/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_sstvtx.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" #include "hackrf_hal.hpp" #include <cstring> #include <stdio.h> using namespace portapack; namespace ui { void SSTVTXView::focus() { if (file_error) nav_.display_modal("No files", "No valid bitmaps\nin /sstv directory.", ABORT, nullptr); else options_bitmaps.focus(); } void SSTVTXView::read_boundary(uint8_t* const buffer, uint32_t position, uint32_t length) { uint32_t to_read, split; uint8_t* buffer_copy = buffer; bmp_file.seek(position); // FatFS bug workaround: we can't read across 512 byte boundaries ?! while (length) { to_read = (length <= 512) ? length : 512; if ((position & 512) != ((position + to_read - 1) & 512)) { // Crossing: do 2 reads before and after the boundary split = 512 - (position & 511); bmp_file.read(buffer_copy, split); bmp_file.read(buffer_copy + split, to_read - split); } else { // No crossing, just read normally bmp_file.read(buffer_copy, to_read); } position += to_read; buffer_copy += to_read; length -= to_read; } } void SSTVTXView::paint(Painter&) { ui::Color line_buffer[160]; Coord line; uint32_t data_idx, bmp_px, pixel_idx; data_idx = bmp_header.image_data; for (line = 0; line < (256 / 2); line++) { // Buffer a whole line read_boundary(pixels_buffer, data_idx, sizeof(pixels_buffer)); for (bmp_px = 0; bmp_px < 160; bmp_px++) { pixel_idx = bmp_px * 3 * 2; line_buffer[bmp_px] = Color(pixels_buffer[pixel_idx + 2], pixels_buffer[pixel_idx + 1], pixels_buffer[pixel_idx + 0]); } portapack::display.render_line({16, 80 + 128 - line}, 160, line_buffer); data_idx += sizeof(pixels_buffer) * 2; } } SSTVTXView::~SSTVTXView() { transmitter_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } void SSTVTXView::prepare_scanline() { sstv_scanline scanline_buffer; uint32_t component, pixel_idx; uint8_t offset; if (scanline_counter >= (256 * 3)) { progressbar.set_value(0); transmitter_model.disable(); options_bitmaps.set_focusable(true); tx_view.set_transmitting(false); return; } progressbar.set_value(scanline_counter); // Scottie 2 scanline: // (First line: 1200 9ms) // 1500 1.5ms // Green // 1500 1.5ms // Blue // 1200 9ms // 1500 1.5ms // Red // Scanline time: 88.064ms (275.2us/pixel @ 320 pixels/line) component = scanline_counter % 3; if ((!scanline_counter && tx_sstv_mode->sync_on_first) || (component == tx_sstv_mode->sync_index)) { // Sync scanline_buffer.start_tone.frequency = SSTV_F2D(1200); scanline_buffer.start_tone.duration = tx_sstv_mode->samples_per_sync; scanline_buffer.gap_tone.frequency = SSTV_F2D(1500); scanline_buffer.gap_tone.duration = tx_sstv_mode->samples_per_gap; } else { // Regular scanline scanline_buffer.start_tone.duration = 0; if (tx_sstv_mode->gaps) { scanline_buffer.gap_tone.frequency = SSTV_F2D(1500); scanline_buffer.gap_tone.duration = tx_sstv_mode->samples_per_gap; } } if (!component) { // Read a new line read_boundary(pixels_buffer, bmp_header.image_data + ((255 - (scanline_counter / 3)) * sizeof(pixels_buffer)), sizeof(pixels_buffer)); } offset = component_map[component]; for (uint32_t bmp_px = 0; bmp_px < 320; bmp_px++) { pixel_idx = bmp_px * 3; scanline_buffer.luma[bmp_px] = pixels_buffer[pixel_idx + offset]; } baseband::set_fifo_data((int8_t*)&scanline_buffer); scanline_counter++; } void SSTVTXView::start_tx() { // The baseband SSTV TX code (proc_sstv) has a 2-scanline buffer. It is preloaded before // TX start, and asks for fill-up when a new scanline starts being read. This should // leave enough time for the code in prepare_scanline() before it ends. scanline_counter = 0; prepare_scanline(); // Preload one scanline transmitter_model.enable(); baseband::set_sstv_data( tx_sstv_mode->vis_code, tx_sstv_mode->samples_per_pixel); // Todo: Find a better way to prevent user from changing bitmap during tx options_bitmaps.set_focusable(false); tx_view.focus(); } void SSTVTXView::on_bitmap_changed(const size_t index) { bmp_file.open("/sstv/" + bitmaps[index].string()); bmp_file.read(&bmp_header, sizeof(bmp_header)); set_dirty(); } void SSTVTXView::on_mode_changed(const size_t index) { sstv_color_seq tx_color_sequence; tx_sstv_mode = &sstv_modes[index]; tx_color_sequence = sstv_modes[index].color_sequence; if (tx_color_sequence == SSTV_COLOR_RGB) { component_map[0] = 2; component_map[1] = 1; component_map[2] = 0; } else if (tx_color_sequence == SSTV_COLOR_GBR) { component_map[0] = 1; component_map[1] = 0; component_map[2] = 2; } progressbar.set_max(sstv_modes[index].lines * 3); } SSTVTXView::SSTVTXView( NavigationView& nav) : nav_(nav) { std::vector<std::filesystem::path> file_list; using option_t = std::pair<std::string, int32_t>; using options_t = std::vector<option_t>; options_t bitmap_options; options_t mode_options; uint32_t c; // Search for valid bitmaps file_list = scan_root_files(u"/sstv", u"*.bmp"); if (!file_list.size()) { file_error = true; return; } for (const auto& file_name : file_list) { if (!bmp_file.open("/sstv/" + file_name.string()).is_valid()) { bmp_file.read(&bmp_header, sizeof(bmp_header)); if ((bmp_header.signature == 0x4D42) && // "BM" (bmp_header.width == 320) && // Must be exactly 320x256 pixels for now (bmp_header.height == 256) && (bmp_header.planes == 1) && (bmp_header.bpp == 24) && // 24 bpp only (bmp_header.compression == 0)) { // No compression bitmaps.push_back(file_name); } } } if (!bitmaps.size()) { file_error = true; return; } // Maybe this could be merged with proc_tones ? Pretty much the same except lots // of different tones (256+) baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_sstv_tx); add_children({&labels, &options_bitmaps, &options_modes, &progressbar, &tx_view}); // Populate file list for (const auto& bitmap : bitmaps) bitmap_options.emplace_back(bitmap.string().substr(0, 16), 0); options_bitmaps.set_options(bitmap_options); // Populate mode list for (c = 0; c < SSTV_MODES_NB; c++) mode_options.emplace_back(sstv_modes[c].name, c); options_modes.set_options(mode_options); options_bitmaps.on_change = [this](size_t i, int32_t) { this->on_bitmap_changed(i); }; options_bitmaps.set_selected_index(0); // First file on_bitmap_changed(0); options_modes.on_change = [this](size_t i, int32_t) { this->on_mode_changed(i); }; options_modes.set_selected_index(1); // Scottie 2 on_mode_changed(1); tx_view.on_edit_frequency = [this, &nav]() { auto new_view = nav.push<FrequencyKeypadView>(transmitter_model.target_frequency()); new_view->on_changed = [this](rf::Frequency f) { transmitter_model.set_target_frequency(f); // NB: The freq field is only updated because TXView's on_show runs again. }; }; tx_view.on_start = [this]() { start_tx(); tx_view.set_transmitting(true); }; tx_view.on_stop = [this]() { baseband::set_sstv_data(0, 0); tx_view.set_transmitting(false); transmitter_model.disable(); options_bitmaps.set_focusable(true); }; } } /* namespace ui */