AIC_FFDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000144) // (AIC_FFDR) Fast Forcing Disable Register
#define AIC_FFSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000148) // (AIC_FFSR) Fast Forcing Status Register
// -------- AIC_SMR : (AIC Offset: 0x0) Control Register --------
#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR (0x7 << 0) // (AIC) Priority Level
#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_LOWEST (0x0) // (AIC) Lowest priority level
#define AT91C_AIC_PRIOR_HIGHEST (0x7) // (AIC) Highest priority level
#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE (0x3 << 5) // (AIC) Interrupt Source Type
#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_HIGH_LEVEL (0x0 << 5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label High-level Sensitive
#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_LOW_LEVEL (0x0 << 5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label Low-level Sensitive
#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_INT_POSITIVE_EDGE (0x1 << 5) // (AIC) Internal Sources Code Label Positive Edge triggered
#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_EXT_NEGATIVE_EDGE (0x1 << 5) // (AIC) External Sources Code Label Negative Edge triggered
#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_HIGH_LEVEL (0x2 << 5) // (AIC) Internal Or External Sources Code Label High-level Sensitive
#define AT91C_AIC_SRCTYPE_POSITIVE_EDGE (0x3 << 5) // (AIC) Internal Or External Sources Code Label Positive Edge triggered
// -------- AIC_CISR : (AIC Offset: 0x114) AIC Core Interrupt Status Register --------
#define AT91C_AIC_NFIQ (0x1 << 0) // (AIC) NFIQ Status
#define AT91C_AIC_NIRQ (0x1 << 1) // (AIC) NIRQ Status
// -------- AIC_DCR : (AIC Offset: 0x138) AIC Debug Control Register (Protect) --------
#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_PROT (0x1 << 0) // (AIC) Protection Mode
#define AT91C_AIC_DCR_GMSK (0x1 << 1) // (AIC) General Mask
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_PDC {
AT91_REG PDC_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
AT91_REG PDC_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
AT91_REG PDC_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
AT91_REG PDC_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
AT91_REG PDC_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG PDC_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
AT91_REG PDC_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG PDC_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
AT91_REG PDC_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
AT91_REG PDC_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
#define PDC_RPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (PDC_RPR) Receive Pointer Register
#define PDC_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (PDC_RCR) Receive Counter Register
#define PDC_TPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (PDC_TPR) Transmit Pointer Register
#define PDC_TCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (PDC_TCR) Transmit Counter Register
#define PDC_RNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (PDC_RNPR) Receive Next Pointer Register
#define PDC_RNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (PDC_RNCR) Receive Next Counter Register
#define PDC_TNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (PDC_TNPR) Transmit Next Pointer Register
#define PDC_TNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000001C) // (PDC_TNCR) Transmit Next Counter Register
#define PDC_PTCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000020) // (PDC_PTCR) PDC Transfer Control Register
#define PDC_PTSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000024) // (PDC_PTSR) PDC Transfer Status Register
// -------- PDC_PTCR : (PDC Offset: 0x20) PDC Transfer Control Register --------
#define AT91C_PDC_RXTEN (0x1 << 0) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Enable
#define AT91C_PDC_RXTDIS (0x1 << 1) // (PDC) Receiver Transfer Disable
#define AT91C_PDC_TXTEN (0x1 << 8) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Enable
#define AT91C_PDC_TXTDIS (0x1 << 9) // (PDC) Transmitter Transfer Disable
// -------- PDC_PTSR : (PDC Offset: 0x24) PDC Transfer Status Register --------
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_DBGU {
AT91_REG DBGU_CR; // Control Register
AT91_REG DBGU_MR; // Mode Register
AT91_REG DBGU_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG DBGU_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG DBGU_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG DBGU_CSR; // Channel Status Register
AT91_REG DBGU_RHR; // Receiver Holding Register
AT91_REG DBGU_THR; // Transmitter Holding Register
AT91_REG DBGU_BRGR; // Baud Rate Generator Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[7]; //
AT91_REG DBGU_CIDR; // Chip ID Register
AT91_REG DBGU_EXID; // Chip ID Extension Register
AT91_REG DBGU_FNTR; // Force NTRST Register
AT91_REG Reserved1[45]; //
AT91_REG DBGU_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
AT91_REG DBGU_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
AT91_REG DBGU_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
AT91_REG DBGU_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
AT91_REG DBGU_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG DBGU_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
AT91_REG DBGU_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG DBGU_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
AT91_REG DBGU_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
AT91_REG DBGU_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
#define DBGU_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (DBGU_CR) Control Register
#define DBGU_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (DBGU_MR) Mode Register
#define DBGU_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (DBGU_IER) Interrupt Enable Register
#define DBGU_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (DBGU_IDR) Interrupt Disable Register
#define DBGU_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (DBGU_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
#define DBGU_CSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (DBGU_CSR) Channel Status Register
#define DBGU_RHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (DBGU_RHR) Receiver Holding Register
#define DBGU_THR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000001C) // (DBGU_THR) Transmitter Holding Register
#define DBGU_BRGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000020) // (DBGU_BRGR) Baud Rate Generator Register
#define DBGU_CIDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000040) // (DBGU_CIDR) Chip ID Register
#define DBGU_EXID (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000044) // (DBGU_EXID) Chip ID Extension Register
#define DBGU_FNTR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000048) // (DBGU_FNTR) Force NTRST Register
// -------- DBGU_CR : (DBGU Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register --------
#define AT91C_US_RSTRX (0x1 << 2) // (DBGU) Reset Receiver
#define AT91C_US_RSTTX (0x1 << 3) // (DBGU) Reset Transmitter
#define AT91C_US_RXEN (0x1 << 4) // (DBGU) Receiver Enable
#define AT91C_US_RXDIS (0x1 << 5) // (DBGU) Receiver Disable
#define AT91C_US_TXEN (0x1 << 6) // (DBGU) Transmitter Enable
#define AT91C_US_TXDIS (0x1 << 7) // (DBGU) Transmitter Disable
#define AT91C_US_RSTSTA (0x1 << 8) // (DBGU) Reset Status Bits
// -------- DBGU_MR : (DBGU Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_US_PAR (0x7 << 9) // (DBGU) Parity type
#define AT91C_US_PAR_EVEN (0x0 << 9) // (DBGU) Even Parity
#define AT91C_US_PAR_ODD (0x1 << 9) // (DBGU) Odd Parity
#define AT91C_US_PAR_SPACE (0x2 << 9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 0 (Space)
#define AT91C_US_PAR_MARK (0x3 << 9) // (DBGU) Parity forced to 1 (Mark)
#define AT91C_US_PAR_NONE (0x4 << 9) // (DBGU) No Parity
#define AT91C_US_PAR_MULTI_DROP (0x6 << 9) // (DBGU) Multi-drop mode
#define AT91C_US_CHMODE (0x3 << 14) // (DBGU) Channel Mode
#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_NORMAL (0x0 << 14) // (DBGU) Normal Mode: The USART channel operates as an RX/TX USART.
#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_AUTO (0x1 << 14) // (DBGU) Automatic Echo: Receiver Data Input is connected to the TXD pin.
#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_LOCAL (0x2 << 14) // (DBGU) Local Loopback: Transmitter Output Signal is connected to Receiver Input Signal.
#define AT91C_US_CHMODE_REMOTE (0x3 << 14) // (DBGU) Remote Loopback: RXD pin is internally connected to TXD pin.
// -------- DBGU_IER : (DBGU Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register --------
#define AT91C_US_RXRDY (0x1 << 0) // (DBGU) RXRDY Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_TXRDY (0x1 << 1) // (DBGU) TXRDY Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_ENDRX (0x1 << 3) // (DBGU) End of Receive Transfer Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_ENDTX (0x1 << 4) // (DBGU) End of Transmit Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_OVRE (0x1 << 5) // (DBGU) Overrun Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_FRAME (0x1 << 6) // (DBGU) Framing Error Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_PARE (0x1 << 7) // (DBGU) Parity Error Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_TXEMPTY (0x1 << 9) // (DBGU) TXEMPTY Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_TXBUFE (0x1 << 11) // (DBGU) TXBUFE Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_RXBUFF (0x1 << 12) // (DBGU) RXBUFF Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_COMM_TX (0x1 << 30) // (DBGU) COMM_TX Interrupt
#define AT91C_US_COMM_RX (0x1 << 31) // (DBGU) COMM_RX Interrupt
// -------- DBGU_IDR : (DBGU Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- DBGU_IMR : (DBGU Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register --------
// -------- DBGU_CSR : (DBGU Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register --------
// -------- DBGU_FNTR : (DBGU Offset: 0x48) Debug Unit FORCE_NTRST Register --------
#define AT91C_US_FORCE_NTRST (0x1 << 0) // (DBGU) Force NTRST in JTAG
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Parallel Input Output Controler
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_PIO {
AT91_REG PIO_PER; // PIO Enable Register
AT91_REG PIO_PDR; // PIO Disable Register
AT91_REG PIO_PSR; // PIO Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
AT91_REG PIO_OER; // Output Enable Register
AT91_REG PIO_ODR; // Output Disable Registerr
AT91_REG PIO_OSR; // Output Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
AT91_REG PIO_IFER; // Input Filter Enable Register
AT91_REG PIO_IFDR; // Input Filter Disable Register
AT91_REG PIO_IFSR; // Input Filter Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved2[1]; //
AT91_REG PIO_SODR; // Set Output Data Register
AT91_REG PIO_CODR; // Clear Output Data Register
AT91_REG PIO_ODSR; // Output Data Status Register
AT91_REG PIO_PDSR; // Pin Data Status Register
AT91_REG PIO_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG PIO_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG PIO_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG PIO_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
AT91_REG PIO_MDER; // Multi-driver Enable Register
AT91_REG PIO_MDDR; // Multi-driver Disable Register
AT91_REG PIO_MDSR; // Multi-driver Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved3[1]; //
AT91_REG PIO_PPUDR; // Pull-up Disable Register
AT91_REG PIO_PPUER; // Pull-up Enable Register
AT91_REG PIO_PPUSR; // Pull-up Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved4[1]; //
AT91_REG PIO_ASR; // Select A Register
AT91_REG PIO_BSR; // Select B Register
AT91_REG PIO_ABSR; // AB Select Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved5[9]; //
AT91_REG PIO_OWER; // Output Write Enable Register
AT91_REG PIO_OWDR; // Output Write Disable Register
AT91_REG PIO_OWSR; // Output Write Status Register
#define PIO_PER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (PIO_PER) PIO Enable Register
#define PIO_PDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (PIO_PDR) PIO Disable Register
#define PIO_PSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (PIO_PSR) PIO Status Register
#define PIO_OER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (PIO_OER) Output Enable Register
#define PIO_ODR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (PIO_ODR) Output Disable Registerr
#define PIO_OSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (PIO_OSR) Output Status Register
#define PIO_IFER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000020) // (PIO_IFER) Input Filter Enable Register
#define PIO_IFDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000024) // (PIO_IFDR) Input Filter Disable Register
#define PIO_IFSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000028) // (PIO_IFSR) Input Filter Status Register
#define PIO_SODR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000030) // (PIO_SODR) Set Output Data Register
#define PIO_CODR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000034) // (PIO_CODR) Clear Output Data Register
#define PIO_ODSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000038) // (PIO_ODSR) Output Data Status Register
#define PIO_PDSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000003C) // (PIO_PDSR) Pin Data Status Register
#define PIO_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000040) // (PIO_IER) Interrupt Enable Register
#define PIO_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000044) // (PIO_IDR) Interrupt Disable Register
#define PIO_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000048) // (PIO_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
#define PIO_ISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000004C) // (PIO_ISR) Interrupt Status Register
#define PIO_MDER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000050) // (PIO_MDER) Multi-driver Enable Register
#define PIO_MDDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000054) // (PIO_MDDR) Multi-driver Disable Register
#define PIO_MDSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000058) // (PIO_MDSR) Multi-driver Status Register
#define PIO_PPUDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000060) // (PIO_PPUDR) Pull-up Disable Register
#define PIO_PPUER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000064) // (PIO_PPUER) Pull-up Enable Register
#define PIO_PPUSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000068) // (PIO_PPUSR) Pull-up Status Register
#define PIO_ASR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000070) // (PIO_ASR) Select A Register
#define PIO_BSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000074) // (PIO_BSR) Select B Register
#define PIO_ABSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000078) // (PIO_ABSR) AB Select Status Register
#define PIO_OWER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x000000A0) // (PIO_OWER) Output Write Enable Register
#define PIO_OWDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x000000A4) // (PIO_OWDR) Output Write Disable Register
#define PIO_OWSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x000000A8) // (PIO_OWSR) Output Write Status Register
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Clock Generator Controler
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_CKGR {
AT91_REG CKGR_MOR; // Main Oscillator Register
AT91_REG CKGR_MCFR; // Main Clock Frequency Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
AT91_REG CKGR_PLLR; // PLL Register
#define CKGR_MOR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (CKGR_MOR) Main Oscillator Register
#define CKGR_MCFR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (CKGR_MCFR) Main Clock Frequency Register
#define CKGR_PLLR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (CKGR_PLLR) PLL Register
// -------- CKGR_MOR : (CKGR Offset: 0x0) Main Oscillator Register --------
#define AT91C_CKGR_MOSCEN (0x1 << 0) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Enable
#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCBYPASS (0x1 << 1) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Bypass
#define AT91C_CKGR_OSCOUNT (0xFF << 8) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Start-up Time
// -------- CKGR_MCFR : (CKGR Offset: 0x4) Main Clock Frequency Register --------
#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINF (0xFFFF << 0) // (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency
#define AT91C_CKGR_MAINRDY (0x1 << 16) // (CKGR) Main Clock Ready
// -------- CKGR_PLLR : (CKGR Offset: 0xc) PLL B Register --------
#define AT91C_CKGR_DIV (0xFF << 0) // (CKGR) Divider Selected
#define AT91C_CKGR_DIV_0 (0x0) // (CKGR) Divider output is 0
#define AT91C_CKGR_DIV_BYPASS (0x1) // (CKGR) Divider is bypassed
#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLCOUNT (0x3F << 8) // (CKGR) PLL Counter
#define AT91C_CKGR_OUT (0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) PLL Output Frequency Range
#define AT91C_CKGR_OUT_0 (0x0 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLL datasheet
#define AT91C_CKGR_OUT_1 (0x1 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLL datasheet
#define AT91C_CKGR_OUT_2 (0x2 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLL datasheet
#define AT91C_CKGR_OUT_3 (0x3 << 14) // (CKGR) Please refer to the PLL datasheet
#define AT91C_CKGR_MUL (0x7FF << 16) // (CKGR) PLL Multiplier
#define AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV (0x3 << 28) // (CKGR) Divider for USB Clocks
#define AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_0 (0x0 << 28) // (CKGR) Divider output is PLL clock output
#define AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_1 (0x1 << 28) // (CKGR) Divider output is PLL clock output divided by 2
#define AT91C_CKGR_USBDIV_2 (0x2 << 28) // (CKGR) Divider output is PLL clock output divided by 4
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Power Management Controler
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_PMC {
AT91_REG PMC_SCER; // System Clock Enable Register
AT91_REG PMC_SCDR; // System Clock Disable Register
AT91_REG PMC_SCSR; // System Clock Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
AT91_REG PMC_PCER; // Peripheral Clock Enable Register
AT91_REG PMC_PCDR; // Peripheral Clock Disable Register
AT91_REG PMC_PCSR; // Peripheral Clock Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
AT91_REG PMC_MOR; // Main Oscillator Register
AT91_REG PMC_MCFR; // Main Clock Frequency Register
AT91_REG Reserved2[1]; //
AT91_REG PMC_PLLR; // PLL Register
AT91_REG PMC_MCKR; // Master Clock Register
AT91_REG Reserved3[3]; //
AT91_REG PMC_PCKR[3]; // Programmable Clock Register
AT91_REG Reserved4[5]; //
AT91_REG PMC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG PMC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG PMC_SR; // Status Register
AT91_REG PMC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
#define PMC_SCER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (PMC_SCER) System Clock Enable Register
#define PMC_SCDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (PMC_SCDR) System Clock Disable Register
#define PMC_SCSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (PMC_SCSR) System Clock Status Register
#define PMC_PCER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (PMC_PCER) Peripheral Clock Enable Register
#define PMC_PCDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (PMC_PCDR) Peripheral Clock Disable Register
#define PMC_PCSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (PMC_PCSR) Peripheral Clock Status Register
#define PMC_MCKR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000030) // (PMC_MCKR) Master Clock Register
#define PMC_PCKR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000040) // (PMC_PCKR) Programmable Clock Register
#define PMC_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000060) // (PMC_IER) Interrupt Enable Register
#define PMC_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000064) // (PMC_IDR) Interrupt Disable Register
#define PMC_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000068) // (PMC_SR) Status Register
#define PMC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000006C) // (PMC_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
// -------- PMC_SCER : (PMC Offset: 0x0) System Clock Enable Register --------
#define AT91C_PMC_PCK (0x1 << 0) // (PMC) Processor Clock
#define AT91C_PMC_UDP (0x1 << 7) // (PMC) USB Device Port Clock
#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0 (0x1 << 8) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1 (0x1 << 9) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2 (0x1 << 10) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Output
// -------- PMC_SCDR : (PMC Offset: 0x4) System Clock Disable Register --------
// -------- PMC_SCSR : (PMC Offset: 0x8) System Clock Status Register --------
// -------- CKGR_MOR : (PMC Offset: 0x20) Main Oscillator Register --------
// -------- CKGR_MCFR : (PMC Offset: 0x24) Main Clock Frequency Register --------
// -------- CKGR_PLLR : (PMC Offset: 0x2c) PLL B Register --------
// -------- PMC_MCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x30) Master Clock Register --------
#define AT91C_PMC_CSS (0x3 << 0) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Selection
#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_SLOW_CLK (0x0) // (PMC) Slow Clock is selected
#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_MAIN_CLK (0x1) // (PMC) Main Clock is selected
#define AT91C_PMC_CSS_PLL_CLK (0x3) // (PMC) Clock from PLL is selected
#define AT91C_PMC_PRES (0x7 << 2) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Prescaler
#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK (0x0 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock
#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_2 (0x1 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 2
#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_4 (0x2 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 4
#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_8 (0x3 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 8
#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_16 (0x4 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 16
#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_32 (0x5 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 32
#define AT91C_PMC_PRES_CLK_64 (0x6 << 2) // (PMC) Selected clock divided by 64
// -------- PMC_PCKR : (PMC Offset: 0x40) Programmable Clock Register --------
// -------- PMC_IER : (PMC Offset: 0x60) PMC Interrupt Enable Register --------
#define AT91C_PMC_MOSCS (0x1 << 0) // (PMC) MOSC Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
#define AT91C_PMC_LOCK (0x1 << 2) // (PMC) PLL Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
#define AT91C_PMC_MCKRDY (0x1 << 3) // (PMC) MCK_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
#define AT91C_PMC_PCK0RDY (0x1 << 8) // (PMC) PCK0_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
#define AT91C_PMC_PCK1RDY (0x1 << 9) // (PMC) PCK1_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
#define AT91C_PMC_PCK2RDY (0x1 << 10) // (PMC) PCK2_RDY Status/Enable/Disable/Mask
// -------- PMC_IDR : (PMC Offset: 0x64) PMC Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- PMC_SR : (PMC Offset: 0x68) PMC Status Register --------
// -------- PMC_IMR : (PMC Offset: 0x6c) PMC Interrupt Mask Register --------
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Reset Controller Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_RSTC {
AT91_REG RSTC_RCR; // Reset Control Register
AT91_REG RSTC_RSR; // Reset Status Register
AT91_REG RSTC_RMR; // Reset Mode Register
#define RSTC_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (RSTC_RCR) Reset Control Register
#define RSTC_RSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (RSTC_RSR) Reset Status Register
#define RSTC_RMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (RSTC_RMR) Reset Mode Register
// -------- RSTC_RCR : (RSTC Offset: 0x0) Reset Control Register --------
#define AT91C_RSTC_PROCRST (0x1 << 0) // (RSTC) Processor Reset
#define AT91C_RSTC_PERRST (0x1 << 2) // (RSTC) Peripheral Reset
#define AT91C_RSTC_EXTRST (0x1 << 3) // (RSTC) External Reset
#define AT91C_RSTC_KEY (0xFF << 24) // (RSTC) Password
// -------- RSTC_RSR : (RSTC Offset: 0x4) Reset Status Register --------
#define AT91C_RSTC_URSTS (0x1 << 0) // (RSTC) User Reset Status
#define AT91C_RSTC_BODSTS (0x1 << 1) // (RSTC) Brownout Detection Status
#define AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP (0x7 << 8) // (RSTC) Reset Type
#define AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_POWERUP (0x0 << 8) // (RSTC) Power-up Reset. VDDCORE rising.
#define AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_WAKEUP (0x1 << 8) // (RSTC) WakeUp Reset. VDDCORE rising.
#define AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_WATCHDOG (0x2 << 8) // (RSTC) Watchdog Reset. Watchdog overflow occured.
#define AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_SOFTWARE (0x3 << 8) // (RSTC) Software Reset. Processor reset required by the software.
#define AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_USER (0x4 << 8) // (RSTC) User Reset. NRST pin detected low.
#define AT91C_RSTC_RSTTYP_BROWNOUT (0x5 << 8) // (RSTC) Brownout Reset occured.
#define AT91C_RSTC_NRSTL (0x1 << 16) // (RSTC) NRST pin level
#define AT91C_RSTC_SRCMP (0x1 << 17) // (RSTC) Software Reset Command in Progress.
// -------- RSTC_RMR : (RSTC Offset: 0x8) Reset Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_RSTC_URSTEN (0x1 << 0) // (RSTC) User Reset Enable
#define AT91C_RSTC_URSTIEN (0x1 << 4) // (RSTC) User Reset Interrupt Enable
#define AT91C_RSTC_ERSTL (0xF << 8) // (RSTC) User Reset Length
#define AT91C_RSTC_BODIEN (0x1 << 16) // (RSTC) Brownout Detection Interrupt Enable
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Real Time Timer Controller Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_RTTC {
AT91_REG RTTC_RTMR; // Real-time Mode Register
AT91_REG RTTC_RTAR; // Real-time Alarm Register
AT91_REG RTTC_RTVR; // Real-time Value Register
AT91_REG RTTC_RTSR; // Real-time Status Register
#define RTTC_RTMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (RTTC_RTMR) Real-time Mode Register
#define RTTC_RTAR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (RTTC_RTAR) Real-time Alarm Register
#define RTTC_RTVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (RTTC_RTVR) Real-time Value Register
#define RTTC_RTSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (RTTC_RTSR) Real-time Status Register
// -------- RTTC_RTMR : (RTTC Offset: 0x0) Real-time Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_RTTC_RTPRES (0xFFFF << 0) // (RTTC) Real-time Timer Prescaler Value
#define AT91C_RTTC_ALMIEN (0x1 << 16) // (RTTC) Alarm Interrupt Enable
#define AT91C_RTTC_RTTINCIEN (0x1 << 17) // (RTTC) Real Time Timer Increment Interrupt Enable
#define AT91C_RTTC_RTTRST (0x1 << 18) // (RTTC) Real Time Timer Restart
// -------- RTTC_RTAR : (RTTC Offset: 0x4) Real-time Alarm Register --------
#define AT91C_RTTC_ALMV (0x0 << 0) // (RTTC) Alarm Value
// -------- RTTC_RTVR : (RTTC Offset: 0x8) Current Real-time Value Register --------
#define AT91C_RTTC_CRTV (0x0 << 0) // (RTTC) Current Real-time Value
// -------- RTTC_RTSR : (RTTC Offset: 0xc) Real-time Status Register --------
#define AT91C_RTTC_ALMS (0x1 << 0) // (RTTC) Real-time Alarm Status
#define AT91C_RTTC_RTTINC (0x1 << 1) // (RTTC) Real-time Timer Increment
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Periodic Interval Timer Controller Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_PITC {
AT91_REG PITC_PIMR; // Period Interval Mode Register
AT91_REG PITC_PISR; // Period Interval Status Register
AT91_REG PITC_PIVR; // Period Interval Value Register
AT91_REG PITC_PIIR; // Period Interval Image Register
#define PITC_PIMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (PITC_PIMR) Period Interval Mode Register
#define PITC_PISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (PITC_PISR) Period Interval Status Register
#define PITC_PIVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (PITC_PIVR) Period Interval Value Register
#define PITC_PIIR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (PITC_PIIR) Period Interval Image Register
// -------- PITC_PIMR : (PITC Offset: 0x0) Periodic Interval Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_PITC_PIV (0xFFFFF << 0) // (PITC) Periodic Interval Value
#define AT91C_PITC_PITEN (0x1 << 24) // (PITC) Periodic Interval Timer Enabled
#define AT91C_PITC_PITIEN (0x1 << 25) // (PITC) Periodic Interval Timer Interrupt Enable
// -------- PITC_PISR : (PITC Offset: 0x4) Periodic Interval Status Register --------
#define AT91C_PITC_PITS (0x1 << 0) // (PITC) Periodic Interval Timer Status
// -------- PITC_PIVR : (PITC Offset: 0x8) Periodic Interval Value Register --------
#define AT91C_PITC_CPIV (0xFFFFF << 0) // (PITC) Current Periodic Interval Value
#define AT91C_PITC_PICNT (0xFFF << 20) // (PITC) Periodic Interval Counter
// -------- PITC_PIIR : (PITC Offset: 0xc) Periodic Interval Image Register --------
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Watchdog Timer Controller Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_WDTC {
AT91_REG WDTC_WDCR; // Watchdog Control Register
AT91_REG WDTC_WDMR; // Watchdog Mode Register
AT91_REG WDTC_WDSR; // Watchdog Status Register
#define WDTC_WDCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (WDTC_WDCR) Watchdog Control Register
#define WDTC_WDMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (WDTC_WDMR) Watchdog Mode Register
#define WDTC_WDSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (WDTC_WDSR) Watchdog Status Register
// -------- WDTC_WDCR : (WDTC Offset: 0x0) Periodic Interval Image Register --------
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDRSTT (0x1 << 0) // (WDTC) Watchdog Restart
#define AT91C_WDTC_KEY (0xFF << 24) // (WDTC) Watchdog KEY Password
// -------- WDTC_WDMR : (WDTC Offset: 0x4) Watchdog Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDV (0xFFF << 0) // (WDTC) Watchdog Timer Restart
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDFIEN (0x1 << 12) // (WDTC) Watchdog Fault Interrupt Enable
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDRSTEN (0x1 << 13) // (WDTC) Watchdog Reset Enable
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDRPROC (0x1 << 14) // (WDTC) Watchdog Timer Restart
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDDIS (0x1 << 15) // (WDTC) Watchdog Disable
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDD (0xFFF << 16) // (WDTC) Watchdog Delta Value
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDDBGHLT (0x1 << 28) // (WDTC) Watchdog Debug Halt
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDIDLEHLT (0x1 << 29) // (WDTC) Watchdog Idle Halt
// -------- WDTC_WDSR : (WDTC Offset: 0x8) Watchdog Status Register --------
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDUNF (0x1 << 0) // (WDTC) Watchdog Underflow
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDERR (0x1 << 1) // (WDTC) Watchdog Error
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Voltage Regulator Mode Controller Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_VREG {
AT91_REG VREG_MR; // Voltage Regulator Mode Register
#define VREG_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (VREG_MR) Voltage Regulator Mode Register
// -------- VREG_MR : (VREG Offset: 0x0) Voltage Regulator Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_VREG_PSTDBY (0x1 << 0) // (VREG) Voltage Regulator Power Standby Mode
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Memory Controller Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_MC {
AT91_REG MC_RCR; // MC Remap Control Register
AT91_REG MC_ASR; // MC Abort Status Register
AT91_REG MC_AASR; // MC Abort Address Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[21]; //
AT91_REG MC_FMR; // MC Flash Mode Register
AT91_REG MC_FCR; // MC Flash Command Register
AT91_REG MC_FSR; // MC Flash Status Register
} AT91S_MC, *AT91PS_MC;
#define MC_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (MC_RCR) MC Remap Control Register
#define MC_ASR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (MC_ASR) MC Abort Status Register
#define MC_AASR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (MC_AASR) MC Abort Address Status Register
#define MC_FMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000060) // (MC_FMR) MC Flash Mode Register
#define MC_FCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000064) // (MC_FCR) MC Flash Command Register
#define MC_FSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000068) // (MC_FSR) MC Flash Status Register
// -------- MC_RCR : (MC Offset: 0x0) MC Remap Control Register --------
#define AT91C_MC_RCB (0x1 << 0) // (MC) Remap Command Bit
// -------- MC_ASR : (MC Offset: 0x4) MC Abort Status Register --------
#define AT91C_MC_UNDADD (0x1 << 0) // (MC) Undefined Addess Abort Status
#define AT91C_MC_MISADD (0x1 << 1) // (MC) Misaligned Addess Abort Status
#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ (0x3 << 8) // (MC) Abort Size Status
#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_BYTE (0x0 << 8) // (MC) Byte
#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_HWORD (0x1 << 8) // (MC) Half-word
#define AT91C_MC_ABTSZ_WORD (0x2 << 8) // (MC) Word
#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP (0x3 << 10) // (MC) Abort Type Status
#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAR (0x0 << 10) // (MC) Data Read
#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_DATAW (0x1 << 10) // (MC) Data Write
#define AT91C_MC_ABTTYP_FETCH (0x2 << 10) // (MC) Code Fetch
#define AT91C_MC_MST0 (0x1 << 16) // (MC) Master 0 Abort Source
#define AT91C_MC_MST1 (0x1 << 17) // (MC) Master 1 Abort Source
#define AT91C_MC_SVMST0 (0x1 << 24) // (MC) Saved Master 0 Abort Source
#define AT91C_MC_SVMST1 (0x1 << 25) // (MC) Saved Master 1 Abort Source
// -------- MC_FMR : (MC Offset: 0x60) MC Flash Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_MC_FRDY (0x1 << 0) // (MC) Flash Ready
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKE (0x1 << 2) // (MC) Lock Error
#define AT91C_MC_PROGE (0x1 << 3) // (MC) Programming Error
#define AT91C_MC_NEBP (0x1 << 7) // (MC) No Erase Before Programming
#define AT91C_MC_FWS (0x3 << 8) // (MC) Flash Wait State
#define AT91C_MC_FWS_0FWS (0x0 << 8) // (MC) 1 cycle for Read, 2 for Write operations
#define AT91C_MC_FWS_1FWS (0x1 << 8) // (MC) 2 cycles for Read, 3 for Write operations
#define AT91C_MC_FWS_2FWS (0x2 << 8) // (MC) 3 cycles for Read, 4 for Write operations
#define AT91C_MC_FWS_3FWS (0x3 << 8) // (MC) 4 cycles for Read, 4 for Write operations
#define AT91C_MC_FMCN (0xFF << 16) // (MC) Flash Microsecond Cycle Number
// -------- MC_FCR : (MC Offset: 0x64) MC Flash Command Register --------
#define AT91C_MC_FCMD (0xF << 0) // (MC) Flash Command
#define AT91C_MC_FCMD_START_PROG (0x1) // (MC) Starts the programming of th epage specified by PAGEN.
#define AT91C_MC_FCMD_LOCK (0x2) // (MC) Starts a lock sequence of the sector defined by the bits 4 to 7 of the field PAGEN.
#define AT91C_MC_FCMD_PROG_AND_LOCK (0x3) // (MC) The lock sequence automatically happens after the programming sequence is completed.
#define AT91C_MC_FCMD_UNLOCK (0x4) // (MC) Starts an unlock sequence of the sector defined by the bits 4 to 7 of the field PAGEN.
#define AT91C_MC_FCMD_ERASE_ALL (0x8) // (MC) Starts the erase of the entire flash.If at least a page is locked, the command is cancelled.
#define AT91C_MC_FCMD_SET_GP_NVM (0xB) // (MC) Set General Purpose NVM bits.
#define AT91C_MC_FCMD_CLR_GP_NVM (0xD) // (MC) Clear General Purpose NVM bits.
#define AT91C_MC_FCMD_SET_SECURITY (0xF) // (MC) Set Security Bit.
#define AT91C_MC_PAGEN (0x3FF << 8) // (MC) Page Number
#define AT91C_MC_KEY (0xFF << 24) // (MC) Writing Protect Key
// -------- MC_FSR : (MC Offset: 0x68) MC Flash Command Register --------
#define AT91C_MC_SECURITY (0x1 << 4) // (MC) Security Bit Status
#define AT91C_MC_GPNVM0 (0x1 << 8) // (MC) Sector 0 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_GPNVM1 (0x1 << 9) // (MC) Sector 1 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_GPNVM2 (0x1 << 10) // (MC) Sector 2 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_GPNVM3 (0x1 << 11) // (MC) Sector 3 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_GPNVM4 (0x1 << 12) // (MC) Sector 4 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_GPNVM5 (0x1 << 13) // (MC) Sector 5 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_GPNVM6 (0x1 << 14) // (MC) Sector 6 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_GPNVM7 (0x1 << 15) // (MC) Sector 7 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS0 (0x1 << 16) // (MC) Sector 0 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS1 (0x1 << 17) // (MC) Sector 1 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS2 (0x1 << 18) // (MC) Sector 2 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS3 (0x1 << 19) // (MC) Sector 3 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS4 (0x1 << 20) // (MC) Sector 4 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS5 (0x1 << 21) // (MC) Sector 5 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS6 (0x1 << 22) // (MC) Sector 6 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS7 (0x1 << 23) // (MC) Sector 7 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS8 (0x1 << 24) // (MC) Sector 8 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS9 (0x1 << 25) // (MC) Sector 9 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS10 (0x1 << 26) // (MC) Sector 10 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS11 (0x1 << 27) // (MC) Sector 11 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS12 (0x1 << 28) // (MC) Sector 12 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS13 (0x1 << 29) // (MC) Sector 13 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS14 (0x1 << 30) // (MC) Sector 14 Lock Status
#define AT91C_MC_LOCKS15 (0x1 << 31) // (MC) Sector 15 Lock Status
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Serial Parallel Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_SPI {
AT91_REG SPI_CR; // Control Register
AT91_REG SPI_MR; // Mode Register
AT91_REG SPI_RDR; // Receive Data Register
AT91_REG SPI_TDR; // Transmit Data Register
AT91_REG SPI_SR; // Status Register
AT91_REG SPI_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG SPI_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG SPI_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[4]; //
AT91_REG SPI_CSR[4]; // Chip Select Register
AT91_REG Reserved1[48]; //
AT91_REG SPI_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
AT91_REG SPI_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
AT91_REG SPI_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
AT91_REG SPI_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
AT91_REG SPI_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG SPI_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
AT91_REG SPI_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG SPI_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
AT91_REG SPI_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
AT91_REG SPI_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
#define SPI_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (SPI_CR) Control Register
#define SPI_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (SPI_MR) Mode Register
#define SPI_RDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (SPI_RDR) Receive Data Register
#define SPI_TDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (SPI_TDR) Transmit Data Register
#define SPI_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (SPI_SR) Status Register
#define SPI_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (SPI_IER) Interrupt Enable Register
#define SPI_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (SPI_IDR) Interrupt Disable Register
#define SPI_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000001C) // (SPI_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
#define SPI_CSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000030) // (SPI_CSR) Chip Select Register
// -------- SPI_CR : (SPI Offset: 0x0) SPI Control Register --------
#define AT91C_SPI_SPIEN (0x1 << 0) // (SPI) SPI Enable
#define AT91C_SPI_SPIDIS (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) SPI Disable
#define AT91C_SPI_SWRST (0x1 << 7) // (SPI) SPI Software reset
#define AT91C_SPI_LASTXFER (0x1 << 24) // (SPI) SPI Last Transfer
// -------- SPI_MR : (SPI Offset: 0x4) SPI Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_SPI_MSTR (0x1 << 0) // (SPI) Master/Slave Mode
#define AT91C_SPI_PS (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Peripheral Select
#define AT91C_SPI_PS_FIXED (0x0 << 1) // (SPI) Fixed Peripheral Select
#define AT91C_SPI_PS_VARIABLE (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Variable Peripheral Select
#define AT91C_SPI_PCSDEC (0x1 << 2) // (SPI) Chip Select Decode
#define AT91C_SPI_FDIV (0x1 << 3) // (SPI) Clock Selection
#define AT91C_SPI_MODFDIS (0x1 << 4) // (SPI) Mode Fault Detection
#define AT91C_SPI_LLB (0x1 << 7) // (SPI) Clock Selection
#define AT91C_SPI_PCS (0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select
#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCS (0xFF << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Chip Selects
// -------- SPI_RDR : (SPI Offset: 0x8) Receive Data Register --------
#define AT91C_SPI_RD (0xFFFF << 0) // (SPI) Receive Data
#define AT91C_SPI_RPCS (0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
// -------- SPI_TDR : (SPI Offset: 0xc) Transmit Data Register --------
#define AT91C_SPI_TD (0xFFFF << 0) // (SPI) Transmit Data
#define AT91C_SPI_TPCS (0xF << 16) // (SPI) Peripheral Chip Select Status
// -------- SPI_SR : (SPI Offset: 0x10) Status Register --------
#define AT91C_SPI_RDRF (0x1 << 0) // (SPI) Receive Data Register Full
#define AT91C_SPI_TDRE (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Transmit Data Register Empty
#define AT91C_SPI_MODF (0x1 << 2) // (SPI) Mode Fault Error
#define AT91C_SPI_OVRES (0x1 << 3) // (SPI) Overrun Error Status
#define AT91C_SPI_ENDRX (0x1 << 4) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_ENDTX (0x1 << 5) // (SPI) End of Receiver Transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_RXBUFF (0x1 << 6) // (SPI) RXBUFF Interrupt
#define AT91C_SPI_TXBUFE (0x1 << 7) // (SPI) TXBUFE Interrupt
#define AT91C_SPI_NSSR (0x1 << 8) // (SPI) NSSR Interrupt
#define AT91C_SPI_TXEMPTY (0x1 << 9) // (SPI) TXEMPTY Interrupt
#define AT91C_SPI_SPIENS (0x1 << 16) // (SPI) Enable Status
// -------- SPI_IER : (SPI Offset: 0x14) Interrupt Enable Register --------
// -------- SPI_IDR : (SPI Offset: 0x18) Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- SPI_IMR : (SPI Offset: 0x1c) Interrupt Mask Register --------
// -------- SPI_CSR : (SPI Offset: 0x30) Chip Select Register --------
#define AT91C_SPI_CPOL (0x1 << 0) // (SPI) Clock Polarity
#define AT91C_SPI_NCPHA (0x1 << 1) // (SPI) Clock Phase
#define AT91C_SPI_CSAAT (0x1 << 3) // (SPI) Chip Select Active After Transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS (0xF << 4) // (SPI) Bits Per Transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_8 (0x0 << 4) // (SPI) 8 Bits Per transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_9 (0x1 << 4) // (SPI) 9 Bits Per transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_10 (0x2 << 4) // (SPI) 10 Bits Per transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_11 (0x3 << 4) // (SPI) 11 Bits Per transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_12 (0x4 << 4) // (SPI) 12 Bits Per transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_13 (0x5 << 4) // (SPI) 13 Bits Per transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_14 (0x6 << 4) // (SPI) 14 Bits Per transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_15 (0x7 << 4) // (SPI) 15 Bits Per transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_BITS_16 (0x8 << 4) // (SPI) 16 Bits Per transfer
#define AT91C_SPI_SCBR (0xFF << 8) // (SPI) Serial Clock Baud Rate
#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBS (0xFF << 16) // (SPI) Delay Before SPCK
#define AT91C_SPI_DLYBCT (0xFF << 24) // (SPI) Delay Between Consecutive Transfers
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Analog to Digital Convertor
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_ADC {
AT91_REG ADC_CR; // ADC Control Register
AT91_REG ADC_MR; // ADC Mode Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
AT91_REG ADC_CHER; // ADC Channel Enable Register
AT91_REG ADC_CHDR; // ADC Channel Disable Register
AT91_REG ADC_CHSR; // ADC Channel Status Register
AT91_REG ADC_SR; // ADC Status Register
AT91_REG ADC_LCDR; // ADC Last Converted Data Register
AT91_REG ADC_IER; // ADC Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG ADC_IDR; // ADC Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG ADC_IMR; // ADC Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG ADC_CDR0; // ADC Channel Data Register 0
AT91_REG ADC_CDR1; // ADC Channel Data Register 1
AT91_REG ADC_CDR2; // ADC Channel Data Register 2
AT91_REG ADC_CDR3; // ADC Channel Data Register 3
AT91_REG ADC_CDR4; // ADC Channel Data Register 4
AT91_REG ADC_CDR5; // ADC Channel Data Register 5
AT91_REG ADC_CDR6; // ADC Channel Data Register 6
AT91_REG ADC_CDR7; // ADC Channel Data Register 7
AT91_REG Reserved1[44]; //
AT91_REG ADC_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
AT91_REG ADC_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
AT91_REG ADC_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
AT91_REG ADC_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
AT91_REG ADC_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG ADC_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
AT91_REG ADC_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG ADC_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
AT91_REG ADC_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
AT91_REG ADC_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
#define ADC_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (ADC_CR) ADC Control Register
#define ADC_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (ADC_MR) ADC Mode Register
#define ADC_CHER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (ADC_CHER) ADC Channel Enable Register
#define ADC_CHDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (ADC_CHDR) ADC Channel Disable Register
#define ADC_CHSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (ADC_CHSR) ADC Channel Status Register
#define ADC_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000001C) // (ADC_SR) ADC Status Register
#define ADC_LCDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000020) // (ADC_LCDR) ADC Last Converted Data Register
#define ADC_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000024) // (ADC_IER) ADC Interrupt Enable Register
#define ADC_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000028) // (ADC_IDR) ADC Interrupt Disable Register
#define ADC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000002C) // (ADC_IMR) ADC Interrupt Mask Register
#define ADC_CDR0 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000030) // (ADC_CDR0) ADC Channel Data Register 0
#define ADC_CDR1 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000034) // (ADC_CDR1) ADC Channel Data Register 1
#define ADC_CDR2 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000038) // (ADC_CDR2) ADC Channel Data Register 2
#define ADC_CDR3 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000003C) // (ADC_CDR3) ADC Channel Data Register 3
#define ADC_CDR4 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000040) // (ADC_CDR4) ADC Channel Data Register 4
#define ADC_CDR5 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000044) // (ADC_CDR5) ADC Channel Data Register 5
#define ADC_CDR6 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000048) // (ADC_CDR6) ADC Channel Data Register 6
#define ADC_CDR7 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000004C) // (ADC_CDR7) ADC Channel Data Register 7
// -------- ADC_CR : (ADC Offset: 0x0) ADC Control Register --------
#define AT91C_ADC_SWRST (0x1 << 0) // (ADC) Software Reset
#define AT91C_ADC_START (0x1 << 1) // (ADC) Start Conversion
// -------- ADC_MR : (ADC Offset: 0x4) ADC Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGEN (0x1 << 0) // (ADC) Trigger Enable
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGEN_DIS (0x0) // (ADC) Hradware triggers are disabled. Starting a conversion is only possible by software
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGEN_EN (0x1) // (ADC) Hardware trigger selected by TRGSEL field is enabled.
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGSEL (0x7 << 1) // (ADC) Trigger Selection
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA0 (0x0 << 1) // (ADC) Selected TRGSEL = TIAO0
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA1 (0x1 << 1) // (ADC) Selected TRGSEL = TIAO1
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA2 (0x2 << 1) // (ADC) Selected TRGSEL = TIAO2
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA3 (0x3 << 1) // (ADC) Selected TRGSEL = TIAO3
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA4 (0x4 << 1) // (ADC) Selected TRGSEL = TIAO4
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGSEL_TIOA5 (0x5 << 1) // (ADC) Selected TRGSEL = TIAO5
#define AT91C_ADC_TRGSEL_EXT (0x6 << 1) // (ADC) Selected TRGSEL = External Trigger
#define AT91C_ADC_LOWRES (0x1 << 4) // (ADC) Resolution.
#define AT91C_ADC_LOWRES_10_BIT (0x0 << 4) // (ADC) 10-bit resolution
#define AT91C_ADC_LOWRES_8_BIT (0x1 << 4) // (ADC) 8-bit resolution
#define AT91C_ADC_SLEEP (0x1 << 5) // (ADC) Sleep Mode
#define AT91C_ADC_SLEEP_NORMAL_MODE (0x0 << 5) // (ADC) Normal Mode
#define AT91C_ADC_SLEEP_MODE (0x1 << 5) // (ADC) Sleep Mode
#define AT91C_ADC_PRESCAL (0x3F << 8) // (ADC) Prescaler rate selection
#define AT91C_ADC_STARTUP (0x1F << 16) // (ADC) Startup Time
#define AT91C_ADC_SHTIM (0xF << 24) // (ADC) Sample & Hold Time
// -------- ADC_CHER : (ADC Offset: 0x10) ADC Channel Enable Register --------
#define AT91C_ADC_CH0 (0x1 << 0) // (ADC) Channel 0
#define AT91C_ADC_CH1 (0x1 << 1) // (ADC) Channel 1
#define AT91C_ADC_CH2 (0x1 << 2) // (ADC) Channel 2
#define AT91C_ADC_CH3 (0x1 << 3) // (ADC) Channel 3
#define AT91C_ADC_CH4 (0x1 << 4) // (ADC) Channel 4
#define AT91C_ADC_CH5 (0x1 << 5) // (ADC) Channel 5
#define AT91C_ADC_CH6 (0x1 << 6) // (ADC) Channel 6
#define AT91C_ADC_CH7 (0x1 << 7) // (ADC) Channel 7
// -------- ADC_CHDR : (ADC Offset: 0x14) ADC Channel Disable Register --------
// -------- ADC_CHSR : (ADC Offset: 0x18) ADC Channel Status Register --------
// -------- ADC_SR : (ADC Offset: 0x1c) ADC Status Register --------
#define AT91C_ADC_EOC0 (0x1 << 0) // (ADC) End of Conversion
#define AT91C_ADC_EOC1 (0x1 << 1) // (ADC) End of Conversion
#define AT91C_ADC_EOC2 (0x1 << 2) // (ADC) End of Conversion
#define AT91C_ADC_EOC3 (0x1 << 3) // (ADC) End of Conversion
#define AT91C_ADC_EOC4 (0x1 << 4) // (ADC) End of Conversion
#define AT91C_ADC_EOC5 (0x1 << 5) // (ADC) End of Conversion
#define AT91C_ADC_EOC6 (0x1 << 6) // (ADC) End of Conversion
#define AT91C_ADC_EOC7 (0x1 << 7) // (ADC) End of Conversion
#define AT91C_ADC_OVRE0 (0x1 << 8) // (ADC) Overrun Error
#define AT91C_ADC_OVRE1 (0x1 << 9) // (ADC) Overrun Error
#define AT91C_ADC_OVRE2 (0x1 << 10) // (ADC) Overrun Error
#define AT91C_ADC_OVRE3 (0x1 << 11) // (ADC) Overrun Error
#define AT91C_ADC_OVRE4 (0x1 << 12) // (ADC) Overrun Error
#define AT91C_ADC_OVRE5 (0x1 << 13) // (ADC) Overrun Error
#define AT91C_ADC_OVRE6 (0x1 << 14) // (ADC) Overrun Error
#define AT91C_ADC_OVRE7 (0x1 << 15) // (ADC) Overrun Error
#define AT91C_ADC_DRDY (0x1 << 16) // (ADC) Data Ready
#define AT91C_ADC_GOVRE (0x1 << 17) // (ADC) General Overrun
#define AT91C_ADC_ENDRX (0x1 << 18) // (ADC) End of Receiver Transfer
#define AT91C_ADC_RXBUFF (0x1 << 19) // (ADC) RXBUFF Interrupt
// -------- ADC_LCDR : (ADC Offset: 0x20) ADC Last Converted Data Register --------
#define AT91C_ADC_LDATA (0x3FF << 0) // (ADC) Last Data Converted
// -------- ADC_IER : (ADC Offset: 0x24) ADC Interrupt Enable Register --------
// -------- ADC_IDR : (ADC Offset: 0x28) ADC Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- ADC_IMR : (ADC Offset: 0x2c) ADC Interrupt Mask Register --------
// -------- ADC_CDR0 : (ADC Offset: 0x30) ADC Channel Data Register 0 --------
#define AT91C_ADC_DATA (0x3FF << 0) // (ADC) Converted Data
// -------- ADC_CDR1 : (ADC Offset: 0x34) ADC Channel Data Register 1 --------
// -------- ADC_CDR2 : (ADC Offset: 0x38) ADC Channel Data Register 2 --------
// -------- ADC_CDR3 : (ADC Offset: 0x3c) ADC Channel Data Register 3 --------
// -------- ADC_CDR4 : (ADC Offset: 0x40) ADC Channel Data Register 4 --------
// -------- ADC_CDR5 : (ADC Offset: 0x44) ADC Channel Data Register 5 --------
// -------- ADC_CDR6 : (ADC Offset: 0x48) ADC Channel Data Register 6 --------
// -------- ADC_CDR7 : (ADC Offset: 0x4c) ADC Channel Data Register 7 --------
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Synchronous Serial Controller Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_SSC {
AT91_REG SSC_CR; // Control Register
AT91_REG SSC_CMR; // Clock Mode Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
AT91_REG SSC_RCMR; // Receive Clock ModeRegister
AT91_REG SSC_RFMR; // Receive Frame Mode Register
AT91_REG SSC_TCMR; // Transmit Clock Mode Register
AT91_REG SSC_TFMR; // Transmit Frame Mode Register
AT91_REG SSC_RHR; // Receive Holding Register
AT91_REG SSC_THR; // Transmit Holding Register
AT91_REG Reserved1[2]; //
AT91_REG SSC_RSHR; // Receive Sync Holding Register
AT91_REG SSC_TSHR; // Transmit Sync Holding Register
AT91_REG Reserved2[2]; //
AT91_REG SSC_SR; // Status Register
AT91_REG SSC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG SSC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG SSC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG Reserved3[44]; //
AT91_REG SSC_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
AT91_REG SSC_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
AT91_REG SSC_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
AT91_REG SSC_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
AT91_REG SSC_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG SSC_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
AT91_REG SSC_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG SSC_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
AT91_REG SSC_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
AT91_REG SSC_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
#define SSC_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (SSC_CR) Control Register
#define SSC_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (SSC_CMR) Clock Mode Register
#define SSC_RCMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (SSC_RCMR) Receive Clock ModeRegister
#define SSC_RFMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (SSC_RFMR) Receive Frame Mode Register
#define SSC_TCMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (SSC_TCMR) Transmit Clock Mode Register
#define SSC_TFMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000001C) // (SSC_TFMR) Transmit Frame Mode Register
#define SSC_RHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000020) // (SSC_RHR) Receive Holding Register
#define SSC_THR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000024) // (SSC_THR) Transmit Holding Register
#define SSC_RSHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000030) // (SSC_RSHR) Receive Sync Holding Register
#define SSC_TSHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000034) // (SSC_TSHR) Transmit Sync Holding Register
#define SSC_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000040) // (SSC_SR) Status Register
#define SSC_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000044) // (SSC_IER) Interrupt Enable Register
#define SSC_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000048) // (SSC_IDR) Interrupt Disable Register
#define SSC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000004C) // (SSC_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
// -------- SSC_CR : (SSC Offset: 0x0) SSC Control Register --------
#define AT91C_SSC_RXEN (0x1 << 0) // (SSC) Receive Enable
#define AT91C_SSC_RXDIS (0x1 << 1) // (SSC) Receive Disable
#define AT91C_SSC_TXEN (0x1 << 8) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
#define AT91C_SSC_TXDIS (0x1 << 9) // (SSC) Transmit Disable
#define AT91C_SSC_SWRST (0x1 << 15) // (SSC) Software Reset
// -------- SSC_RCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x10) SSC Receive Clock Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_SSC_CKS (0x3 << 0) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Selection
#define AT91C_SSC_CKS_DIV (0x0) // (SSC) Divided Clock
#define AT91C_SSC_CKS_TK (0x1) // (SSC) TK Clock signal
#define AT91C_SSC_CKS_RK (0x2) // (SSC) RK pin
#define AT91C_SSC_CKO (0x7 << 2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode Selection
#define AT91C_SSC_CKO_NONE (0x0 << 2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Output Mode: None RK pin: Input-only
#define AT91C_SSC_CKO_CONTINOUS (0x1 << 2) // (SSC) Continuous Receive/Transmit Clock RK pin: Output
#define AT91C_SSC_CKO_DATA_TX (0x2 << 2) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock only during data transfers RK pin: Output
#define AT91C_SSC_CKI (0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Clock Inversion
#define AT91C_SSC_START (0xF << 8) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Selection
#define AT91C_SSC_START_CONTINOUS (0x0 << 8) // (SSC) Continuous, as soon as the receiver is enabled, and immediately after the end of transfer of the previous data.
#define AT91C_SSC_START_TX (0x1 << 8) // (SSC) Transmit/Receive start
#define AT91C_SSC_START_LOW_RF (0x2 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a low level on RF input
#define AT91C_SSC_START_HIGH_RF (0x3 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a high level on RF input
#define AT91C_SSC_START_FALL_RF (0x4 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a falling edge on RF input
#define AT91C_SSC_START_RISE_RF (0x5 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of a rising edge on RF input
#define AT91C_SSC_START_LEVEL_RF (0x6 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of any level change on RF input
#define AT91C_SSC_START_EDGE_RF (0x7 << 8) // (SSC) Detection of any edge on RF input
#define AT91C_SSC_START_0 (0x8 << 8) // (SSC) Compare 0
#define AT91C_SSC_STTDLY (0xFF << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Start Delay
#define AT91C_SSC_PERIOD (0xFF << 24) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Period Divider Selection
// -------- SSC_RFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x14) SSC Receive Frame Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_SSC_DATLEN (0x1F << 0) // (SSC) Data Length
#define AT91C_SSC_LOOP (0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Loop Mode
#define AT91C_SSC_MSBF (0x1 << 7) // (SSC) Most Significant Bit First
#define AT91C_SSC_DATNB (0xF << 8) // (SSC) Data Number per Frame
#define AT91C_SSC_FSLEN (0xF << 16) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync length
#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS (0x7 << 20) // (SSC) Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Output Selection
#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NONE (0x0 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: None RK pin Input-only
#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_NEGATIVE (0x1 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Negative Pulse
#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_POSITIVE (0x2 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Positive Pulse
#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_LOW (0x3 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver Low during data transfer
#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_HIGH (0x4 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Driver High during data transfer
#define AT91C_SSC_FSOS_TOGGLE (0x5 << 20) // (SSC) Selected Receive/Transmit Frame Sync Signal: Toggling at each start of data transfer
#define AT91C_SSC_FSEDGE (0x1 << 24) // (SSC) Frame Sync Edge Detection
// -------- SSC_TCMR : (SSC Offset: 0x18) SSC Transmit Clock Mode Register --------
// -------- SSC_TFMR : (SSC Offset: 0x1c) SSC Transmit Frame Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_SSC_DATDEF (0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Data Default Value
#define AT91C_SSC_FSDEN (0x1 << 23) // (SSC) Frame Sync Data Enable
// -------- SSC_SR : (SSC Offset: 0x40) SSC Status Register --------
#define AT91C_SSC_TXRDY (0x1 << 0) // (SSC) Transmit Ready
#define AT91C_SSC_TXEMPTY (0x1 << 1) // (SSC) Transmit Empty
#define AT91C_SSC_ENDTX (0x1 << 2) // (SSC) End Of Transmission
#define AT91C_SSC_TXBUFE (0x1 << 3) // (SSC) Transmit Buffer Empty
#define AT91C_SSC_RXRDY (0x1 << 4) // (SSC) Receive Ready
#define AT91C_SSC_OVRUN (0x1 << 5) // (SSC) Receive Overrun
#define AT91C_SSC_ENDRX (0x1 << 6) // (SSC) End of Reception
#define AT91C_SSC_RXBUFF (0x1 << 7) // (SSC) Receive Buffer Full
#define AT91C_SSC_TXSYN (0x1 << 10) // (SSC) Transmit Sync
#define AT91C_SSC_RXSYN (0x1 << 11) // (SSC) Receive Sync
#define AT91C_SSC_TXENA (0x1 << 16) // (SSC) Transmit Enable
#define AT91C_SSC_RXENA (0x1 << 17) // (SSC) Receive Enable
// -------- SSC_IER : (SSC Offset: 0x44) SSC Interrupt Enable Register --------
// -------- SSC_IDR : (SSC Offset: 0x48) SSC Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- SSC_IMR : (SSC Offset: 0x4c) SSC Interrupt Mask Register --------
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_USART {
AT91_REG US_CR; // Control Register
AT91_REG US_MR; // Mode Register
AT91_REG US_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG US_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG US_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG US_CSR; // Channel Status Register
AT91_REG US_RHR; // Receiver Holding Register
AT91_REG US_THR; // Transmitter Holding Register
AT91_REG US_BRGR; // Baud Rate Generator Register
AT91_REG US_RTOR; // Receiver Time-out Register
AT91_REG US_TTGR; // Transmitter Time-guard Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[5]; //
AT91_REG US_FIDI; // FI_DI_Ratio Register
AT91_REG US_NER; // Nb Errors Register
AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
AT91_REG Reserved2[44]; //
AT91_REG US_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
AT91_REG US_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
AT91_REG US_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
AT91_REG US_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
AT91_REG US_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG US_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
AT91_REG US_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG US_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
AT91_REG US_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
AT91_REG US_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
#define US_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (US_CR) Control Register
#define US_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (US_MR) Mode Register
#define US_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (US_IER) Interrupt Enable Register
#define US_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (US_IDR) Interrupt Disable Register
#define US_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (US_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
#define US_CSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (US_CSR) Channel Status Register
#define US_RHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (US_RHR) Receiver Holding Register
#define US_THR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000001C) // (US_THR) Transmitter Holding Register
#define US_BRGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000020) // (US_BRGR) Baud Rate Generator Register
#define US_RTOR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000024) // (US_RTOR) Receiver Time-out Register
#define US_TTGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000028) // (US_TTGR) Transmitter Time-guard Register
#define US_FIDI (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000040) // (US_FIDI) FI_DI_Ratio Register
#define US_NER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000044) // (US_NER) Nb Errors Register
#define US_IF (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000004C) // (US_IF) IRDA_FILTER Register
// -------- US_CR : (USART Offset: 0x0) Debug Unit Control Register --------
#define AT91C_US_STTBRK (0x1 << 9) // (USART) Start Break
#define AT91C_US_STPBRK (0x1 << 10) // (USART) Stop Break
#define AT91C_US_STTTO (0x1 << 11) // (USART) Start Time-out
#define AT91C_US_SENDA (0x1 << 12) // (USART) Send Address
#define AT91C_US_RSTIT (0x1 << 13) // (USART) Reset Iterations
#define AT91C_US_RSTNACK (0x1 << 14) // (USART) Reset Non Acknowledge
#define AT91C_US_RETTO (0x1 << 15) // (USART) Rearm Time-out
#define AT91C_US_DTREN (0x1 << 16) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Enable
#define AT91C_US_DTRDIS (0x1 << 17) // (USART) Data Terminal ready Disable
#define AT91C_US_RTSEN (0x1 << 18) // (USART) Request to Send enable
#define AT91C_US_RTSDIS (0x1 << 19) // (USART) Request to Send Disable
// -------- US_MR : (USART Offset: 0x4) Debug Unit Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_US_USMODE (0xF << 0) // (USART) Usart mode
#define AT91C_US_USMODE_NORMAL (0x0) // (USART) Normal
#define AT91C_US_USMODE_RS485 (0x1) // (USART) RS485
#define AT91C_US_USMODE_HWHSH (0x2) // (USART) Hardware Handshaking
#define AT91C_US_USMODE_MODEM (0x3) // (USART) Modem
#define AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_0 (0x4) // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 0
#define AT91C_US_USMODE_ISO7816_1 (0x6) // (USART) ISO7816 protocol: T = 1
#define AT91C_US_USMODE_IRDA (0x8) // (USART) IrDA
#define AT91C_US_USMODE_SWHSH (0xC) // (USART) Software Handshaking
#define AT91C_US_CLKS (0x3 << 4) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
#define AT91C_US_CLKS_CLOCK (0x0 << 4) // (USART) Clock
#define AT91C_US_CLKS_FDIV1 (0x1 << 4) // (USART) fdiv1
#define AT91C_US_CLKS_SLOW (0x2 << 4) // (USART) slow_clock (ARM)
#define AT91C_US_CLKS_EXT (0x3 << 4) // (USART) External (SCK)
#define AT91C_US_CHRL (0x3 << 6) // (USART) Clock Selection (Baud Rate generator Input Clock
#define AT91C_US_CHRL_5_BITS (0x0 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 5 bits
#define AT91C_US_CHRL_6_BITS (0x1 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 6 bits
#define AT91C_US_CHRL_7_BITS (0x2 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 7 bits
#define AT91C_US_CHRL_8_BITS (0x3 << 6) // (USART) Character Length: 8 bits
#define AT91C_US_SYNC (0x1 << 8) // (USART) Synchronous Mode Select
#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP (0x3 << 12) // (USART) Number of Stop bits
#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP_1_BIT (0x0 << 12) // (USART) 1 stop bit
#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP_15_BIT (0x1 << 12) // (USART) Asynchronous (SYNC=0) 2 stop bits Synchronous (SYNC=1) 2 stop bits
#define AT91C_US_NBSTOP_2_BIT (0x2 << 12) // (USART) 2 stop bits
#define AT91C_US_MSBF (0x1 << 16) // (USART) Bit Order
#define AT91C_US_MODE9 (0x1 << 17) // (USART) 9-bit Character length
#define AT91C_US_CKLO (0x1 << 18) // (USART) Clock Output Select
#define AT91C_US_OVER (0x1 << 19) // (USART) Over Sampling Mode
#define AT91C_US_INACK (0x1 << 20) // (USART) Inhibit Non Acknowledge
#define AT91C_US_DSNACK (0x1 << 21) // (USART) Disable Successive NACK
#define AT91C_US_MAX_ITER (0x1 << 24) // (USART) Number of Repetitions
#define AT91C_US_FILTER (0x1 << 28) // (USART) Receive Line Filter
// -------- US_IER : (USART Offset: 0x8) Debug Unit Interrupt Enable Register --------
#define AT91C_US_RXBRK (0x1 << 2) // (USART) Break Received/End of Break
#define AT91C_US_TIMEOUT (0x1 << 8) // (USART) Receiver Time-out
#define AT91C_US_ITERATION (0x1 << 10) // (USART) Max number of Repetitions Reached
#define AT91C_US_NACK (0x1 << 13) // (USART) Non Acknowledge
#define AT91C_US_RIIC (0x1 << 16) // (USART) Ring INdicator Input Change Flag
#define AT91C_US_DSRIC (0x1 << 17) // (USART) Data Set Ready Input Change Flag
#define AT91C_US_DCDIC (0x1 << 18) // (USART) Data Carrier Flag
#define AT91C_US_CTSIC (0x1 << 19) // (USART) Clear To Send Input Change Flag
// -------- US_IDR : (USART Offset: 0xc) Debug Unit Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- US_IMR : (USART Offset: 0x10) Debug Unit Interrupt Mask Register --------
// -------- US_CSR : (USART Offset: 0x14) Debug Unit Channel Status Register --------
#define AT91C_US_RI (0x1 << 20) // (USART) Image of RI Input
#define AT91C_US_DSR (0x1 << 21) // (USART) Image of DSR Input
#define AT91C_US_DCD (0x1 << 22) // (USART) Image of DCD Input
#define AT91C_US_CTS (0x1 << 23) // (USART) Image of CTS Input
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_TWI {
AT91_REG TWI_CR; // Control Register
AT91_REG TWI_MMR; // Master Mode Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
AT91_REG TWI_IADR; // Internal Address Register
AT91_REG TWI_CWGR; // Clock Waveform Generator Register
AT91_REG Reserved1[3]; //
AT91_REG TWI_SR; // Status Register
AT91_REG TWI_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG TWI_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG TWI_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG TWI_RHR; // Receive Holding Register
AT91_REG TWI_THR; // Transmit Holding Register
AT91_REG Reserved2[50]; //
AT91_REG TWI_RPR; // Receive Pointer Register
AT91_REG TWI_RCR; // Receive Counter Register
AT91_REG TWI_TPR; // Transmit Pointer Register
AT91_REG TWI_TCR; // Transmit Counter Register
AT91_REG TWI_RNPR; // Receive Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG TWI_RNCR; // Receive Next Counter Register
AT91_REG TWI_TNPR; // Transmit Next Pointer Register
AT91_REG TWI_TNCR; // Transmit Next Counter Register
AT91_REG TWI_PTCR; // PDC Transfer Control Register
AT91_REG TWI_PTSR; // PDC Transfer Status Register
#define TWI_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (TWI_CR) Control Register
#define TWI_MMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (TWI_MMR) Master Mode Register
#define TWI_IADR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (TWI_IADR) Internal Address Register
#define TWI_CWGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (TWI_CWGR) Clock Waveform Generator Register
#define TWI_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000020) // (TWI_SR) Status Register
#define TWI_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000024) // (TWI_IER) Interrupt Enable Register
#define TWI_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000028) // (TWI_IDR) Interrupt Disable Register
#define TWI_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000002C) // (TWI_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
#define TWI_RHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000030) // (TWI_RHR) Receive Holding Register
#define TWI_THR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000034) // (TWI_THR) Transmit Holding Register
// -------- TWI_CR : (TWI Offset: 0x0) TWI Control Register --------
#define AT91C_TWI_START (0x1 << 0) // (TWI) Send a START Condition
#define AT91C_TWI_STOP (0x1 << 1) // (TWI) Send a STOP Condition
#define AT91C_TWI_MSEN (0x1 << 2) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Enabled
#define AT91C_TWI_MSDIS (0x1 << 3) // (TWI) TWI Master Transfer Disabled
#define AT91C_TWI_SWRST (0x1 << 7) // (TWI) Software Reset
// -------- TWI_MMR : (TWI Offset: 0x4) TWI Master Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ (0x3 << 8) // (TWI) Internal Device Address Size
#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_NO (0x0 << 8) // (TWI) No internal device address
#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_1_BYTE (0x1 << 8) // (TWI) One-byte internal device address
#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_2_BYTE (0x2 << 8) // (TWI) Two-byte internal device address
#define AT91C_TWI_IADRSZ_3_BYTE (0x3 << 8) // (TWI) Three-byte internal device address
#define AT91C_TWI_MREAD (0x1 << 12) // (TWI) Master Read Direction
#define AT91C_TWI_DADR (0x7F << 16) // (TWI) Device Address
// -------- TWI_CWGR : (TWI Offset: 0x10) TWI Clock Waveform Generator Register --------
#define AT91C_TWI_CLDIV (0xFF << 0) // (TWI) Clock Low Divider
#define AT91C_TWI_CHDIV (0xFF << 8) // (TWI) Clock High Divider
#define AT91C_TWI_CKDIV (0x7 << 16) // (TWI) Clock Divider
// -------- TWI_SR : (TWI Offset: 0x20) TWI Status Register --------
#define AT91C_TWI_TXCOMP (0x1 << 0) // (TWI) Transmission Completed
#define AT91C_TWI_RXRDY (0x1 << 1) // (TWI) Receive holding register ReaDY
#define AT91C_TWI_TXRDY (0x1 << 2) // (TWI) Transmit holding register ReaDY
#define AT91C_TWI_OVRE (0x1 << 6) // (TWI) Overrun Error
#define AT91C_TWI_UNRE (0x1 << 7) // (TWI) Underrun Error
#define AT91C_TWI_NACK (0x1 << 8) // (TWI) Not Acknowledged
#define AT91C_TWI_ENDRX (0x1 << 12) // (TWI)
#define AT91C_TWI_ENDTX (0x1 << 13) // (TWI)
#define AT91C_TWI_RXBUFF (0x1 << 14) // (TWI)
#define AT91C_TWI_TXBUFE (0x1 << 15) // (TWI)
// -------- TWI_IER : (TWI Offset: 0x24) TWI Interrupt Enable Register --------
// -------- TWI_IDR : (TWI Offset: 0x28) TWI Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- TWI_IMR : (TWI Offset: 0x2c) TWI Interrupt Mask Register --------
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Timer Counter Channel Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_TC {
AT91_REG TC_CCR; // Channel Control Register
AT91_REG TC_CMR; // Channel Mode Register (Capture Mode / Waveform Mode)
AT91_REG Reserved0[2]; //
AT91_REG TC_CV; // Counter Value
AT91_REG TC_RA; // Register A
AT91_REG TC_RB; // Register B
AT91_REG TC_RC; // Register C
AT91_REG TC_SR; // Status Register
AT91_REG TC_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG TC_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG TC_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
} AT91S_TC, *AT91PS_TC;
#define TC_CCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (TC_CCR) Channel Control Register
#define TC_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (TC_CMR) Channel Mode Register (Capture Mode / Waveform Mode)
#define TC_CV (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (TC_CV) Counter Value
#define TC_RA (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (TC_RA) Register A
#define TC_RB (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (TC_RB) Register B
#define TC_RC (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000001C) // (TC_RC) Register C
#define TC_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000020) // (TC_SR) Status Register
#define TC_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000024) // (TC_IER) Interrupt Enable Register
#define TC_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000028) // (TC_IDR) Interrupt Disable Register
#define TC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000002C) // (TC_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
// -------- TC_CCR : (TC Offset: 0x0) TC Channel Control Register --------
#define AT91C_TC_CLKEN (0x1 << 0) // (TC) Counter Clock Enable Command
#define AT91C_TC_CLKDIS (0x1 << 1) // (TC) Counter Clock Disable Command
#define AT91C_TC_SWTRG (0x1 << 2) // (TC) Software Trigger Command
// -------- TC_CMR : (TC Offset: 0x4) TC Channel Mode Register: Capture Mode / Waveform Mode --------
#define AT91C_TC_CLKS (0x7 << 0) // (TC) Clock Selection
#define AT91C_TC_CLKS_TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK (0x0) // (TC) Clock selected: TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK
#define AT91C_TC_CLKS_TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK (0x1) // (TC) Clock selected: TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK
#define AT91C_TC_CLKS_TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK (0x2) // (TC) Clock selected: TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK
#define AT91C_TC_CLKS_TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK (0x3) // (TC) Clock selected: TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK
#define AT91C_TC_CLKS_TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK (0x4) // (TC) Clock selected: TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK
#define AT91C_TC_CLKS_XC0 (0x5) // (TC) Clock selected: XC0
#define AT91C_TC_CLKS_XC1 (0x6) // (TC) Clock selected: XC1
#define AT91C_TC_CLKS_XC2 (0x7) // (TC) Clock selected: XC2
#define AT91C_TC_CLKI (0x1 << 3) // (TC) Clock Invert
#define AT91C_TC_BURST (0x3 << 4) // (TC) Burst Signal Selection
#define AT91C_TC_BURST_NONE (0x0 << 4) // (TC) The clock is not gated by an external signal
#define AT91C_TC_BURST_XC0 (0x1 << 4) // (TC) XC0 is ANDed with the selected clock
#define AT91C_TC_BURST_XC1 (0x2 << 4) // (TC) XC1 is ANDed with the selected clock
#define AT91C_TC_BURST_XC2 (0x3 << 4) // (TC) XC2 is ANDed with the selected clock
#define AT91C_TC_CPCSTOP (0x1 << 6) // (TC) Counter Clock Stopped with RC Compare
#define AT91C_TC_LDBSTOP (0x1 << 6) // (TC) Counter Clock Stopped with RB Loading
#define AT91C_TC_CPCDIS (0x1 << 7) // (TC) Counter Clock Disable with RC Compare
#define AT91C_TC_LDBDIS (0x1 << 7) // (TC) Counter Clock Disabled with RB Loading
#define AT91C_TC_ETRGEDG (0x3 << 8) // (TC) External Trigger Edge Selection
#define AT91C_TC_ETRGEDG_NONE (0x0 << 8) // (TC) Edge: None
#define AT91C_TC_ETRGEDG_RISING (0x1 << 8) // (TC) Edge: rising edge
#define AT91C_TC_ETRGEDG_FALLING (0x2 << 8) // (TC) Edge: falling edge
#define AT91C_TC_ETRGEDG_BOTH (0x3 << 8) // (TC) Edge: each edge
#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG (0x3 << 8) // (TC) External Event Edge Selection
#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_NONE (0x0 << 8) // (TC) Edge: None
#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_RISING (0x1 << 8) // (TC) Edge: rising edge
#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_FALLING (0x2 << 8) // (TC) Edge: falling edge
#define AT91C_TC_EEVTEDG_BOTH (0x3 << 8) // (TC) Edge: each edge
#define AT91C_TC_EEVT (0x3 << 10) // (TC) External Event Selection
#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_TIOB (0x0 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: TIOB TIOB direction: input
#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_XC0 (0x1 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC0 TIOB direction: output
#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_XC1 (0x2 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC1 TIOB direction: output
#define AT91C_TC_EEVT_XC2 (0x3 << 10) // (TC) Signal selected as external event: XC2 TIOB direction: output
#define AT91C_TC_ABETRG (0x1 << 10) // (TC) TIOA or TIOB External Trigger Selection
#define AT91C_TC_ENETRG (0x1 << 12) // (TC) External Event Trigger enable
#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL (0x3 << 13) // (TC) Waveform Selection
#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UP (0x0 << 13) // (TC) UP mode without atomatic trigger on RC Compare
#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN (0x1 << 13) // (TC) UPDOWN mode without automatic trigger on RC Compare
#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UP_AUTO (0x2 << 13) // (TC) UP mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare
#define AT91C_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN_AUTO (0x3 << 13) // (TC) UPDOWN mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare
#define AT91C_TC_CPCTRG (0x1 << 14) // (TC) RC Compare Trigger Enable
#define AT91C_TC_WAVE (0x1 << 15) // (TC)
#define AT91C_TC_ACPA (0x3 << 16) // (TC) RA Compare Effect on TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_NONE (0x0 << 16) // (TC) Effect: none
#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_SET (0x1 << 16) // (TC) Effect: set
#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_CLEAR (0x2 << 16) // (TC) Effect: clear
#define AT91C_TC_ACPA_TOGGLE (0x3 << 16) // (TC) Effect: toggle
#define AT91C_TC_LDRA (0x3 << 16) // (TC) RA Loading Selection
#define AT91C_TC_LDRA_NONE (0x0 << 16) // (TC) Edge: None
#define AT91C_TC_LDRA_RISING (0x1 << 16) // (TC) Edge: rising edge of TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_LDRA_FALLING (0x2 << 16) // (TC) Edge: falling edge of TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_LDRA_BOTH (0x3 << 16) // (TC) Edge: each edge of TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_ACPC (0x3 << 18) // (TC) RC Compare Effect on TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_NONE (0x0 << 18) // (TC) Effect: none
#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_SET (0x1 << 18) // (TC) Effect: set
#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_CLEAR (0x2 << 18) // (TC) Effect: clear
#define AT91C_TC_ACPC_TOGGLE (0x3 << 18) // (TC) Effect: toggle
#define AT91C_TC_LDRB (0x3 << 18) // (TC) RB Loading Selection
#define AT91C_TC_LDRB_NONE (0x0 << 18) // (TC) Edge: None
#define AT91C_TC_LDRB_RISING (0x1 << 18) // (TC) Edge: rising edge of TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_LDRB_FALLING (0x2 << 18) // (TC) Edge: falling edge of TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_LDRB_BOTH (0x3 << 18) // (TC) Edge: each edge of TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT (0x3 << 20) // (TC) External Event Effect on TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_NONE (0x0 << 20) // (TC) Effect: none
#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_SET (0x1 << 20) // (TC) Effect: set
#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_CLEAR (0x2 << 20) // (TC) Effect: clear
#define AT91C_TC_AEEVT_TOGGLE (0x3 << 20) // (TC) Effect: toggle
#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG (0x3 << 22) // (TC) Software Trigger Effect on TIOA
#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_NONE (0x0 << 22) // (TC) Effect: none
#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_SET (0x1 << 22) // (TC) Effect: set
#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_CLEAR (0x2 << 22) // (TC) Effect: clear
#define AT91C_TC_ASWTRG_TOGGLE (0x3 << 22) // (TC) Effect: toggle
#define AT91C_TC_BCPB (0x3 << 24) // (TC) RB Compare Effect on TIOB
#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_NONE (0x0 << 24) // (TC) Effect: none
#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_SET (0x1 << 24) // (TC) Effect: set
#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_CLEAR (0x2 << 24) // (TC) Effect: clear
#define AT91C_TC_BCPB_TOGGLE (0x3 << 24) // (TC) Effect: toggle
#define AT91C_TC_BCPC (0x3 << 26) // (TC) RC Compare Effect on TIOB
#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_NONE (0x0 << 26) // (TC) Effect: none
#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_SET (0x1 << 26) // (TC) Effect: set
#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_CLEAR (0x2 << 26) // (TC) Effect: clear
#define AT91C_TC_BCPC_TOGGLE (0x3 << 26) // (TC) Effect: toggle
#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT (0x3 << 28) // (TC) External Event Effect on TIOB
#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_NONE (0x0 << 28) // (TC) Effect: none
#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_SET (0x1 << 28) // (TC) Effect: set
#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_CLEAR (0x2 << 28) // (TC) Effect: clear
#define AT91C_TC_BEEVT_TOGGLE (0x3 << 28) // (TC) Effect: toggle
#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG (0x3 << 30) // (TC) Software Trigger Effect on TIOB
#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_NONE (0x0 << 30) // (TC) Effect: none
#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_SET (0x1 << 30) // (TC) Effect: set
#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_CLEAR (0x2 << 30) // (TC) Effect: clear
#define AT91C_TC_BSWTRG_TOGGLE (0x3 << 30) // (TC) Effect: toggle
// -------- TC_SR : (TC Offset: 0x20) TC Channel Status Register --------
#define AT91C_TC_COVFS (0x1 << 0) // (TC) Counter Overflow
#define AT91C_TC_LOVRS (0x1 << 1) // (TC) Load Overrun
#define AT91C_TC_CPAS (0x1 << 2) // (TC) RA Compare
#define AT91C_TC_CPBS (0x1 << 3) // (TC) RB Compare
#define AT91C_TC_CPCS (0x1 << 4) // (TC) RC Compare
#define AT91C_TC_LDRAS (0x1 << 5) // (TC) RA Loading
#define AT91C_TC_LDRBS (0x1 << 6) // (TC) RB Loading
#define AT91C_TC_ETRGS (0x1 << 7) // (TC) External Trigger
#define AT91C_TC_CLKSTA (0x1 << 16) // (TC) Clock Enabling
#define AT91C_TC_MTIOA (0x1 << 17) // (TC) TIOA Mirror
#define AT91C_TC_MTIOB (0x1 << 18) // (TC) TIOA Mirror
// -------- TC_IER : (TC Offset: 0x24) TC Channel Interrupt Enable Register --------
// -------- TC_IDR : (TC Offset: 0x28) TC Channel Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- TC_IMR : (TC Offset: 0x2c) TC Channel Interrupt Mask Register --------
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Timer Counter Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_TCB {
AT91S_TC TCB_TC0; // TC Channel 0
AT91_REG Reserved0[4]; //
AT91S_TC TCB_TC1; // TC Channel 1
AT91_REG Reserved1[4]; //
AT91S_TC TCB_TC2; // TC Channel 2
AT91_REG Reserved2[4]; //
AT91_REG TCB_BCR; // TC Block Control Register
AT91_REG TCB_BMR; // TC Block Mode Register
#define TCB_BCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x000000C0) // (TCB_BCR) TC Block Control Register
#define TCB_BMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x000000C4) // (TCB_BMR) TC Block Mode Register
// -------- TCB_BCR : (TCB Offset: 0xc0) TC Block Control Register --------
#define AT91C_TCB_SYNC (0x1 << 0) // (TCB) Synchro Command
// -------- TCB_BMR : (TCB Offset: 0xc4) TC Block Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S (0x3 << 0) // (TCB) External Clock Signal 0 Selection
#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TCLK0 (0x0) // (TCB) TCLK0 connected to XC0
#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_NONE (0x1) // (TCB) None signal connected to XC0
#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TIOA1 (0x2) // (TCB) TIOA1 connected to XC0
#define AT91C_TCB_TC0XC0S_TIOA2 (0x3) // (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC0
#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S (0x3 << 2) // (TCB) External Clock Signal 1 Selection
#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TCLK1 (0x0 << 2) // (TCB) TCLK1 connected to XC1
#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_NONE (0x1 << 2) // (TCB) None signal connected to XC1
#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TIOA0 (0x2 << 2) // (TCB) TIOA0 connected to XC1
#define AT91C_TCB_TC1XC1S_TIOA2 (0x3 << 2) // (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC1
#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S (0x3 << 4) // (TCB) External Clock Signal 2 Selection
#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TCLK2 (0x0 << 4) // (TCB) TCLK2 connected to XC2
#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_NONE (0x1 << 4) // (TCB) None signal connected to XC2
#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TIOA0 (0x2 << 4) // (TCB) TIOA0 connected to XC2
#define AT91C_TCB_TC2XC2S_TIOA1 (0x3 << 4) // (TCB) TIOA2 connected to XC2
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_PWMC_CH {
AT91_REG PWMC_CMR; // Channel Mode Register
AT91_REG PWMC_CDTYR; // Channel Duty Cycle Register
AT91_REG PWMC_CPRDR; // Channel Period Register
AT91_REG PWMC_CCNTR; // Channel Counter Register
AT91_REG PWMC_CUPDR; // Channel Update Register
AT91_REG PWMC_Reserved[3]; // Reserved
#define PWMC_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (PWMC_CMR) Channel Mode Register
#define PWMC_CDTYR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (PWMC_CDTYR) Channel Duty Cycle Register
#define PWMC_CPRDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (PWMC_CPRDR) Channel Period Register
#define PWMC_CCNTR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (PWMC_CCNTR) Channel Counter Register
#define PWMC_CUPDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (PWMC_CUPDR) Channel Update Register
#define Reserved (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (Reserved) Reserved
// -------- PWMC_CMR : (PWMC_CH Offset: 0x0) PWMC Channel Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_PWMC_CPRE (0xF << 0) // (PWMC_CH) Channel Pre-scaler : PWMC_CLKx
#define AT91C_PWMC_CPRE_MCK (0x0) // (PWMC_CH)
#define AT91C_PWMC_CPRE_MCKA (0xB) // (PWMC_CH)
#define AT91C_PWMC_CPRE_MCKB (0xC) // (PWMC_CH)
#define AT91C_PWMC_CALG (0x1 << 8) // (PWMC_CH) Channel Alignment
#define AT91C_PWMC_CPOL (0x1 << 9) // (PWMC_CH) Channel Polarity
#define AT91C_PWMC_CPD (0x1 << 10) // (PWMC_CH) Channel Update Period
// -------- PWMC_CDTYR : (PWMC_CH Offset: 0x4) PWMC Channel Duty Cycle Register --------
#define AT91C_PWMC_CDTY (0x0 << 0) // (PWMC_CH) Channel Duty Cycle
// -------- PWMC_CPRDR : (PWMC_CH Offset: 0x8) PWMC Channel Period Register --------
#define AT91C_PWMC_CPRD (0x0 << 0) // (PWMC_CH) Channel Period
// -------- PWMC_CCNTR : (PWMC_CH Offset: 0xc) PWMC Channel Counter Register --------
#define AT91C_PWMC_CCNT (0x0 << 0) // (PWMC_CH) Channel Counter
// -------- PWMC_CUPDR : (PWMC_CH Offset: 0x10) PWMC Channel Update Register --------
#define AT91C_PWMC_CUPD (0x0 << 0) // (PWMC_CH) Channel Update
// *****************************************************************************
// SOFTWARE API DEFINITION FOR Pulse Width Modulation Controller Interface
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_PWMC {
AT91_REG PWMC_MR; // PWMC Mode Register
AT91_REG PWMC_ENA; // PWMC Enable Register
AT91_REG PWMC_DIS; // PWMC Disable Register
AT91_REG PWMC_SR; // PWMC Status Register
AT91_REG PWMC_IER; // PWMC Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG PWMC_IDR; // PWMC Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG PWMC_IMR; // PWMC Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG PWMC_ISR; // PWMC Interrupt Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[55]; //
AT91_REG PWMC_VR; // PWMC Version Register
AT91_REG Reserved1[64]; //
AT91S_PWMC_CH PWMC_CH[4]; // PWMC Channel
#define PWMC_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (PWMC_MR) PWMC Mode Register
#define PWMC_ENA (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (PWMC_ENA) PWMC Enable Register
#define PWMC_DIS (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (PWMC_DIS) PWMC Disable Register
#define PWMC_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000000C) // (PWMC_SR) PWMC Status Register
#define PWMC_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (PWMC_IER) PWMC Interrupt Enable Register
#define PWMC_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (PWMC_IDR) PWMC Interrupt Disable Register
#define PWMC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (PWMC_IMR) PWMC Interrupt Mask Register
#define PWMC_ISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000001C) // (PWMC_ISR) PWMC Interrupt Status Register
#define PWMC_VR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x000000FC) // (PWMC_VR) PWMC Version Register
// -------- PWMC_MR : (PWMC Offset: 0x0) PWMC Mode Register --------
#define AT91C_PWMC_DIVA (0xFF << 0) // (PWMC) CLKA divide factor.
#define AT91C_PWMC_PREA (0xF << 8) // (PWMC) Divider Input Clock Prescaler A
#define AT91C_PWMC_PREA_MCK (0x0 << 8) // (PWMC)
#define AT91C_PWMC_DIVB (0xFF << 16) // (PWMC) CLKB divide factor.
#define AT91C_PWMC_PREB (0xF << 24) // (PWMC) Divider Input Clock Prescaler B
#define AT91C_PWMC_PREB_MCK (0x0 << 24) // (PWMC)
// -------- PWMC_ENA : (PWMC Offset: 0x4) PWMC Enable Register --------
#define AT91C_PWMC_CHID0 (0x1 << 0) // (PWMC) Channel ID 0
#define AT91C_PWMC_CHID1 (0x1 << 1) // (PWMC) Channel ID 1
#define AT91C_PWMC_CHID2 (0x1 << 2) // (PWMC) Channel ID 2
#define AT91C_PWMC_CHID3 (0x1 << 3) // (PWMC) Channel ID 3
// -------- PWMC_DIS : (PWMC Offset: 0x8) PWMC Disable Register --------
// -------- PWMC_SR : (PWMC Offset: 0xc) PWMC Status Register --------
// -------- PWMC_IER : (PWMC Offset: 0x10) PWMC Interrupt Enable Register --------
// -------- PWMC_IDR : (PWMC Offset: 0x14) PWMC Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- PWMC_IMR : (PWMC Offset: 0x18) PWMC Interrupt Mask Register --------
// -------- PWMC_ISR : (PWMC Offset: 0x1c) PWMC Interrupt Status Register --------
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
typedef struct _AT91S_UDP {
AT91_REG UDP_NUM; // Frame Number Register
AT91_REG UDP_GLBSTATE; // Global State Register
AT91_REG UDP_FADDR; // Function Address Register
AT91_REG Reserved0[1]; //
AT91_REG UDP_IER; // Interrupt Enable Register
AT91_REG UDP_IDR; // Interrupt Disable Register
AT91_REG UDP_IMR; // Interrupt Mask Register
AT91_REG UDP_ISR; // Interrupt Status Register
AT91_REG UDP_ICR; // Interrupt Clear Register
AT91_REG Reserved1[1]; //
AT91_REG UDP_RSTEP; // Reset Endpoint Register
AT91_REG Reserved2[1]; //
AT91_REG UDP_CSR[4]; // Endpoint Control and Status Register
AT91_REG Reserved3[4]; //
AT91_REG UDP_FDR[4]; // Endpoint FIFO Data Register
AT91_REG Reserved4[5]; //
AT91_REG UDP_TXVC; // Transceiver Control Register
#define UDP_FRM_NUM (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000000) // (UDP_FRM_NUM) Frame Number Register
#define UDP_GLBSTATE (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000004) // (UDP_GLBSTATE) Global State Register
#define UDP_FADDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000008) // (UDP_FADDR) Function Address Register
#define UDP_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000010) // (UDP_IER) Interrupt Enable Register
#define UDP_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000014) // (UDP_IDR) Interrupt Disable Register
#define UDP_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000018) // (UDP_IMR) Interrupt Mask Register
#define UDP_ISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x0000001C) // (UDP_ISR) Interrupt Status Register
#define UDP_ICR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000020) // (UDP_ICR) Interrupt Clear Register
#define UDP_RSTEP (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000028) // (UDP_RSTEP) Reset Endpoint Register
#define UDP_CSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000030) // (UDP_CSR) Endpoint Control and Status Register
#define UDP_FDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000050) // (UDP_FDR) Endpoint FIFO Data Register
#define UDP_TXVC (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0x00000074) // (UDP_TXVC) Transceiver Control Register
// -------- UDP_FRM_NUM : (UDP Offset: 0x0) USB Frame Number Register --------
#define AT91C_UDP_FRM_NUM (0x7FF << 0) // (UDP) Frame Number as Defined in the Packet Field Formats
#define AT91C_UDP_FRM_ERR (0x1 << 16) // (UDP) Frame Error
#define AT91C_UDP_FRM_OK (0x1 << 17) // (UDP) Frame OK
// -------- UDP_GLB_STATE : (UDP Offset: 0x4) USB Global State Register --------
#define AT91C_UDP_FADDEN (0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Function Address Enable
#define AT91C_UDP_CONFG (0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Configured
#define AT91C_UDP_ESR (0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Enable Send Resume
#define AT91C_UDP_RSMINPR (0x1 << 3) // (UDP) A Resume Has Been Sent to the Host
#define AT91C_UDP_RMWUPE (0x1 << 4) // (UDP) Remote Wake Up Enable
// -------- UDP_FADDR : (UDP Offset: 0x8) USB Function Address Register --------
#define AT91C_UDP_FADD (0xFF << 0) // (UDP) Function Address Value
#define AT91C_UDP_FEN (0x1 << 8) // (UDP) Function Enable
// -------- UDP_IER : (UDP Offset: 0x10) USB Interrupt Enable Register --------
#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT0 (0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Endpoint 0 Interrupt
#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT1 (0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Endpoint 0 Interrupt
#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT2 (0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Endpoint 2 Interrupt
#define AT91C_UDP_EPINT3 (0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Endpoint 3 Interrupt
#define AT91C_UDP_RXSUSP (0x1 << 8) // (UDP) USB Suspend Interrupt
#define AT91C_UDP_RXRSM (0x1 << 9) // (UDP) USB Resume Interrupt
#define AT91C_UDP_EXTRSM (0x1 << 10) // (UDP) USB External Resume Interrupt
#define AT91C_UDP_SOFINT (0x1 << 11) // (UDP) USB Start Of frame Interrupt
#define AT91C_UDP_WAKEUP (0x1 << 13) // (UDP) USB Resume Interrupt
// -------- UDP_IDR : (UDP Offset: 0x14) USB Interrupt Disable Register --------
// -------- UDP_IMR : (UDP Offset: 0x18) USB Interrupt Mask Register --------
// -------- UDP_ISR : (UDP Offset: 0x1c) USB Interrupt Status Register --------
#define AT91C_UDP_ENDBUSRES (0x1 << 12) // (UDP) USB End Of Bus Reset Interrupt
// -------- UDP_ICR : (UDP Offset: 0x20) USB Interrupt Clear Register --------
// -------- UDP_RST_EP : (UDP Offset: 0x28) USB Reset Endpoint Register --------
#define AT91C_UDP_EP0 (0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 0
#define AT91C_UDP_EP1 (0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 1
#define AT91C_UDP_EP2 (0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 2
#define AT91C_UDP_EP3 (0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint 3
// -------- UDP_CSR : (UDP Offset: 0x30) USB Endpoint Control and Status Register --------
#define AT91C_UDP_TXCOMP (0x1 << 0) // (UDP) Generates an IN packet with data previously written in the DPR
#define AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK0 (0x1 << 1) // (UDP) Receive Data Bank 0
#define AT91C_UDP_RXSETUP (0x1 << 2) // (UDP) Sends STALL to the Host (Control endpoints)
#define AT91C_UDP_ISOERROR (0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Isochronous error (Isochronous endpoints)
#define AT91C_UDP_STALLSENT (0x1 << 3) // (UDP) Stall sent (Control, bulk, interrupt endpoints)
#define AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY (0x1 << 4) // (UDP) Transmit Packet Ready
#define AT91C_UDP_FORCESTALL (0x1 << 5) // (UDP) Force Stall (used by Control, Bulk and Isochronous endpoints).
#define AT91C_UDP_RX_DATA_BK1 (0x1 << 6) // (UDP) Receive Data Bank 1 (only used by endpoints with ping-pong attributes).
#define AT91C_UDP_DIR (0x1 << 7) // (UDP) Transfer Direction
#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE (0x7 << 8) // (UDP) Endpoint type
#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_CTRL (0x0 << 8) // (UDP) Control
#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_ISO_OUT (0x1 << 8) // (UDP) Isochronous OUT
#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_OUT (0x2 << 8) // (UDP) Bulk OUT
#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_OUT (0x3 << 8) // (UDP) Interrupt OUT
#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_ISO_IN (0x5 << 8) // (UDP) Isochronous IN
#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_BULK_IN (0x6 << 8) // (UDP) Bulk IN
#define AT91C_UDP_EPTYPE_INT_IN (0x7 << 8) // (UDP) Interrupt IN
#define AT91C_UDP_DTGLE (0x1 << 11) // (UDP) Data Toggle
#define AT91C_UDP_EPEDS (0x1 << 15) // (UDP) Endpoint Enable Disable
#define AT91C_UDP_RXBYTECNT (0x7FF << 16) // (UDP) Number Of Bytes Available in the FIFO
// -------- UDP_TXVC : (UDP Offset: 0x74) Transceiver Control Register --------
#define AT91C_UDP_TXVDIS (0x1 << 8) // (UDP)
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
// ========== Register definition for SYS peripheral ==========
// ========== Register definition for AIC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_AIC_IVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF100) // (AIC) IRQ Vector Register
#define AT91C_AIC_SMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF000) // (AIC) Source Mode Register
#define AT91C_AIC_FVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF104) // (AIC) FIQ Vector Register
#define AT91C_AIC_DCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF138) // (AIC) Debug Control Register (Protect)
#define AT91C_AIC_EOICR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF130) // (AIC) End of Interrupt Command Register
#define AT91C_AIC_SVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF080) // (AIC) Source Vector Register
#define AT91C_AIC_FFSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF148) // (AIC) Fast Forcing Status Register
#define AT91C_AIC_ICCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF128) // (AIC) Interrupt Clear Command Register
#define AT91C_AIC_ISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF108) // (AIC) Interrupt Status Register
#define AT91C_AIC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF110) // (AIC) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_AIC_IPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF10C) // (AIC) Interrupt Pending Register
#define AT91C_AIC_FFER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF140) // (AIC) Fast Forcing Enable Register
#define AT91C_AIC_IECR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF120) // (AIC) Interrupt Enable Command Register
#define AT91C_AIC_ISCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF12C) // (AIC) Interrupt Set Command Register
#define AT91C_AIC_FFDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF144) // (AIC) Fast Forcing Disable Register
#define AT91C_AIC_CISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF114) // (AIC) Core Interrupt Status Register
#define AT91C_AIC_IDCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF124) // (AIC) Interrupt Disable Command Register
#define AT91C_AIC_SPU (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF134) // (AIC) Spurious Vector Register
// ========== Register definition for PDC_DBGU peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_DBGU_TCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF30C) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Counter Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_RNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF310) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_TNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF318) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_TPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF308) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Pointer Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_RPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF300) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Pointer Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF304) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Counter Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_RNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF314) // (PDC_DBGU) Receive Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_PTCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF320) // (PDC_DBGU) PDC Transfer Control Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_PTSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF324) // (PDC_DBGU) PDC Transfer Status Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_TNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF31C) // (PDC_DBGU) Transmit Next Counter Register
// ========== Register definition for DBGU peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_DBGU_EXID (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF244) // (DBGU) Chip ID Extension Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_BRGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF220) // (DBGU) Baud Rate Generator Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF20C) // (DBGU) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_CSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF214) // (DBGU) Channel Status Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_CIDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF240) // (DBGU) Chip ID Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF204) // (DBGU) Mode Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF210) // (DBGU) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF200) // (DBGU) Control Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_FNTR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF248) // (DBGU) Force NTRST Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_THR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF21C) // (DBGU) Transmitter Holding Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_RHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF218) // (DBGU) Receiver Holding Register
#define AT91C_DBGU_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF208) // (DBGU) Interrupt Enable Register
// ========== Register definition for PIOA peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_PIOA_ODR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF414) // (PIOA) Output Disable Registerr
#define AT91C_PIOA_SODR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF430) // (PIOA) Set Output Data Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_ISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF44C) // (PIOA) Interrupt Status Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_ABSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF478) // (PIOA) AB Select Status Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF440) // (PIOA) Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_PPUDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF460) // (PIOA) Pull-up Disable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF448) // (PIOA) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_PER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF400) // (PIOA) PIO Enable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_IFDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF424) // (PIOA) Input Filter Disable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_OWDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF4A4) // (PIOA) Output Write Disable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_MDSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF458) // (PIOA) Multi-driver Status Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF444) // (PIOA) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_ODSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF438) // (PIOA) Output Data Status Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_PPUSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF468) // (PIOA) Pull-up Status Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_OWSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF4A8) // (PIOA) Output Write Status Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_BSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF474) // (PIOA) Select B Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_OWER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF4A0) // (PIOA) Output Write Enable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_IFER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF420) // (PIOA) Input Filter Enable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_PDSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF43C) // (PIOA) Pin Data Status Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_PPUER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF464) // (PIOA) Pull-up Enable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_OSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF418) // (PIOA) Output Status Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_ASR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF470) // (PIOA) Select A Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_MDDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF454) // (PIOA) Multi-driver Disable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_CODR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF434) // (PIOA) Clear Output Data Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_MDER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF450) // (PIOA) Multi-driver Enable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_PDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF404) // (PIOA) PIO Disable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_IFSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF428) // (PIOA) Input Filter Status Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_OER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF410) // (PIOA) Output Enable Register
#define AT91C_PIOA_PSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFF408) // (PIOA) PIO Status Register
// ========== Register definition for CKGR peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_CKGR_MOR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC20) // (CKGR) Main Oscillator Register
#define AT91C_CKGR_PLLR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC2C) // (CKGR) PLL Register
#define AT91C_CKGR_MCFR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC24) // (CKGR) Main Clock Frequency Register
// ========== Register definition for PMC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_PMC_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC64) // (PMC) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_PMC_MOR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC20) // (PMC) Main Oscillator Register
#define AT91C_PMC_PLLR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC2C) // (PMC) PLL Register
#define AT91C_PMC_PCER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC10) // (PMC) Peripheral Clock Enable Register
#define AT91C_PMC_PCKR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC40) // (PMC) Programmable Clock Register
#define AT91C_PMC_MCKR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC30) // (PMC) Master Clock Register
#define AT91C_PMC_SCDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC04) // (PMC) System Clock Disable Register
#define AT91C_PMC_PCDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC14) // (PMC) Peripheral Clock Disable Register
#define AT91C_PMC_SCSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC08) // (PMC) System Clock Status Register
#define AT91C_PMC_PCSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC18) // (PMC) Peripheral Clock Status Register
#define AT91C_PMC_MCFR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC24) // (PMC) Main Clock Frequency Register
#define AT91C_PMC_SCER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC00) // (PMC) System Clock Enable Register
#define AT91C_PMC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC6C) // (PMC) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_PMC_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC60) // (PMC) Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_PMC_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFC68) // (PMC) Status Register
// ========== Register definition for RSTC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_RSTC_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD00) // (RSTC) Reset Control Register
#define AT91C_RSTC_RMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD08) // (RSTC) Reset Mode Register
#define AT91C_RSTC_RSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD04) // (RSTC) Reset Status Register
// ========== Register definition for RTTC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_RTTC_RTSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD2C) // (RTTC) Real-time Status Register
#define AT91C_RTTC_RTMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD20) // (RTTC) Real-time Mode Register
#define AT91C_RTTC_RTVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD28) // (RTTC) Real-time Value Register
#define AT91C_RTTC_RTAR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD24) // (RTTC) Real-time Alarm Register
// ========== Register definition for PITC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_PITC_PIVR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD38) // (PITC) Period Interval Value Register
#define AT91C_PITC_PISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD34) // (PITC) Period Interval Status Register
#define AT91C_PITC_PIIR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD3C) // (PITC) Period Interval Image Register
#define AT91C_PITC_PIMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD30) // (PITC) Period Interval Mode Register
// ========== Register definition for WDTC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD40) // (WDTC) Watchdog Control Register
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD48) // (WDTC) Watchdog Status Register
#define AT91C_WDTC_WDMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD44) // (WDTC) Watchdog Mode Register
// ========== Register definition for VREG peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_VREG_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFD60) // (VREG) Voltage Regulator Mode Register
// ========== Register definition for MC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_MC_ASR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF04) // (MC) MC Abort Status Register
#define AT91C_MC_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF00) // (MC) MC Remap Control Register
#define AT91C_MC_FCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF64) // (MC) MC Flash Command Register
#define AT91C_MC_AASR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF08) // (MC) MC Abort Address Status Register
#define AT91C_MC_FSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF68) // (MC) MC Flash Status Register
#define AT91C_MC_FMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFFFF60) // (MC) MC Flash Mode Register
// ========== Register definition for PDC_SPI peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_SPI_PTCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0120) // (PDC_SPI) PDC Transfer Control Register
#define AT91C_SPI_TPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0108) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Pointer Register
#define AT91C_SPI_TCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE010C) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Counter Register
#define AT91C_SPI_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0104) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Counter Register
#define AT91C_SPI_PTSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0124) // (PDC_SPI) PDC Transfer Status Register
#define AT91C_SPI_RNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0110) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_SPI_RPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0100) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Pointer Register
#define AT91C_SPI_TNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE011C) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_SPI_RNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0114) // (PDC_SPI) Receive Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_SPI_TNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0118) // (PDC_SPI) Transmit Next Pointer Register
// ========== Register definition for SPI peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_SPI_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0014) // (SPI) Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_SPI_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0010) // (SPI) Status Register
#define AT91C_SPI_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0018) // (SPI) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_SPI_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0000) // (SPI) Control Register
#define AT91C_SPI_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0004) // (SPI) Mode Register
#define AT91C_SPI_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE001C) // (SPI) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_SPI_TDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE000C) // (SPI) Transmit Data Register
#define AT91C_SPI_RDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0008) // (SPI) Receive Data Register
#define AT91C_SPI_CSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFE0030) // (SPI) Chip Select Register
// ========== Register definition for PDC_ADC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_ADC_PTSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8124) // (PDC_ADC) PDC Transfer Status Register
#define AT91C_ADC_PTCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8120) // (PDC_ADC) PDC Transfer Control Register
#define AT91C_ADC_TNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8118) // (PDC_ADC) Transmit Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_ADC_TNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD811C) // (PDC_ADC) Transmit Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_ADC_RNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8110) // (PDC_ADC) Receive Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_ADC_RNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8114) // (PDC_ADC) Receive Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_ADC_RPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8100) // (PDC_ADC) Receive Pointer Register
#define AT91C_ADC_TCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD810C) // (PDC_ADC) Transmit Counter Register
#define AT91C_ADC_TPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8108) // (PDC_ADC) Transmit Pointer Register
#define AT91C_ADC_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8104) // (PDC_ADC) Receive Counter Register
// ========== Register definition for ADC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_ADC_CDR2 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8038) // (ADC) ADC Channel Data Register 2
#define AT91C_ADC_CDR3 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD803C) // (ADC) ADC Channel Data Register 3
#define AT91C_ADC_CDR0 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8030) // (ADC) ADC Channel Data Register 0
#define AT91C_ADC_CDR5 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8044) // (ADC) ADC Channel Data Register 5
#define AT91C_ADC_CHDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8014) // (ADC) ADC Channel Disable Register
#define AT91C_ADC_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD801C) // (ADC) ADC Status Register
#define AT91C_ADC_CDR4 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8040) // (ADC) ADC Channel Data Register 4
#define AT91C_ADC_CDR1 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8034) // (ADC) ADC Channel Data Register 1
#define AT91C_ADC_LCDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8020) // (ADC) ADC Last Converted Data Register
#define AT91C_ADC_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8028) // (ADC) ADC Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_ADC_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8000) // (ADC) ADC Control Register
#define AT91C_ADC_CDR7 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD804C) // (ADC) ADC Channel Data Register 7
#define AT91C_ADC_CDR6 (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8048) // (ADC) ADC Channel Data Register 6
#define AT91C_ADC_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8024) // (ADC) ADC Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_ADC_CHER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8010) // (ADC) ADC Channel Enable Register
#define AT91C_ADC_CHSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8018) // (ADC) ADC Channel Status Register
#define AT91C_ADC_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD8004) // (ADC) ADC Mode Register
#define AT91C_ADC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD802C) // (ADC) ADC Interrupt Mask Register
// ========== Register definition for PDC_SSC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_SSC_TNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD411C) // (PDC_SSC) Transmit Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_SSC_RPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4100) // (PDC_SSC) Receive Pointer Register
#define AT91C_SSC_RNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4114) // (PDC_SSC) Receive Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_SSC_TPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4108) // (PDC_SSC) Transmit Pointer Register
#define AT91C_SSC_PTCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4120) // (PDC_SSC) PDC Transfer Control Register
#define AT91C_SSC_TCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD410C) // (PDC_SSC) Transmit Counter Register
#define AT91C_SSC_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4104) // (PDC_SSC) Receive Counter Register
#define AT91C_SSC_RNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4110) // (PDC_SSC) Receive Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_SSC_TNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4118) // (PDC_SSC) Transmit Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_SSC_PTSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4124) // (PDC_SSC) PDC Transfer Status Register
// ========== Register definition for SSC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_SSC_RHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4020) // (SSC) Receive Holding Register
#define AT91C_SSC_RSHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4030) // (SSC) Receive Sync Holding Register
#define AT91C_SSC_TFMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD401C) // (SSC) Transmit Frame Mode Register
#define AT91C_SSC_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4048) // (SSC) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_SSC_THR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4024) // (SSC) Transmit Holding Register
#define AT91C_SSC_RCMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4010) // (SSC) Receive Clock ModeRegister
#define AT91C_SSC_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4044) // (SSC) Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_SSC_TSHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4034) // (SSC) Transmit Sync Holding Register
#define AT91C_SSC_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4040) // (SSC) Status Register
#define AT91C_SSC_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4004) // (SSC) Clock Mode Register
#define AT91C_SSC_TCMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4018) // (SSC) Transmit Clock Mode Register
#define AT91C_SSC_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4000) // (SSC) Control Register
#define AT91C_SSC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD404C) // (SSC) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_SSC_RFMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFD4014) // (SSC) Receive Frame Mode Register
// ========== Register definition for PDC_US1 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_US1_RNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4114) // (PDC_US1) Receive Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_US1_PTCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4120) // (PDC_US1) PDC Transfer Control Register
#define AT91C_US1_TCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC410C) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Counter Register
#define AT91C_US1_PTSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4124) // (PDC_US1) PDC Transfer Status Register
#define AT91C_US1_TNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4118) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_US1_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4104) // (PDC_US1) Receive Counter Register
#define AT91C_US1_RNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4110) // (PDC_US1) Receive Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_US1_RPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4100) // (PDC_US1) Receive Pointer Register
#define AT91C_US1_TNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC411C) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_US1_TPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4108) // (PDC_US1) Transmit Pointer Register
// ========== Register definition for US1 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_US1_IF (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC404C) // (US1) IRDA_FILTER Register
#define AT91C_US1_NER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4044) // (US1) Nb Errors Register
#define AT91C_US1_RTOR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4024) // (US1) Receiver Time-out Register
#define AT91C_US1_CSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4014) // (US1) Channel Status Register
#define AT91C_US1_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC400C) // (US1) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_US1_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4008) // (US1) Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_US1_THR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC401C) // (US1) Transmitter Holding Register
#define AT91C_US1_TTGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4028) // (US1) Transmitter Time-guard Register
#define AT91C_US1_RHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4018) // (US1) Receiver Holding Register
#define AT91C_US1_BRGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4020) // (US1) Baud Rate Generator Register
#define AT91C_US1_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4010) // (US1) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_US1_FIDI (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4040) // (US1) FI_DI_Ratio Register
#define AT91C_US1_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4000) // (US1) Control Register
#define AT91C_US1_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC4004) // (US1) Mode Register
// ========== Register definition for PDC_US0 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_US0_TNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0118) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_US0_RNPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0110) // (PDC_US0) Receive Next Pointer Register
#define AT91C_US0_TCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC010C) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Counter Register
#define AT91C_US0_PTCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0120) // (PDC_US0) PDC Transfer Control Register
#define AT91C_US0_PTSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0124) // (PDC_US0) PDC Transfer Status Register
#define AT91C_US0_TNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC011C) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Next Counter Register
#define AT91C_US0_TPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0108) // (PDC_US0) Transmit Pointer Register
#define AT91C_US0_RCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0104) // (PDC_US0) Receive Counter Register
#define AT91C_US0_RPR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0100) // (PDC_US0) Receive Pointer Register
#define AT91C_US0_RNCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0114) // (PDC_US0) Receive Next Counter Register
// ========== Register definition for US0 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_US0_BRGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0020) // (US0) Baud Rate Generator Register
#define AT91C_US0_NER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0044) // (US0) Nb Errors Register
#define AT91C_US0_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0000) // (US0) Control Register
#define AT91C_US0_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0010) // (US0) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_US0_FIDI (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0040) // (US0) FI_DI_Ratio Register
#define AT91C_US0_TTGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0028) // (US0) Transmitter Time-guard Register
#define AT91C_US0_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0004) // (US0) Mode Register
#define AT91C_US0_RTOR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0024) // (US0) Receiver Time-out Register
#define AT91C_US0_CSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0014) // (US0) Channel Status Register
#define AT91C_US0_RHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0018) // (US0) Receiver Holding Register
#define AT91C_US0_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC000C) // (US0) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_US0_THR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC001C) // (US0) Transmitter Holding Register
#define AT91C_US0_IF (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC004C) // (US0) IRDA_FILTER Register
#define AT91C_US0_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFC0008) // (US0) Interrupt Enable Register
// ========== Register definition for TWI peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_TWI_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8024) // (TWI) Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_TWI_CR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8000) // (TWI) Control Register
#define AT91C_TWI_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8020) // (TWI) Status Register
#define AT91C_TWI_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB802C) // (TWI) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_TWI_THR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8034) // (TWI) Transmit Holding Register
#define AT91C_TWI_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8028) // (TWI) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_TWI_IADR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB800C) // (TWI) Internal Address Register
#define AT91C_TWI_MMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8004) // (TWI) Master Mode Register
#define AT91C_TWI_CWGR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8010) // (TWI) Clock Waveform Generator Register
#define AT91C_TWI_RHR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB8030) // (TWI) Receive Holding Register
// ========== Register definition for TC0 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_TC0_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0020) // (TC0) Status Register
#define AT91C_TC0_RC (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA001C) // (TC0) Register C
#define AT91C_TC0_RB (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0018) // (TC0) Register B
#define AT91C_TC0_CCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0000) // (TC0) Channel Control Register
#define AT91C_TC0_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0004) // (TC0) Channel Mode Register (Capture Mode / Waveform Mode)
#define AT91C_TC0_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0024) // (TC0) Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_TC0_RA (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0014) // (TC0) Register A
#define AT91C_TC0_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0028) // (TC0) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_TC0_CV (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0010) // (TC0) Counter Value
#define AT91C_TC0_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA002C) // (TC0) Interrupt Mask Register
// ========== Register definition for TC1 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_TC1_RB (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0058) // (TC1) Register B
#define AT91C_TC1_CCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0040) // (TC1) Channel Control Register
#define AT91C_TC1_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0064) // (TC1) Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_TC1_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0068) // (TC1) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_TC1_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0060) // (TC1) Status Register
#define AT91C_TC1_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0044) // (TC1) Channel Mode Register (Capture Mode / Waveform Mode)
#define AT91C_TC1_RA (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0054) // (TC1) Register A
#define AT91C_TC1_RC (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA005C) // (TC1) Register C
#define AT91C_TC1_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA006C) // (TC1) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_TC1_CV (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0050) // (TC1) Counter Value
// ========== Register definition for TC2 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_TC2_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0084) // (TC2) Channel Mode Register (Capture Mode / Waveform Mode)
#define AT91C_TC2_CCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0080) // (TC2) Channel Control Register
#define AT91C_TC2_CV (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0090) // (TC2) Counter Value
#define AT91C_TC2_RA (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0094) // (TC2) Register A
#define AT91C_TC2_RB (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA0098) // (TC2) Register B
#define AT91C_TC2_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00A8) // (TC2) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_TC2_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00AC) // (TC2) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_TC2_RC (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA009C) // (TC2) Register C
#define AT91C_TC2_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00A4) // (TC2) Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_TC2_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00A0) // (TC2) Status Register
// ========== Register definition for TCB peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_TCB_BMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00C4) // (TCB) TC Block Mode Register
#define AT91C_TCB_BCR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFA00C0) // (TCB) TC Block Control Register
// ========== Register definition for PWMC_CH3 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH3_CUPDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC270) // (PWMC_CH3) Channel Update Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH3_Reserved (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC274) // (PWMC_CH3) Reserved
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH3_CPRDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC268) // (PWMC_CH3) Channel Period Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH3_CDTYR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC264) // (PWMC_CH3) Channel Duty Cycle Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH3_CCNTR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC26C) // (PWMC_CH3) Channel Counter Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH3_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC260) // (PWMC_CH3) Channel Mode Register
// ========== Register definition for PWMC_CH2 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH2_Reserved (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC254) // (PWMC_CH2) Reserved
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH2_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC240) // (PWMC_CH2) Channel Mode Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH2_CCNTR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC24C) // (PWMC_CH2) Channel Counter Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH2_CPRDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC248) // (PWMC_CH2) Channel Period Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH2_CUPDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC250) // (PWMC_CH2) Channel Update Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH2_CDTYR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC244) // (PWMC_CH2) Channel Duty Cycle Register
// ========== Register definition for PWMC_CH1 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH1_Reserved (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC234) // (PWMC_CH1) Reserved
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH1_CUPDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC230) // (PWMC_CH1) Channel Update Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH1_CPRDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC228) // (PWMC_CH1) Channel Period Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH1_CCNTR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC22C) // (PWMC_CH1) Channel Counter Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH1_CDTYR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC224) // (PWMC_CH1) Channel Duty Cycle Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH1_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC220) // (PWMC_CH1) Channel Mode Register
// ========== Register definition for PWMC_CH0 peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH0_Reserved (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC214) // (PWMC_CH0) Reserved
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH0_CPRDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC208) // (PWMC_CH0) Channel Period Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH0_CDTYR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC204) // (PWMC_CH0) Channel Duty Cycle Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH0_CMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC200) // (PWMC_CH0) Channel Mode Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH0_CUPDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC210) // (PWMC_CH0) Channel Update Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_CH0_CCNTR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC20C) // (PWMC_CH0) Channel Counter Register
// ========== Register definition for PWMC peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_PWMC_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC014) // (PWMC) PWMC Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_DIS (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC008) // (PWMC) PWMC Disable Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC010) // (PWMC) PWMC Interrupt Enable Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_VR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC0FC) // (PWMC) PWMC Version Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_ISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC01C) // (PWMC) PWMC Interrupt Status Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_SR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC00C) // (PWMC) PWMC Status Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC018) // (PWMC) PWMC Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_MR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC000) // (PWMC) PWMC Mode Register
#define AT91C_PWMC_ENA (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFCC004) // (PWMC) PWMC Enable Register
// ========== Register definition for UDP peripheral ==========
#define AT91C_UDP_IMR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0018) // (UDP) Interrupt Mask Register
#define AT91C_UDP_FADDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0008) // (UDP) Function Address Register
#define AT91C_UDP_NUM (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0000) // (UDP) Frame Number Register
#define AT91C_UDP_FDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0050) // (UDP) Endpoint FIFO Data Register
#define AT91C_UDP_ISR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB001C) // (UDP) Interrupt Status Register
#define AT91C_UDP_CSR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0030) // (UDP) Endpoint Control and Status Register
#define AT91C_UDP_IDR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0014) // (UDP) Interrupt Disable Register
#define AT91C_UDP_ICR (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0020) // (UDP) Interrupt Clear Register
#define AT91C_UDP_RSTEP (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0028) // (UDP) Reset Endpoint Register
#define AT91C_UDP_TXVC (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0074) // (UDP) Transceiver Control Register
#define AT91C_UDP_GLBSTATE (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0004) // (UDP) Global State Register
#define AT91C_UDP_IER (AT91_CAST(AT91_REG *) 0xFFFB0010) // (UDP) Interrupt Enable Register
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#define AT91C_PIO_PA0 (1 << 0) // Pin Controlled by PA0
#define AT91C_PA0_PWM0 (AT91C_PIO_PA0) // PWM Channel 0
#define AT91C_PA0_TIOA0 (AT91C_PIO_PA0) // Timer Counter 0 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
#define AT91C_PIO_PA1 (1 << 1) // Pin Controlled by PA1
#define AT91C_PA1_PWM1 (AT91C_PIO_PA1) // PWM Channel 1
#define AT91C_PA1_TIOB0 (AT91C_PIO_PA1) // Timer Counter 0 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
#define AT91C_PIO_PA10 (1 << 10) // Pin Controlled by PA10
#define AT91C_PA10_DTXD (AT91C_PIO_PA10) // DBGU Debug Transmit Data
#define AT91C_PA10_NPCS2 (AT91C_PIO_PA10) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 2
#define AT91C_PIO_PA11 (1 << 11) // Pin Controlled by PA11
#define AT91C_PA11_NPCS0 (AT91C_PIO_PA11) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 0
#define AT91C_PA11_PWM0 (AT91C_PIO_PA11) // PWM Channel 0
#define AT91C_PIO_PA12 (1 << 12) // Pin Controlled by PA12
#define AT91C_PA12_MISO (AT91C_PIO_PA12) // SPI Master In Slave
#define AT91C_PA12_PWM1 (AT91C_PIO_PA12) // PWM Channel 1
#define AT91C_PIO_PA13 (1 << 13) // Pin Controlled by PA13
#define AT91C_PA13_MOSI (AT91C_PIO_PA13) // SPI Master Out Slave
#define AT91C_PA13_PWM2 (AT91C_PIO_PA13) // PWM Channel 2
#define AT91C_PIO_PA14 (1 << 14) // Pin Controlled by PA14
#define AT91C_PA14_SPCK (AT91C_PIO_PA14) // SPI Serial Clock
#define AT91C_PA14_PWM3 (AT91C_PIO_PA14) // PWM Channel 3
#define AT91C_PIO_PA15 (1 << 15) // Pin Controlled by PA15
#define AT91C_PA15_TF (AT91C_PIO_PA15) // SSC Transmit Frame Sync
#define AT91C_PA15_TIOA1 (AT91C_PIO_PA15) // Timer Counter 1 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
#define AT91C_PIO_PA16 (1 << 16) // Pin Controlled by PA16
#define AT91C_PA16_TK (AT91C_PIO_PA16) // SSC Transmit Clock
#define AT91C_PA16_TIOB1 (AT91C_PIO_PA16) // Timer Counter 1 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
#define AT91C_PIO_PA17 (1 << 17) // Pin Controlled by PA17
#define AT91C_PA17_TD (AT91C_PIO_PA17) // SSC Transmit data
#define AT91C_PA17_PCK1 (AT91C_PIO_PA17) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
#define AT91C_PIO_PA18 (1 << 18) // Pin Controlled by PA18
#define AT91C_PA18_RD (AT91C_PIO_PA18) // SSC Receive Data
#define AT91C_PA18_PCK2 (AT91C_PIO_PA18) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 2
#define AT91C_PIO_PA19 (1 << 19) // Pin Controlled by PA19
#define AT91C_PA19_RK (AT91C_PIO_PA19) // SSC Receive Clock
#define AT91C_PA19_FIQ (AT91C_PIO_PA19) // AIC Fast Interrupt Input
#define AT91C_PIO_PA2 (1 << 2) // Pin Controlled by PA2
#define AT91C_PA2_PWM2 (AT91C_PIO_PA2) // PWM Channel 2
#define AT91C_PA2_SCK0 (AT91C_PIO_PA2) // USART 0 Serial Clock
#define AT91C_PIO_PA20 (1 << 20) // Pin Controlled by PA20
#define AT91C_PA20_RF (AT91C_PIO_PA20) // SSC Receive Frame Sync
#define AT91C_PA20_IRQ0 (AT91C_PIO_PA20) // External Interrupt 0
#define AT91C_PIO_PA21 (1 << 21) // Pin Controlled by PA21
#define AT91C_PA21_RXD1 (AT91C_PIO_PA21) // USART 1 Receive Data
#define AT91C_PA21_PCK1 (AT91C_PIO_PA21) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 1
#define AT91C_PIO_PA22 (1 << 22) // Pin Controlled by PA22
#define AT91C_PA22_TXD1 (AT91C_PIO_PA22) // USART 1 Transmit Data
#define AT91C_PA22_NPCS3 (AT91C_PIO_PA22) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 3
#define AT91C_PIO_PA23 (1 << 23) // Pin Controlled by PA23
#define AT91C_PA23_SCK1 (AT91C_PIO_PA23) // USART 1 Serial Clock
#define AT91C_PA23_PWM0 (AT91C_PIO_PA23) // PWM Channel 0
#define AT91C_PIO_PA24 (1 << 24) // Pin Controlled by PA24
#define AT91C_PA24_RTS1 (AT91C_PIO_PA24) // USART 1 Ready To Send
#define AT91C_PA24_PWM1 (AT91C_PIO_PA24) // PWM Channel 1
#define AT91C_PIO_PA25 (1 << 25) // Pin Controlled by PA25
#define AT91C_PA25_CTS1 (AT91C_PIO_PA25) // USART 1 Clear To Send
#define AT91C_PA25_PWM2 (AT91C_PIO_PA25) // PWM Channel 2
#define AT91C_PIO_PA26 (1 << 26) // Pin Controlled by PA26
#define AT91C_PA26_DCD1 (AT91C_PIO_PA26) // USART 1 Data Carrier Detect
#define AT91C_PA26_TIOA2 (AT91C_PIO_PA26) // Timer Counter 2 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin A
#define AT91C_PIO_PA27 (1 << 27) // Pin Controlled by PA27
#define AT91C_PA27_DTR1 (AT91C_PIO_PA27) // USART 1 Data Terminal ready
#define AT91C_PA27_TIOB2 (AT91C_PIO_PA27) // Timer Counter 2 Multipurpose Timer I/O Pin B
#define AT91C_PIO_PA28 (1 << 28) // Pin Controlled by PA28
#define AT91C_PA28_DSR1 (AT91C_PIO_PA28) // USART 1 Data Set ready
#define AT91C_PA28_TCLK1 (AT91C_PIO_PA28) // Timer Counter 1 external clock input
#define AT91C_PIO_PA29 (1 << 29) // Pin Controlled by PA29
#define AT91C_PA29_RI1 (AT91C_PIO_PA29) // USART 1 Ring Indicator
#define AT91C_PA29_TCLK2 (AT91C_PIO_PA29) // Timer Counter 2 external clock input
#define AT91C_PIO_PA3 (1 << 3) // Pin Controlled by PA3
#define AT91C_PA3_TWD (AT91C_PIO_PA3) // TWI Two-wire Serial Data
#define AT91C_PA3_NPCS3 (AT91C_PIO_PA3) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 3
#define AT91C_PIO_PA30 (1 << 30) // Pin Controlled by PA30
#define AT91C_PA30_IRQ1 (AT91C_PIO_PA30) // External Interrupt 1
#define AT91C_PA30_NPCS2 (AT91C_PIO_PA30) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 2
#define AT91C_PIO_PA31 (1 << 31) // Pin Controlled by PA31
#define AT91C_PA31_NPCS1 (AT91C_PIO_PA31) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 1
#define AT91C_PA31_PCK2 (AT91C_PIO_PA31) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 2
#define AT91C_PIO_PA4 (1 << 4) // Pin Controlled by PA4
#define AT91C_PA4_TWCK (AT91C_PIO_PA4) // TWI Two-wire Serial Clock
#define AT91C_PA4_TCLK0 (AT91C_PIO_PA4) // Timer Counter 0 external clock input
#define AT91C_PIO_PA5 (1 << 5) // Pin Controlled by PA5
#define AT91C_PA5_RXD0 (AT91C_PIO_PA5) // USART 0 Receive Data
#define AT91C_PA5_NPCS3 (AT91C_PIO_PA5) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 3
#define AT91C_PIO_PA6 (1 << 6) // Pin Controlled by PA6
#define AT91C_PA6_TXD0 (AT91C_PIO_PA6) // USART 0 Transmit Data
#define AT91C_PA6_PCK0 (AT91C_PIO_PA6) // PMC Programmable Clock Output 0
#define AT91C_PIO_PA7 (1 << 7) // Pin Controlled by PA7
#define AT91C_PA7_RTS0 (AT91C_PIO_PA7) // USART 0 Ready To Send
#define AT91C_PA7_PWM3 (AT91C_PIO_PA7) // PWM Channel 3
#define AT91C_PIO_PA8 (1 << 8) // Pin Controlled by PA8
#define AT91C_PA8_CTS0 (AT91C_PIO_PA8) // USART 0 Clear To Send
#define AT91C_PA8_ADTRG (AT91C_PIO_PA8) // ADC External Trigger
#define AT91C_PIO_PA9 (1 << 9) // Pin Controlled by PA9
#define AT91C_PA9_DRXD (AT91C_PIO_PA9) // DBGU Debug Receive Data
#define AT91C_PA9_NPCS1 (AT91C_PIO_PA9) // SPI Peripheral Chip Select 1
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#define AT91C_ID_FIQ ( 0) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (FIQ)
#define AT91C_ID_SYS ( 1) // System Peripheral
#define AT91C_ID_PIOA ( 2) // Parallel IO Controller
#define AT91C_ID_3_Reserved ( 3) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_ADC ( 4) // Analog-to-Digital Converter
#define AT91C_ID_SPI ( 5) // Serial Peripheral Interface
#define AT91C_ID_US0 ( 6) // USART 0
#define AT91C_ID_US1 ( 7) // USART 1
#define AT91C_ID_SSC ( 8) // Serial Synchronous Controller
#define AT91C_ID_TWI ( 9) // Two-Wire Interface
#define AT91C_ID_PWMC (10) // PWM Controller
#define AT91C_ID_UDP (11) // USB Device Port
#define AT91C_ID_TC0 (12) // Timer Counter 0
#define AT91C_ID_TC1 (13) // Timer Counter 1
#define AT91C_ID_TC2 (14) // Timer Counter 2
#define AT91C_ID_15_Reserved (15) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_16_Reserved (16) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_17_Reserved (17) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_18_Reserved (18) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_19_Reserved (19) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_20_Reserved (20) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_21_Reserved (21) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_22_Reserved (22) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_23_Reserved (23) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_24_Reserved (24) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_25_Reserved (25) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_26_Reserved (26) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_27_Reserved (27) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_28_Reserved (28) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_29_Reserved (29) // Reserved
#define AT91C_ID_IRQ0 (30) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ0)
#define AT91C_ID_IRQ1 (31) // Advanced Interrupt Controller (IRQ1)
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#define AT91C_BASE_SYS (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_SYS) 0xFFFFF000) // (SYS) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_AIC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_AIC) 0xFFFFF000) // (AIC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_DBGU (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFFF300) // (PDC_DBGU) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_DBGU (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_DBGU) 0xFFFFF200) // (DBGU) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PIOA (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PIO) 0xFFFFF400) // (PIOA) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_CKGR (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_CKGR) 0xFFFFFC20) // (CKGR) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PMC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PMC) 0xFFFFFC00) // (PMC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_RSTC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_RSTC) 0xFFFFFD00) // (RSTC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_RTTC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_RTTC) 0xFFFFFD20) // (RTTC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PITC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PITC) 0xFFFFFD30) // (PITC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_WDTC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_WDTC) 0xFFFFFD40) // (WDTC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_VREG (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_VREG) 0xFFFFFD60) // (VREG) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_MC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_MC) 0xFFFFFF00) // (MC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SPI (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFE0100) // (PDC_SPI) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_SPI (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_SPI) 0xFFFE0000) // (SPI) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_ADC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFD8100) // (PDC_ADC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_ADC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_ADC) 0xFFFD8000) // (ADC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_SSC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFD4100) // (PDC_SSC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_SSC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_SSC) 0xFFFD4000) // (SSC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US1 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFC4100) // (PDC_US1) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_US1 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_USART) 0xFFFC4000) // (US1) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PDC_US0 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PDC) 0xFFFC0100) // (PDC_US0) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_US0 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_USART) 0xFFFC0000) // (US0) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_TWI (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_TWI) 0xFFFB8000) // (TWI) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_TC0 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_TC) 0xFFFA0000) // (TC0) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_TC1 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_TC) 0xFFFA0040) // (TC1) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_TC2 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_TC) 0xFFFA0080) // (TC2) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_TCB (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_TCB) 0xFFFA0000) // (TCB) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PWMC_CH3 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PWMC_CH) 0xFFFCC260) // (PWMC_CH3) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PWMC_CH2 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PWMC_CH) 0xFFFCC240) // (PWMC_CH2) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PWMC_CH1 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PWMC_CH) 0xFFFCC220) // (PWMC_CH1) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PWMC_CH0 (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PWMC_CH) 0xFFFCC200) // (PWMC_CH0) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_PWMC (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_PWMC) 0xFFFCC000) // (PWMC) Base Address
#define AT91C_BASE_UDP (AT91_CAST(AT91PS_UDP) 0xFFFB0000) // (UDP) Base Address
// *****************************************************************************
// *****************************************************************************
#define AT91C_ISRAM (0x00200000) // Internal SRAM base address
#define AT91C_ISRAM_SIZE (0x00010000) // Internal SRAM size in byte (64 Kbytes)
#define AT91C_IFLASH (0x00100000) // Internal FLASH base address
#define AT91C_IFLASH_SIZE (0x00040000) // Internal FLASH size in byte (256 Kbytes)
#define AT91C_IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE (256) // Internal FLASH Page Size: 256 bytes
#define AT91C_IFLASH_LOCK_REGION_SIZE (16384) // Internal FLASH Lock Region Size: 16 Kbytes
#define AT91C_IFLASH_NB_OF_PAGES (1024) // Internal FLASH Number of Pages: 1024 bytes
#define AT91C_IFLASH_NB_OF_LOCK_BITS (16) // Internal FLASH Number of Lock Bits: 16 bytes