/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2017 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* TODO: * - Paging menu items */ #include #include "ui_fileman.hpp" #include "ui_playlist.hpp" #include "ui_ss_viewer.hpp" #include "ui_text_editor.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" #include "event_m0.hpp" using namespace portapack; namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace ui { static const fs::path txt_ext{u".TXT"}; static const fs::path ppl_ext{u".PPL"}; static const fs::path c8_ext{u".C8"}; static const fs::path c16_ext{u".C16"}; static const fs::path cxx_ext{u".C*"}; static const fs::path png_ext{u".PNG"}; static const fs::path bmp_ext{u".BMP"}; } // namespace ui namespace { using namespace ui; bool is_hidden_file(const fs::path& path) { return !path.empty() && path.native()[0] == u'.'; } // Gets a truncated name from a path for display. std::string truncate(const fs::path& path, size_t max_length) { return ::truncate(path.string(), max_length); } // Inserts the entry into the entry list sorted directories first then by file name. void insert_sorted(std::vector& entries, fileman_entry&& entry) { auto it = std::lower_bound( std::begin(entries), std::end(entries), entry, [](const fileman_entry& lhs, const fileman_entry& rhs) { if (lhs.is_directory && !rhs.is_directory) return true; else if (!lhs.is_directory && rhs.is_directory) return false; else return lhs.path < rhs.path; }); entries.insert(it, std::move(entry)); } // Returns the partner file path or an empty path if no partner is found. fs::path get_partner_file(fs::path path) { if (fs::is_directory(path)) return {}; auto ext = path.extension(); if (is_cxx_capture_file(path)) path.replace_extension(txt_ext); else if (path_iequal(ext, txt_ext)) { path.replace_extension(c8_ext); if (!fs::file_exists(path)) path.replace_extension(c16_ext); } else return {}; return fs::file_exists(path) && !fs::is_directory(path) ? path : fs::path{}; } // Modal prompt to update the partner file if it exists. // Runs continuation on_partner_action to update the partner file. // Returns true is a partner is found, otherwise false. // Path must be the full path to the file. bool partner_file_prompt( NavigationView& nav, const fs::path& path, std::string action_name, std::function on_partner_action) { auto partner = get_partner_file(path); if (partner.empty()) return false; nav.push_under_current( "Partner File", partner.filename().string() + "\n" + action_name + " this file too?", YESNO, [&nav, partner, on_partner_action](bool choice) { if (on_partner_action) on_partner_action(partner, choice); }); return true; } fs::path get_unique_filename(const fs::path& path, const fs::path& file) { auto stem = file.stem(); auto ext = file.extension(); auto serial = 1; fs::path new_path = file; while (fs::file_exists(path / new_path)) { new_path = stem; new_path += fs::path{u"_"}; new_path += to_string_dec_int(serial++); new_path += ext; } return new_path; } } // namespace namespace ui { /* FileManBaseView ***********************************************************/ void FileManBaseView::load_directory_contents(const fs::path& dir_path) { current_path = dir_path; entry_list.clear(); auto filtering = !extension_filter.empty(); bool cxx_file = path_iequal(cxx_ext, extension_filter); text_current.set(dir_path.empty() ? "(sd root)" : truncate(dir_path, 24)); for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(dir_path, u"*")) { // Hide files starting with '.' (hidden / tmp). if (is_hidden_file(entry.path())) continue; if (fs::is_regular_file(entry.status())) { if (!filtering || path_iequal(entry.path().extension(), extension_filter) || (cxx_file && is_cxx_capture_file(entry.path()))) insert_sorted(entry_list, {entry.path(), (uint32_t)entry.size(), false}); } else if (fs::is_directory(entry.status())) { insert_sorted(entry_list, {entry.path(), 0, true}); } } // Add "parent" directory if not at the root. if (!dir_path.empty()) entry_list.insert(entry_list.begin(), {parent_dir_path, 0, true}); } fs::path FileManBaseView::get_selected_full_path() const { if (get_selected_entry().path == parent_dir_path) return current_path.parent_path(); return current_path / get_selected_entry().path; } const fileman_entry& FileManBaseView::get_selected_entry() const { // TODO: return reference to an "empty" entry on OOB? return entry_list[menu_view.highlighted_index()]; } FileManBaseView::FileManBaseView( NavigationView& nav, std::string filter) : nav_{nav}, extension_filter{filter} { add_children({&labels, &text_current, &text_info, &button_exit}); button_exit.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { nav.pop(); }; if (!sdcIsCardInserted(&SDCD1)) { empty_ = EmptyReason::NoSDC; text_current.set("NO SD CARD!"); return; } load_directory_contents(current_path); if (!entry_list.size()) { empty_ = EmptyReason::NoFiles; text_current.set("EMPTY SD CARD!"); } else { menu_view.on_left = [this]() { pop_dir(); }; } } void FileManBaseView::focus() { if (empty_ != EmptyReason::NotEmpty) { button_exit.focus(); } else { menu_view.focus(); } } void FileManBaseView::push_dir(const fs::path& path) { if (path == parent_dir_path) { pop_dir(); } else { current_path /= path; saved_index_stack.push_back(menu_view.highlighted_index()); menu_view.set_highlighted(0); reload_current(); } } void FileManBaseView::pop_dir() { if (saved_index_stack.empty()) return; current_path = current_path.parent_path(); reload_current(); menu_view.set_highlighted(saved_index_stack.back()); saved_index_stack.pop_back(); } void FileManBaseView::refresh_list() { if (on_refresh_widgets) on_refresh_widgets(false); auto prev_highlight = menu_view.highlighted_index(); menu_view.clear(); for (const auto& entry : entry_list) { auto entry_name = truncate(entry.path, 20); if (entry.is_directory) { menu_view.add_item( {entry_name, ui::Color::yellow(), &bitmap_icon_dir, [this](KeyEvent key) { if (on_select_entry) on_select_entry(key); }}); } else { const auto& assoc = get_assoc(entry.path.extension()); auto size_str = to_string_file_size(entry.size); menu_view.add_item( {entry_name + std::string(21 - entry_name.length(), ' ') + size_str, assoc.color, assoc.icon, [this](KeyEvent key) { if (on_select_entry) on_select_entry(key); }}); } // HACK: Should page menu items instead of limiting the number. if (menu_view.item_count() >= max_items_shown) break; } text_info.set(menu_view.item_count() >= max_items_shown ? "Too many files!" : ""); menu_view.set_highlighted(prev_highlight); } void FileManBaseView::reload_current() { load_directory_contents(current_path); refresh_list(); } const FileManBaseView::file_assoc_t& FileManBaseView::get_assoc( const fs::path& ext) const { size_t index = 0; for (; index < file_types.size() - 1; ++index) if (path_iequal(ext, file_types[index].extension)) return file_types[index]; // Default to last entry in the list. return file_types[index]; } /* FileLoadView **************************************************************/ FileLoadView::FileLoadView( NavigationView& nav, std::string filter) : FileManBaseView(nav, filter) { on_refresh_widgets = [this](bool v) { refresh_widgets(v); }; add_children({&menu_view}); // Resize menu view to fill screen menu_view.set_parent_rect({0, 3 * 8, 240, 29 * 8}); refresh_list(); on_select_entry = [this](KeyEvent) { if (get_selected_entry().is_directory) { push_dir(get_selected_entry().path); } else { nav_.pop(); if (on_changed) on_changed(get_selected_full_path()); } }; } void FileLoadView::refresh_widgets(const bool) { set_dirty(); } /* FileSaveView **************************************************************/ /* FileSaveView::FileSaveView( NavigationView& nav, const fs::path& path, const fs::path& file ) : nav_{ nav }, path_{ path }, file_{ file } { add_children({ &labels, &text_path, &button_edit_path, &text_name, &button_edit_name, &button_save, &button_cancel, }); button_edit_path.on_select = [this](Button&) { buffer_ = path_.string(); text_prompt(nav_, buffer_, max_filename_length, [this](std::string&) { path_ = buffer_; refresh_widgets(); }); }; button_edit_name.on_select = [this](Button&) { buffer_ = file_.string(); text_prompt(nav_, buffer_, max_filename_length, [this](std::string&) { file_ = buffer_; refresh_widgets(); }); }; button_save.on_select = [this](Button&) { if (on_save) on_save(path_ / file_); else nav_.pop(); }; button_cancel.on_select = [this](Button&) { nav_.pop(); }; refresh_widgets(); } void FileSaveView::refresh_widgets() { text_path.set(truncate(path_, 30)); text_name.set(truncate(file_, 30)); set_dirty(); } */ /* FileManagerView ***********************************************************/ void FileManagerView::refresh_widgets(const bool v) { button_rename.hidden(v); button_delete.hidden(v); button_cut.hidden(v); button_copy.hidden(v); button_paste.hidden(v); button_new_dir.hidden(v); button_new_file.hidden(v); set_dirty(); } void FileManagerView::on_rename(std::string_view hint) { auto& entry = get_selected_entry(); // Append the hint to the filename stem as a rename suggestion. name_buffer = entry.path.stem().string(); if (!hint.empty()) name_buffer += "_" + std::string{hint}; name_buffer += entry.path.extension().string(); // Set the rename cursor to before the extension to make renaming simpler. uint32_t cursor_pos = (uint32_t)name_buffer.length(); if (auto pos = name_buffer.find_last_of("."); pos != name_buffer.npos && !entry.is_directory) cursor_pos = pos; text_prompt( nav_, name_buffer, cursor_pos, max_filename_length, [this](std::string& renamed) { auto renamed_path = fs::path{renamed}; rename_file(get_selected_full_path(), current_path / renamed_path); auto has_partner = partner_file_prompt( nav_, get_selected_full_path(), "Rename", [this, renamed_path](const fs::path& partner, bool should_rename) mutable { if (should_rename) { auto new_name = renamed_path.replace_extension(partner.extension()); rename_file(partner, current_path / new_name); } reload_current(); }); if (!has_partner) reload_current(); }); } void FileManagerView::on_delete() { auto name = get_selected_entry().path.filename().string(); nav_.push( "Delete", "Delete " + name + "\nAre you sure?", YESNO, [this](bool choice) { if (choice) { delete_file(get_selected_full_path()); auto has_partner = partner_file_prompt( nav_, get_selected_full_path(), "Delete", [this](const fs::path& partner, bool should_delete) { if (should_delete) delete_file(partner); reload_current(); }); if (!has_partner) reload_current(); } }); } void FileManagerView::on_new_dir() { name_buffer = ""; text_prompt(nav_, name_buffer, max_filename_length, [this](std::string& dir_name) { make_new_directory(current_path / dir_name); reload_current(); }); } void FileManagerView::on_paste() { // TODO: handle partner file. Need to fix nav stack first. auto new_name = get_unique_filename(current_path, clipboard_path.filename()); fs::filesystem_error result; if (clipboard_mode == ClipboardMode::Cut) result = rename_file(clipboard_path, current_path / new_name); else if (clipboard_mode == ClipboardMode::Copy) result = copy_file(clipboard_path, current_path / new_name); if (result.code() != FR_OK) nav_.display_modal("Paste Failed", result.what()); clipboard_path = fs::path{}; clipboard_mode = ClipboardMode::None; menu_view.focus(); reload_current(); } void FileManagerView::on_new_file() { name_buffer = ""; text_prompt(nav_, name_buffer, max_filename_length, [this](std::string& file_name) { make_new_file(current_path / file_name); reload_current(); }); } bool FileManagerView::handle_file_open() { if (!selected_is_valid()) return false; auto path = get_selected_full_path(); auto ext = path.extension(); if (path_iequal(txt_ext, ext)) { nav_.push(path); return true; } else if (is_cxx_capture_file(path) || path_iequal(ppl_ext, ext)) { // TODO: Enough memory to push? nav_.push(path); return true; } else if (path_iequal(png_ext, ext)) { nav_.push(path); return true; } else if (path_iequal(bmp_ext, ext)) { nav_.push(path); reload_current(); return true; } return false; } bool FileManagerView::selected_is_valid() const { return !entry_list.empty() && get_selected_entry().path != parent_dir_path; } FileManagerView::FileManagerView( NavigationView& nav) : FileManBaseView(nav, "") { // Don't bother with the UI in the case of no SDC. if (empty_ == EmptyReason::NoSDC) return; on_refresh_widgets = [this](bool v) { refresh_widgets(v); }; add_children({ &menu_view, &labels, &text_date, &button_rename, &button_delete, &button_cut, &button_copy, &button_paste, &button_new_dir, &button_new_file, &button_open_notepad, &button_rename_timestamp, }); menu_view.on_highlight = [this]() { if (selected_is_valid()) text_date.set(to_string_FAT_timestamp(file_created_date(get_selected_full_path()))); else text_date.set(""); }; refresh_list(); on_select_entry = [this](KeyEvent key) { if (key == KeyEvent::Select && get_selected_entry().is_directory) { push_dir(get_selected_entry().path); } else if (key == KeyEvent::Select && handle_file_open()) { return; } else { button_rename.focus(); } }; button_rename.on_select = [this]() { if (selected_is_valid()) on_rename(""); }; button_delete.on_select = [this]() { if (selected_is_valid()) on_delete(); }; button_cut.on_select = [this]() { if (selected_is_valid() && !get_selected_entry().is_directory) { clipboard_path = get_selected_full_path(); clipboard_mode = ClipboardMode::Cut; } else nav_.display_modal("Cut", "Can't cut that."); }; button_copy.on_select = [this]() { if (selected_is_valid() && !get_selected_entry().is_directory) { clipboard_path = get_selected_full_path(); clipboard_mode = ClipboardMode::Copy; } else nav_.display_modal("Copy", "Can't copy that."); }; button_paste.on_select = [this]() { if (clipboard_mode != ClipboardMode::None) on_paste(); else nav_.display_modal("Paste", "Cut or copy a file first."); }; button_new_dir.on_select = [this]() { on_new_dir(); }; button_new_file.on_select = [this]() { on_new_file(); }; button_open_notepad.on_select = [this]() { if (selected_is_valid() && !get_selected_entry().is_directory) { auto path = get_selected_full_path(); nav_.replace(path); } else nav_.display_modal("Open in Notepad", "Can't open that in Notepad."); }; button_rename_timestamp.on_select = [this]() { if (selected_is_valid() && !get_selected_entry().is_directory) { on_rename(::truncate(to_string_timestamp(rtc_time::now()), 8)); } else nav_.display_modal("Timestamp Rename", "Can't rename that."); }; } } // namespace ui