2015-07-08 08:39:24 -07:00
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< title > FatFs - FILINFO< / title >
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< div class = "para" >
< h2 > FILINFO< / h2 >
2016-04-19 09:51:31 -07:00
< p > The < tt > FILINFO< / tt > structure holds information about the object returned by < tt > f_readdir< / tt > , < tt > f_findfirst< / tt > , < tt > f_findnext< / tt > and < tt > f_stat< / tt > function.< / p >
2015-07-08 08:39:24 -07:00
< pre >
< span class = "k" > typedef struct< / span > {
2016-07-28 23:06:21 -07:00
FSIZE_t fsize; < span class = "c" > /* File size */< / span >
WORD fdate; < span class = "c" > /* Last modified date */< / span >
WORD ftime; < span class = "c" > /* Last modified time */< / span >
BYTE fattrib; < span class = "c" > /* Attribute */< / span >
< span class = "k" > #if< / span > _USE_LFN != 0
TCHAR altname[13]; < span class = "c" > /* Alternative object name */< / span >
TCHAR fname[_MAX_LFN + 1]; < span class = "c" > /* Primary object name */< / span >
< span class = "k" > #else< / span >
TCHAR fname[13]; < span class = "c" > /* Object name */< / span >
2015-07-08 08:39:24 -07:00
< span class = "k" > #endif< / span >
< / pre >
< / div >
< h4 > Members< / h4 >
< dl >
< dt > fsize< / dt >
2017-05-03 12:35:19 +01:00
< dd > Indicates size of the file in unit of byte. < tt > FSIZE_t< / tt > is an alias of integer type either < tt > DWORD< / tt > (32-bit) or < tt > QWORD< / tt > (64-bit) depends on the configuration option < tt > _FS_EXFAT< / tt > . Do not care when the item is a directory.< / dd >
2015-07-08 08:39:24 -07:00
< dt > fdate< / dt >
2016-07-28 23:06:21 -07:00
< dd > Indicates the date when the file was modified or the directory was created.< br >
2015-07-08 08:39:24 -07:00
< dl >
< dt > bit15:9< / dt >
< dd > Year origin from 1980 (0..127)< / dd >
< dt > bit8:5< / dt >
< dd > Month (1..12)< / dd >
< dt > bit4:0< / dt >
< dd > Day (1..31)< / dd >
< / dl >
< / dd >
< dt > ftime< / dt >
2016-07-28 23:06:21 -07:00
< dd > Indicates the time when the file was modified or the directory was created.< br >
2015-07-08 08:39:24 -07:00
< dl >
< dt > bit15:11< / dt >
< dd > Hour (0..23)< / dd >
< dt > bit10:5< / dt >
< dd > Minute (0..59)< / dd >
< dt > bit4:0< / dt >
< dd > Second / 2 (0..29)< / dd >
< / dl >
< / dd >
< dt > fattrib< / dt >
< dd > Indicates the file/directory attribute in combination of < tt > AM_DIR< / tt > , < tt > AM_RDO< / tt > , < tt > AM_HID< / tt > , < tt > AM_SYS< / tt > and < tt > AM_ARC< / tt > .< / dd >
< dt > fname[]< / dt >
2016-07-28 23:06:21 -07:00
< dd > The null-terminated object name is stored. A null string is stored when no item to read and it indicates this structure is invalid.< / dd >
< dt > altname[]< / dt >
< dd > Alternative object name is stored if available. This member is not available at non-LFN configuration.< / dd >
2015-07-08 08:39:24 -07:00
< / dl >
< p class = "foot" > < a href = "../00index_e.html" > Return< / a > < / p >
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