The f_mount fucntion registers/unregisters file system object to the FatFs module.
FRESULT f_mount ( FATFS* fs, /* [IN] File system object */ const TCHAR* path, /* [IN] Logical drive number */ BYTE opt /* [IN] Initialization option */ );
The f_mount function registers/unregisters a file system object used for the logical drive to the FatFs module as follows:
The file system object is the work area needed for each logical drive. It must be given to the logical drive with this function prior to use any other file functions except for f_fdisk function to the logical drive. To unregister the work area, specify a NULL to the fs, and then the work area can be discarded.
If forced mounting is not specified, this function always succeeds regardless of the physical drive status due to delayed mount feature. It only clears (de-initializes) the given work area and registers its address to the internal table. No activity of the physical drive in this function. It can also be used to force de-initialized the registered work area of a logical drive. The volume mount processes, initialize the corresponding physical drive, find the FAT volume in it and initialize the work area, is performed in the subsequent file access functions when either or both of following condition is true.
If the function with forced mounting failed, it means that the file system object has been registered successfully but the volume is currently not ready to work. The volume mount process will also be attempted at subsequent file access functions.
If implementation of the disk I/O layer lacks media change detection, application program needs to perform a f_mount function after each media change to force cleared the file system object.
Always available.