Updated Microphone Transceiver (markdown)

Brumi-2021 2024-02-04 15:16:00 +01:00
parent 3e56ea00ae
commit 3385e18b50

@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ Once is marked , we have a common same frequency (F = F_TX) and therefore, to no
* **TX-IQ-CAL:** TX I/Q channel phase calibration, to adjust the imbalance IQ modulator phase error. The adjustment range is (+4º ...-4º). Specially usefull to optimize the SSB (USB-LSB) or DSB-SC , Suppressed carrier .
In Hackrf versions r1 to r8 , we are using max2837 , that has a calibration register settings of 5 bits , in Hackrf r9 , we are using max2839, that has 6 bits to cover the same range (+4º,..., -4º phase adj).
At the moment we do not have any automatic IQ imbalance phase error calibration process.
You will need some other SDR receiver , and check the suppressed carrier level when you push PTT _TX in SSB (USB or LSB) without any modulation, and then go to the right modify the "TX-IQ-CAL" value , and press again PTT_TX till getting the lower attenuated "suppressed carrier.