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* Copyright (C) 2014 Jared Boone, ShareBrained Technology, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Furrtek
* This file is part of PortaPack.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __UI_WIDGET_H__
#define __UI_WIDGET_H__
#include "ui.hpp"
#include "ui_text.hpp"
#include "ui_painter.hpp"
#include "ui_focus.hpp"
#include "rtc_time.hpp"
#include "radio.hpp"
#include "portapack.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
namespace ui {
void dirty_set();
void dirty_clear();
bool is_dirty();
class Context {
FocusManager& focus_manager() {
return focus_manager_;
FocusManager focus_manager_{};
class Widget {
: _parent_rect{} {
Rect parent_rect)
: _parent_rect{parent_rect} {
Widget(const Widget&) = delete;
Widget(Widget&&) = delete;
Widget& operator=(const Widget&) = delete;
Widget& operator=(Widget&&) = delete;
virtual ~Widget() = default;
Point screen_pos();
Size size() const;
Rect screen_rect() const;
Rect parent_rect() const;
virtual void set_parent_rect(const Rect new_parent_rect);
Widget* parent() const;
void set_parent(Widget* const widget);
bool hidden() const { return flags.hidden; }
void hidden(bool hide);
virtual void focus();
virtual void on_focus();
virtual void blur();
virtual void on_blur();
bool focusable() const;
void set_focusable(const bool value);
bool has_focus();
virtual void paint(Painter& painter) = 0;
virtual void on_show(){};
virtual void on_hide(){};
virtual bool on_key(const KeyEvent event);
virtual bool on_encoder(const EncoderEvent event);
virtual bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event);
virtual const std::vector<Widget*>& children() const;
virtual Context& context() const;
void set_style(const Style* new_style);
const Style& style() const;
int16_t id = 0;
// State management methods.
void set_dirty();
bool dirty() const;
void set_clean();
void visible(bool v);
bool visible() { return flags.visible; };
bool highlighted() const;
void set_highlighted(const bool value);
void dirty_overlapping_children_in_rect(const Rect& child_rect);
/* Widget rectangle relative to parent pos(). */
Rect _parent_rect;
const Style* style_{nullptr};
Widget* parent_{nullptr};
struct flags_t {
bool dirty : 1; // Widget content has changed.
bool hidden : 1; // Hide widget and children.
bool focusable : 1; // Widget can receive focus.
bool highlighted : 1; // Show in a highlighted style.
bool visible : 1; // Object was visible during last paint.
flags_t flags{
.dirty = true,
.hidden = false,
.focusable = false,
.highlighted = false,
.visible = false,
static const std::vector<Widget*> no_children;
class View : public Widget {
View() {
View(Rect parent_rect) {
// TODO: ~View() should on_hide() all children?
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
void add_child(Widget* const widget);
void add_children(const std::initializer_list<Widget*> children);
void remove_child(Widget* const widget);
void remove_children(const std::vector<Widget*>& children);
const std::vector<Widget*>& children() const override;
virtual std::string title() const;
std::vector<Widget*> children_{};
void invalidate_child(Widget* const widget);
class Rectangle : public Widget {
Rectangle(Color c);
Rectangle(Rect parent_rect, Color c);
: Rectangle{{}, {}} {
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
void set_color(const Color c);
void set_outline(const bool outline);
Color color;
bool _outline = false;
class Text : public Widget {
: text{""} {
Text(Rect parent_rect, std::string text);
Text(Rect parent_rect);
void set(std::string_view value);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
// NB: Don't truncate this string. The UI will only render
// as many characters as will fit in its rectange.
// Apps expect to be able to retrieve this string to avoid
// needing to hold additional copies in memory.
std::string text;
class Labels : public Widget {
struct Label {
Point pos;
std::string text;
ui::Color color;
Labels(const Labels&) = delete;
Labels(Labels&&) = delete;
Labels& operator=(const Labels&) = delete;
Labels& operator=(Labels&&) = delete;
Labels(std::initializer_list<Label> labels);
void set_labels(std::initializer_list<Label> labels);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
std::vector<Label> labels_;
class LiveDateTime : public Widget {
LiveDateTime(Rect parent_rect);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
void set_hide_clock(bool new_value);
void set_seconds_enabled(bool new_value);
void set_date_enabled(bool new_value);
std::string& string() {
return text;
void on_tick_second();
uint16_t init_delay = 4;
bool hide_clock = false;
bool date_enabled = true;
bool seconds_enabled = false;
rtc::RTC datetime{};
SignalToken signal_token_tick_second{};
std::string text{};
class BigFrequency : public Widget {
BigFrequency(Rect parent_rect, rf::Frequency frequency);
void set(const rf::Frequency frequency);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
rf::Frequency _frequency;
static constexpr Dim digit_width = 32;
const uint8_t segment_font[11] = {
0b00111111, // 0: ABCDEF
0b00000110, // 1: AB
0b01011011, // 2: ABDEG
0b01001111, // 3: ABCDG
0b01100110, // 4: BCFG
0b01101101, // 5: ACDFG
0b01111101, // 6: ACDEFG
0b00000111, // 7: ABC
0b01111111, // 8: ABCDEFG
0b01101111, // 9: ABCDFG
0b01000000 // -: G
const Rect segments[7] = {
{{4, 0}, {20, 4}},
{{24, 4}, {4, 20}},
{{24, 28}, {4, 20}},
{{4, 48}, {20, 4}},
{{0, 28}, {4, 20}},
{{0, 4}, {4, 20}},
{{4, 24}, {20, 4}}};
class ProgressBar : public Widget {
ProgressBar(Rect parent_rect);
void set_max(const uint32_t max);
void set_value(const uint32_t value);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
uint32_t _value = 0;
uint32_t _max = 100;
class Console : public Widget {
Console(Rect parent_rect);
void clear(bool clear_buffer);
void write(std::string message);
void writeln(std::string message);
void paint(Painter&) override;
void enable_scrolling(bool enable);
void on_show() override;
void on_hide() override;
Point pos{0, 0};
Dim scroll_height = 0;
std::string buffer{};
static bool scrolling_enabled;
void crlf();
class Checkbox : public Widget {
std::function<void(Checkbox&, bool)> on_select{};
Checkbox(Point parent_pos, size_t length, std::string text, bool small);
Point parent_pos,
size_t length,
std::string text)
: Checkbox{parent_pos, length, text, false} {
: Checkbox{{}, {}, {}} {
Checkbox(const Checkbox&) = delete;
Checkbox(Checkbox&&) = delete;
Checkbox& operator=(const Checkbox&) = delete;
Checkbox& operator=(Checkbox&&) = delete;
void set_text(const std::string value);
bool set_value(const bool value);
bool value() const;
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
bool on_key(const KeyEvent key) override;
bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event) override;
std::string text_;
bool small_{false};
bool value_{false};
const Style* style_{nullptr};
class Button : public Widget {
std::function<void(Button&)> on_select{};
std::function<void(Button&)> on_touch_release{}; // Executed when releasing touch, after on_select.
std::function<void(Button&)> on_touch_press{}; // Executed when touching, before on_select.
std::function<bool(Button&, KeyEvent)> on_dir{};
std::function<void(Button&)> on_highlight{};
Button(Rect parent_rect, std::string text, bool instant_exec); // instant_exec: Execute on_select when you touching instead of releasing
Rect parent_rect,
std::string text)
: Button{parent_rect, text, false} {
: Button{{}, {}} {
void set_text(const std::string value);
std::string text() const;
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
void on_focus() override;
bool on_key(const KeyEvent key) override;
bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event) override;
std::string text_;
bool instant_exec_{false};
class ButtonWithEncoder : public Widget {
std::function<void(ButtonWithEncoder&)> on_select{};
std::function<void(ButtonWithEncoder&)> on_touch_release{}; // Executed when releasing touch, after on_select.
std::function<void(ButtonWithEncoder&)> on_touch_press{}; // Executed when touching, before on_select.
std::function<bool(ButtonWithEncoder&, KeyEvent)> on_dir{};
std::function<void(ButtonWithEncoder&)> on_highlight{};
ButtonWithEncoder(Rect parent_rect, std::string text, bool instant_exec); // instant_exec: Execute on_select when you touching instead of releasing
Rect parent_rect,
std::string text)
: ButtonWithEncoder{parent_rect, text, false} {
: ButtonWithEncoder{{}, {}} {
std::function<void()> on_change{};
void set_text(const std::string value);
int32_t get_encoder_delta();
void set_encoder_delta(const int32_t delta);
std::string text() const;
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
void on_focus() override;
bool on_key(const KeyEvent key) override;
bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event) override;
bool on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) override;
std::string text_;
int32_t encoder_delta = 0;
bool delta_change = 0;
bool instant_exec_{false};
class NewButton : public Widget {
std::function<void(void)> on_select{};
// std::function<void(NewButton&)> on_select{};
std::function<bool(NewButton&, KeyEvent)> on_dir{};
std::function<void(NewButton&)> on_highlight{};
NewButton(const NewButton&) = delete;
NewButton& operator=(const NewButton&) = delete;
NewButton(Rect parent_rect, std::string text, const Bitmap* bitmap);
NewButton(Rect parent_rect, std::string text, const Bitmap* bitmap, Color color, bool vertical_center = false);
: NewButton{{}, {}, {}} {
void set_bitmap(const Bitmap* bitmap);
void set_text(const std::string value);
void set_color(Color value);
void set_vertical_center(bool value);
std::string text() const;
const Bitmap* bitmap();
ui::Color color();
void on_focus() override;
bool on_key(const KeyEvent key) override;
bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event) override;
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
virtual Style paint_style();
Color color_;
std::string text_;
const Bitmap* bitmap_;
bool vertical_center_{false};
class Image : public Widget {
const Rect parent_rect,
const Bitmap* bitmap,
const Color foreground,
const Color background);
Image(const Image&) = delete;
Image(Image&&) = delete;
Image& operator=(const Image&) = delete;
Image& operator=(Image&&) = delete;
void set_bitmap(const Bitmap* bitmap);
void set_foreground(const Color color);
void set_background(const Color color);
void invert_colors();
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
const Bitmap& bitmap() & { return *bitmap_; }
const Bitmap* bitmap_;
Color foreground_;
Color background_;
class ImageButton : public Image {
std::function<void(ImageButton&)> on_select{};
const Rect parent_rect,
const Bitmap* bitmap,
const Color foreground,
const Color background);
bool on_key(const KeyEvent key) override;
bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event) override;
/* A button that toggles between two images when set. */
class ImageToggle : public ImageButton {
std::function<void(bool value)> on_change{};
Rect parent_rect,
const Bitmap* bitmap_);
Rect parent_rect,
const Bitmap* bitmap_,
Color foreground_true,
Color foreground_false,
Color background_);
Rect parent_rect,
const Bitmap* bitmap_true,
const Bitmap* bitmap_false,
Color foreground_true,
Color background_true,
Color foreground_false,
Color background_false);
ImageToggle(const ImageToggle&) = delete;
ImageToggle& operator=(const ImageToggle&) = delete;
bool value() const;
void set_value(bool b);
// Hide this field.
using ImageButton::on_select;
const Bitmap* bitmap_true_;
const Bitmap* bitmap_false_;
const Color foreground_true_;
const Color background_true_;
const Color foreground_false_;
const Color background_false_;
bool value_;
class ImageOptionsField : public Widget {
using value_t = int32_t;
using option_t = std::pair<const Bitmap*, value_t>;
using options_t = std::vector<option_t>;
std::function<void(size_t, value_t)> on_change{};
std::function<void(void)> on_show_options{};
Rect parent_rect,
Color foreground,
Color background,
options_t options);
: ImageOptionsField{{}, Color::white(), Color::black(), {}} {
void set_options(options_t new_options);
size_t selected_index() const;
size_t selected_index_value() const;
void set_selected_index(const size_t new_index);
void set_by_value(value_t v);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
void on_focus() override;
bool on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) override;
bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event) override;
options_t options;
size_t selected_index_{0};
Color foreground_;
Color background_;
class OptionsField : public Widget {
using name_t = std::string;
using value_t = int32_t;
using option_t = std::pair<name_t, value_t>;
using options_t = std::vector<option_t>;
std::function<void(size_t, value_t)> on_change{};
std::function<void(void)> on_show_options{};
OptionsField(Point parent_pos, size_t length, options_t options);
options_t& options() { return options_; }
const options_t& options() const { return options_; }
void set_options(options_t new_options);
size_t selected_index() const;
const name_t& selected_index_name() const;
const value_t& selected_index_value() const;
void set_selected_index(const size_t new_index, bool trigger_change = true);
void set_by_value(value_t v);
void set_by_nearest_value(value_t v);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
void on_focus() override;
bool on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) override;
bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event) override;
const size_t length_;
options_t options_;
size_t selected_index_{0};
// A TextEdit is bound to a string reference and allows the string
// to be manipulated. The field itself does not provide the UI for
// setting the value. It provides the UI of rendering the text,
// a cursor, and an API to edit the string content.
class TextEdit : public Widget {
TextEdit(std::string& str, Point position, uint32_t length = 30)
: TextEdit{str, 64, position, length} {}
// Str: the string containing the content to edit.
// Max_length: max length the string is allowed to use.
// Position: the top-left corner of the control.
// Length: the number of characters to display.
// - Characters are 8 pixels wide.
// - The screen can show 30 characters max.
// - The control is 16 pixels tall.
TextEdit(std::string& str, size_t max_length, Point position, uint32_t length = 30);
TextEdit(const TextEdit&) = delete;
TextEdit(TextEdit&&) = delete;
TextEdit& operator=(const TextEdit&) = delete;
TextEdit& operator=(TextEdit&&) = delete;
const std::string& value() const;
void set_cursor(uint32_t pos);
void set_insert_mode();
void set_overwrite_mode();
void char_add(char c);
void char_delete();
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
bool on_key(const KeyEvent key) override;
bool on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) override;
bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event) override;
void on_focus() override;
void on_blur() override;
std::string& text_;
size_t max_length_;
uint32_t char_count_;
uint32_t cursor_pos_;
bool insert_mode_;
class TextField : public Text {
std::function<void(TextField&)> on_select{};
std::function<void(TextField&)> on_change{};
std::function<void(TextField&, EncoderEvent)> on_encoder_change{};
TextField(Rect parent_rect, std::string text);
const std::string& get_text() const;
void set_text(std::string_view value);
bool on_key(KeyEvent key) override;
bool on_encoder(EncoderEvent delta) override;
bool on_touch(TouchEvent event) override;
using Text::set;
class NumberField : public Widget {
std::function<void(NumberField&)> on_select{};
std::function<void(int32_t)> on_change{};
using range_t = std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>;
NumberField(Point parent_pos, int length, range_t range, int32_t step, char fill_char, bool can_loop);
NumberField(Point parent_pos, int length, range_t range, int32_t step, char fill_char)
: NumberField{parent_pos, length, range, step, fill_char, false} {
: NumberField{{0, 0}, 1, {0, 1}, 1, ' ', false} {
NumberField(const NumberField&) = delete;
NumberField(NumberField&&) = delete;
int32_t value() const;
void set_value(int32_t new_value, bool trigger_change = true);
void set_range(const int32_t min, const int32_t max);
void set_step(const int32_t new_step);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
bool on_key(const KeyEvent key) override;
bool on_encoder(const EncoderEvent delta) override;
bool on_touch(const TouchEvent event) override;
range_t range;
int32_t step;
const int length_;
const char fill_char;
int32_t value_{0};
bool can_loop{};
/* A widget that allows for character-by-character editing of its value. */
class SymField : public Widget {
std::function<void(SymField&)> on_change{};
enum class Type {
/* When "explicit_edits" is true, the field must be selected before it can
* be modified. This means that "slots" are not individually highlighted.
* This makes navigation on Views with SymFields easier because the
* whole control can be skipped over instead of one "slot" at a time. */
Point parent_pos,
size_t length,
Type type = Type::Dec,
bool explicit_edits = false);
Point parent_pos,
size_t length,
std::string symbol_list,
bool explicit_edits = false);
SymField(const SymField&) = delete;
SymField(SymField&&) = delete;
/* Gets the symbol (character) at the specified index. */
char get_symbol(size_t index) const;
/* Sets the symbol (character) at the specified index. */
void set_symbol(size_t index, char symbol);
/* Gets the symbol's offset in the symbol list at the specified index. */
size_t get_offset(size_t index) const;
/* Sets the symbol's offset in the symbol list at the specified index. */
void set_offset(size_t index, size_t offset);
/* Sets the list of allowable symbols for the field. */
void set_symbol_list(std::string symbol_list);
/* Sets the integer value of the field. Only works for OCT/DEC/HEX. */
void set_value(uint64_t value);
/* Sets the string value of the field. Characters that are not in
* the symbol list will be set to the first symbol in the symbol list. */
void set_value(std::string_view value);
/* Gets the integer value of the field for OCT/DEC/HEX. */
uint64_t to_integer() const;
/* Gets the string value of the field. */
const std::string& to_string() const;
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
bool on_key(KeyEvent key) override;
bool on_encoder(EncoderEvent delta) override;
bool on_touch(TouchEvent event) override;
/* Ensure the specified symbol is in the symbol list. */
char ensure_valid(char symbol) const;
/* Ensures all the symbols are valid. */
void ensure_all_symbols();
/* Sets without validation and fires on_change if necessary. */
void set_symbol_internal(size_t index, char symbol);
/* Gets the radix for the current Type. */
uint8_t get_radix() const;
std::string symbols_{};
std::string value_{};
Type type_ = Type::Custom;
size_t selected_ = 0;
bool editing_ = false;
bool explicit_edits_ = true;
class Waveform : public Widget {
Waveform(Rect parent_rect, int16_t* data, uint32_t length, uint32_t offset, bool digital, Color color);
Waveform(const Waveform&) = delete;
Waveform(Waveform&&) = delete;
Waveform& operator=(const Waveform&) = delete;
Waveform& operator=(Waveform&&) = delete;
void set_offset(const uint32_t new_offset);
void set_length(const uint32_t new_length);
void set_cursor(const uint32_t i, const int16_t position);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
const Color cursor_colors[2] = {Color::cyan(), Color::magenta()};
int16_t* data_;
uint32_t length_;
uint32_t offset_;
bool digital_{false};
Color color_;
int16_t cursors[2]{};
bool show_cursors{false};
class VuMeter : public Widget {
VuMeter(Rect parent_rect, uint32_t LEDs, bool show_max);
void set_value(const uint32_t new_value);
void set_mark(const uint32_t new_mark);
void paint(Painter& painter) override;
uint32_t LEDs_, LED_height{0};
uint32_t value_{0}, prev_value{255}; // Forces painting on first display
uint32_t split{0};
uint16_t max{0}, prev_max{0}, hold_timer{0}, mark{0}, prev_mark{0};
bool show_max_;
class OptionTabView : public View {
OptionTabView(Rect parent_rect);
void focus() override;
bool is_enabled();
void set_type(std::string type);
bool enabled{false};
void set_enabled(bool value);
Checkbox check_enable{
{2 * 8, 0 * 16},
} /* namespace ui */
#endif /*__UI_WIDGET_H__*/