Brian Lechthaler a37d8cd10c dockerfile improvements ()
**Summary of changes:**

 - Added *some* inline documentation to make things a little more understandable
 - Replaced ARM toolchain dependency fetching, see  
 - Environment variable included to specify new or custom ARM toolchain. As ARM releases new versions of the toolchain, this URL can be changed.
2019-12-29 10:02:03 +01:00

36 lines
1.3 KiB

#Download base image.
#The ubuntu:latest tag points to the "latest LTS"
FROM ubuntu:latest
#Set location to download ARM toolkit from.
# This will need to be changed over time or replaced with a static link to the latest release.
#Create volume /havocbin for compiled firmware binaries
VOLUME /havocbin
#Copy build context (repository root) to /havocsrc
COPY ./ /havocsrc
#Fetch dependencies from APT
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y tar wget dfu-util cmake python python-pip && \
apt-get -qy autoremove
#Fetch additional dependencies from Python 2.x pip
RUN pip install pyyaml
#Grab the GNU ARM toolchain from
#Then extract contents to /opt/build/armbin/
RUN mkdir /opt/build && cd /opt/build && \
wget -O gcc-arm-none-eabi $ARMBINURL && \
mkdir armbin && \
tar --strip=1 -xjvf gcc-arm-none-eabi -C armbin
#Set environment variable so compiler knows where the toolchain lives
ENV PATH=$PATH:/opt/build/armbin/bin
CMD cd /havocsrc && \
mkdir build && cd build && \
cmake .. && make firmware && \
cp /portapack-havoc/firmware/portapack-h1-havoc.bin /havocbin