/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_receiver.hpp" #include "ui_freqman.hpp" #include "portapack.hpp" using namespace portapack; #include "string_format.hpp" #include "max2837.hpp" namespace ui { /* FrequencyField ********************************************************/ FrequencyField::FrequencyField( const Point parent_pos ) : Widget { { parent_pos, { 8 * 10, 16 } } }, length_ { 11 }, range(rf::tuning_range) { set_focusable(true); } rf::Frequency FrequencyField::value() const { return value_; } void FrequencyField::set_value(rf::Frequency new_value) { new_value = clamp_value(new_value); if( new_value != value_ ) { value_ = new_value; if( on_change ) { on_change(value_); } set_dirty(); } } void FrequencyField::set_step(rf::Frequency new_value) { step = new_value; // TODO: Quantize current frequency to a step of the new size? } void FrequencyField::paint(Painter& painter) { const auto mhz = to_string_dec_int(value_ / 1000000, 4); const auto hz100 = to_string_dec_int((value_ / 100) % 10000, 4, '0'); const auto paint_style = has_focus() ? style().invert() : style(); painter.draw_string( screen_pos(), paint_style, mhz ); painter.draw_string( screen_pos() + Point { 4 * 8, 0 }, paint_style, "." ); painter.draw_string( screen_pos() + Point { 5 * 8, 0 }, paint_style, hz100 ); } bool FrequencyField::on_key(const ui::KeyEvent event) { if( event == ui::KeyEvent::Select ) { if( on_edit ) { on_edit(); return true; } } return false; } bool FrequencyField::on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) { set_value(value() + (delta * step)); return true; } bool FrequencyField::on_touch(const TouchEvent event) { if( event.type == TouchEvent::Type::Start ) { focus(); } return true; } void FrequencyField::on_focus() { if( on_show_options ) { on_show_options(); } } rf::Frequency FrequencyField::clamp_value(rf::Frequency value) { return range.clip(value); } /* FrequencyKeypadView ***************************************************/ FrequencyKeypadView::FrequencyKeypadView( NavigationView& nav, const rf::Frequency value ) { add_child(&text_value); const auto button_fn = [this](Button& button) { this->on_button(button); }; const char* const key_caps = "123456789<0."; int n = 0; for(auto& button : buttons) { add_child(&button); const std::string label { key_caps[n] }; button.on_select = button_fn; button.set_parent_rect({ (n % 3) * button_w, (n / 3) * button_h + 24, button_w, button_h }); button.set_text(label); n++; } add_children({ { &button_save, &button_load, &button_close } }); button_save.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { nav.push(this->value()); }; button_load.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { auto load_view = nav.push(); load_view->on_changed = [this](rf::Frequency value) { set_value(value); }; }; button_close.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { if( on_changed ) { on_changed(this->value()); } nav.pop(); }; set_value(value); } void FrequencyKeypadView::focus() { button_close.focus(); } rf::Frequency FrequencyKeypadView::value() const { return mhz.as_int() * 1000000ULL + submhz.as_int() * submhz_base; } void FrequencyKeypadView::set_value(const rf::Frequency new_value) { mhz.set(new_value / 1000000); mhz.remove_leading_zeros(); submhz.set((new_value % 1000000) / submhz_base); submhz.remove_trailing_zeros(); update_text(); } void FrequencyKeypadView::on_button(Button& button) { const auto s = button.text(); if( s == "." ) { field_toggle(); } else if( s == "<" ) { digit_delete(); } else { digit_add(s[0]); } update_text(); } void FrequencyKeypadView::digit_add(const char c) { if( state == State::DigitMHz ) { if( clear_field_if_digits_entered ) { mhz.clear(); } mhz.add_digit(c); } else { submhz.add_digit(c); } clear_field_if_digits_entered = false; } void FrequencyKeypadView::digit_delete() { if( state == State::DigitMHz ) { mhz.delete_digit(); } else { submhz.delete_digit(); } } void FrequencyKeypadView::field_toggle() { if( state == State::DigitMHz ) { state = State::DigitSubMHz; submhz.clear(); } else { state = State::DigitMHz; clear_field_if_digits_entered = true; } } void FrequencyKeypadView::update_text() { const auto s = mhz.as_string() + "." + submhz.as_string(); text_value.set(s); } /* FrequencyOptionsView **************************************************/ FrequencyOptionsView::FrequencyOptionsView( const Rect parent_rect, const Style* const style ) : View { parent_rect } { set_style(style); field_step.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t v) { (void)n; this->on_step_changed(v); }; field_ppm.on_change = [this](int32_t v) { this->on_reference_ppm_correction_changed(v); }; add_children({ { &text_step, &field_step, &field_ppm, &text_ppm, } }); } void FrequencyOptionsView::set_step(rf::Frequency f) { field_step.set_by_value(f); } void FrequencyOptionsView::set_reference_ppm_correction(int32_t v) { field_ppm.set_value(v); } void FrequencyOptionsView::on_step_changed(rf::Frequency v) { if( on_change_step ) { on_change_step(v); } } void FrequencyOptionsView::on_reference_ppm_correction_changed(int32_t v) { if( on_change_reference_ppm_correction ) { on_change_reference_ppm_correction(v); } } /* RFAmpField ************************************************************/ RFAmpField::RFAmpField( Point parent_pos ) : NumberField { parent_pos, 1, { 0, 1 }, 1, ' ', } { set_value(receiver_model.rf_amp()); on_change = [](int32_t v) { receiver_model.set_rf_amp(v); }; } /* RadioGainOptionsView **************************************************/ RadioGainOptionsView::RadioGainOptionsView( const Rect parent_rect, const Style* const style ) : View { parent_rect } { set_style(style); add_children({ { &label_rf_amp, &field_rf_amp, } }); } /* LNAGainField **********************************************************/ LNAGainField::LNAGainField( Point parent_pos ) : NumberField { parent_pos, 2, { max2837::lna::gain_db_range.minimum, max2837::lna::gain_db_range.maximum }, max2837::lna::gain_db_step, ' ', } { set_value(receiver_model.lna()); on_change = [](int32_t v) { receiver_model.set_lna(v); }; } void LNAGainField::on_focus() { //Widget::on_focus(); if( on_show_options ) { on_show_options(); } } /* VGAGainField **********************************************************/ VGAGainField::VGAGainField( Point parent_pos ) : NumberField { parent_pos, 2, { max2837::vga::gain_db_range.minimum, max2837::vga::gain_db_range.maximum }, max2837::vga::gain_db_step, ' ', } { set_value(receiver_model.vga()); on_change = [](int32_t v) { receiver_model.set_vga(v); }; } void VGAGainField::on_focus() { //Widget::on_focus(); if( on_show_options ) { on_show_options(); } } } /* namespace ui */