/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "radio.hpp" #include "rf_path.hpp" #include "max5864.hpp" #include "baseband_cpld.hpp" #include "portapack_shared_memory.hpp" #include "tuning.hpp" #include "spi_arbiter.hpp" #include "hackrf_hal.hpp" #include "hackrf_gpio.hpp" using namespace hackrf::one; #include "portapack.hpp" namespace radio { static constexpr uint32_t ssp1_cpsr = 2; static constexpr uint32_t ssp_scr( const float pclk_f, const uint32_t cpsr, const float spi_f ) { return static_cast(pclk_f / cpsr / spi_f - 1); } static constexpr SPIConfig ssp_config_max2837 = { .end_cb = NULL, .ssport = gpio_max2837_select.port(), .sspad = gpio_max2837_select.pad(), .cr0 = CR0_CLOCKRATE(ssp_scr(ssp1_pclk_f, ssp1_cpsr, max2837_spi_f)) | CR0_FRFSPI | CR0_DSS16BIT , .cpsr = ssp1_cpsr, }; static constexpr SPIConfig ssp_config_max5864 = { .end_cb = NULL, .ssport = gpio_max5864_select.port(), .sspad = gpio_max5864_select.pad(), .cr0 = CR0_CLOCKRATE(ssp_scr(ssp1_pclk_f, ssp1_cpsr, max5864_spi_f)) | CR0_FRFSPI | CR0_DSS8BIT , .cpsr = ssp1_cpsr, }; static spi::arbiter::Arbiter ssp1_arbiter(portapack::ssp1); static spi::arbiter::Target ssp1_target_max2837 { ssp1_arbiter, ssp_config_max2837 }; static spi::arbiter::Target ssp1_target_max5864 { ssp1_arbiter, ssp_config_max5864 }; static rf::path::Path rf_path; rffc507x::RFFC507x first_if; max2837::MAX2837 second_if { ssp1_target_max2837 }; static max5864::MAX5864 baseband_codec { ssp1_target_max5864 }; static baseband::CPLD baseband_cpld; static rf::Direction direction { rf::Direction::Receive }; void init() { rf_path.init(); first_if.init(); second_if.init(); baseband_codec.init(); baseband_cpld.init(); } void set_direction(const rf::Direction new_direction) { /* TODO: Refactor all the various "Direction" enumerations into one. */ /* TODO: Only make changes if direction changes, but beware of clock enabling. */ direction = new_direction; second_if.set_mode((direction == rf::Direction::Transmit) ? max2837::Mode::Transmit : max2837::Mode::Receive); rf_path.set_direction(direction); baseband_codec.set_mode((direction == rf::Direction::Transmit) ? max5864::Mode::Transmit : max5864::Mode::Receive); } bool set_tuning_frequency(const rf::Frequency frequency) { const auto tuning_config = tuning::config::create(frequency); if( tuning_config.is_valid() ) { first_if.disable(); if( tuning_config.first_lo_frequency ) { first_if.set_frequency(tuning_config.first_lo_frequency); first_if.enable(); } const auto result_second_if = second_if.set_frequency(tuning_config.second_lo_frequency); rf_path.set_band(tuning_config.rf_path_band); baseband_cpld.set_q_invert(tuning_config.baseband_q_invert); return result_second_if; } else { return false; } } void set_rf_amp(const bool rf_amp) { rf_path.set_rf_amp(rf_amp); } void set_lna_gain(const int_fast8_t db) { second_if.set_lna_gain(db); } void set_vga_gain(const int_fast8_t db) { second_if.set_vga_gain(db); } void set_baseband_filter_bandwidth(const uint32_t bandwidth_minimum) { second_if.set_lpf_rf_bandwidth(bandwidth_minimum); } void set_baseband_rate(const uint32_t rate) { portapack::clock_manager.set_sampling_frequency(rate); } void set_baseband_decimation_by(const size_t n) { baseband_cpld.set_decimation_by(n); } void set_antenna_bias(const bool on) { /* Pull MOSFET gate low to turn on antenna bias. */ first_if.set_gpo1(on ? 0 : 1); } void disable() { set_antenna_bias(false); baseband_codec.set_mode(max5864::Mode::Shutdown); second_if.set_mode(max2837::Mode::Standby); first_if.disable(); set_rf_amp(false); } void enable(Configuration configuration) { configure(configuration); } void configure(Configuration configuration) { set_tuning_frequency(configuration.tuning_frequency); set_rf_amp(configuration.rf_amp); set_lna_gain(configuration.lna_gain); set_vga_gain(configuration.vga_gain); set_baseband_rate(configuration.baseband_rate); set_baseband_decimation_by(configuration.baseband_decimation); set_baseband_filter_bandwidth(configuration.baseband_filter_bandwidth); set_direction(configuration.direction); } } /* namespace radio */