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synced 2025-03-12 05:50:51 +00:00

Discord User jteich did some investigation (Thanks!) and helped me understanding this rather obscure parameter: Internally, is called "TRIGGER", and is passed into the baseband when configuring the desired spectrum sample rate. Please forgive me in advance if this explanation is not 100% correct. It's only my interpretation, based on my own observation and jteich's comments over Discord chat. This trigger parameter apparently determines the amount of data over time used for calculating the signal's power inside each specttrum's bin, before considering it "done". In short, if you lower this resolution value then the cascade will tend to be rendered a bit faster, while kind of blind to tiny signals. On the other hand, a bigger value will help rendering and distinguishing different signals on the cascade. Too big a value can easily clutter up the cascade. But then it may be a "blessing" when inspecting higher freuqencies -where hackrf is more deaf" The default value of 32 is quite decent. But then, now you can experiment with it. Cheers
335 lines
12 KiB
335 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2015 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2020 euquiq
* This file is part of PortaPack.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "ui_looking_glass_app.hpp"
using namespace portapack;
namespace ui
void GlassView::focus() {
GlassView::~GlassView() {
receiver_model.set_sampling_rate(3072000); // Just a hack to avoid hanging other apps
void GlassView::on_lna_changed(int32_t v_db) {
void GlassView::on_vga_changed(int32_t v_db) {
void GlassView::add_spectrum_pixel(Color color)
spectrum_row[pixel_index++] = color;
if (pixel_index == 240) //got an entire waterfall line
const auto draw_y = display.scroll(1); //Scroll 1 pixel down
display.draw_pixels( {{0, draw_y}, {240, 1}}, spectrum_row); //new line at top
pixel_index = 0; //Start New cascade line
//Apparently, the spectrum object returns an array of 256 bins
//Each having the radio signal power for it's corresponding frequency slot
void GlassView::on_channel_spectrum(const ChannelSpectrum &spectrum)
// Convert bins of this spectrum slice into a representative max_power and when enough, into pixels
// Spectrum.db has 256 bins. Center 12 bins are ignored (DC spike is blanked) Leftmost and rightmost 2 bins are ignored
// All things said and done, we actually need 240 of those bins:
for(uint8_t bin = 0; bin < 240; bin++)
if (bin < 120) {
if (spectrum.db[134 + bin] > max_power)
max_power = spectrum.db[134 + bin];
if (spectrum.db[bin - 118] > max_power)
max_power = spectrum.db[bin - 118];
bins_Hz_size += each_bin_size; //add this bin Hz count into the "pixel fulfilled bag of Hz"
if (bins_Hz_size >= marker_pixel_step) //new pixel fullfilled
if (min_color_power < max_power)
add_spectrum_pixel(spectrum_rgb3_lut[max_power]); //Pixel will represent max_power
add_spectrum_pixel(0); //Filtered out, show black
max_power = 0;
if (!pixel_index) //Received indication that a waterfall line has been completed
bins_Hz_size = 0; //Since this is an entire pixel line, we don't carry "Pixels into next bin"
} else {
bins_Hz_size -= marker_pixel_step; //reset bins size, but carrying the eventual excess Hz into next pixel
if (pixel_index)
f_center += SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH; //Move into the next bandwidth slice NOTE: spectrum.sampling_rate = SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH
f_center = f_center_ini; //Start a new sweep
receiver_model.set_tuning_frequency(f_center); //tune rx for this slice
baseband::spectrum_streaming_start(); //Do the RX
void GlassView::on_hide()
void GlassView::on_show()
display.scroll_set_area( 109, 319); //Restart scroll on the correct coordinates
void GlassView::on_range_changed()
f_min = field_frequency_min.value();
f_max = field_frequency_max.value();
search_span = f_max - f_min;
field_marker.set_range(f_min, f_max); //Move the marker between range
field_marker.set_value(f_min + (search_span / 2)); //Put MARKER AT MIDDLE RANGE
f_min = (f_min)*MHZ_DIV; //Transpose into full frequency realm
f_max = (f_max)*MHZ_DIV;
search_span = search_span * MHZ_DIV;
marker_pixel_step = search_span / 240; //Each pixel value in Hz
text_marker_pm.set(to_string_dec_uint((marker_pixel_step / X2_MHZ_DIV) + 1)); // Give idea of +/- marker precision
int32_t marker_step = marker_pixel_step / MHZ_DIV;
if (!marker_step)
field_marker.set_step(1); //in case selected range is less than 240 (pixels)
field_marker.set_step(marker_step); //step needs to be a pixel wide.
f_center_ini = f_min + (SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH / 2); //Initial center frequency for sweep
f_center_ini += SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH; //euquiq: Why do I need to move the center ???!!! (shift needed for marker accuracy)
PlotMarker(field_marker.value()); //Refresh marker on screen
f_center = f_center_ini; //Reset sweep into first slice
pixel_index = 0; //reset pixel counter
max_power = 0;
bins_Hz_size = 0; //reset amount of Hz filled up by pixels
baseband::set_spectrum(SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH, field_trigger.value());
receiver_model.set_tuning_frequency(f_center_ini); //tune rx for this slice
void GlassView::PlotMarker(rf::Frequency pos)
pos = pos * MHZ_DIV;
pos -= f_min;
pos = pos / marker_pixel_step; //Real pixel
portapack::display.fill_rectangle({0, 100, 240, 8}, Color::black()); //Clear old marker and whole marker rectangle btw
portapack::display.fill_rectangle({pos - 2, 100, 5, 3}, Color::red()); //Red marker middle
portapack::display.fill_rectangle({pos - 1, 103, 3, 3}, Color::red()); //Red marker middle
portapack::display.fill_rectangle({pos, 106, 1, 2}, Color::red()); //Red marker middle
NavigationView &nav) : nav_(nav)
load_Presets(); //Load available presets from TXT files (or default)
field_frequency_min.set_value(presets_db[0].min); //Defaults to first preset
field_frequency_min.on_change = [this](int32_t v) {
if (v >= field_frequency_max.value())
field_frequency_max.set_value(v + 240);
field_frequency_max.set_value(presets_db[0].max); //Defaults to first preset
field_frequency_max.on_change = [this](int32_t v) {
if (v <= field_frequency_min.value())
field_frequency_min.set_value(v - 240);
field_lna.on_change = [this](int32_t v) {
field_vga.on_change = [this](int32_t v_db) {
filter_config.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t v) {
min_color_power = v;
range_presets.on_change = [this](size_t n, OptionsField::value_t v) {
field_marker.on_change = [this](int32_t v) {
PlotMarker(v); //Refresh marker on screen
field_marker.on_select = [this](NumberField&) {
f_center = field_marker.value();
f_center = f_center * MHZ_DIV;
receiver_model.set_tuning_frequency(f_center); //Center tune rx in marker freq.
receiver_model.set_frequency_step(MHZ_DIV); // Preset a 1 MHz frequency step into RX -> AUDIO
nav_.push<AnalogAudioView>(); //Jump into audio view
field_trigger.set_value(32); //Defaults to 32, as normal triggering resolution
field_trigger.on_change = [this](int32_t v) {
baseband::set_spectrum(SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH, v);
display.scroll_set_area( 109, 319);
baseband::set_spectrum(SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH, field_trigger.value()); //trigger:
// Discord User jteich: WidebandSpectrum::on_message to set the trigger value. In WidebandSpectrum::execute ,
// it keeps adding the output of the fft to the buffer until "trigger" number of calls are made,
//at which time it pushes the buffer up with channel_spectrum.feed
receiver_model.set_sampling_rate(SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH); //20mhz
receiver_model.set_baseband_bandwidth(SEARCH_SLICE_WIDTH); // possible values: 1.75/2.5/3.5/5/5.5/6/7/8/9/10/12/14/15/20/24/28MHz
void GlassView::load_Presets() {
File presets_file; //LOAD /WHIPCALC/ANTENNAS.TXT from microSD
auto result = presets_file.open("LOOKINGGLASS/PRESETS.TXT");
presets_db.clear(); //Start with fresh db
if (result.is_valid()) {
presets_Default(); //There is no txt, store a default range
} else {
std::string line; //There is a txt file
char one_char[1]; //Read it char by char
for (size_t pointer=0; pointer < presets_file.size();pointer++) {
presets_file.read(one_char, 1);
if ((int)one_char[0] > 31) { //ascii space upwards
line += one_char[0]; //Add it to the textline
else if (one_char[0] == '\n') { //New Line
txtline_process(line); //make sense of this textline
line.clear(); //Ready for next textline
if (line.length() > 0) txtline_process(line); //Last line had no newline at end ?
if (!presets_db.size()) presets_Default(); //no antenna on txt, use default
void GlassView::txtline_process(std::string& line)
if (line.find("#") != std::string::npos) return; //Line is just a comment
size_t comma = line.find(","); //Get first comma position
if (comma == std::string::npos) return; //No comma at all
size_t previous = 0;
preset_entry new_preset;
new_preset.min = std::stoi(line.substr(0,comma));
if (!new_preset.min) return; //No frequency!
previous = comma + 1;
comma = line.find(",",previous); //Search for next delimiter
if (comma == std::string::npos) return; //No comma at all
new_preset.max = std::stoi(line.substr(previous,comma - previous));
if (!new_preset.max) return; //No frequency!
new_preset.label = line.substr(comma + 1);
if (new_preset.label.size() == 0) return; //No label ?
presets_db.push_back(new_preset); //Add this preset.
void GlassView::populate_Presets()
using option_t = std::pair<std::string, int32_t>;
using options_t = std::vector<option_t>;
options_t entries;
for (preset_entry preset : presets_db)
{ //go thru all available presets
void GlassView::presets_Default()
presets_db.push_back({2320, 2560, "DEFAULT WIFI 2.4GHz"});