#include "ui_widget.hpp" #include "ui_painter.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" #include #include #include #include "string_format.hpp" using namespace portapack; namespace ui { static bool ui_dirty = true; void dirty_set() { ui_dirty = true; } void dirty_clear() { ui_dirty = false; } bool is_dirty() { return ui_dirty; } /* Widget ****************************************************************/ const std::vector Widget::no_children { }; Point Widget::screen_pos() { return screen_rect().pos; } Size Widget::size() const { return parent_rect.size; } Rect Widget::screen_rect() const { return parent() ? (parent_rect + parent()->screen_pos()) : parent_rect; } void Widget::set_parent_rect(const Rect new_parent_rect) { parent_rect = new_parent_rect; set_dirty(); } Widget* Widget::parent() const { return parent_; } void Widget::set_parent(Widget* const widget) { if( parent_ && !widget ) { // We have a parent, but are losing it. Update visible status. visible(false); } parent_ = widget; } void Widget::set_dirty() { flags.dirty = true; dirty_set(); } bool Widget::dirty() const { return flags.dirty; } void Widget::set_clean() { flags.dirty = false; } void Widget::hidden(bool hide) { if( hide != flags.hidden ) { flags.hidden = hide; // If parent is hidden, either of these is a no-op. if( hide ) { // TODO: Instead of dirtying parent entirely, dirty only children // that overlap with this widget. parent()->dirty_overlapping_children_in_rect(parent_rect); /* TODO: Notify self and all non-hidden children that they're * now effectively hidden? */ } else { set_dirty(); /* TODO: Notify self and all non-hidden children that they're * now effectively shown? */ } } } void Widget::focus() { context().focus_manager().set_focus_widget(this); } void Widget::on_focus() { //set_dirty(); } void Widget::blur() { context().focus_manager().set_focus_widget(nullptr); } void Widget::on_blur() { //set_dirty(); } bool Widget::focusable() const { return flags.focusable; } void Widget::set_focusable(const bool value) { flags.focusable = value; } bool Widget::has_focus() { return (context().focus_manager().focus_widget() == this); } bool Widget::on_key(const KeyEvent event) { (void)event; return false; } bool Widget::on_encoder(const EncoderEvent event) { (void)event; return false; } bool Widget::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { (void)event; return false; } const std::vector& Widget::children() const { return no_children; } Context& Widget::context() const { return parent()->context(); } void Widget::set_style(const Style* new_style) { if( new_style != style_ ) { style_ = new_style; set_dirty(); } } const Style& Widget::style() const { return style_ ? *style_ : parent()->style(); } void Widget::visible(bool v) { if( v != flags.visible ) { flags.visible = v; /* TODO: This on_show/on_hide implementation seems inelegant. * But I need *some* way to take/configure resources when * a widget becomes visible, and reverse the process when the * widget becomes invisible, whether the widget (or parent) is * hidden, or the widget (or parent) is removed from the tree. */ if( v ) { on_show(); } else { on_hide(); // Set all children invisible too. for(const auto child : children()) { child->visible(false); } } } } bool Widget::highlighted() const { return flags.highlighted; } void Widget::set_highlighted(const bool value) { flags.highlighted = value; } void Widget::dirty_overlapping_children_in_rect(const Rect& child_rect) { for(auto child : children()) { if( !child_rect.intersect(child->parent_rect).is_empty() ) { child->set_dirty(); } } } /* View ******************************************************************/ void View::paint(Painter& painter) { painter.fill_rectangle( screen_rect(), style().background ); } void View::add_child(Widget* const widget) { if( widget ) { if( widget->parent() == nullptr ) { widget->set_parent(this); children_.push_back(widget); widget->set_dirty(); } } } void View::add_children(const std::vector& children) { for(auto child : children) { add_child(child); } } void View::remove_child(Widget* const widget) { if( widget ) { children_.erase(std::remove(children_.begin(), children_.end(), widget), children_.end()); dirty_overlapping_children_in_rect(widget->screen_rect()); widget->set_parent(nullptr); } } const std::vector& View::children() const { return children_; } std::string View::title() const { return ""; }; /* Rectangle *************************************************************/ Rectangle::Rectangle( Color c ) : Widget { }, color { c } { } Rectangle::Rectangle( Rect parent_rect, Color c ) : Widget { parent_rect }, color { c } { } Rectangle::Rectangle( ) : Widget { } { } void Rectangle::set_color(const Color c) { color = c; set_dirty(); } void Rectangle::set_outline(const bool outline) { _outline = outline; set_dirty(); } void Rectangle::paint(Painter& painter) { if (!_outline) { painter.fill_rectangle( screen_rect(), color ); } else { painter.draw_rectangle( screen_rect(), color ); } } /* Text ******************************************************************/ Text::Text( Rect parent_rect, std::string text ) : Widget { parent_rect }, text { text } { } Text::Text( Rect parent_rect ) : Text { parent_rect, { } } { } void Text::set(const std::string value) { text = value; set_dirty(); } void Text::paint(Painter& painter) { const auto rect = screen_rect(); const auto s = style(); painter.fill_rectangle(rect, s.background); painter.draw_string( rect.pos, s, text ); } /* BigFrequency **********************************************************/ const uint8_t big_segment_font[11] = { 0b00111111, // 0: ABCDEF 0b00000110, // 1: AB 0b01011011, // 2: ABDEG 0b01001111, // 3: ABCDG 0b01100110, // 4: BCFG 0b01101101, // 5: ACDFG 0b01111101, // 6: ACDEFG 0b00000111, // 7: ABC 0b01111111, // 8: ABCDEFG 0b01101111, // 9: ABCDFG 0b01000000 // -: G }; BigFrequency::BigFrequency( Rect parent_rect, rf::Frequency frequency ) : Widget { parent_rect }, _frequency { frequency } { } void BigFrequency::set(const rf::Frequency frequency) { _frequency = frequency; set_dirty(); } void BigFrequency::paint(Painter& painter) { uint8_t i, digit_def; char digits[7]; char digit; Coord digit_x, digit_y; ui::Color segment_color; const auto rect = screen_rect(); // Erase painter.fill_rectangle({{0, rect.pos.y}, {240, 52}}, ui::Color::black()); if (!_frequency) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) // ----.------ digits[i] = 10; } else { _frequency /= 1000; // GMMM.KKKuuu for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { digits[6 - i] = _frequency % 10; _frequency /= 10; } // Remove leading zeros for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (!digits[i]) digits[i] = 16; // "Don't draw" code else break; } } segment_color = style().foreground; // Draw digit_x = rect.pos.x; // 7 * 32 + 8 = 232 (4 px margins) for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { digit = digits[i]; digit_y = rect.pos.y; if (digit < 16) { digit_def = big_segment_font[(uint8_t)digit]; if (digit_def & 0x01) painter.fill_rectangle({{digit_x + 4, digit_y}, {20, 4}}, segment_color); if (digit_def & 0x02) painter.fill_rectangle({{digit_x + 24, digit_y + 4}, {4, 20}}, segment_color); if (digit_def & 0x04) painter.fill_rectangle({{digit_x + 24, digit_y + 28}, {4, 20}}, segment_color); if (digit_def & 0x08) painter.fill_rectangle({{digit_x + 4, digit_y + 48}, {20, 4}}, segment_color); if (digit_def & 0x10) painter.fill_rectangle({{digit_x, digit_y + 28}, {4, 20}}, segment_color); if (digit_def & 0x20) painter.fill_rectangle({{digit_x, digit_y + 4}, {4, 20}}, segment_color); if (digit_def & 0x40) painter.fill_rectangle({{digit_x + 4, digit_y + 24}, {20, 4}}, segment_color); } if (i == 3) { // Dot painter.fill_rectangle({{digit_x + 34, digit_y + 48}, {4, 4}}, segment_color); digit_x += 40; } else { digit_x += 32; } } } /* ProgressBar ***********************************************************/ ProgressBar::ProgressBar( Rect parent_rect ) : Widget { parent_rect } { } void ProgressBar::set_max(const uint16_t max) { _value = 0; _max = max; set_dirty(); } void ProgressBar::set_value(const uint16_t value) { if (value > _max) _value = _max; else _value = value; set_dirty(); } void ProgressBar::paint(Painter& painter) { uint16_t v_sized; const auto rect = screen_rect(); const auto s = style(); v_sized = (rect.size.w * _value) / _max; painter.fill_rectangle({rect.pos, {v_sized, rect.size.h}}, style().foreground); painter.fill_rectangle({{rect.pos.x + v_sized, rect.pos.y}, {rect.size.w - v_sized, rect.size.h}}, s.background); painter.draw_rectangle(rect, s.foreground); } /* Console ***************************************************************/ Console::Console( Rect parent_rect ) : Widget { parent_rect } { display.scroll_set_position(0); } void Console::clear() { display.fill_rectangle( screen_rect(), Color::black() ); pos = { 0, 0 }; } void Console::write(std::string message) { if (visible) { const Style& s = style(); const Font& font = s.font; const auto rect = screen_rect(); for(const auto c : message) { if( c == '\n' ) { crlf(); } else { const auto glyph = font.glyph(c); const auto advance = glyph.advance(); if( (pos.x + advance.x) > rect.width() ) { crlf(); } const Point pos_glyph { rect.pos.x + pos.x, display.scroll_area_y(pos.y) }; display.draw_glyph(pos_glyph, glyph, s.foreground, s.background); pos.x += advance.x; } } buffer = message; } else { buffer += message; } } void Console::writeln(std::string message) { write(message); crlf(); } void Console::paint(Painter& painter) { write(buffer); } void Console::on_show() { const auto screen_r = screen_rect(); display.scroll_set_area(screen_r.top(), screen_r.bottom()); clear(); visible = true; } void Console::on_hide() { /* TODO: Clear region to eliminate brief flash of content at un-shifted * position? */ display.scroll_disable(); } void Console::crlf() { const Style& s = style(); const auto sr = screen_rect(); const auto line_height = s.font.line_height(); pos.x = 0; pos.y += line_height; const int32_t y_excess = pos.y + line_height - sr.height(); if( y_excess > 0 ) { display.scroll(-y_excess); pos.y -= y_excess; const Rect dirty { sr.left(), display.scroll_area_y(pos.y), sr.width(), line_height }; display.fill_rectangle(dirty, s.background); } } /* Checkbox **************************************************************/ Checkbox::Checkbox( Point parent_pos, size_t length, std::string text ) : Widget { { parent_pos, { static_cast((8 * length) + 24), 24 } } }, text_ { text } { set_focusable(true); } void Checkbox::set_text(const std::string value) { text_ = value; set_dirty(); } std::string Checkbox::text() const { return text_; } void Checkbox::set_value(const bool value) { value_ = value; set_dirty(); } bool Checkbox::value() const { return value_; } void Checkbox::paint(Painter& painter) { const auto r = screen_rect(); const auto paint_style = (has_focus() || highlighted()) ? style().invert() : style(); painter.draw_rectangle({ r.pos.x, r.pos.y, 24, 24 }, style().foreground); painter.fill_rectangle( { static_cast(r.pos.x + 1), static_cast(r.pos.y + 1), static_cast(24 - 2), static_cast(24 - 2) }, style().background ); painter.draw_rectangle({ r.pos.x+2, r.pos.y+2, 24-4, 24-4 }, paint_style.background); if (value_ == true) { // Check portapack::display.draw_line( {r.pos.x+2, r.pos.y+14}, {r.pos.x+6, r.pos.y+18}, ui::Color::green()); portapack::display.draw_line( {r.pos.x+6, r.pos.y+18}, {r.pos.x+20, r.pos.y+4}, ui::Color::green()); } else { // Cross portapack::display.draw_line( {r.pos.x+1, r.pos.y+1}, {r.pos.x+24-2, r.pos.y+24-2}, ui::Color::red()); portapack::display.draw_line( {r.pos.x+24-2, r.pos.y+1}, {r.pos.x+1, r.pos.y+24-2}, ui::Color::red()); } const auto label_r = paint_style.font.size_of(text_); painter.draw_string( { static_cast(r.pos.x + 24 + 4), static_cast(r.pos.y + (24 - label_r.h) / 2) }, paint_style, text_ ); } bool Checkbox::on_key(const KeyEvent key) { if( key == KeyEvent::Select ) { value_ = not value_; set_dirty(); if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); return true; } } return false; } bool Checkbox::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { switch(event.type) { case TouchEvent::Type::Start: set_highlighted(true); set_dirty(); return true; case TouchEvent::Type::End: set_highlighted(false); value_ = not value_; set_dirty(); if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); } return true; default: return false; } } /* Button ****************************************************************/ Button::Button( Rect parent_rect, std::string text ) : Widget { parent_rect }, text_ { text } { set_focusable(true); } void Button::set_text(const std::string value) { text_ = value; set_dirty(); } std::string Button::text() const { return text_; } void Button::paint(Painter& painter) { const auto r = screen_rect(); const auto paint_style = (has_focus() || highlighted()) ? style().invert() : style(); painter.draw_rectangle(r, paint_style.foreground); painter.fill_rectangle( { r.pos.x + 1, r.pos.y + 1, r.size.w - 2, r.size.h - 2 }, paint_style.background ); const auto label_r = paint_style.font.size_of(text_); painter.draw_string( { r.pos.x + (r.size.w - label_r.w) / 2, r.pos.y + (r.size.h - label_r.h) / 2 }, paint_style, text_ ); } bool Button::on_key(const KeyEvent key) { if( key == KeyEvent::Select ) { if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); return true; } } else { if( on_dir ) { on_dir(*this, key); return false; } } return false; } bool Button::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { switch(event.type) { case TouchEvent::Type::Start: set_highlighted(true); set_dirty(); return true; case TouchEvent::Type::End: set_highlighted(false); set_dirty(); if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); } return true; default: return false; } #if 0 switch(event.type) { case TouchEvent::Type::Start: flags.highlighted = true; set_dirty(); return true; case TouchEvent::Type::Move: { const bool new_highlighted = screen_rect().contains(event.point); if( flags.highlighted != new_highlighted ) { flags.highlighted = new_highlighted; set_dirty(); } } return true; case TouchEvent::Type::End: if( flags.highlighted ) { flags.highlighted = false; set_dirty(); if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); } } return true; default: return false; } #endif } /* Image *****************************************************************/ Image::Image( ) : Image { { }, nullptr, Color::white(), Color::black() } { } Image::Image( const Rect parent_rect, const Bitmap* bitmap, const Color foreground, const Color background ) : Widget { parent_rect }, bitmap_ { bitmap }, foreground_ { foreground }, background_ { background } { } void Image::set_bitmap(const Bitmap* bitmap) { bitmap_ = bitmap; set_dirty(); } void Image::set_foreground(const Color color) { foreground_ = color; set_dirty(); } void Image::set_background(const Color color) { background_ = color; set_dirty(); } void Image::invert_colors() { Color temp; temp = background_; background_ = foreground_; foreground_ = temp; set_dirty(); } void Image::paint(Painter& painter) { if( bitmap_ ) { // Code also handles ImageButton behavior. const bool selected = (has_focus() || highlighted()); painter.draw_bitmap( screen_pos(), *bitmap_, selected ? background_ : foreground_, selected ? foreground_ : background_ ); } } /* ImageButton ***********************************************************/ // TODO: Virtually all this code is duplicated from Button. Base class? ImageButton::ImageButton( const Rect parent_rect, const Bitmap* bitmap, const Color foreground, const Color background ) : Image { parent_rect, bitmap, foreground, background } { set_focusable(true); } bool ImageButton::on_key(const KeyEvent key) { if( key == KeyEvent::Select ) { if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); return true; } } return false; } bool ImageButton::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { switch(event.type) { case TouchEvent::Type::Start: set_highlighted(true); set_dirty(); return true; case TouchEvent::Type::End: set_highlighted(false); set_dirty(); if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); } return true; default: return false; } } /* ImageOptionsField *****************************************************/ ImageOptionsField::ImageOptionsField( Rect parent_rect, options_t options ) : Widget { parent_rect }, options { options } { set_focusable(true); } size_t ImageOptionsField::selected_index() const { return selected_index_; } size_t ImageOptionsField::selected_index_value() const { return options[selected_index_].second; } void ImageOptionsField::set_selected_index(const size_t new_index) { if ( new_index < options.size() ) { if ( new_index != selected_index() ) { selected_index_ = new_index; if ( on_change ) { on_change(selected_index(), options[selected_index()].second); } set_dirty(); } } } void ImageOptionsField::set_by_value(value_t v) { size_t new_index { 0 }; for(const auto& option : options) { if( option.second == v ) { set_selected_index(new_index); break; } new_index++; } } void ImageOptionsField::set_options(options_t new_options) { options = new_options; set_by_value(0); set_dirty(); } void ImageOptionsField::paint(Painter& painter) { const auto paint_style = has_focus() ? style().invert() : style(); if( selected_index() < options.size() ) { const auto bmp_ptr = options[selected_index()].first; painter.fill_rectangle({screen_rect().pos, {screen_rect().size.w + 4, screen_rect().size.h + 4}}, ui::Color::black()); painter.draw_rectangle({screen_rect().pos, {screen_rect().size.w + 4, screen_rect().size.h + 4}}, paint_style.background); portapack::display.drawBMP({screen_pos().x + 2, screen_pos().y + 1}, bmp_ptr, true); } } void ImageOptionsField::on_focus() { if( on_show_options ) { on_show_options(); } } bool ImageOptionsField::on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) { set_selected_index(selected_index() + delta); return true; } bool ImageOptionsField::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { if( event.type == TouchEvent::Type::Start ) { focus(); } return true; } /* OptionsField **********************************************************/ OptionsField::OptionsField( Point parent_pos, size_t length, options_t options ) : Widget { { parent_pos, { static_cast(8 * length), 16 } } }, length_ { length }, options { options } { set_focusable(true); } size_t OptionsField::selected_index() const { return selected_index_; } size_t OptionsField::selected_index_value() const { return options[selected_index_].second; } void OptionsField::set_selected_index(const size_t new_index) { if( new_index < options.size() ) { if( new_index != selected_index() ) { selected_index_ = new_index; if( on_change ) { on_change(selected_index(), options[selected_index()].second); } set_dirty(); } } } void OptionsField::set_by_value(value_t v) { size_t new_index { 0 }; for(const auto& option : options) { if( option.second == v ) { set_selected_index(new_index); break; } new_index++; } } void OptionsField::set_options(options_t new_options) { options = new_options; set_by_value(0); set_dirty(); } void OptionsField::paint(Painter& painter) { const auto paint_style = has_focus() ? style().invert() : style(); painter.fill_rectangle({screen_rect().pos, {length_ * 8, 16}}, ui::Color::black()); if( selected_index() < options.size() ) { const auto text = options[selected_index()].first; painter.draw_string( screen_pos(), paint_style, text ); } } void OptionsField::on_focus() { if( on_show_options ) { on_show_options(); } } bool OptionsField::on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) { set_selected_index(selected_index() + delta); return true; } bool OptionsField::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { if( event.type == TouchEvent::Type::Start ) { focus(); } return true; } /* NumberField ***********************************************************/ NumberField::NumberField( Point parent_pos, size_t length, range_t range, int32_t step, char fill_char ) : Widget { { parent_pos, { static_cast(8 * length), 16 } } }, range { range }, step { step }, length_ { length }, fill_char { fill_char } { set_focusable(true); } int32_t NumberField::value() const { return value_; } void NumberField::set_value(int32_t new_value, bool trigger_change) { new_value = clip_value(new_value); if( new_value != value() ) { value_ = new_value; if( on_change && trigger_change ) { on_change(value_); } set_dirty(); } } void NumberField::set_value(int32_t new_value) { set_value(new_value, true); } void NumberField::set_range(const int32_t min, const int32_t max) { range.first = min; range.second = max; set_value(value(), false); } void NumberField::paint(Painter& painter) { const auto text = to_string_dec_int(value_, length_, fill_char); const auto paint_style = has_focus() ? style().invert() : style(); painter.draw_string( screen_pos(), paint_style, text ); } bool NumberField::on_key(const KeyEvent key) { if( key == KeyEvent::Select ) { if( on_select ) { on_select(*this); return true; } } return false; } bool NumberField::on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) { set_value(value() + (delta * step)); return true; } bool NumberField::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { if( event.type == TouchEvent::Type::Start ) { focus(); } return true; } int32_t NumberField::clip_value(int32_t value) { if( value > range.second ) { value = range.second; } if( value < range.first ) { value = range.first; } return value; } } /* namespace ui */