/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ui_encoders.hpp" #include "baseband_api.hpp" #include "string_format.hpp" #include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace portapack; namespace ui { void EncodersView::focus() { options_enctype.focus(); } EncodersView::~EncodersView() { transmitter_model.disable(); baseband::shutdown(); } void EncodersView::generate_frame() { size_t i; debug_text.clear(); i = 0; for (auto c : encoder_def->word_format) { if (c == 'S') debug_text += encoder_def->sync; else debug_text += encoder_def->bit_format[symfield_word.value(i++)]; } draw_waveform(); } void EncodersView::draw_waveform() { uint32_t n, p = 0, length; length = debug_text.length(); for (n = 0; n < length; n++) { if (debug_text[n] == '0') waveform_buffer[p] = -128; else waveform_buffer[p] = 127; waveform_buffer[p + 1] = waveform_buffer[p]; p += 2; } waveform.set_length(length * 2); waveform.set_dirty(); } void EncodersView::update_progress() { char str[16]; // text_status.set(" "); if (tx_mode == SINGLE) { strcpy(str, to_string_dec_uint(repeat_index).c_str()); strcat(str, "/"); strcat(str, to_string_dec_uint(encoder_def->repeat_min).c_str()); text_status.set(str); progress.set_value(repeat_index); /*} else if (tx_mode == SCAN) { strcpy(str, to_string_dec_uint(repeat_index).c_str()); strcat(str, "/"); strcat(str, to_string_dec_uint(portapack::persistent_memory::afsk_repeats()).c_str()); strcat(str, " "); strcat(str, to_string_dec_uint(scan_index + 1).c_str()); strcat(str, "/"); strcat(str, to_string_dec_uint(scan_count).c_str()); text_status.set(str); progress.set_value(scan_progress);*/ } else { text_status.set("Ready"); progress.set_value(0); } } void EncodersView::on_txdone(int n, const bool txdone) { //char str[16]; if (!txdone) { // Repeating... repeat_index = n + 1; /*if (tx_mode == SCAN) { scan_progress++; update_progress(); } else {*/ update_progress(); //} } else { // Done transmitting /*if ((tx_mode == SCAN) && (scan_index < (scan_count - 1))) { transmitter_model.disable(); if (abort_scan) { // Kill scan process strcpy(str, "Abort @"); strcat(str, rgsb); text_status.set(str); progress.set_value(0); tx_mode = IDLE; abort_scan = false; button_scan.set_style(&style_val); button_scan.set_text("SCAN"); } else { // Next address scan_index++; strcpy(rgsb, &scan_list[options_scanlist.selected_index()].addresses[scan_index * 5]); scan_progress++; repeat_index = 1; update_progress(); start_tx(true); } } else {*/ transmitter_model.disable(); tx_mode = IDLE; text_status.set("Done"); progress.set_value(0); //} } } void EncodersView::on_tuning_frequency_changed(rf::Frequency f) { transmitter_model.set_tuning_frequency(f); } void EncodersView::start_tx(const bool scan) { char ook_bitstream[256]; uint32_t ook_bitstream_length; /*if (scan) { if (tx_mode != SCAN) { scan_index = 0; scan_count = scan_list[options_scanlist.selected_index()].count; scan_progress = 1; repeat_index = 1; tx_mode = SCAN; strcpy(rgsb, &scan_list[options_scanlist.selected_index()].addresses[0]); progress.set_max(scan_count * afsk_repeats); update_progress(); } } else {*/ tx_mode = SINGLE; repeat_index = 1; progress.set_max(encoder_def->repeat_min); update_progress(); //} generate_frame(); // Clear bitstream memset(ook_bitstream, 0, 256); size_t n = 0; for (auto c : debug_text) { if (c != '0') ook_bitstream[n >> 3] |= (1 << (7 - (n & 7))); n++; } ook_bitstream_length = n; transmitter_model.set_sampling_rate(2280000U); transmitter_model.set_rf_amp(true); transmitter_model.set_lna(40); transmitter_model.set_vga(40); transmitter_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(1750000); transmitter_model.enable(); memcpy(shared_memory.bb_data.data, ook_bitstream, 256); baseband::set_ook_data( ook_bitstream_length, // 2280000/2 = 1140000Hz = 0,877192982us // numberfield_clk.value() / encoder_def->clk_per_fragment // 455000 / 12 = 37917Hz = 26,37339452us 228000 / ((numberfield_clk.value() * 1000) / encoder_def->clk_per_fragment), encoder_def->repeat_min, encoder_def->pause_symbols ); } void EncodersView::on_type_change(size_t index) { std::string word_format, format_string = ""; size_t word_length; char symbol_type; //size_t address_length; enc_type = index; encoder_def = &encoder_defs[enc_type]; numberfield_clk.set_value(encoder_def->default_speed / 1000); // SymField setup word_length = encoder_def->word_length; symfield_word.set_length(word_length); size_t n = 0, i = 0; while (n < word_length) { symbol_type = encoder_def->word_format.at(i++); if (symbol_type == 'A') { symfield_word.set_symbol_list(n++, encoder_def->address_symbols); format_string += 'A'; } else if (symbol_type == 'D') { symfield_word.set_symbol_list(n++, encoder_def->data_symbols); format_string += 'D'; } } // Ugly :( Pad to erase while (format_string.length() < 24) format_string += ' '; text_format.set(format_string); /*word_format = encoder_def->word_format; size_t address_start = word_format.find_first_of("A"); size_t data_start = word_format.find_first_of("D"); size_t format_length = word_format.length(); if (address_start == std::string::npos) address_start = format_length; if (data_start == std::string::npos) data_start = format_length; // Never did anything so dirty :( if (!address_start) { address_length = data_start; data_length = format_length - address_length; } else { data_length = address_start; address_length = format_length - data_length; } if (address_length) { text_format_a.hidden(false); text_format_a.set_parent_rect( { (2 + address_start) * 8, 12 * 8, address_length * 8, 16 } ); text_format_a.set_style(&style_address); text_format_a.set(std::string(address_length, 'A')); } else { text_format_a.hidden(true); } if (data_length) { text_format_d.hidden(false); text_format_d.set_parent_rect( { (2 + data_start) * 8, 12 * 8, data_length * 8, 16 } ); text_format_d.set_style(&style_data); text_format_d.set(std::string(data_length, 'D')); } else { text_format_d.hidden(true); }*/ generate_frame(); } void EncodersView::on_show() { // TODO: Remove ? options_enctype.set_selected_index(enc_type); on_type_change(enc_type); } EncodersView::EncodersView(NavigationView& nav) { using name_t = std::string; using value_t = int32_t; using option_t = std::pair; using options_t = std::vector; options_t enc_options; size_t i; baseband::run_image(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_ook); // Default encoder def encoder_def = &encoder_defs[0]; add_children({ &field_frequency, &text_enctype, &options_enctype, &text_clk, &numberfield_clk, &text_kHz, &text_bitduration, &numberfield_bitduration, &text_us1, &text_wordduration, &numberfield_wordduration, &text_us2, &text_symfield, &symfield_word, &text_format, //&text_format_a, // DEBUG //&text_format_d, // DEBUG &text_waveform, &waveform, &text_status, &progress, &button_transmit }); field_frequency.set_value(transmitter_model.tuning_frequency()); field_frequency.set_step(50000); field_frequency.on_change = [this](rf::Frequency f) { this->on_tuning_frequency_changed(f); }; field_frequency.on_edit = [this, &nav]() { // TODO: Provide separate modal method/scheme? auto new_view = nav.push(transmitter_model.tuning_frequency()); new_view->on_changed = [this](rf::Frequency f) { this->on_tuning_frequency_changed(f); this->field_frequency.set_value(f); }; }; // Load encoder types for (i = 0; i < ENC_TYPES_COUNT; i++) enc_options.emplace_back(std::make_pair(encoder_defs[i].name, i)); options_enctype.on_change = [this](size_t index, int32_t value) { (void)value; this->on_type_change(index); }; options_enctype.set_options(enc_options); options_enctype.set_selected_index(0); symfield_word.on_change = [this]() { this->generate_frame(); }; button_transmit.set_style(&style_val); // Selecting input clock changes symbol and word duration numberfield_clk.on_change = [this](int32_t value) { //int32_t new_value = 1000000 / (((float)value * 1000) / encoder_def->clk_per_symbol); // value is in kHz, new_value is in us int32_t new_value = 1000000 / ((value * 1000) / encoder_def->clk_per_symbol); if (new_value != numberfield_bitduration.value()) { numberfield_bitduration.set_value(new_value, false); numberfield_wordduration.set_value(new_value * encoder_def->word_length, false); } }; // Selecting symbol duration changes input clock and word duration numberfield_bitduration.on_change = [this](int32_t value) { int32_t new_value = 1000000 / (((float)value * 1000) / encoder_def->clk_per_symbol); if (new_value != numberfield_clk.value()) { numberfield_clk.set_value(new_value, false); numberfield_wordduration.set_value(value * encoder_def->word_length, false); } }; // Selecting word duration changes input clock and symbol duration numberfield_wordduration.on_change = [this](int32_t value) { int32_t new_value = value / encoder_def->word_length; if (new_value != numberfield_bitduration.value()) { numberfield_bitduration.set_value(new_value, false); numberfield_clk.set_value(1000000 / (((float)new_value * 1000) / encoder_def->clk_per_symbol), false); } }; button_transmit.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) { if (tx_mode == IDLE) start_tx(false); }; } } /* namespace ui */