/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2017 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_geomap.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" #include #include using namespace portapack; #include "string_format.hpp" #include "complex.hpp" namespace ui { GeoPos::GeoPos( const Point pos, const alt_unit altitude_unit ) : altitude_unit_(altitude_unit) { set_parent_rect({pos, { 30 * 8, 3 * 16 }}); add_children({ &labels_position, &field_altitude, &text_alt_unit, &field_lat_degrees, &field_lat_minutes, &field_lat_seconds, &text_lat_decimal, &field_lon_degrees, &field_lon_minutes, &field_lon_seconds, &text_lon_decimal }); // Defaults set_altitude(0); set_lat(0); set_lon(0); const auto changed_fn = [this](int32_t) { float lat_value = lat(); float lon_value = lon(); double integer_part; double fractional_part; fractional_part = modf(lat_value, &integer_part) * 100000; if (fractional_part < 0) fractional_part = -fractional_part; text_lat_decimal.set(to_string_dec_int(integer_part) + "." + to_string_dec_uint(fractional_part, 5)); fractional_part = modf(lon_value, &integer_part) * 100000; if (fractional_part < 0) fractional_part = -fractional_part; text_lon_decimal.set(to_string_dec_int(integer_part) + "." + to_string_dec_uint(fractional_part, 5)); if (on_change && report_change) on_change(altitude(), lat_value, lon_value); }; field_altitude.on_change = changed_fn; field_lat_degrees.on_change = changed_fn; field_lat_minutes.on_change = changed_fn; field_lat_seconds.on_change = changed_fn; field_lon_degrees.on_change = changed_fn; field_lon_minutes.on_change = changed_fn; field_lon_seconds.on_change = changed_fn; text_alt_unit.set(altitude_unit_ ? "m" : "ft"); } void GeoPos::set_read_only(bool v) { for(auto child : children_) child->set_focusable(!v); } // Stupid hack to avoid an event loop void GeoPos::set_report_change(bool v) { report_change = v; } void GeoPos::focus() { field_altitude.focus(); } void GeoPos::set_altitude(int32_t altitude) { field_altitude.set_value(altitude); } void GeoPos::set_lat(float lat) { field_lat_degrees.set_value(lat); field_lat_minutes.set_value((uint32_t)abs(lat / (1.0 / 60)) % 60); field_lat_seconds.set_value((uint32_t)abs(lat / (1.0 / 3600)) % 60); } void GeoPos::set_lon(float lon) { field_lon_degrees.set_value(lon); field_lon_minutes.set_value((uint32_t)abs(lon / (1.0 / 60)) % 60); field_lon_seconds.set_value((uint32_t)abs(lon / (1.0 / 3600)) % 60); } float GeoPos::lat() { if (field_lat_degrees.value() < 0) { return -1 * ( -1 * field_lat_degrees.value() + (field_lat_minutes.value() / 60.0) + (field_lat_seconds.value() / 3600.0)); } else { return field_lat_degrees.value() + (field_lat_minutes.value() / 60.0) + (field_lat_seconds.value() / 3600.0); } }; float GeoPos::lon() { if (field_lon_degrees.value() < 0) { return -1 * (-1 * field_lon_degrees.value() + (field_lon_minutes.value() / 60.0) + (field_lon_seconds.value() / 3600.0)); } else { return field_lon_degrees.value() + (field_lon_minutes.value() / 60.0) + (field_lon_seconds.value() / 3600.0); } }; int32_t GeoPos::altitude() { return field_altitude.value(); }; GeoMap::GeoMap( Rect parent_rect ) : Widget { parent_rect } { //set_focusable(true); } void GeoMap::paint(Painter& painter) { u_int16_t line; std::array map_line_buffer; const auto r = screen_rect(); // Ony redraw map if it moved by at least 1 pixel if ((x_pos != prev_x_pos) || (y_pos != prev_y_pos)) { for (line = 0; line < r.height(); line++) { map_file.seek(4 + ((x_pos + (map_width * (y_pos + line))) << 1)); map_file.read(map_line_buffer.data(), r.width() << 1); display.draw_pixels({ 0, r.top() + line, r.width(), 1 }, map_line_buffer); } prev_x_pos = x_pos; prev_y_pos = y_pos; } if (mode_ == PROMPT) { // Cross display.fill_rectangle({ r.center() - Point(16, 1), { 32, 2 } }, Color::red()); display.fill_rectangle({ r.center() - Point(1, 16), { 2, 32 } }, Color::red()); } else if (angle_ < 360){ //if we have a valid angle draw bearing draw_bearing({ 120, 32 + 144 }, angle_, 10, Color::red()); if(tag_.find_first_not_of(' ') != tag_.npos){ //only draw tag if we have something other than spaces painter.draw_string({ 120 - ((int)tag_.length() * 8 / 2), 32 + 144 - 32 }, style(), tag_); } } else { //draw a small cross display.fill_rectangle({ r.center() - Point(8, 1), { 16, 2 } }, Color::red()); display.fill_rectangle({ r.center() - Point(1, 8), { 2, 16 } }, Color::red()); } } bool GeoMap::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { if ((event.type == TouchEvent::Type::Start) && (mode_ == PROMPT)) { set_highlighted(true); if (on_move) { Point p = event.point - screen_rect().center(); on_move(p.x() / 2.0 * lon_ratio, p.y() / 2.0 * lat_ratio); return true; } } return false; } void GeoMap::move(const float lon, const float lat) { lon_ = lon; lat_ = lat; Rect map_rect = screen_rect(); // Using WGS 84/Pseudo-Mercator projection x_pos = map_width * (lon_+180)/360 - (map_rect.width() / 2); // Latitude calculation based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/10401734/2278659 double map_bottom = sin(-85.05 * pi / 180); // Map bitmap only goes from about -85 to 85 lat double lat_rad = sin(lat * pi / 180); double map_world_lon = map_width / (2 * pi); double map_offset = (map_world_lon / 2 * log((1 + map_bottom) / (1 - map_bottom))); y_pos = map_height - ((map_world_lon / 2 * log((1 + lat_rad) / (1 - lat_rad))) - map_offset) - 128; // Offset added for the GUI // Cap position if (x_pos > (map_width - map_rect.width())) x_pos = map_width - map_rect.width(); if (y_pos > (map_height + map_rect.height())) y_pos = map_height - map_rect.height(); } bool GeoMap::init() { auto result = map_file.open("ADSB/world_map.bin"); if (result.is_valid()) return false; map_file.read(&map_width, 2); map_file.read(&map_height, 2); map_center_x = map_width >> 1; map_center_y = map_height >> 1; lon_ratio = 180.0 / map_center_x; lat_ratio = -90.0 / map_center_y; return true; } void GeoMap::set_mode(GeoMapMode mode) { mode_ = mode; } void GeoMap::draw_bearing(const Point origin, const uint16_t angle, uint32_t size, const Color color) { Point arrow_a, arrow_b, arrow_c; for (size_t thickness = 0; thickness < 3; thickness++) { arrow_a = polar_to_point(angle, size) + origin; arrow_b = polar_to_point(angle + 180 - 35, size) + origin; arrow_c = polar_to_point(angle + 180 + 35, size) + origin; display.draw_line(arrow_a, arrow_b, color); display.draw_line(arrow_b, arrow_c, color); display.draw_line(arrow_c, arrow_a, color); size--; } } void GeoMapView::focus() { geopos.focus(); if (!map_opened) nav_.display_modal("No map", "No world_map.bin file in\n/ADSB/ directory", ABORT, nullptr); } void GeoMapView::update_position(float lat, float lon, uint16_t angle) { lat_ = lat; lon_ = lon; geopos.set_lat(lat_); geopos.set_lon(lon_); geomap.set_angle(angle); geomap.move(lon_, lat_); geomap.set_dirty(); } void GeoMapView::setup() { add_child(&geomap); geopos.set_altitude(altitude_); geopos.set_lat(lat_); geopos.set_lon(lon_); geopos.on_change = [this](int32_t altitude, float lat, float lon) { altitude_ = altitude; lat_ = lat; lon_ = lon; geomap.move(lon_, lat_); geomap.set_dirty(); }; geomap.on_move = [this](float move_x, float move_y) { lon_ += move_x; lat_ += move_y; // Stupid hack to avoid an event loop geopos.set_report_change(false); geopos.set_lon(lon_); geopos.set_lat(lat_); geopos.set_report_change(true); geomap.move(lon_, lat_); geomap.set_dirty(); }; } GeoMapView::~GeoMapView() { if (on_close_) on_close_(); } // Display mode GeoMapView::GeoMapView( NavigationView& nav, const std::string& tag, int32_t altitude, GeoPos::alt_unit altitude_unit, float lat, float lon, uint16_t angle, const std::function on_close ) : nav_ (nav), altitude_ (altitude), altitude_unit_ (altitude_unit), lat_ (lat), lon_ (lon), angle_ (angle), on_close_(on_close) { mode_ = DISPLAY; add_child(&geopos); map_opened = geomap.init(); if (!map_opened) return; setup(); geomap.set_mode(mode_); geomap.set_tag(tag); geomap.set_angle(angle); geomap.move(lon_, lat_); geopos.set_read_only(true); } // Prompt mode GeoMapView::GeoMapView( NavigationView& nav, int32_t altitude, GeoPos::alt_unit altitude_unit, float lat, float lon, const std::function on_done ) : nav_ (nav), altitude_ (altitude), altitude_unit_ (altitude_unit), lat_ (lat), lon_ (lon) { mode_ = PROMPT; add_child(&geopos); map_opened = geomap.init(); if (!map_opened) return; setup(); add_child(&button_ok); geomap.set_mode(mode_); geomap.move(lon_, lat_); button_ok.on_select = [this, on_done, &nav](Button&) { if (on_done) on_done(altitude_, lat_, lon_); nav.pop(); }; } } /* namespace ui */