<p>The specified memory address is not that always aligned to word boundary because the type of pointer is defined as <tt>BYTE*</tt>. For more information, refer to the description of <ahref="dread.html"><tt>disk_read</tt></a> function.</p>
<p>Generally, a multiple sector transfer request must not be split into single sector transactions to the storage device, or you will never get good write throughput.</p>
<p>FatFs expects delayed write function of the disk control layer. The write operation to the media does not need to be completed when return from this function by what write operation is in progress or data is only stored into the write-back cache. But write data on the <ttclass="arg">buff</tt> is invalid after return from this function. The write completion request is done by <tt>CTRL_SYNC</tt> command of <tt><ahref="dioctl.html">disk_ioctl</a></tt> function. Therefore, if a delayed write function is implemented, the write throughput will be improved.</p>
<p><em>Remarks: Application program MUST NOT call this function, or FAT structure on the volume can be collapsed.</em></p>