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synced 2025-03-10 07:10:51 +00:00
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431 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2018 Furrtek
* This file is part of PortaPack.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _UI_RECON
#define _UI_RECON
#include "ui.hpp"
#include "receiver_model.hpp"
#include "ui_receiver.hpp"
#include "ui_font_fixed_8x16.hpp"
#include "freqman.hpp"
#include "analog_audio_app.hpp"
#include "audio.hpp"
#include "ui_mictx.hpp"
#include "ui_level.hpp"
#include "ui_looking_glass_app.hpp"
#include "portapack_persistent_memory.hpp"
#include "baseband_api.hpp"
#include "string_format.hpp"
#include "file.hpp"
#include "app_settings.hpp"
namespace ui {
class ReconThread {
ReconThread(freqman_db *database );
void set_recon(const bool v);
void set_freq_delete(const bool v);
bool is_recon();
void set_lock_duration( const uint32_t v );
uint32_t get_lock_duration();
void set_lock_nb_match( const uint32_t v );
void set_match_mode( const uint32_t v );
uint32_t get_lock_nb_match();
void set_freq_lock(const uint32_t v);
uint32_t is_freq_lock();
int64_t get_current_freq();
void set_stepper(const int64_t v);
void set_index_stepper(const int64_t v);
void change_recon_direction();
bool get_recon_direction();
void set_recon_direction( const bool v);
void set_continuous(const bool v);
void set_default_modulation( freqman_index_t index );
freqman_index_t get_current_modulation();
void set_default_bandwidth( freqman_index_t index );
freqman_index_t get_current_bandwidth();
void set_default_step( freqman_index_t index );
void set_freq_index( int16_t index );
int16_t get_freq_index();
void run();
void stop();
ReconThread(const ReconThread&) = delete;
ReconThread(ReconThread&&) = delete;
ReconThread& operator=(const ReconThread&) = delete;
ReconThread& operator=(ReconThread&&) = delete;
freqman_db &frequency_list_ ;
Thread* thread { nullptr };
int64_t freq = 0 ;
uint32_t step = 0 ;
freqman_index_t def_modulation = 0 ;
freqman_index_t def_bandwidth = 0 ;
freqman_index_t def_step = 0 ;
tone_index tone = 0 ;
freqman_entry last_entry = { } ;
int16_t frequency_index = 0 ;
bool _recon { true };
bool _freq_delete { false };
bool _fwd { true };
bool _continuous { true };
bool entry_has_changed = false ;
int64_t _stepper { 0 };
int64_t _index_stepper { 0 };
int32_t _freq_lock { 0 };
uint32_t _lock_duration { 50 };
uint32_t _lock_nb_match { 10 };
static msg_t static_fn(void* arg);
class ReconView : public View {
ReconView(NavigationView& nav);
void focus() override;
void big_display_freq( int64_t f );
const Style style_grey { // recon
.font = font::fixed_8x16,
.background = Color::black(),
.foreground = Color::grey(),
const Style style_white { // recon
.font = font::fixed_8x16,
.background = Color::black(),
.foreground = Color::white(),
const Style style_yellow { //Found signal
.font = font::fixed_8x16,
.background = Color::black(),
.foreground = Color::yellow(),
const Style style_green { //Found signal
.font = font::fixed_8x16,
.background = Color::black(),
.foreground = Color::green(),
const Style style_red { //erasing freq
.font = font::fixed_8x16,
.background = Color::black(),
.foreground = Color::red(),
const Style style_blue { // quick recon, wait == 0
.font = font::fixed_8x16,
.background = Color::black(),
.foreground = Color::blue(),
std::string title() const override { return "Recon"; };
//void set_parent_rect(const Rect new_parent_rect) override;
NavigationView& nav_;
void start_recon_thread();
size_t change_mode( freqman_index_t mod_type);
void show_max( bool refresh_display = false );
void recon_pause();
void recon_resume();
void user_pause();
void user_resume();
void frequency_file_load( bool stop_all_before = false);
void on_statistics_update(const ChannelStatistics& statistics);
void on_headphone_volume_changed(int32_t v);
void set_display_freq( int64_t freq );
void handle_retune( int64_t freq , uint32_t index );
bool check_sd_card();
void handle_coded_squelch(const uint32_t value);
jammer::jammer_range_t frequency_range { false, 0, 0 }; //perfect for manual recon task too...
int32_t squelch { 0 };
int32_t db { 0 };
int32_t timer { 0 };
int32_t wait { 5000 }; // in msec. if > 0 wait duration after a lock, if < 0 duration is set to 'wait' unless there is no more activity
uint32_t lock_wait { 500 }; // in msec. Represent the maximum amount of time we will wait for a lock to complete before switching to next
int32_t def_step { 0 };
freqman_db frequency_list = { };
uint32_t current_index { 0 };
bool userpause { false };
bool continuous_lock { false };
std::string input_file = { "RECON" };
std::string output_file = { "RECON_RESULTS" };
bool autosave = { true };
bool autostart = { true };
bool continuous = { true };
bool filedelete = { true };
bool load_freqs = { true };
bool load_ranges = { true };
bool load_hamradios = { true };
bool update_ranges = { true };
bool fwd = { true };
// maximum usable freq
long long int MAX_UFREQ = { 7200000000 };
uint32_t recon_lock_nb_match = { 10 };
uint32_t recon_lock_duration = { 50 };
uint32_t recon_match_mode = { 0 };
bool scanner_mode { false };
bool manual_mode { false };
bool sd_card_mounted = false ;
int32_t volume = 40 ;
Labels labels
{ { 0 * 8 , 0 * 16 }, "LNA: VGA: AMP: VOL: ", Color::light_grey() },
{ { 0 * 8 , 1 * 16 }, "BW: SQ: W,L: , ", Color::light_grey() },
{ { 3 * 8 , 10 * 16 }, "START END MANUAL", Color::light_grey() },
{ { 0 * 8 , (26 * 8) + 4 }, "MODE:", Color::light_grey() },
{ { 11 * 8 , (26 * 8) + 4 }, "STEP:", Color::light_grey() },
LNAGainField field_lna {
{ 4 * 8, 0 * 16 }
VGAGainField field_vga {
{ 11 * 8, 0 * 16 }
RFAmpField field_rf_amp {
{ 18 * 8, 0 * 16 }
NumberField field_volume {
{ 24 * 8, 0 * 16 },
{ 0, 99 },
' ',
OptionsField field_bw {
{ 3 * 8, 1 * 16 },
{ }
NumberField field_squelch {
{ 12 * 8, 1 * 16 },
{ -90, 20 },
' ',
NumberField field_wait {
{ 20 * 8, 1 * 16 },
{ -9000, 9000 },
' ',
NumberField field_lock_wait {
{ 26 * 8, 1 * 16 },
{ 100 , 9000 },
' ',
RSSI rssi {
{ 0 * 16, 2 * 16, 240 - 8 * 8 + 4 , 16 },
ButtonWithEncoder text_cycle {
{ 0, 3 * 16, 4 * 8, 16 },
Text text_max {
{ 4 * 8, 3 * 16, 240 - 7 * 8 - 4 * 8 , 16 },
Text desc_cycle {
{0, 4 * 16, 240 , 16 },
/* BigFrequency big_display { //Show frequency in glamour
{ 4, 7 * 16 - 8 , 28 * 8, 52 },
}; */
Text big_display { //Show frequency in text mode
{ 0, 5 * 16 , 23 * 8, 16 },
Text freq_stats { //Show frequency stats in text mode
{ 0, 6 * 16 , 23 * 8, 16 },
// TIMER: 9999
Text text_timer { //Show frequency stats in text mode
{ 0, 7 * 16 , 11 * 8, 16 },
// T: Senn. 32.000k
Text text_ctcss {
{ 12 * 8 + 4, 7 * 16 , 14 * 8, 1 * 8 },
Button button_recon_setup {
{ 240 - 7 * 8 , 2 * 16 , 7 * 8, 28 },
Button button_looking_glass {
{ 240 - 7 * 8 , 5 * 16 , 7 * 8, 28 },
// Button can be RECON or SCANNER
Button button_scanner_mode {
{ 240 - 7 * 8 , 8 * 16 , 7 * 8, 28 },
Text file_name { //Show file used
{ 0 , 8 * 16 + 6 , 240 - 7 * 8, 16 },
ButtonWithEncoder button_manual_start {
{ 0 * 8, 11 * 16, 11 * 8, 28 },
ButtonWithEncoder button_manual_end {
{ 12 * 8 - 6, 11 * 16, 11 * 8, 28 },
Button button_manual_recon {
{ 23 * 8 - 3, 11 * 16, 7 * 8 , 28 },
OptionsField field_mode {
{ 5 * 8, (26 * 8) + 4 },
OptionsField step_mode {
{ 17 * 8, (26 * 8) + 4 },
ButtonWithEncoder button_pause {
{ 0, (15 * 16) - 4, 72, 28 },
Button button_audio_app {
{ 84, (15 * 16) - 4, 72, 28 },
ButtonWithEncoder button_add {
{ 168, (15 * 16) - 4, 72, 28 },
Button button_dir {
{ 0, (35 * 8) - 4, 34, 28 },
Button button_restart {
{ 38, (35 * 8) - 4, 34, 28 },
Button button_mic_app {
{ 84, (35 * 8) - 4, 72, 28 },
ButtonWithEncoder button_remove {
{ 168, (35 * 8) - 4, 72, 28 },
std::unique_ptr<ReconThread> recon_thread { };
MessageHandlerRegistration message_handler_coded_squelch {
[this](const Message* const p) {
const auto message = *reinterpret_cast<const CodedSquelchMessage*>(p);
MessageHandlerRegistration message_handler_retune {
[this](const Message* const p) {
const auto message = *reinterpret_cast<const RetuneMessage*>(p);
MessageHandlerRegistration message_handler_stats {
[this](const Message* const p) {
this->on_statistics_update(static_cast<const ChannelStatisticsMessage*>(p)->statistics);
// app save settings
std::app_settings settings { };
std::app_settings::AppSettings app_settings { };
} /* namespace ui */