/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _UI_RECON_SETTINGS #define _UI_RECON_SETTINGS #include "serializer.hpp" #include "ui.hpp" #include "ui_widget.hpp" #include "ui_tabview.hpp" #include "ui_navigation.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" // maximum usable freq #define MAX_UFREQ 7200000000 // 1Mhz helper #ifdef OneMHz #undef OneMHz #endif #define OneMHz 1000000 // modes #define RECON_MATCH_CONTINUOUS 0 #define RECON_MATCH_SPARSE 1 // statistics update interval in ms (change here if the statistics API is changing it's pace) #define STATS_UPDATE_INTERVAL 100 // maximum lock duration #define RECON_MAX_LOCK_DURATION 9900 // default number of match to have a lock #define RECON_DEF_NB_MATCH 3 #define RECON_MIN_LOCK_DURATION 100 // have to be >= and a multiple of STATS_UPDATE_INTERVAL #define RECON_DEF_WAIT_DURATION 1000 // will be incremented/decremented by STATS_UPDATE_INTERVAL steps // screen size helper #define SCREEN_W 240 //#define SCREEN_H 320 // recon settings nb params #define RECON_SETTINGS_NB_PARAMS 8 namespace ui { class ReconSetupViewMain : public View { public: ReconSetupViewMain(NavigationView& nav, Rect parent_rect, std::string input_file, std::string output_file); void Save(std::string& input_file, std::string& output_file); void focus() override; private: std::string _input_file = {"RECON"}; std::string _output_file = {"RECON_RESULTS"}; Button button_load_freqs{ {1 * 8, 12, 18 * 8, 22}, "select input file"}; Text text_input_file{ {1 * 8, 4 + 2 * 16, 18 * 8, 22}, "RECON"}; Button button_save_freqs{ {1 * 8, 4 * 16 - 8, 18 * 8, 22}, "select output file"}; Button button_output_file{ {1 * 8, 5 * 16 - 2, 18 * 8, 22}, "RECON_RESULTS"}; Checkbox checkbox_autosave_freqs{ {1 * 8, 7 * 16 - 4}, 3, "autosave freqs"}; Checkbox checkbox_autostart_recon{ {1 * 8, 9 * 16 - 4}, 3, "autostart recon"}; Checkbox checkbox_continuous{ {1 * 8, 11 * 16 - 4}, 3, "continuous"}; Checkbox checkbox_clear_output{ {1 * 8, 13 * 16 - 4}, 3, "clear output at start"}; }; class ReconSetupViewMore : public View { public: ReconSetupViewMore(NavigationView& nav, Rect parent_rect, uint32_t _recon_lock_duration, uint32_t _recon_lock_nb_match, uint32_t _recon_match_mode); void Save(uint32_t& recon_lock_duration, uint32_t& recon_lock_nb_match, uint32_t& recon_match_mode); void focus() override; private: uint32_t _recon_lock_duration = STATS_UPDATE_INTERVAL; uint32_t _recon_lock_nb_match = RECON_DEF_NB_MATCH; uint32_t _recon_match_mode = RECON_MATCH_CONTINUOUS; Checkbox checkbox_load_freqs{ {1 * 8, 12}, 3, "input: load freqs"}; Checkbox checkbox_load_ranges{ {1 * 8, 42}, 3, "input: load ranges"}; Checkbox checkbox_load_hamradios{ {1 * 8, 72}, 3, "input: load hamradios"}; Checkbox checkbox_update_ranges_when_recon{ {1 * 8, 102}, 3, "auto update m-ranges"}; NumberField field_recon_lock_duration{ {1 * 8, 132}, // position X , Y 4, // number of displayed digits (even empty) {STATS_UPDATE_INTERVAL, RECON_MAX_LOCK_DURATION}, // range of number STATS_UPDATE_INTERVAL, // rotary encoder increment ' ', // filling character false // can loop }; Text text_recon_lock_duration{ {1 * 8, 132, 22 * 8, 22}, " ms (lock duration)"}; NumberField field_recon_lock_nb_match{ {1 * 8, 162}, 4, {1, 99}, 1, ' ', false}; Text text_recon_lock_nb{ {1 * 8, 162, 25 * 8, 22}, " x (nb lock to match freq)"}; OptionsField field_recon_match_mode{ {1 * 8, 192}, 20, // CONTINUOUS MATCH MODE / SPARSE TIMED MATCH MODE { {"SQL MATCH: CONTINOUS", 0}, {"SQL MATCH: SPARSE", 1}}}; }; class ReconSetupView : public View { public: ReconSetupView(NavigationView& nav, std::string _input_file, std::string _output_file, uint32_t _recon_lock_duration, uint32_t _recon_lock_nb_match, uint32_t _recon_match_mode); std::function messages)> on_changed{}; void focus() override; std::string title() const override { return "Recon setup"; }; private: NavigationView& nav_; std::string input_file = {"RECON"}; std::string output_file = {"RECON_RESULTS"}; uint32_t recon_lock_duration = STATS_UPDATE_INTERVAL; uint32_t recon_lock_nb_match = RECON_DEF_NB_MATCH; uint32_t recon_match_mode = RECON_MATCH_CONTINUOUS; Rect view_rect = {0, 3 * 8, SCREEN_W, 230}; ReconSetupViewMain viewMain{nav_, view_rect, input_file, output_file}; ReconSetupViewMore viewMore{nav_, view_rect, recon_lock_duration, recon_lock_nb_match, recon_match_mode}; TabView tab_view{ {"Main", Color::cyan(), &viewMain}, {"More", Color::green(), &viewMore}}; Button button_save{ {9 * 8, 255, 14 * 8, 40}, "SAVE"}; }; } /* namespace ui */ #endif