mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 16:47:21 +00:00

gpio_unused: P2_4 -> P2_8 gpio_lcd_rd: P2_8 -> P2_4 P2_8 is a very long line, shared with DFU button. Revise schematic to match CPLD signal names.
288 lines
17 KiB
288 lines
17 KiB
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (C) 1991-2014 Altera Corporation
# Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
# to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
# Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
# Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
# without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
# programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
# Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
# applicable agreement for further details.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Quartus II 32-bit
# Version 13.1.4 Build 182 03/12/2014 SJ Web Edition
# Date created = 21:24:55 April 29, 2014
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Notes:
# 1) The default values for assignments are stored in the file:
# portapack_h1_cpld_assignment_defaults.qdf
# If this file doesn't exist, see file:
# assignment_defaults.qdf
# 2) Altera recommends that you do not modify this file. This
# file is updated automatically by the Quartus II software
# and any changes you make may be lost or overwritten.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "MAX V"
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE 5M40ZE64C5
set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY top
set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 13.1
set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "21:24:55 APRIL 29, 2014"
set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION 14.1.0
set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files
set_global_assignment -name MIN_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 0
set_global_assignment -name MAX_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 85
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PACKAGE EQFP
set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PIN_COUNT 64
set_global_assignment -name ERROR_CHECK_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR "-1"
set_global_assignment -name EDA_SIMULATION_TOOL "ModelSim-Altera (VHDL)"
set_global_assignment -name EDA_NETLIST_WRITER_OUTPUT_DIR simulation/modelsim -section_id eda_simulation
set_global_assignment -name EDA_OUTPUT_DATA_FORMAT VHDL -section_id eda_simulation
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_INPUT_VERSION VHDL_2008
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_SHOW_LMF_MAPPING_MESSAGES OFF
set_global_assignment -name SDC_FILE portapack_h1_cpld.sdc
set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE top.vhd
set_global_assignment -name STRATIX_DEVICE_IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS"
set_location_assignment PIN_46 -to LCD_DB[15]
set_location_assignment PIN_47 -to LCD_DB[14]
set_location_assignment PIN_48 -to LCD_DB[13]
set_location_assignment PIN_49 -to LCD_DB[12]
set_location_assignment PIN_50 -to LCD_DB[11]
set_location_assignment PIN_51 -to LCD_DB[10]
set_location_assignment PIN_52 -to LCD_DB[9]
set_location_assignment PIN_53 -to LCD_DB[8]
set_location_assignment PIN_54 -to LCD_DB[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_55 -to LCD_DB[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_56 -to LCD_DB[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_58 -to LCD_DB[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_59 -to LCD_DB[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_60 -to LCD_DB[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_61 -to LCD_DB[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_62 -to LCD_DB[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_44 -to LCD_RDX
set_location_assignment PIN_43 -to LCD_RS
set_location_assignment PIN_63 -to LCD_TE
set_location_assignment PIN_45 -to LCD_WRX
set_location_assignment PIN_10 -to SW_D
set_location_assignment PIN_28 -to SW_L
set_location_assignment PIN_9 -to SW_R
set_location_assignment PIN_11 -to SW_ROT_A
set_location_assignment PIN_12 -to SW_ROT_B
set_location_assignment PIN_13 -to SW_SEL
set_location_assignment PIN_25 -to SW_U
set_location_assignment PIN_1 -to TP_D
set_location_assignment PIN_2 -to TP_L
set_location_assignment PIN_64 -to TP_R
set_location_assignment PIN_3 -to TP_U
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3V SCHMITT TRIGGER INPUT" -to SW_D
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3V SCHMITT TRIGGER INPUT" -to SW_L
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3V SCHMITT TRIGGER INPUT" -to SW_R
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3V SCHMITT TRIGGER INPUT" -to SW_ROT_A
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3V SCHMITT TRIGGER INPUT" -to SW_ROT_B
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3V SCHMITT TRIGGER INPUT" -to SW_SEL
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3V SCHMITT TRIGGER INPUT" -to SW_U
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to TP_D
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to TP_L
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to TP_R
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to TP_U
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[15]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[14]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[13]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[12]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[11]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[10]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[9]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[8]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[7]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[6]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[5]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[4]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[3]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[2]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_DB[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_RDX
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_RS
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_TE
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_WRX
set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_ENABLE_STATUS TEST_BENCH_MODE -section_id eda_simulation
set_global_assignment -name EDA_NATIVELINK_SIMULATION_TEST_BENCH top_tb -section_id eda_simulation
set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_NAME top_tb -section_id eda_simulation
set_global_assignment -name EDA_DESIGN_INSTANCE_NAME uut -section_id top_tb
set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_MODULE_NAME top_tb -section_id top_tb
set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_RUN_SIM_FOR "500 ns" -section_id top_tb
set_global_assignment -name EDA_TEST_BENCH_FILE top_tb.vhd -section_id top_tb
set_global_assignment -name EDA_BOARD_DESIGN_BOUNDARY_SCAN_TOOL "BSDL (Boundary Scan)"
set_global_assignment -name EDA_NETLIST_WRITER_OUTPUT_DIR /home/jboone/src/portapack/portapack_hackrf/hardware/portapack_h1/cpld -section_id eda_board_design_boundary_scan
set_global_assignment -name EDA_BOARD_BOUNDARY_SCAN_OPERATION POST_CONFIG -section_id eda_board_design_boundary_scan
set_global_assignment -name AUTO_RESTART_CONFIGURATION OFF
set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_CONFIGURATION_PINS OFF
set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_NCE_PIN OFF
set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_BOOT_SEL_PIN OFF
set_global_assignment -name USE_CONFIGURATION_DEVICE ON
set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_RBF_FILE OFF
set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_SVF_FILE ON
set_location_assignment PIN_38 -to LCD_RESETX
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "1.8 V" -to LCD_RESETX
set_location_assignment PIN_18 -to MCU_D[7]
set_location_assignment PIN_19 -to MCU_D[6]
set_location_assignment PIN_21 -to MCU_D[5]
set_location_assignment PIN_20 -to MCU_D[4]
set_location_assignment PIN_22 -to MCU_D[3]
set_location_assignment PIN_24 -to MCU_D[2]
set_location_assignment PIN_27 -to MCU_D[1]
set_location_assignment PIN_26 -to MCU_D[0]
set_location_assignment PIN_33 -to MCU_ADDR
set_location_assignment PIN_42 -to MCU_DIR
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_ADDR
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_D[7]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_D[6]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_D[5]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_D[4]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_D[3]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_D[2]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_D[1]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_D[0]
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_DIR
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SW_D
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SW_L
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SW_R
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SW_U
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SW_ROT_B
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SW_SEL
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to SW_ROT_A
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[15]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[14]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[13]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[12]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[11]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[10]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[9]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[8]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[7]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[6]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[5]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[4]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[3]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[2]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[1]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_DB[0]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_RDX
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_RESETX
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_RS
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_TE
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to LCD_WRX
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_ADDR
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_D[7]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_D[6]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_D[5]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_D[4]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_D[3]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_D[2]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_D[1]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_D[0]
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_DIR
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to SW_D
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to SW_L
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to SW_R
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to SW_ROT_A
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to SW_ROT_B
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to SW_SEL
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to SW_U
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to TP_D
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to TP_L
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to TP_R
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MAXIMUM CURRENT" -to TP_U
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[15]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[14]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[13]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[12]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[11]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[10]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[9]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[8]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[7]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[6]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[5]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[4]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[3]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[2]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[1]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_DB[0]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_RDX
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_RESETX
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_RS
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_TE
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_WRX
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_ADDR
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_D[7]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_D[6]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_D[5]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_D[4]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_D[3]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_D[2]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_D[1]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_D[0]
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_DIR
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to SW_D
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to SW_L
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to SW_R
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to SW_ROT_A
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to SW_ROT_B
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to SW_SEL
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to SW_U
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to TP_D
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to TP_L
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to TP_R
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to TP_U
set_global_assignment -name ENABLE_DEVICE_WIDE_RESET ON
set_global_assignment -name IOBANK_VCCIO 1.8V -section_id 2
set_global_assignment -name IOBANK_VCCIO 3.3V -section_id 1
set_instance_assignment -name PCI_IO OFF -to MCU_DIR
set_location_assignment PIN_4 -to LCD_BACKLIGHT
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to LCD_BACKLIGHT
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to LCD_BACKLIGHT
set_instance_assignment -name PCI_IO OFF -to LCD_BACKLIGHT
set_location_assignment PIN_30 -to MCU_LCD_RD
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_LCD_RD
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_LCD_RD
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_LCD_RD
set_location_assignment PIN_40 -to MCU_LCD_WR
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_LCD_WR
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_LCD_WR
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_LCD_WR
set_instance_assignment -name PCI_IO OFF -to MCU_LCD_WR
set_location_assignment PIN_32 -to MCU_IO_STBX
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_IO_STBX
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_IO_STBX
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_IO_STBX
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to TP_R
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to TP_D
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to TP_L
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to TP_U
set_location_assignment PIN_31 -to MCU_LCD_TE
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_LCD_TE
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_LCD_TE
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_LCD_TE
set_location_assignment PIN_34 -to MCU_P2_8
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "3.3-V LVCMOS" -to MCU_P2_8
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW "MINIMUM CURRENT" -to MCU_P2_8
set_instance_assignment -name SLOW_SLEW_RATE ON -to MCU_P2_8
set_instance_assignment -name PCI_IO OFF -to MCU_P2_8 |