/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * Copyright (C) 2023 Kyle Reed * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_freqman.hpp" #include "binder.hpp" #include "event_m0.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" #include "rtc_time.hpp" #include "tone_key.hpp" #include "ui_receiver.hpp" #include "ui_styles.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" #include using namespace portapack; using namespace ui; namespace fs = std::filesystem; // TODO: Clean up after moving to better lookup tables. using options_t = OptionsField::options_t; extern options_t freqman_modulations; extern options_t freqman_bandwidths[4]; extern options_t freqman_steps; extern options_t freqman_steps_short; /* Set options. */ void freqman_set_modulation_option(OptionsField& option) { option.set_options(freqman_modulations); } void freqman_set_bandwidth_option(freqman_index_t modulation, OptionsField& option) { if (is_valid(modulation)) option.set_options(freqman_bandwidths[modulation]); } void freqman_set_step_option(OptionsField& option) { option.set_options(freqman_steps); } void freqman_set_step_option_short(OptionsField& option) { option.set_options(freqman_steps_short); } namespace ui { /* FreqManBaseView ***************************************/ size_t FreqManBaseView::current_category_index = 0; FreqManBaseView::FreqManBaseView( NavigationView& nav) : nav_(nav) { add_children( {&label_category, &options_category, &button_exit}); options_category.on_change = [this](size_t new_index, int32_t) { change_category(new_index); }; button_exit.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { nav.pop(); }; refresh_categories(); }; void FreqManBaseView::focus() { button_exit.focus(); // TODO: Shouldn't be on focus. if (error_ == ERROR_ACCESS) { nav_.display_modal("Error", "File access error", ABORT); } else if (error_ == ERROR_NOFILES) { nav_.display_modal("Error", "No database files\nin /FREQMAN", ABORT); } else { options_category.focus(); } } void FreqManBaseView::change_category(size_t new_index) { if (categories().empty()) return; current_category_index = new_index; if (!db_.open(get_freqman_path(current_category()))) { error_ = ERROR_ACCESS; } freqlist_view.set_db(db_); } void FreqManBaseView::refresh_categories() { OptionsField::options_t new_categories; scan_root_files( freqman_dir, u"*.TXT", [&new_categories](const fs::path& path) { // Skip temp/hidden files. if (path.empty() || path.native()[0] == u'.') return; // The UI layer will truncate long file names when displaying. new_categories.emplace_back(path.stem().string(), new_categories.size()); }); // Alphabetically sort the categories. std::sort(new_categories.begin(), new_categories.end(), [](auto& left, auto& right) { return left.first < right.first; }); // Preserve last selection; ensure in range. current_category_index = clip(current_category_index, 0u, new_categories.size()); auto saved_index = current_category_index; options_category.set_options(std::move(new_categories)); options_category.set_selected_index(saved_index); } void FreqManBaseView::refresh_list(int delta_selected) { // Update the index and ensures in bounds. freqlist_view.set_index(freqlist_view.get_index() + delta_selected); freqlist_view.set_dirty(); } /* FrequencySaveView *************************************/ FrequencySaveView::FrequencySaveView( NavigationView& nav, const rf::Frequency value) : FreqManBaseView(nav) { add_children( {&labels, &big_display, &button_clear, &button_edit, &button_save, &text_description}); entry_.type = freqman_type::Single; entry_.frequency_a = value; entry_.description = to_string_timestamp(rtc_time::now()); refresh_ui(); button_clear.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { entry_.description = ""; refresh_ui(); }; button_edit.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { temp_buffer_ = entry_.description; text_prompt(nav_, temp_buffer_, desc_edit_max, [this](std::string& new_desc) { entry_.description = new_desc; refresh_ui(); }); }; button_save.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { db_.insert_entry(db_.entry_count(), entry_); nav_.pop(); }; } void FrequencySaveView::refresh_ui() { big_display.set(entry_.frequency_a); text_description.set(entry_.description); } /* FrequencyLoadView *************************************/ FrequencyLoadView::FrequencyLoadView( NavigationView& nav) : FreqManBaseView(nav) { add_children({&freqlist_view}); // Resize to fill screen. +2 keeps text out of border. freqlist_view.set_parent_rect({0, 3 * 8, screen_width, 15 * 16 + 2}); freqlist_view.on_select = [&nav, this](size_t index) { auto entry = db_[index]; // TODO: Maybe return center of range if user choses a range when the app // needs a unique frequency, instead of frequency_a? auto has_range = entry.type == freqman_type::Range || entry.type == freqman_type::HamRadio; if (on_range_loaded && has_range) on_range_loaded(entry.frequency_a, entry.frequency_b); else if (on_frequency_loaded) on_frequency_loaded(entry.frequency_a); nav_.pop(); // NB: this will call dtor. }; freqlist_view.on_leave = [this]() { button_exit.focus(); }; } /* FrequencyManagerView **********************************/ void FrequencyManagerView::on_edit_entry() { auto edit_view = nav_.push(current_entry()); edit_view->on_save = [this](const freqman_entry& entry) { db_.replace_entry(current_index(), entry); freqlist_view.set_dirty(); }; } void FrequencyManagerView::on_edit_freq() { auto freq_edit_view = nav_.push(current_entry().frequency_a); freq_edit_view->on_changed = [this](rf::Frequency f) { auto entry = current_entry(); entry.frequency_a = f; db_.replace_entry(current_index(), entry); freqlist_view.set_dirty(); }; } void FrequencyManagerView::on_edit_desc() { temp_buffer_ = current_entry().description; text_prompt(nav_, temp_buffer_, desc_edit_max, [this](std::string& new_desc) { auto entry = current_entry(); entry.description = std::move(new_desc); db_.replace_entry(current_index(), entry); freqlist_view.set_dirty(); }); } void FrequencyManagerView::on_add_category() { temp_buffer_.clear(); text_prompt(nav_, temp_buffer_, 20, [this](std::string& new_name) { if (!new_name.empty()) { create_freqman_file(new_name); refresh_categories(); } }); } void FrequencyManagerView::on_del_category() { nav_.push( "Delete", "Delete " + current_category() + "\nAre you sure?", YESNO, [this](bool choice) { if (choice) { db_.close(); // Ensure file is closed. auto path = get_freqman_path(current_category()); delete_file(path); refresh_categories(); } }); } void FrequencyManagerView::on_add_entry() { freqman_entry entry{ .frequency_a = 100'000'000, .description = std::string{"Entry "} + to_string_dec_uint(db_.entry_count()), .type = freqman_type::Single, }; // Add will insert below the currently selected item. db_.insert_entry(current_index() + 1, entry); refresh_list(1); } void FrequencyManagerView::on_del_entry() { if (db_.empty()) return; nav_.push( "Delete", "Delete " + trim(pretty_string(current_entry(), 23)) + "\nAre you sure?", YESNO, [this](bool choice) { if (choice) { db_.delete_entry(current_index()); refresh_list(); } }); } FrequencyManagerView::FrequencyManagerView( NavigationView& nav) : FreqManBaseView(nav) { add_children( {&freqlist_view, &button_add_category, &button_del_category, &button_edit_entry, &rect_padding, &button_edit_freq, &button_edit_desc, &button_add_entry, &button_del_entry}); freqlist_view.on_select = [this](size_t) { button_edit_entry.focus(); }; // Allows for quickly exiting control. freqlist_view.on_leave = [this]() { button_edit_entry.focus(); }; button_add_category.on_select = [this]() { on_add_category(); }; button_del_category.on_select = [this]() { on_del_category(); }; button_edit_entry.on_select = [this](Button&) { on_edit_entry(); }; button_edit_freq.on_select = [this](Button&) { on_edit_freq(); }; button_edit_desc.on_select = [this](Button&) { on_edit_desc(); }; button_add_entry.on_select = [this]() { on_add_entry(); }; button_del_entry.on_select = [this]() { on_del_entry(); }; } /* FrequencyEditView *************************************/ FrequencyEditView::FrequencyEditView( NavigationView& nav, freqman_entry entry) : nav_{nav}, entry_{std::move(entry)} { add_children({&labels, &field_type, &field_freq_a, &field_freq_b, &field_modulation, &field_bandwidth, &field_step, &field_tone, &field_description, &text_validation, &button_save, &button_cancel}); freqman_set_modulation_option(field_modulation); populate_bandwidth_options(); populate_step_options(); populate_tone_options(); // Add the "invalid/unset" option. Kind of hacky, but... field_modulation.options().insert( field_modulation.options().begin(), {"None", -1}); field_step.options().insert( field_step.options().begin(), {"None", -1}); bind(field_type, entry_.type, [this](auto) { refresh_ui(); }); bind(field_freq_a, entry_.frequency_a, nav, [this](auto) { refresh_ui(); }); bind(field_freq_b, entry_.frequency_b, nav, [this](auto) { refresh_ui(); }); bind(field_modulation, entry_.modulation, [this](auto) { populate_bandwidth_options(); }); bind(field_bandwidth, entry_.bandwidth); bind(field_step, entry_.step); bind(field_tone, entry_.tone); bind(field_description, entry_.description, nav_); button_save.on_select = [this](Button&) { if (on_save) on_save(std::move(entry_)); nav_.pop(); }; button_cancel.on_select = [this](Button&) { nav_.pop(); }; refresh_ui(); } void FrequencyEditView::focus() { button_cancel.focus(); } void FrequencyEditView::refresh_ui() { // This needs to be called whenever a UI option is changed // in a way that causes fields to be unused or would make the // entry fail validation. auto is_range = entry_.type == freqman_type::Range; auto is_ham = entry_.type == freqman_type::HamRadio; auto has_freq_b = is_range || is_ham; field_freq_b.set_style(has_freq_b ? &Styles::white : &Styles::grey); field_step.set_style(is_range ? &Styles::white : &Styles::grey); field_tone.set_style(is_ham ? &Styles::white : &Styles::grey); if (is_valid(entry_)) { text_validation.set("Valid"); text_validation.set_style(&Styles::green); } else { text_validation.set("Error"); text_validation.set_style(&Styles::red); } } // TODO: The following functions shouldn't be needed once // freqman_db lookup tables are complete. void FrequencyEditView::populate_bandwidth_options() { OptionsField::options_t options; options.push_back({"None", -1}); if (entry_.modulation < std::size(freqman_bandwidths)) { auto& bandwidths = freqman_bandwidths[entry_.modulation]; for (auto i = 0u; i < bandwidths.size(); ++i) { auto& item = bandwidths[i]; options.push_back({item.first, (OptionsField::value_t)i}); } } field_bandwidth.set_options(std::move(options)); } void FrequencyEditView::populate_step_options() { OptionsField::options_t options; options.push_back({"None", -1}); for (auto i = 0u; i < freqman_steps.size(); ++i) { auto& item = freqman_steps[i]; options.push_back({item.first, (OptionsField::value_t)i}); } field_step.set_options(std::move(options)); } void FrequencyEditView::populate_tone_options() { using namespace tonekey; OptionsField::options_t options; options.push_back({"None", -1}); for (auto i = 0u; i < tone_keys.size(); ++i) { auto& item = tone_keys[i]; options.push_back({fx100_string(item.second), (OptionsField::value_t)i}); } field_tone.set_options(std::move(options)); } } // namespace ui