/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "irq_controls.hpp" #include "ch.h" #include "debounce.hpp" #include "encoder.hpp" #include "event_m0.hpp" #include "hal.h" #include "touch.hpp" #include "touch_adc.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" #include #include #include "portapack_io.hpp" #include "hackrf_hal.hpp" using namespace hackrf::one; using namespace portapack; static Thread* thread_controls_event = NULL; // Index with the Switch enum. static std::array switch_debounce; static EncoderDebounce encoder_debounce; static_assert(std::size(switch_debounce) == toUType(Switch::Dfu) + 1); static Encoder encoder; static volatile uint32_t encoder_position{0}; static volatile uint32_t touch_phase{0}; /* TODO: Change how touch scanning works. It produces a decent amount of noise * when changing potential on the resistive touch pad. Among other things, I * see blips of noise when sampling the MAX2837 RSSI signal. And when the * radio is off (RSSI signal is not driven?), the signal floats a LOT when the * touch panel potentials are changing. * * Ideally, scan only for pressure until a touch is detected. Then scan X/Y. * Noise will only occur when the panel is being touched. Not ideal, but * an acceptable improvement. */ static std::array touch_pins_configs{ /* State machine will pause here until touch is detected. */ IO::TouchPinsConfig::SensePressure, IO::TouchPinsConfig::SenseX, IO::TouchPinsConfig::SenseY, }; static touch::Frame temp_frame; static touch::Frame touch_frame; static uint32_t touch_debounce = 0; static uint32_t touch_debounce_mask = (1U << 4) - 1; static bool touch_detected = false; static bool touch_cycle = false; static bool touch_update() { const auto samples = touch::adc::get(); const auto current_phase = touch_pins_configs[touch_phase]; switch (current_phase) { case IO::TouchPinsConfig::SensePressure: { const auto z1 = samples.xp - samples.xn; const auto z2 = samples.yp - samples.yn; const auto touch_raw = (z1 > touch::touch_threshold) || (z2 > touch::touch_threshold); touch_debounce = (touch_debounce << 1) | (touch_raw ? 1U : 0U); touch_detected = ((touch_debounce & touch_debounce_mask) == touch_debounce_mask); if (!touch_detected && !touch_cycle) { temp_frame.pressure = {}; return false; } else { temp_frame.pressure += samples; } } break; case IO::TouchPinsConfig::SenseX: temp_frame.x += samples; break; case IO::TouchPinsConfig::SenseY: temp_frame.y += samples; break; default: break; } touch_phase++; if (touch_phase >= touch_pins_configs.size()) { /* New iteration, calculate values and flag touch event */ touch_phase = 0; temp_frame.touch = touch_detected; touch_cycle = touch_detected; touch_frame = temp_frame; temp_frame = {}; return true; } else { return false; } } static uint8_t switches_raw = 0; static uint8_t injected_switch = 0; static uint8_t injected_encoder = 0; /* The raw data is not packed in a way that makes looping over it easy. * One option would be an accessor helper (RawSwitch). Another option * is to swizzle the bits into a friendlier order. */ // /* Type to access the bits in the raw switch data. */ // struct RawSwitch { // const uint8_t raw_{0}; // uint8_t right() const { return (raw_ >> 0) & 1; } // uint8_t left() const { return (raw_ >> 1) & 1; } // uint8_t down() const { return (raw_ >> 2) & 1; } // uint8_t up() const { return (raw_ >> 3) & 1; } // uint8_t select() const { return (raw_ >> 4) & 1; } // uint8_t rot_a() const { return (raw_ >> 5) & 1; } // uint8_t rot_b() const { return (raw_ >> 6) & 1; } // uint8_t dfu() const { return (raw_ >> 7) & 1; }}; uint8_t swizzled_switches() { uint8_t raw = io.io_update(touch_pins_configs[touch_phase]); return (raw & 0x1F) | // Keep the bottom 5 bits the same. ((raw >> 2) & 0x20) | // Shift the DFU bit down to bit 6. ((raw << 1) & 0xC0); // Shift the encoder bits up to be 7 & 8. } static bool switches_update(const uint8_t raw) { // TODO: Only fire event on press, not release? bool switch_changed = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < switch_debounce.size(); ++i) { uint8_t bit = (raw >> i) & 0x01; switch_changed |= switch_debounce[i].feed(bit); } return switch_changed; } static bool encoder_update(const uint8_t raw) { // TODO: swap +1/-1 directions in encoder.update() to avoid needless swizzing of phase bits here return encoder_debounce.feed(((raw >> 7) & 0x01) | ((raw >> 5) & 0x02)); } static bool encoder_read() { auto delta = encoder.update(encoder_debounce.state()); if (injected_encoder > 0) { if (injected_encoder == 1) delta = -1; if (injected_encoder == 2) delta = 1; injected_encoder = 0; } if (delta != 0) { encoder_position += delta; return true; } else { return false; } } void timer0_callback(GPTDriver* const) { eventmask_t event_mask = 0; if (touch_update()) event_mask |= EVT_MASK_TOUCH; switches_raw = swizzled_switches(); if (switches_update(switches_raw) || (injected_switch > 0)) event_mask |= EVT_MASK_SWITCHES; if (encoder_update(switches_raw) || encoder_read()) event_mask |= EVT_MASK_ENCODER; /* Signal event loop */ if (event_mask) { chSysLockFromIsr(); chEvtSignalI(thread_controls_event, event_mask); chSysUnlockFromIsr(); } } /* TODO: Refactor some/all of this to appropriate shared headers? */ static constexpr uint32_t timer0_count_f = 1000000; static constexpr uint32_t timer0_prescaler_ratio = (base_m0_clk_f / timer0_count_f); static constexpr uint32_t ui_interrupt_rate = 1000; static constexpr uint32_t timer0_match_count = timer0_count_f / ui_interrupt_rate; /* GPT driver refers to configuration structure during runtime, so make sure * it sticks around. */ static GPTConfig timer0_config{ .callback = timer0_callback, .pr = timer0_prescaler_ratio - 1, }; void controls_init() { thread_controls_event = chThdSelf(); touch::adc::start(); /* GPT timer 0 is used to scan user interface controls -- touch screen, * navigation switches. */ gptStart(&GPTD1, &timer0_config); gptStartContinuous(&GPTD1, timer0_match_count); // Enable repeat for directional switches only for (auto i = Switch::Right; i <= Switch::Up; incr(i)) switch_debounce[toUType(i)].enable_repeat(); } // Note: Called by event handler or apps, not in ISR, so some presses might be missed during high CPU utilization SwitchesState get_switches_state() { SwitchesState result; // TODO: Ignore multiple keys at the same time? for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) result[i] = switch_debounce[i].state(); if (injected_switch > 0 && injected_switch <= 6) { result[injected_switch - 1] = 1; injected_switch = 0xff; } else if (injected_switch == 0xff) { injected_switch = 0x00; } return result; } /* Gets the long press enabled state for all the switches. */ SwitchesState get_switches_long_press_config() { SwitchesState result; for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) result[i] = switch_debounce[i].get_long_press_enabled(); return result; } /* Configures which switches support long press. * NB: those switches will not support Repeat function. */ void set_switches_long_press_config(SwitchesState switch_config) { for (size_t i = 0; i < switch_config.size(); i++) switch_debounce[i].set_long_press_enabled(switch_config[i]); } bool switch_is_long_pressed(Switch s) { return switch_debounce[toUType(s)].long_press_occurred(); } EncoderPosition get_encoder_position() { return encoder_position; } touch::Frame get_touch_frame() { return touch_frame; } namespace control { namespace debug { uint8_t switches() { return switches_raw; } void inject_switch(uint8_t button) { if (button <= 6) injected_switch = button; else if (button > 6) injected_encoder = button - 6; } } // namespace debug } // namespace control