/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" #include "hal.h" #include "utility.hpp" #include "memory_map.hpp" #include "crc.hpp" #include #include namespace portapack { namespace persistent_memory { constexpr rf::Frequency tuned_frequency_reset_value { 100000000 }; using ppb_range_t = range_t; constexpr ppb_range_t ppb_range { -99000, 99000 }; constexpr ppb_t ppb_reset_value { 0 }; using tone_mix_range_t = range_t; constexpr tone_mix_range_t tone_mix_range { 10, 99 }; constexpr int32_t tone_mix_reset_value { 20 }; using afsk_freq_range_t = range_t; constexpr afsk_freq_range_t afsk_freq_range { 1, 4000 }; constexpr int32_t afsk_mark_reset_value { 1200 }; constexpr int32_t afsk_space_reset_value { 2200 }; using modem_baudrate_range_t = range_t; constexpr modem_baudrate_range_t modem_baudrate_range { 50, 9600 }; constexpr int32_t modem_baudrate_reset_value { 1200 }; /*using modem_bw_range_t = range_t; constexpr modem_bw_range_t modem_bw_range { 1000, 50000 }; constexpr int32_t modem_bw_reset_value { 15000 };*/ using modem_repeat_range_t = range_t; constexpr modem_repeat_range_t modem_repeat_range { 1, 99 }; constexpr int32_t modem_repeat_reset_value { 5 }; using clkout_freq_range_t = range_t; constexpr clkout_freq_range_t clkout_freq_range { 10, 60000 }; constexpr uint32_t clkout_freq_reset_value { 10000 }; enum data_structure_version_enum : uint32_t { VERSION_CURRENT = 0x10000002, }; static const uint32_t TOUCH_CALIBRATION_MAGIC = 0x074af82f; struct ui_config_t { private: enum bits_t { BacklightTimeoutLSB = 0, BacklightTimeoutEnable = 3, ClkoutFreqLSB = 4, ShowGUIReturnIcon = 20, LoadAppSettings = 21, SaveAppSettings = 22, ShowBiggerQRCode = 23, DisableTouchscreen = 24, HideClock = 25, ClockWithDate = 26, ClkOutEnabled = 27, ConfigSpeaker = 28, StealthMode = 29, ConfigLogin = 30, ConfigSplash = 31, }; enum bits_mask_t : uint32_t { BacklightTimeoutMask = ((1 << 3) - 1) << bits_t::BacklightTimeoutLSB, ClkoutFreqMask = ((1 << 16) - 1) << bits_t::ClkoutFreqLSB, }; uint32_t values; constexpr bool bit_read(const bits_t n) const { return ((values >> n) & 1) != 0; } constexpr void bit_write(const bits_t n, const bool v) { if(bit_read(n) != v) { values ^= 1 << n; } } public: backlight_config_t config_backlight_timer() { const auto timeout_enum = (backlight_timeout_t)((values & bits_mask_t::BacklightTimeoutMask) >> bits_t::BacklightTimeoutLSB); const bool timeout_enabled = bit_read(bits_t::BacklightTimeoutEnable); return backlight_config_t(timeout_enum, timeout_enabled); } void set_config_backlight_timer(const backlight_config_t& new_value) { values = (values & ~bits_mask_t::BacklightTimeoutMask) | ((new_value.timeout_enum() << bits_t::BacklightTimeoutLSB) & bits_mask_t::BacklightTimeoutMask); bit_write(bits_t::BacklightTimeoutEnable, new_value.timeout_enabled()); } constexpr uint32_t clkout_freq() { uint32_t freq = (values & bits_mask_t::ClkoutFreqMask) >> bits_t::ClkoutFreqLSB; if(freq < clkout_freq_range.minimum || freq > clkout_freq_range.maximum) { values = (values & ~bits_mask_t::ClkoutFreqMask) | (clkout_freq_reset_value << bits_t::ClkoutFreqLSB); return clkout_freq_reset_value; } else { return freq; } } constexpr void set_clkout_freq(uint32_t freq) { values = (values & ~bits_mask_t::ClkoutFreqMask) | (clkout_freq_range.clip(freq) << bits_t::ClkoutFreqLSB); } // ui_config is an uint32_t var storing information bitwise // bits 0-2 store the backlight timer // bits 4-19 (16 bits) store the clkout frequency // bits 21-31 store the different single bit configs depicted below // bit 20 store the display state of the gui return icon, hidden (0) or shown (1) constexpr bool show_gui_return_icon() const { // add return icon in touchscreen menue return bit_read(bits_t::ShowGUIReturnIcon); } constexpr void set_gui_return_icon(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::ShowGUIReturnIcon, v); } constexpr bool load_app_settings() const { // load (last saved) app settings on startup of app return bit_read(bits_t::LoadAppSettings); } constexpr void set_load_app_settings(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::LoadAppSettings, v); } constexpr bool save_app_settings() const { // save app settings when closing app return bit_read(bits_t::SaveAppSettings); } constexpr void set_save_app_settings(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::SaveAppSettings, v); } constexpr bool show_bigger_qr_code() const { // show bigger QR code return bit_read(bits_t::ShowBiggerQRCode); } constexpr void set_show_bigger_qr_code(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::ShowBiggerQRCode, v); } constexpr bool disable_touchscreen() const { // Option to disable touch screen return bit_read(bits_t::DisableTouchscreen); } constexpr void set_disable_touchscreen(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::DisableTouchscreen, v); } constexpr bool hide_clock() const { // clock hidden from main menu return bit_read(bits_t::HideClock); } constexpr void set_clock_hidden(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::HideClock, v); } constexpr bool clock_with_date() const { // show clock with date, if not hidden return bit_read(bits_t::ClockWithDate); } constexpr void set_clock_with_date(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::ClockWithDate, v); } constexpr bool clkout_enabled() const { return bit_read(bits_t::ClkOutEnabled); } constexpr void set_clkout_enabled(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::ClkOutEnabled, v); } constexpr bool config_speaker() const { return bit_read(bits_t::ConfigSpeaker); } constexpr void set_config_speaker(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::ConfigSpeaker, v); } constexpr bool stealth_mode() const { return bit_read(bits_t::StealthMode); } constexpr void set_stealth_mode(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::StealthMode, v); } constexpr bool config_login() const { return bit_read(bits_t::ConfigLogin); } constexpr void set_config_login(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::ConfigLogin, v); } constexpr bool config_splash() const { return bit_read(bits_t::ConfigSplash); } constexpr void set_config_splash(bool v) { bit_write(bits_t::ConfigSplash, v); } constexpr ui_config_t() : values( (1 << ConfigSplash) | (1 << ConfigSpeaker) | (clkout_freq_reset_value << ClkoutFreqLSB) | (7 << BacklightTimeoutLSB) ) { } }; /* struct must pack the same way on M4 and M0 cores. */ struct data_t { data_structure_version_enum structure_version; int64_t tuned_frequency; int32_t correction_ppb; uint32_t touch_calibration_magic; touch::Calibration touch_calibration; // Modem uint32_t modem_def_index; serial_format_t serial_format; int32_t modem_bw; int32_t afsk_mark_freq; int32_t afsk_space_freq; int32_t modem_baudrate; int32_t modem_repeat; // Play dead unlock uint32_t playdead_magic; uint32_t playing_dead; uint32_t playdead_sequence; // UI ui_config_t ui_config; uint32_t pocsag_last_address; uint32_t pocsag_ignore_address; int32_t tone_mix; // Hardware uint32_t hardware_config; // Recon App uint64_t recon_config; // converter: show or hide icon. Hiding cause auto disable to avoid mistakes bool hide_converter ; // enable or disable converter bool converter ; // set up converter (false) or down converter (true) converter bool updown_converter ; // up/down converter offset int64_t converter_frequency_offset ; constexpr data_t() : structure_version(data_structure_version_enum::VERSION_CURRENT), tuned_frequency(tuned_frequency_reset_value), correction_ppb(ppb_reset_value), touch_calibration_magic(TOUCH_CALIBRATION_MAGIC), touch_calibration(touch::Calibration()), modem_def_index(0), // TODO: Unused? serial_format(), modem_bw(15000), // TODO: Unused? afsk_mark_freq(afsk_mark_reset_value), afsk_space_freq(afsk_space_reset_value), modem_baudrate(modem_baudrate_reset_value), modem_repeat(modem_repeat_reset_value), playdead_magic(), // TODO: Unused? playing_dead(), // TODO: Unused? playdead_sequence(), // TODO: Unused? ui_config(), pocsag_last_address(0), // TODO: A better default? pocsag_ignore_address(0), // TODO: A better default? tone_mix(tone_mix_reset_value), hardware_config(0), recon_config(0), hide_converter(0), converter(0), updown_converter(0), converter_frequency_offset(0) { } }; struct backup_ram_t { private: uint32_t regfile[63]; uint32_t check_value; static void copy(const backup_ram_t& src, backup_ram_t& dst) { for(size_t i=0; i<63; i++) { dst.regfile[i] = src.regfile[i]; } dst.check_value = src.check_value; } static void copy_from_data_t(const data_t& src, backup_ram_t& dst) { const uint32_t* const src_words = (uint32_t*)&src; const size_t word_count = (sizeof(data_t) + 3) / 4; for(size_t i=0; i<63; i++) { if(i crc { 0x04c11db7, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff }; for(size_t i=0; i<63; i++) { const auto word = regfile[i]; crc.process_byte((word >> 0) & 0xff); crc.process_byte((word >> 8) & 0xff); crc.process_byte((word >> 16) & 0xff); crc.process_byte((word >> 24) & 0xff); } return crc.checksum(); } public: /* default constructor */ backup_ram_t() : check_value(0) { const data_t defaults = data_t(); copy_from_data_t(defaults, *this); } /* copy-assignment operator */ backup_ram_t& operator=(const backup_ram_t& src) { copy(src, *this); return *this; } /* Calculate a check value from `this`, and check against * the stored value. */ bool is_valid() { return compute_check_value() == check_value; } /* Assuming `this` contains valid data, update the checksum * and copy to the destination. */ void persist_to(backup_ram_t& dst) { check_value = compute_check_value(); copy(*this, dst); } }; static_assert(sizeof(backup_ram_t) == memory::map::backup_ram.size()); static_assert(sizeof(data_t) <= sizeof(backup_ram_t) - sizeof(uint32_t)); static backup_ram_t* const backup_ram = reinterpret_cast(memory::map::backup_ram.base()); static backup_ram_t cached_backup_ram; static data_t* const data = reinterpret_cast(&cached_backup_ram); namespace cache { void defaults() { cached_backup_ram = backup_ram_t(); // defaults values for recon app set_recon_autosave_freqs( false ); set_recon_autostart_recon( true ); set_recon_continuous( true ); set_recon_clear_output( false ); set_recon_load_freqs( true ); set_recon_load_ranges( true ); set_recon_update_ranges_when_recon( true ); set_recon_load_hamradios( true ); set_recon_match_mode( 0 ); } void init() { if(backup_ram->is_valid()) { // Copy valid persistent data into cache. cached_backup_ram = *backup_ram; // Check that structure data we copied into cache is the expected // version. If not, initialize cache to defaults. if(data->structure_version != data_structure_version_enum::VERSION_CURRENT) { // TODO: Can provide version-to-version upgrade functions here, // if we want to be fancy. defaults(); } } else { // Copy defaults into cache. defaults(); } } void persist() { cached_backup_ram.persist_to(*backup_ram); } } /* namespace cache */ rf::Frequency tuned_frequency() { rf::tuning_range.reset_if_outside(data->tuned_frequency, tuned_frequency_reset_value); return data->tuned_frequency; } void set_tuned_frequency(const rf::Frequency new_value) { data->tuned_frequency = rf::tuning_range.clip(new_value); } ppb_t correction_ppb() { ppb_range.reset_if_outside(data->correction_ppb, ppb_reset_value); return data->correction_ppb; } void set_correction_ppb(const ppb_t new_value) { const auto clipped_value = ppb_range.clip(new_value); data->correction_ppb = clipped_value; portapack::clock_manager.set_reference_ppb(clipped_value); } void set_touch_calibration(const touch::Calibration& new_value) { data->touch_calibration = new_value; data->touch_calibration_magic = TOUCH_CALIBRATION_MAGIC; } const touch::Calibration& touch_calibration() { if( data->touch_calibration_magic != TOUCH_CALIBRATION_MAGIC ) { set_touch_calibration(touch::Calibration()); } return data->touch_calibration; } int32_t tone_mix() { tone_mix_range.reset_if_outside(data->tone_mix, tone_mix_reset_value); return data->tone_mix; } void set_tone_mix(const int32_t new_value) { data->tone_mix = tone_mix_range.clip(new_value); } int32_t afsk_mark_freq() { afsk_freq_range.reset_if_outside(data->afsk_mark_freq, afsk_mark_reset_value); return data->afsk_mark_freq; } void set_afsk_mark(const int32_t new_value) { data->afsk_mark_freq = afsk_freq_range.clip(new_value); } int32_t afsk_space_freq() { afsk_freq_range.reset_if_outside(data->afsk_space_freq, afsk_space_reset_value); return data->afsk_space_freq; } void set_afsk_space(const int32_t new_value) { data->afsk_space_freq = afsk_freq_range.clip(new_value); } int32_t modem_baudrate() { modem_baudrate_range.reset_if_outside(data->modem_baudrate, modem_baudrate_reset_value); return data->modem_baudrate; } void set_modem_baudrate(const int32_t new_value) { data->modem_baudrate = modem_baudrate_range.clip(new_value); } /*int32_t modem_bw() { modem_bw_range.reset_if_outside(data->modem_bw, modem_bw_reset_value); return data->modem_bw; } void set_modem_bw(const int32_t new_value) { data->modem_bw = modem_bw_range.clip(new_value); }*/ uint8_t modem_repeat() { modem_repeat_range.reset_if_outside(data->modem_repeat, modem_repeat_reset_value); return data->modem_repeat; } void set_modem_repeat(const uint32_t new_value) { data->modem_repeat = modem_repeat_range.clip(new_value); } serial_format_t serial_format() { return data->serial_format; } void set_serial_format(const serial_format_t new_value) { data->serial_format = new_value; } bool show_gui_return_icon() { // add return icon in touchscreen menue return data->ui_config.show_gui_return_icon(); } bool load_app_settings() { // load (last saved) app settings on startup of app return data->ui_config.load_app_settings(); } bool save_app_settings() { // save app settings when closing app return data->ui_config.save_app_settings(); } bool show_bigger_qr_code() { // show bigger QR code return data->ui_config.show_bigger_qr_code(); } bool disable_touchscreen() { // Option to disable touch screen return data->ui_config.disable_touchscreen(); } bool hide_clock() { // clock hidden from main menu return data->ui_config.hide_clock(); } bool clock_with_date() { // show clock with date, if not hidden return data->ui_config.clock_with_date(); } bool clkout_enabled() { return data->ui_config.clkout_enabled(); } bool config_speaker() { return data->ui_config.config_speaker(); } bool stealth_mode() { return data->ui_config.stealth_mode(); } bool config_login() { return data->ui_config.config_login(); } bool config_splash() { return data->ui_config.config_splash(); } uint8_t config_cpld() { return data->hardware_config; } backlight_config_t config_backlight_timer() { return data->ui_config.config_backlight_timer(); } void set_gui_return_icon(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_gui_return_icon(v); } void set_load_app_settings(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_load_app_settings(v); } void set_save_app_settings(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_save_app_settings(v); } void set_show_bigger_qr_code(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_show_bigger_qr_code(v); } void set_disable_touchscreen(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_disable_touchscreen(v); } void set_clock_hidden(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_clock_hidden(v); } void set_clock_with_date(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_clock_with_date(v); } void set_clkout_enabled(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_clkout_enabled(v); } void set_config_speaker(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_config_speaker(v); } void set_stealth_mode(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_stealth_mode(v); } void set_config_login(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_config_login(v); } void set_config_splash(bool v) { data->ui_config.set_config_splash(v); } void set_config_cpld(uint8_t i) { data->hardware_config = i; } void set_config_backlight_timer(const backlight_config_t& new_value) { data->ui_config.set_config_backlight_timer(new_value); } /*void set_config_textentry(uint8_t new_value) { data->ui_config = (data->ui_config & ~0b100) | ((new_value & 1) << 2); } uint8_t ui_config_textentry() { return ((data->ui_config >> 2) & 1); }*/ /*void set_ui_config(const uint32_t new_value) { data->ui_config = new_value; }*/ uint32_t pocsag_last_address() { return data->pocsag_last_address; } void set_pocsag_last_address(uint32_t address) { data->pocsag_last_address = address; } uint32_t pocsag_ignore_address() { return data->pocsag_ignore_address; } void set_pocsag_ignore_address(uint32_t address) { data->pocsag_ignore_address = address; } uint32_t clkout_freq() { return data->ui_config.clkout_freq(); } void set_clkout_freq(uint32_t freq) { data->ui_config.set_clkout_freq(freq); } bool recon_autosave_freqs() { return (data->recon_config & 0x80000000UL) ? true : false; } bool recon_autostart_recon() { return (data->recon_config & 0x40000000UL) ? true : false; } bool recon_continuous() { return (data->recon_config & 0x20000000UL) ? true : false; } bool recon_clear_output() { return (data->recon_config & 0x10000000UL) ? true : false; } bool recon_load_freqs() { return (data->recon_config & 0x08000000UL) ? true : false; } bool recon_load_ranges() { return (data->recon_config & 0x04000000UL) ? true : false; } bool recon_update_ranges_when_recon() { return (data->recon_config & 0x02000000UL) ? true : false; } bool recon_load_hamradios() { return (data->recon_config & 0x01000000UL) ? true : false; } bool recon_match_mode() { return (data->recon_config & 0x00800000UL) ? true : false; } void set_recon_autosave_freqs(const bool v ){ data->recon_config = (data->recon_config & ~0x80000000UL) | (v << 31); } void set_recon_autostart_recon(const bool v ){ data->recon_config = (data->recon_config & ~0x40000000UL) | (v << 30); } void set_recon_continuous(const bool v ){ data->recon_config = (data->recon_config & ~0x20000000UL) | (v << 29); } void set_recon_clear_output(const bool v ){ data->recon_config = (data->recon_config & ~0x10000000UL) | (v << 28); } void set_recon_load_freqs(const bool v ){ data->recon_config = (data->recon_config & ~0x08000000UL) | (v << 27); } void set_recon_load_ranges(const bool v ){ data->recon_config = (data->recon_config & ~0x04000000UL) | (v << 26); } void set_recon_update_ranges_when_recon(const bool v ){ data->recon_config = (data->recon_config & ~0x02000000UL) | (v << 25); } void set_recon_load_hamradios(const bool v ){ data->recon_config = (data->recon_config & ~0x01000000UL) | (v << 24); } void set_recon_match_mode(const bool v ) { data->recon_config = (data->recon_config & ~0x00800000UL) | (v << 23); } bool config_hide_converter() { return data->hide_converter; } bool config_converter() { return data->converter; } bool config_updown_converter() { return data->updown_converter; } int64_t config_converter_freq() { return data->converter_frequency_offset ; } void set_config_hide_converter(const bool v ){ data-> hide_converter = v ; if( v ) { data -> converter = false ; } } void set_config_converter(const bool v ){ data-> converter = v ; } void set_config_updown_converter(const bool v){ data-> updown_converter = v ; } void set_config_converter_freq(const int64_t v ){ data-> converter_frequency_offset = v ; } } /* namespace persistent_memory */ } /* namespace portapack */