/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek * * This file is part of PortaPack. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Color bitmaps generated with: // Gimp image > indexed colors (16), then "xxd -i *.bmp" // Note about available RAM: // Check what ends up in the BSS section by looking at the map files ! // Use constexpr where possible or make sure const are in .cpp files, not headers ! // Note about messages: // There can only be one message handler for one kind of message at once // If an attempt is made to register a second handler, there's a chDbgPanic "MsgDblReg" // Note about matched filters: see proc_sonde.hpp //TEST: Goertzel tone detect //TEST: Menuview refresh, seems to blink a lot //TEST: Check AFSK transmit end, skips last bits ? //TEST: Imperial in whipcalc //BUG: Console lock-up if first string to be printed starts with escape character ? //BUG: (Workaround ok) CPLD-related rx ok, tx bad, see portapack.cpp lines 214+ to disable CPLD overlay //BUG: SCANNER Lock on frequency, if frequency jump, still locked on first one //BUG: SCANNER Multiple slices //GLITCH: The about view scroller sometimes misses lines because of a race condition between the display scrolling and drawing the line //GLITCH: Start of tx using ReplayThread plays a small bit of previous transmission (content of 1 buffer ?) // See fifo.reset_in() ? //TODO: Continue acars receiver. See matched filter, probably doesn't shift the spectrum correctly //TODO: Add larger description text field in frequency load, under menuview //TODO: Allow apps to select a preferred FREQMAN file //TODO: Make play button larger in Replay //TODO: Add default headphones volume setting in Audio settings //TODO: Put LNA and VGA controls in Soundboard //TODO: Make CTCSS display only when squelch is opened //TODO: DCS decoder //TODO: Increase resolution of audio FFT view ? Currently 48k/(256/2) (375Hz) because of the use of real values (half of FFT output) //TODO: Move Touchtunes remote to Custom remote //TODO: Use escapes \x1B to set colors in text, it works ! //TODO: Open files in File Manager //TODO: Ask for filename after record //TODO: Super simple text file viewer //TODO: Clean up ReplayThread //TODO: Cap Wav viewer position //TODO: Adapt wav viewer position step //TODO: Use unit_auto_scale //TODO: Remove make_bistream from encoders.cpp, too complex, stinks. bitstream_append should be enough. //TODO: Continue work on proc_afskrx_corr, see python script (it works !) //TODO: De bruijn sequence scanner for encoders //TODO: FILEMAN Move files //TODO: Use separate thread for scanning in EPAR TX //TODO: Make freqman refresh simpler (use previous black rectangle method) //TODO: Merge AFSK and TONES procs ? //TODO: NFM RX mode: nav.pop on squelch //TODO: MORSE use prosigns //TODO: MORSE live keying mode //TODO: Use to_string_short_freq wherever possible //TODO: SCANNER Waveform widget as FFT view ? //TODO: Optimize (and group ?) CTCSS tone gen code /* Continuous (Fox-oring) 12s transmit, 48s space (Sprint 1/5th) 60s transmit, 240s space (Classic 1/5 min) 60s transmit, 360s space (Classic 1/7 min) */ //TODO: FreqMan: Remove and rename categories //TODO: Mousejack ? //TODO: Move frequencykeypad from ui_receiver to ui_widget (used everywhere) //TODO: ADS-B draw trajectory + GPS coordinates + scale, and playback //TODO: RDS multiple groups (sequence) //TODO: Use ModalMessageView confirmation for TX ? //TODO: Use msgpack for settings, lists... on sd card // Multimon-style stuff: //TODO: DMR detector //TODO: GSM channel detector //TODO: Playdead amnesia and login //TODO: Setup: Play dead by default ? Enable/disable ? // Old or low-priority stuff: //TODO: Bodet :) //TODO: Analog TV tx with camcorder font character generator //TODO: Scan for OOK TX //TODO: Check more OOK encoders //BUG (fixed ?): No audio in about when shown second time //TODO: Show MD5 mismatches for modules not found, etc... //TODO: Module name/filename in modules.hpp to indicate requirement in case it's not found ui_loadmodule //BUG: Description doesn't show up first time going to system>module info (UI drawn on top) //TODO: Two players tic-tac-toe //TODO: Analog TV pong game #include "ch.h" #include "portapack.hpp" #include "portapack_shared_memory.hpp" #include "message_queue.hpp" #include "ui.hpp" #include "ui_widget.hpp" #include "ui_painter.hpp" #include "ui_navigation.hpp" #include "irq_lcd_frame.hpp" #include "irq_controls.hpp" #include "irq_rtc.hpp" #include "event_m0.hpp" #include "core_control.hpp" #include "spi_image.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" #include "led.hpp" #include "gcc.hpp" #include "sd_card.hpp" #include static void event_loop() { ui::Context context; ui::SystemView system_view { context, portapack::display.screen_rect() }; EventDispatcher event_dispatcher { &system_view, context }; MessageHandlerRegistration message_handler_display_sleep { Message::ID::DisplaySleep, [&event_dispatcher](const Message* const) { event_dispatcher.set_display_sleep(true); } }; event_dispatcher.run(); } int main(void) { if( portapack::init() ) { portapack::display.init(); sdcStart(&SDCD1, nullptr); controls_init(); lcd_frame_sync_configure(); rtc_interrupt_enable(); event_loop(); sdcDisconnect(&SDCD1); sdcStop(&SDCD1); portapack::shutdown(); } m4_init(portapack::spi_flash::image_tag_hackrf, portapack::memory::map::m4_code_hackrf); m0_halt(); return 0; }