import sys import struct f = open('reality.ym', 'r') data = f.close() rdata = bytearray() cdata = bytearray() diffs = bytearray() rawdata = bytearray() ptrs = bytearray() startframe = (76 * struct.unpack('>H', data[26:28])[0]) + 40 stopframe = (15 * struct.unpack('>H', data[26:28])[0]) + 18 frames = struct.unpack('>I', data[12:16])[0] print startframe for r in xrange(0,14): #16 ptrs += struct.pack(' 1): cdata += struct.pack('B', len(diffs)) + diffs print "Same after diff " + hex(ctd) diffs = "" ctd = 0 cts += 1 print "Same " + hex(struct.unpack("B", lastb)[0]) + " " + hex(cts) if ((by != lastb) | (cts == 127)): # Diff: New run or inc diff if (cts > 0): # After a run of same if (cts < 127): cts += 1 cdata += struct.pack('B', cts + 0x80) + lastb ctd = 1 print "Diff after same " + hex(struct.unpack("B", by)[0]) + " " + hex(cts) else: # At least 2 diffs if (ctd == 1): ctd = 2 diffs = lastb print "Start diff block with " + hex(struct.unpack("B", lastb)[0]) else: print "Diff " + hex(struct.unpack("B", lastb)[0]) + " " + hex(ctd) ctd += 1 diffs += lastb cts = 0 lastb = by if (ctd): if (ctd == 1): cdata += struct.pack('B', 1) + by else: diffs += by cdata += struct.pack('B', len(diffs)) + diffs if (cts): if (cts < 127): cts += 1 cdata += struct.pack('B', cts + 0x80) + lastb #f = open('header.bin', 'wb') #f.write(data[0:0x0C] + struct.pack('>I', stopframe) + data[0x10:0x1C] + struct.pack('>I', 0) + data[0x20:0x59]) #f.close() data = struct.pack('