/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_navigation.hpp" #include "ui_loadmodule.hpp" #include "modules.h" #include "portapack.hpp" #include "event_m0.hpp" #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" #include "splash.hpp" #include "ui_about.hpp" #include "ui_setup.hpp" #include "ui_debug.hpp" #include "ui_handwrite.hpp" // DEBUG #include "ui_soundboard.hpp" // DEBUG #include "analog_audio_app.hpp" #include "ais_app.hpp" #include "ert_app.hpp" #include "tpms_app.hpp" #include "capture_app.hpp" #include "core_control.hpp" #include "file.hpp" #include "png_writer.hpp" namespace ui { /* SystemStatusView ******************************************************/ SystemStatusView::SystemStatusView() { add_children({ { &button_back, &title, &button_camera, &button_sleep, &sd_card_status_view, } }); button_back.on_select = [this](Button&){ if( this->on_back ) { this->on_back(); } }; button_camera.on_select = [this](ImageButton&) { this->on_camera(); }; button_sleep.on_select = [this](ImageButton&) { DisplaySleepMessage message; EventDispatcher::message_map().send(&message); }; } void SystemStatusView::set_back_enabled(bool new_value) { button_back.set_text(new_value ? back_text_enabled : back_text_disabled); button_back.set_focusable(new_value); } void SystemStatusView::set_title(const std::string new_value) { if( new_value.empty() ) { title.set(default_title); } else { title.set(new_value); } } void SystemStatusView::on_camera() { const auto filename_stem = next_filename_stem_matching_pattern("SCR_????"); if( filename_stem.empty() ) { return; } PNGWriter png { filename_stem + ".PNG" }; for(int i=0; i<320; i++) { std::array row; portapack::display.read_pixels({ 0, i, 240, 1 }, row); png.write_scanline(row); } } /* Navigation ************************************************************/ bool NavigationView::is_top() const { return view_stack.size() == 1; } View* NavigationView::push_view(std::unique_ptr new_view) { free_view(); const auto p = new_view.get(); view_stack.emplace_back(std::move(new_view)); update_view(); return p; } void NavigationView::pop() { // Can't pop last item from stack. if( view_stack.size() > 1 ) { free_view(); view_stack.pop_back(); update_view(); } } void NavigationView::free_view() { remove_child(view()); } void NavigationView::update_view() { const auto new_view = view_stack.back().get(); add_child(new_view); new_view->set_parent_rect({ {0, 0}, size() }); focus(); set_dirty(); if( on_view_changed ) { on_view_changed(*new_view); } } Widget* NavigationView::view() const { return children_.empty() ? nullptr : children_[0]; } void NavigationView::focus() { if( view() ) { view()->focus(); } } /* TranspondersMenuView **************************************************/ TranspondersMenuView::TranspondersMenuView(NavigationView& nav) { add_items<3>({ { { "AIS: Boats", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, { "ERT: Utility Meters", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, { "TPMS: Cars", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, } }); on_left = [&nav](){ nav.pop(); }; } /* ReceiverMenuView ******************************************************/ ReceiverMenuView::ReceiverMenuView(NavigationView& nav) { add_items<2>({ { { "Audio", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(md5_baseband, 10, true); } }, //{ "Audio", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, { "Transponders", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, } }); on_left = [&nav](){ nav.pop(); }; } /* SystemMenuView ********************************************************/ SystemMenuView::SystemMenuView(NavigationView& nav) { add_items<10>({ { { "Play dead", ui::Color::red(), [&nav](){ nav.push(false); } }, { "Receiver RX", ui::Color::cyan(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, { "Soundboard TX", ui::Color::orange(), [&nav](){ nav.push(md5_baseband_tx, 3, true); } }, { "Audio TX TX", ui::Color::yellow(), [&nav](){ nav.push(md5_baseband_tx, 0, true); } }, { "Xylos TX", ui::Color::yellow(), [&nav](){ nav.push(md5_baseband_tx, 1, true); } }, { "TEDI/LCR TX", ui::Color::yellow(), [&nav](){ nav.push(md5_baseband_tx, 2, true); } }, //{ "Capture", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, //{ "Analyze", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, { "Setup", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, { "About", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, { "Debug", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, { "HackRF", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(); } }, } }); /* //{ "Nordic/BTLE RX", ui::Color::cyan(), [&nav](){ nav.push(new NotImplementedView { nav }); } }, { "Jammer", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(md5_baseband, new JammerView(nav)); } }, //{ "Audio file TX", ui::Color::white(), [&nav](){ nav.push(new NotImplementedView { nav }); } }, //{ "Encoder TX", ui::Color::green(), [&nav](){ nav.push(new NotImplementedView { nav }); } }, //{ "Whistle", ui::Color::purple(), [&nav](){ nav.push(new LoadModuleView { nav, md5_baseband, new WhistleView { nav, transmitter_model }}); } }, //{ "SIGFOX RX", ui::Color::orange(), [&nav](){ nav.push(new LoadModuleView { nav, md5_baseband, new SIGFRXView { nav, receiver_model }}); } }, //{ "Xylos RX", ui::Color::green(), [&nav](){ nav.push(new LoadModuleView { nav, md5_baseband_tx, new XylosRXView { nav, receiver_model }}); } }, //{ "AFSK RX", ui::Color::cyan(), [&nav](){ nav.push(new LoadModuleView { nav, md5_baseband, new AFSKRXView { nav, receiver_model }}); } }, //{ "Numbers station", ui::Color::purple(), [&nav](){ nav.push(new LoadModuleView { nav, md5_baseband_tx, new NumbersStationView { nav, transmitter_model }}); } }, */ } /* SystemView ************************************************************/ static constexpr ui::Style style_default { .font = ui::font::fixed_8x16, .background = ui::Color::black(), .foreground = ui::Color::white(), }; SystemView::SystemView( Context& context, const Rect parent_rect ) : View { parent_rect }, context_(context) { set_style(&style_default); constexpr ui::Dim status_view_height = 16; char debugtxt[21] = {0}; add_child(&status_view); status_view.set_parent_rect({ { 0, 0 }, { parent_rect.width(), status_view_height } }); status_view.on_back = [this]() { this->navigation_view.pop(); }; add_child(&navigation_view); navigation_view.set_parent_rect({ { 0, status_view_height }, { parent_rect.width(), static_cast(parent_rect.height() - status_view_height) } }); navigation_view.on_view_changed = [this](const View& new_view) { this->status_view.set_back_enabled(!this->navigation_view.is_top()); this->status_view.set_title(new_view.title()); }; // Initial view. // TODO: Restore from non-volatile memory? //if (persistent_memory::playing_dead() == 0x59) // navigation_view.push(new PlayDeadView { navigation_view, true }); //else // navigation_view.push(new BMPView { navigation_view }); if (portapack::persistent_memory::ui_config() & 1) navigation_view.push(); else //navigation_view.push(); //navigation_view.push(); navigation_view.push(debugtxt, 20); } Context& SystemView::context() const { return context_; } /* HackRFFirmwareView ****************************************************/ HackRFFirmwareView::HackRFFirmwareView(NavigationView& nav) { button_yes.on_select = [&nav](Button&){ m4_request_shutdown(); }; button_no.on_select = [&nav](Button&){ nav.pop(); }; add_children({ { &text_title, &text_description_1, &text_description_2, &text_description_3, &text_description_4, &button_yes, &button_no, } }); } /* ***********************************************************************/ void BMPView::focus() { button_done.focus(); } BMPView::BMPView(NavigationView& nav) { add_children({ { &text_info, &button_done } }); button_done.on_select = [this,&nav](Button&){ nav.pop(); nav.push(); }; } void BMPView::paint(Painter& painter) { (void)painter; portapack::display.drawBMP({(240-185)/2, 0}, splash_bmp); } /* PlayDeadView **********************************************************/ void PlayDeadView::focus() { button_done.focus(); } PlayDeadView::PlayDeadView(NavigationView& nav, bool booting) { _booting = booting; portapack::persistent_memory::set_playing_dead(0x59); add_children({ { &text_playdead1, &text_playdead2, &button_done, } }); button_done.on_dir = [this,&nav](Button&, KeyEvent key){ sequence = (sequence<<3) | static_cast::type>(key); }; button_done.on_select = [this,&nav](Button&){ if (sequence == portapack::persistent_memory::playdead_sequence()) { portapack::persistent_memory::set_playing_dead(0); if (_booting) { nav.pop(); nav.push(); } else { nav.pop(); } } else { sequence = 0; } }; } void HackRFFirmwareView::focus() { button_no.focus(); } /* NotImplementedView ****************************************************/ NotImplementedView::NotImplementedView(NavigationView& nav) { button_done.on_select = [&nav](Button&){ nav.pop(); }; add_children({ { &text_title, &button_done, } }); } void NotImplementedView::focus() { button_done.focus(); } } /* namespace ui */