/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __LPC43XX_CPP_H__ #define __LPC43XX_CPP_H__ #include <cstdint> #include <hal.h> #include "utility.hpp" namespace lpc43xx { #if defined(LPC43XX_M4) namespace m4 { static inline bool flag_saturation() { return __get_APSR() & (1U << 27); } static inline void clear_flag_saturation() { uint32_t flags = 1; __asm volatile("MSR APSR_nzcvqg, %0" : : "r"(flags)); } } /* namespace m4 */ #endif namespace creg { static_assert(offsetof(LPC_CREG_Type, CREG0) == 0x004, "CREG0 offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_CREG_Type, M4MEMMAP) == 0x100, "M4MEMMAP offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_CREG_Type, CREG5) == 0x118, "CREG5 offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_CREG_Type, CHIPID) == 0x200, "CHIPID offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_CREG_Type, M0SUBMEMMAP) == 0x308, "M0SUBMEMMAP offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_CREG_Type, M0APPTXEVENT) == 0x400, "M0APPTXEVENT offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_CREG_Type, USB0FLADJ) == 0x500, "USB0FLADJ offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_CREG_Type, USB1FLADJ) == 0x600, "USB1FLADJ offset wrong"); namespace m4txevent { #if defined(LPC43XX_M0) inline void enable() { nvicEnableVector(M4CORE_IRQn, CORTEX_PRIORITY_MASK(LPC43XX_M4TXEVENT_IRQ_PRIORITY)); } inline void disable() { nvicDisableVector(M4CORE_IRQn); } #endif #if defined(LPC43XX_M4) inline void assert_event() { __SEV(); } #endif inline void clear() { LPC_CREG->M4TXEVENT = 0; } } /* namespace m4txevent */ namespace m0apptxevent { #if defined(LPC43XX_M4) inline void enable() { nvicEnableVector(M0CORE_IRQn, CORTEX_PRIORITY_MASK(LPC43XX_M0APPTXEVENT_IRQ_PRIORITY)); } inline void disable() { nvicDisableVector(M0CORE_IRQn); } #endif #if defined(LPC43XX_M0) inline void assert_event() { __SEV(); } #endif inline void clear() { LPC_CREG->M0APPTXEVENT = 0; } } // namespace m0apptxevent } /* namespace creg */ namespace cgu { enum class CLK_SEL : uint8_t { RTC_32KHZ = 0x00, IRC = 0x01, ENET_RX_CLK = 0x02, ENET_TX_CLK = 0x03, GP_CLKIN = 0x04, XTAL = 0x06, PLL0USB = 0x07, PLL0AUDIO = 0x08, PLL1 = 0x09, IDIVA = 0x0c, IDIVB = 0x0d, IDIVC = 0x0e, IDIVD = 0x0f, IDIVE = 0x10, }; struct IDIV_CTRL { uint32_t pd; uint32_t idiv; uint32_t autoblock; CLK_SEL clk_sel; constexpr operator uint32_t() const { return ((pd & 1) << 0) | ((idiv & 255) << 2) | ((autoblock & 1) << 11) | ((toUType(clk_sel) & 0x1f) << 24); } }; namespace pll0audio { struct CTRL { uint32_t pd; uint32_t bypass; uint32_t directi; uint32_t directo; uint32_t clken; uint32_t frm; uint32_t autoblock; uint32_t pllfract_req; uint32_t sel_ext; uint32_t mod_pd; CLK_SEL clk_sel; constexpr operator uint32_t() const { return ((pd & 1) << 0) | ((bypass & 1) << 1) | ((directi & 1) << 2) | ((directo & 1) << 3) | ((clken & 1) << 4) | ((frm & 1) << 6) | ((autoblock & 1) << 11) | ((pllfract_req & 1) << 12) | ((sel_ext & 1) << 13) | ((mod_pd & 1) << 14) | ((toUType(clk_sel) & 0x1f) << 24); } }; struct MDIV { uint32_t mdec; constexpr operator uint32_t() const { return ((mdec & 0x1ffff) << 0); } }; struct NP_DIV { uint32_t pdec; uint32_t ndec; constexpr operator uint32_t() const { return ((pdec & 0x7f) << 0) | ((ndec & 0x3ff) << 12); } }; struct FRAC { uint32_t pllfract_ctrl; constexpr operator uint32_t() const { return ((pllfract_ctrl & 0x3fffff) << 0); } }; inline void ctrl(const CTRL& value) { LPC_CGU->PLL0AUDIO_CTRL = value; } inline void mdiv(const MDIV& value) { LPC_CGU->PLL0AUDIO_MDIV = value; } inline void np_div(const NP_DIV& value) { LPC_CGU->PLL0AUDIO_NP_DIV = value; } inline void frac(const FRAC& value) { LPC_CGU->PLL0AUDIO_FRAC = value; } inline void power_up() { LPC_CGU->PLL0AUDIO_CTRL &= ~(1U << 0); } inline void power_down() { LPC_CGU->PLL0AUDIO_CTRL |= (1U << 0); } inline bool is_locked() { return LPC_CGU->PLL0AUDIO_STAT & (1U << 0); } inline void clock_enable() { LPC_CGU->PLL0AUDIO_CTRL |= (1U << 4); } inline void clock_disable() { LPC_CGU->PLL0AUDIO_CTRL &= ~(1U << 4); } } /* namespace pll0audio */ namespace pll1 { struct CTRL { uint32_t pd; uint32_t bypass; uint32_t fbsel; uint32_t direct; uint32_t psel; uint32_t autoblock; uint32_t nsel; uint32_t msel; CLK_SEL clk_sel; constexpr operator uint32_t() const { return ((pd & 1) << 0) | ((bypass & 1) << 1) | ((fbsel & 1) << 6) | ((direct & 1) << 7) | ((psel & 3) << 8) | ((autoblock & 1) << 11) | ((nsel & 3) << 12) | ((msel & 0xff) << 16) | ((toUType(clk_sel) & 0x1f) << 24); } }; inline void ctrl(const CTRL& value) { LPC_CGU->PLL1_CTRL = value; } inline void enable() { LPC_CGU->PLL1_CTRL &= ~(1U << 0); } inline void disable() { LPC_CGU->PLL1_CTRL |= (1U << 0); } inline void direct() { LPC_CGU->PLL1_CTRL |= (1U << 7); } inline bool is_locked() { return LPC_CGU->PLL1_STAT & (1U << 0); } } /* namespace pll1 */ } /* namespace cgu */ namespace ccu1 { static_assert(offsetof(LPC_CCU1_Type, CLK_ADCHS_STAT) == 0xb04, "CLK_ADCHS_STAT offset wrong"); } /* namespace ccu1 */ namespace rgu { enum class Reset { CORE = 0, PERIPH = 1, MASTER = 2, WWDT = 4, CREG = 5, BUS = 8, SCU = 9, M0_SUB = 12, M4_RST = 13, LCD = 16, USB0 = 17, USB1 = 18, DMA = 19, SDIO = 20, EMC = 21, ETHERNET = 22, FLASHA = 25, EEPROM = 27, GPIO = 28, FLASHB = 29, TIMER0 = 32, TIMER1 = 33, TIMER2 = 34, TIMER3 = 35, RITIMER = 36, SCT = 37, MOTOCONPWM = 38, QEI = 39, ADC0 = 40, ADC1 = 41, DAC = 42, UART0 = 44, UART1 = 45, UART2 = 46, UART3 = 47, I2C0 = 48, I2C1 = 49, SSP0 = 50, SSP1 = 51, I2S = 52, SPIFI = 53, CAN1 = 54, CAN0 = 55, M0APP = 56, SGPIO = 57, SPI = 58, ADCHS = 60, }; enum class Status { NotActive = 0b00, ActivatedByRGUInput = 0b01, ActivatedBySoftware = 0b11, }; inline void reset(const Reset reset) { LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL[toUType(reset) >> 5] = (1U << (toUType(reset) & 0x1f)); } inline void reset_mask(const uint64_t mask) { LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL[0] = mask & 0xffffffffU; LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL[1] = mask >> 32; } inline Status status(const Reset reset) { return static_cast<Status>( (LPC_RGU->RESET_STATUS[toUType(reset) >> 4] >> ((toUType(reset) & 0xf) * 2)) & 3); } inline bool active(const Reset reset) { return (LPC_RGU->RESET_ACTIVE_STATUS[toUType(reset) >> 5] >> (toUType(reset) & 0x1f)) & 1; } inline uint32_t external_status(const Reset reset) { return LPC_RGU->RESET_EXT_STAT[toUType(reset)]; } inline uint64_t operator|(Reset r1, Reset r2) { return (1ULL << toUType(r1)) | (1ULL << toUType(r2)); } inline uint64_t operator|(uint64_t m, Reset r) { return m | (1ULL << toUType(r)); } static_assert(offsetof(LPC_RGU_Type, RESET_CTRL[0]) == 0x100, "RESET_CTRL[0] offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_RGU_Type, RESET_STATUS[0]) == 0x110, "RESET_STATUS[0] offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_RGU_Type, RESET_ACTIVE_STATUS[0]) == 0x150, "RESET_ACTIVE_STATUS[0] offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_RGU_Type, RESET_EXT_STAT[1]) == 0x404, "RESET_EXT_STAT[1] offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_RGU_Type, RESET_EXT_STAT[60]) == 0x4f0, "RESET_EXT_STAT[60] offset wrong"); } /* namespace rgu */ namespace scu { struct SFS { uint32_t mode; uint32_t epd; uint32_t epun; uint32_t ehs; uint32_t ezi; uint32_t zif; constexpr operator uint32_t() const { return ((mode & 7) << 0) | ((epd & 1) << 3) | ((epun & 1) << 4) | ((ehs & 1) << 5) | ((ezi & 1) << 6) | ((zif & 1) << 7); } }; static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SCU_Type, PINTSEL0) == 0xe00, "PINTSEL0 offset wrong"); } /* namespace scu */ namespace sgpio { static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SGPIO_Type, MASK_A) == 0x0200, "SGPIO MASK_A offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SGPIO_Type, GPIO_OUTREG) == 0x0214, "SGPIO GPIO_OUTREG offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SGPIO_Type, CTRL_DISABLE) == 0x0220, "SGPIO CTRL_DISABLE offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SGPIO_Type, CLR_EN_0) == 0x0f00, "SGPIO CLR_EN_0 offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SGPIO_Type, CLR_EN_1) == 0x0f20, "SGPIO CLR_EN_1 offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SGPIO_Type, CLR_EN_2) == 0x0f40, "SGPIO CLR_EN_2 offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SGPIO_Type, CLR_EN_3) == 0x0f60, "SGPIO CLR_EN_3 offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SGPIO_Type, SET_STATUS_3) == 0x0f74, "SGPIO SET_STATUS_3 offset wrong"); static_assert(sizeof(LPC_SGPIO_Type) == 0x0f78, "SGPIO type size wrong"); } /* namespace sgpio */ namespace gpdma { static_assert(offsetof(LPC_GPDMA_Type, SYNC) == 0x034, "GPDMA SYNC offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_GPDMA_Type, CH[0]) == 0x100, "GPDMA CH[0] offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_GPDMA_Type, CH[7]) == 0x1e0, "GPDMA CH[7] offset wrong"); } /* namespace gpdma */ namespace sdmmc { static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SDMMC_Type, RESP0) == 0x030, "SDMMC RESP0 offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SDMMC_Type, TCBCNT) == 0x05c, "SDMMC TCBCNT offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SDMMC_Type, RST_N) == 0x078, "SDMMC RST_N offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SDMMC_Type, BMOD) == 0x080, "SDMMC BMOD offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SDMMC_Type, DATA) == 0x100, "SDMMC DATA offset wrong"); } /* namespace sdmmc */ namespace spifi { struct CTRL { uint32_t timeout; uint32_t cshigh; uint32_t d_prftch_dis; uint32_t inten; uint32_t mode3; uint32_t prftch_dis; uint32_t dual; uint32_t rfclk; uint32_t fbclk; uint32_t dmaen; constexpr operator uint32_t() const { return ((timeout & 0xffff) << 0) | ((cshigh & 1) << 16) | ((d_prftch_dis & 1) << 21) | ((inten & 1) << 22) | ((mode3 & 1) << 23) | ((prftch_dis & 1) << 27) | ((dual & 1) << 28) | ((rfclk & 1) << 29) | ((fbclk & 1) << 30) | ((dmaen & 1) << 31); } }; static_assert(offsetof(LPC_SPIFI_Type, STAT) == 0x01c, "SPIFI STAT offset wrong"); } /* namespace spifi */ namespace timer { static_assert(offsetof(LPC_TIMER_Type, MR[0]) == 0x018, "TIMER MR[0] offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_TIMER_Type, CCR) == 0x028, "TIMER CCR offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_TIMER_Type, EMR) == 0x03c, "TIMER EMR offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_TIMER_Type, CTCR) == 0x070, "TIMER CTCR offset wrong"); } /* namespace timer */ namespace rtc { namespace interrupt { inline void clear_all() { LPC_RTC->ILR = (1U << 1) | (1U << 0); } inline void enable_second_inc() { LPC_RTC->CIIR = (1U << 0); } } // namespace interrupt #if HAL_USE_RTC struct RTC : public RTCTime { constexpr RTC( uint32_t year, uint32_t month, uint32_t day, uint32_t hour, uint32_t minute, uint32_t second) : RTCTime{ (year << 16) | (month << 8) | (day << 0), (hour << 16) | (minute << 8) | (second << 0)} { } constexpr RTC() : RTCTime{0, 0} { } uint16_t year() const { return (tv_date >> 16) & 0xfff; } uint8_t month() const { return (tv_date >> 8) & 0x00f; } uint8_t day() const { return (tv_date >> 0) & 0x01f; } uint8_t hour() const { return (tv_time >> 16) & 0x01f; } uint8_t minute() const { return (tv_time >> 8) & 0x03f; } uint8_t second() const { return (tv_time >> 0) & 0x03f; } }; #endif static_assert(offsetof(LPC_RTC_Type, CCR) == 0x008, "RTC CCR offset wrong"); static_assert(offsetof(LPC_RTC_Type, ASEC) == 0x060, "RTC ASEC offset wrong"); } /* namespace rtc */ } /* namespace lpc43xx */ #endif /*__LPC43XX_CPP_H__*/